Why "desperate" is bad (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 10:26:00 AM)

On the thread about age, race and looks not mattering, the issue of whether or not someone is desperate came into discussion.  Is there anything wrong with someone who is desperate? When someone pursues you and you know they are desperate, do you write them off, or do you give them a chance?

I'll admit I don't give "desperate" much of a chance with me.  I don't mind novices, I don'd mind making exceptions for those that intrigue me but are outside my normal parameters, I don't even mind "vanilla but curious" -- but desperate, to me, is not worth the effort.  If I sense desperation, I walk the other way - every single time.

Here are the reasons why:

1) If he's desperate, I have no idea if he's really interested in me, or only interested because I am paying some single shred of attention to him.  I don't matter, in this scenario. He will take anyone.  I am not "anyone" and don't like to be pursued simply because I am responding to a question that everyone else ignored.

2) If he's desperate, what lengths will he go to keep things going?  I see desperate men lie and make up all kinds of things to keep a potential relationship moving.  I sense desperation when a man agrees with everything I say, has no opinion, or suddenly becomes an expert on things that interest me when I know he really could care less and is just lying about it.  I've had men lie about their interest in music, clubs, travel and that they played ice hockey (professionally, even).  Basically, they say anything, the lying is just part of the process, until they get caught, then they claim it was all because they were so interested.  Not even little white lies - blatant lies.

3) If he's desperate, he's possibly unstable.  If I show him any level of attention or affection and things don't work out, I have found more desperate men tend to become rude, threatening, unstable, or turn into cyberstalkers.  After all, they have nothing else to do.  They blow it up into a big romance that it was not and then spend all their time and energy on trying to keep it going.

I don't care about men who are inexperienced.  But someone who is inexperienced still must demonstrate he's interested in me as a person, not just me as someone to "pop his cherry."   Fortunately, it's pretty easy to sense when someone is desperate. 


RumpusParable -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 10:41:46 AM)

I have to pretty much agree with all you expressed here, Akasha.

Other things I can sometimes accept, but desperate shuts my interest down for the reasons you mention.

Enthusiastic, desiring, having initiative, etc. are all things I love but desperate is not.  I want someone stable and low-to-no drama, who knows what they want, and who is falling overthemselves at times to please me.

And desperate tends to be none of those things.

RumpusParable -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 10:43:05 AM)

Oh, and I'd like to throw in that not only does their "submission" tend to not be about me, it also tends not to be about the dominant at all... but, rather, to their idea or fantasy of it.

FullCircle -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 10:43:08 AM)

Every situation is unique. If I made a shortlist of qualities desperate is one of the best to look for I mean you can get them to do virtually anything right?
You are only thinking what I am saying you are just not saying what I’m saying.

CelticPrince -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 10:44:29 AM)


Desperate, means different thing to us all, but it there not a germ of truth in the point that as Dominants we all have a lil responsibility to the path to help all, rather then just walking away?

Even tho there not be a match for me, I do not shun, but rather work with them to relieve that "desperate" status.


RumpusParable -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 11:04:00 AM)

Being dominant no more makes me responsible for random submissives and their paths through life than their being submissive makes them need to follow my dictates.

Just as my being female does not make me aligned in any fashion with other random females, nor my being white cause me to have a connection with others who are also.

I am responsible for those I accept responsibility for and who hand over that to me, both.  Not some random person that comes up to me on the street and in effect says, "I'm unwilling to take care of myself, you need to do it for me".

goodgirl08 -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 11:18:56 AM)

Like you I would mainly worry about insincerity. Desperate is a state of mind that can be very fleeting too...once the person gets their fix of validation they can run off pretty quickly. Just my experience outside of the lifestyle. On here I have avoided people who seem desperate like the plague.

Tigrita -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 11:19:01 AM)

Desperation is completely unattractive to me for reasons different than yours.  Complete, total, dead turn off.

1) The shallow, but true reason that I want to be with someone who could have pretty much anyone he wants.  The James Bond type.  Yeah, I have high expectations, and not ashamed of it.

