RE: pissed off re: DID posts (Full Version)

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zaynab -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/19/2005 4:56:45 AM)



Zaynab, cute post, nice way of flipping things around.

Thanks... have to be flexible... it's the only way to make it through life!

FangsNfeet -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/19/2005 9:53:42 AM)

I had a sub with DID

the funny thing is they are all horny and wanted me. One was so horney that she wanted to fuck while having a yeast infection and her period a the same time. Talk about one messed up taco with sour cream, red sauce, quacomole, and queso all mixed up in a bad way.

Then there was the one who didn't lie. She told her mom that we wern't having sex so that means that we could no long have sex. Yeah right, she just cried about having sex after words when another personality got laid.

any how we are internet people. We are not hear for your problems. Save the Drama for your Mama. Yes multiple personality disorder is a serious situation but at the same time is only something most ppl will make fun of on the internet. I've had patients with DID and was amased to see the difference in facial features, vital signs, heart rythem, and voice changes. I've read a case where one was a diabetic and the other wasn't where the pancreas was %100 for one and %0 for the other. Perhaps the change in insulin and blood sugar is what caused the personality change to begin with due to the knew chemical balances. I had to sit with one woman where one personality was suicidal and the other was homacidal. I told her that as long as the suicidal one came first the homacidal would be allowed to run free. I remember another patient who told me to help her get the voices out of her head. So I went back out to the intercom system and spoke "stop listening to us and go back to sleep" She was good for the rest of the shift.

I feel for you but will not be sympathetic if one of your personalities kills some one and has you in the death chair for it. DID is not an excuse for your bodies actions and should be delt with like anyone else.

Chat lines are made for ppl to act up and be funny. If you need serious answeres and help, your shrink and medications are your best bet.

GoddessDustyGold -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/19/2005 2:21:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: subversiveone

Congratulations...Heeere's your sign!

I got it too! Well typed! Thanks for the giggle!

slavedesires -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/20/2005 3:51:22 AM)

From my understanding, DID/MPD is NOT considered a mental disorder....its a personality disorder.

and lord knows, "arrogant" and "dormat" ARE personality disorders in my humblest opinion.

zaynab -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/20/2005 1:37:10 PM)

Geez, Fangs.... took you long enough to get THAT off of your chest. Here's some replies:

"any how we are internet people.:
No kidding, so am I.

"We are not hear for your problems."
You aren't? Well uhmm.... I've read many posts about 'problems' people are having...
and they posted to get opinions, encouragement, advice, or just to share how they were feeling about something. Many posts and threads are about sharing problems, so back off.

"Save the Drama for your Mama."
Oh, get real. How old are you again? And being as familiar with DID as you say you are, I would say that a multiple being a dramatic person is uhmm.... an understatement? It would be like me telling you not to wear black drapey clothes.

"Yes multiple personality disorder is a serious situation but at the same time is only something most ppl will make fun of on the internet."
So? I don't care if people make fun of me or not. That doesn't offend me at all. Laughter is good medicine, might help them live longer.

"I feel for you but will not be sympathetic if one of your personalities kills some one and has you in the death chair for it. DID is not an excuse for your bodies actions and should be delt with like anyone else."
Why would you even refer that one of my alters might kill someone? Where did that come from? I don't have any homicidal alters. And I don't make excuses for my alters behaviors because I know they are really parts of ME.

I have no idea where you got the idea I was using my alters as an excuse for anything? The fact that I was drinking? I never said that was from alters. "I" was the one who wanted to drink, not them. So, not sure where this is coming from. (referring all the other posts I made this same night, after a had a few after dinner cocktails).

"Chat lines are made for ppl to act up and be funny."
Chat lines are also made for people to be serious and share whatever it is they wish to share. As long as a monitor doesn't tell me to shut up, I can say whatever I wish on here. If they say shut up, I will!

"If you need serious answeres and help, your shrink and medications are your best bet."
No duh. That doesn't mean I can't share things about myself I may be going through... same as everyone else on the internet.

zaynab -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/20/2005 1:41:55 PM)

let me be the first to ask..... can we please end this thread now?

stef -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/20/2005 1:45:37 PM)

You want to end it before anyone can reply to your last post? Now that's funny.

Sad, but still funny.


conflicted -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/20/2005 4:57:24 PM)


One was so horney that she wanted to fuck while having a yeast infection and her period a the same time. Talk about one messed up taco with sour cream, red sauce, quacomole, and queso all mixed up in a bad way.

please dont think i am being disrespectful to the situation.............
i couldnt stop laughing for ages after reading that!!!!
What a way You have with words Fangs
Thank-you [:D]

zaynab -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/20/2005 7:17:16 PM)

The only reason I want it to end is because I've had more than several regulars, who happen to be very cool people, mention to me several times that they are tired of the DID topic.... now I'm getting gun shy about talking about anything regarding it.

But hey, if anyone wants to respond, feel free.... as soon as the interest dies down, I can shut up about it. *laugh

zaynab -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/21/2005 1:27:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: FangsNfeet

I had a sub with DID...I've had patients with DID... your shrink and medications are your best bet.

There are no medications for DID, Fangs.

FangsNfeet -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/22/2005 12:22:33 AM)


please dont think i am being disrespectful to the situation.............
i couldnt stop laughing for ages after reading that!!!!
What a way You have with words Fangs

No offense taken, it was bad then but something I look back and laugh at now.

Zaynab, could you just sit back and chill? I was only being one of the first to seriously reply to your post and have you gain the understanding of where we are all comming from. I am not incinuating that you use DID as an excuse for your actions. I was just giving my personal oppinon on the issue of who is to blame when a multiple personality commits a crime. Seriously, what kind of answers where you looking for? For better or worse, our replies or atleast replies. All of us could have just ignored the thread completly. Where would you be then?

As for there not being any medications for DID, has Geodon or any other antipsychotic been able to do anything for you?
Atleast you're lucky to be diagnoised with DID. After all, schitzophrenia is the term used when they don't know what to diagnois you with.

All I can advise you to do now is do your best to eat right, exercise, stay focused on your goals, and continue to research all aspects of your condition. See about joining organizations and attend meetings that are about cures and therapy for DID. You can't give up hope. In that endevor, my best wishes and prayers are with you.

pinkpleasures -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/22/2005 4:21:49 PM)


Zaynab, could you just sit back and chill?


Zaynab..this is just a BDSM message board. We like you and enjoy your company; but really, if you wanna end bias against the mentally-ill, there are organizations like the National Alliance of the Mentally Ill who could use your talents.


zaynab -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/23/2005 12:18:09 AM)

Sorry, friends....

Fangs, a multiples brain is normal and healthy.
I do take Lexapro, which is an "anti-anxiety" med, or so my therapist called it.

I've been going to therapy every week since 2001 and now I know how to work with my alters, thank god. Instead of having extended "fugue states" as I had many times int he past, my alters only come to the front for very brief periods.

Nothing scarey, I think they almost do that just to remind me they are there actually.

You make your lunch, walk away, go back and your lunch is gone. You are the only one in the house. You know, stuff like that.

"At least you're lucky to be diagnoised with DID."
I am VERY grateful that I have DID instead of other conditions. Actually, when I look at it practically, it's a big plus to have alters. My therapist said that most men think that having a multiple for their partner is very special... and considering one woman with alters can be very close to having an entire group of different sex partners.... *laughing
hey, I'm not complaining! And neither is my Master!

Thanks for the health advice, I've been doing that for about a month now and I feel great.
My Master and I are going to be relocating soon and after we move, I'll be going to a big network of DID workshops that are all run by psychologists, many of them who themselves have DID. Some of those workshops are for married couples, and all of them are of different aspects of this.

I'm actually not having too much trouble with my alters at this time, except 2 defiant ones. All the others just want 'time out' and many of them feel lonely. So, I'm doing ok.
Thanks for the best wishes... *smile ~ zay

zaynab -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/23/2005 12:24:27 AM)

sorry, pink...
When I started this thread, I was actually sharing my anger at myself for being so blind...
when I finally had the time to surf the net about bdsm and 'alter egos', 'age play' and 'sub space'.... it was like walking into an alter's dream of "Alter Sex Disney World".

Oh well... I was very interested in the little sex 'playground' type sites for the Daddy Doms and a person's "littles" (that would be a child alter for a multiple)... maybe I'll go check out those sites again.

Age play.... gack.

KatyLied -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/23/2005 9:36:13 AM)

Actually Lexapro is an anti-depressant (its mommy is Celexa). But many of those pills are given for anxiety, also.

CalliopePurple -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/23/2005 11:42:49 AM)

*Nods agreement* My Paxil is for both depression and social anxiety, though I think I might need the dosage tweaked. Guess I'll talk to a doc about it once I get moved and reasonably settled in.

pinkpleasures -> RE: pissed off re: DID posts (8/25/2005 4:57:29 PM)


My Master and I are going to be relocating soon and after we move, I'll be going to a big network of DID workshops that are all run by psychologists, many of them who themselves have DID. Some of those workshops are for married couples, and all of them are of different aspects of this. [


you'll be a tremendous asset to those organizations, zaynab. you're articulate and well-informed and i applaud your intentions to get involved.


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