2) Because I also want someone who is happy, fulfilled, satisfied in their own life and inside their own head.  Someone desperate for that emotional high, and escape, and sense of completion that a relationship brings is not a match for me.  Anyone who utters the words "I'm looking for someone to complete me", or even the present tense "you complete me" is not a match for  me.  I'm not looking to fill in the gaps of an incomplete person, they need to be whole first.  If something is missing in your life, another person or relationship isn't the solution in my opinion, you need to solve it and fill it for yourself before you can share it with someone.

FullCircle -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 11:21:40 AM)

I don’t know, you all make it sound so complicated I just want someone to rest my foot on.

mercurialis -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 11:38:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: CelticPrince


Desperate, means different thing to us all, but it there not a germ of truth in the point that as Dominants we all have a lil responsibility to the path to help all, rather then just walking away?

Even tho there not be a match for me, I do not shun, but rather work with them to relieve that "desperate" status.


I've seen profiles on here that basically said: "If you don't dominant me and control me, I'm going to hurt [myself/someone else]."

Being dominant just means that you, personally, need to be a responsible and mature person, one who is capable of the responsibility of having a sub. It does not mean you have the responsibility of helping every person who wants to be a sub, or any person. In addition, if the need for help is at a level where it would need to be professional help, you should never be trying to do more than telling that person to seek it out.

On desperate, for both subs and doms, I never even give it a chance. One is that no one should be so into this that they have to be this desperate. I've had people tell me that they "need" a sub or "need to be owned." Like it's some basic requirement for living. Normal people can last quite well without having a partner in bdsm, and I don't see why not having one should lower standards so much.

It also smacks of mental problems or social problems.....and then there's the fact that the person is only talking to you because everyone else said no.

I'm surprised though when people don't notice that the person talking to them is being desperate, and what a red flag that is. Though usually such people were desperate themselves.....

I just see picking a domme or a sub in bdsm as the same as picking a romantic partner and dating....if on your first date....or heck, even before a first date, the person takes out an engagement ring....and you don't even know their last name yet.....do you think something is wrong? If so, why would you ever offer a collar to someone or take a collar from someone if you barely know the person?

LadyLegs -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 1:22:24 PM)

It is a matter of self respect for me.  If someone does not think of themselves as worthy, how can I?
A man that doesn't care what I might do is not much fun as a friend or playmate to me

DesFIP -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 1:32:26 PM)

Desperate means warm body, any warm body and that he isn't seeing me as the unique person I am. It means he isn't comfortable being on his own and will latch onto anyone just not to be alone. It means doomed to fail.

MsPleasure -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 1:34:55 PM)

Being persistant is good...desperate is a turn-off.

therealboss -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 1:37:49 PM)



i don't do desperate,i just dellete them and thier mails,that simple,i don't even think about it

juliaoceania -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 2:00:11 PM)


've seen profiles on here that basically said: "If you don't dominant me and control me, I'm going to hurt [myself/someone else]."

Wow, I need to start reading more profiles around here... never saw anything like this

juliaoceania -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 2:07:10 PM)

Is this thread related to your other thread in which the person was not concerned about external beauty, age, or ethnicity?

domiguy -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 2:11:18 PM)

Wow! What a great thread!  I never considered up until now why  a "desperate" partner might not be the right fit.

Can't wait for your next thread on the reasons to avoid eating turd soup.

laurell3 -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 2:18:26 PM)

Desperate usually means that after two emails the person will contact me endlessly and attach some significance to our limited internet correspondence that doesn't exist.  I don't need a puppy, and having to reject someone more than once, even if it's with the block button, is not fun.

stella41b -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 2:44:13 PM)

Is desperate necessarily all that bad? What is 'desperate' anyway, if not just plain, simple insecurity? And how many of us here, if we are prepared to be completely honest with ourselves, have never ever been insecure in our lives?

I don't necessarily disagree with all the posters previously except for the fact that I make a distinction between a basic lack of self-respect - which I feel is behind the fear the other posters here have of someone who is 'desperate', and insecurity. Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn't respect themselves, who doesn't value themselves, because if they cannot respect themselves or place a high enough value on themselves, then how are they ever going to respect or value you?

What is it anyway which creates a relationship anyway, if not pure and simple emotional needs? Don't we have all emotional needs which we seek to be fulfilled? Is there anyone here among us who can get by and live without being accepted by other people? Can we truly get by and survive without contact and interaction with our fellow human beings? Can we live without friendship? Warmth? Understanding? How many of us out there find it harder to cope with living on one's own than being in a relationship? Isn't it better to feel needed, loved, respected?

The reason why I refuse to accept and automatically assume that 'desperate' is always bad is that I feel I live in the real world and among real people, and I look around myself, and I know that not always people are with each other for the right reasons and some of us are not even with the right people. Though many of us would like to pretend otherwise this is something I feel is a part of reality, and if we are truly to mature and develop and learn to love someone else, then surely part of that learning process involves taking risks, making mistakes, and learning to face up to and deal with the consequences of our mistakes.

I would therefore like to ask all those who feel automatically that 'desperate' in someone is automatically bad - how do you know? On what basis are you drawing your conclusions and making your assumptions? Are you not judging people on the basis of actions of other people you have previously encountered? Is this fair?

And where do you draw the line between self-interest in a relationship and mutual interest? At what point does 'you' and 'me' become 'we'?

You see, the way I see it every new contact and every new person you come across is an unknown quantity, how the relationship is going to look is unclear.. you don't know, because you cannot know. Nobody here I feel is a clairvoyant or a mindreader, all we have to go on is our past experiences and our previous relationships and even then this isn't necessarily a reliable guide. If our previous relationships were so good, wouldn't we still be in them?

We can even turn the whole argument on its head to expose the fallacies within.. If 'desperate' is so bad and causes us to walk away, then does this mean that hesitation, procrastination and reticence is good? Is it really that enjoyable to be held at arm's length by someone and to be kept waiting and hanging on? Of course not, so where does the middle ground lie?

I personally feel that the middle ground lies in taking the bull by the horns and taking the chance. Yes we can get hurt, yes we can be deceived, and yes we can be rejected at any point, but you know, there's no way we can find the fulfillment of our emotional needs or to find that togetherness, harmony or love without taking the risks.

Maybe I am being naive, but I assume that I have a brain and a tongue in my head, and so does the other person, and therefore the only guarantee against being hurt, rejected and deceived is through honesty, sincerity and clear and frank communication. Being 'desperate' to me isn't a personal trait, it's a temporary emotional state and it is always or almost always caused by some sort of insecurity. Maybe this person has tried to form relationships in the past, once, twice, three times or even many times over a number of years and has failed. Why is this always seen as bad? Is there anyone here who has never failed at a relationship? Are we so perfect to have never screwed up on a date? Have we never messed up a friendship or a relationship through a bad decision or an error of judgment?

I am not saying here, and have never stated that being 'desperate' is good or a positive quality. I see being desperate as a problem someone has, it's their problem because it's their insecurity, and either that insecurity is resolved through being with me and we can go on to develop and build a relationship, or it isn't, and we agree to disagree and move on.

Life holds no guarantees, and sadly, neither do relationships, as I guess most of us know from not just our own experiences and the experiences of other people in our lives. Whilst external qualities attract us to other people, such as our age, appearance, style and interests, quite often the 'glue' in the relationship and what keeps us together is how we face up to and deal with difficult situations and among these difficult sityuations is learning to deal with and handle each others' insecurities, because if we cannot resolve our insecurities in each other, the relationship is doomed to failure anyway.

Therefore I stand by my opinion that 'desperate' isn't always bad, and it isn't always good, but it's something that I personally am not afraid of to encounter in another person.

mercurialis -> RE: Why "desperate" is bad (12/8/2007 3:09:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania


've seen profiles on here that basically said: "If you don't dominant me and control me, I'm going to hurt [myself/someone else]."

Wow, I need to start reading more profiles around here... never saw anything like this

It was only once for each, but I've seen it. One guy wanted to be basically locked away in a closet to "prevent me from causing harm to women." Because apparently therapy just doesn't cut it these days. The other guy claimed to have been owned for decades and just had his domme pass away, and claimed to have no ability to support himself or survive. Ick.

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