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AAkasha -> Water Bondage (12/13/2007 9:48:00 AM)

Does anyone know if there's a site similar to waterbondage.com but featuring men?


MsIncontrol -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 11:12:07 AM)

No, but if you find one..please let me know ASAP.

Dnomyar -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 11:43:50 AM)

Try contacting the CIA. I hear that they have a lot of experience in watersports.

azropedntied -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 1:03:27 PM)

There maybe soon as i may post some pics on my site after we do the next underwater bondage shoot ,working on it now and i shall post when  the pics are up .This should be interesting  and thats about all i am going to give away for now smiles

scorpioqueen -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 2:23:46 PM)

I do not familiar of CIA. What is CIA stand for? 

machineman -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 2:28:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: scorpioqueen

I do not familiar of CIA. What is CIA stand for? 

lol ummmm...you might want to brush up on your civics lessons. CIA=Central Intelligence Agency.  Think waterboarding  from the news.

scorpioqueen -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 2:31:11 PM)

It would be great to share with you thoughts, opinions and experiences. I am looking forward to see your work. I am also try new waterbondage come with suspension techniques safe. Please let me know. 

JulieorSarah -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 2:31:47 PM)

I do not familiar of CIA. What is CIA stand for?
Not sure if you are being humorous or genuinely don't know ... CIA is an USA government agency - Central Intelligence Agency.  It's scope I believe is supposed to be only out of the USA.  It has been reported for them to use all sorts of torture, including but definitely not exclusively 'watersports' - survival can be optional.
other reports have been that the CIA is a contradiction in terms - for example they knew very little about Al Khaeda before 9/11 - they've improved in ths area since then.

scorpioqueen -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 2:51:52 PM)

I am not kidding but I knew what CIA meaning but I though CIA might have other define. So, I assume that CIA have nothing mean in waterbondage. LOL   

azropedntied -> RE: Water Bondage (12/13/2007 5:47:15 PM)

queen > there  is a fetish posting  somewhere on the board where i explain in alot more detail one experiance i had with under water bondage done in  an open  water ocean setting .I will say this , it takes many people to pull it off  with planning  and knowlagable people .With that said if you get the chance to do it  WOW its amazing .As far as suspensions , i have done both Top and bottom  exchanges .Including partial ,full  rope suspensions ,and flesh hooks to the back ,inverted suspensions ,and others .sharing tecniques and how to's on a message board is rather  tough to get across .More of a hands on type training .

Dnomyar -> RE: Water Bondage (12/14/2007 7:52:06 AM)

I see that my attempt at humor was lost on some. machineman had it right.

needDomme -> RE: Water Bondage (12/14/2007 10:30:23 PM)

Seems as if anyone can create one, you could Ms. AAkasha. I think it will be a huge turn on for some of us.


Guilty1974 -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 6:56:40 AM)


Try contacting the CIA. I hear that they have a lot of experience in watersports.


TMaster2 -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 8:13:15 AM)

can we please talk about this in the summer?  Makes me cold just to think of it now [X(]

petdave -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 9:06:08 AM)



I see that my attempt at humor was lost on some. machineman had it right.

That's what happens when you assume everyone on a world-wide message board is up-to-date on U.S. political scandals [8D]

i can pretty much guarantee there are no hetero sites, i don't know if there may be a gay site doing water play... don't explore those much.

i know there's a a Euro rubber fetish producer that's done a lot of stuff with swimming pools and hot tubs, (imagine a sub bound spread-eagled on the surface of a Jacuzzi in an inflatable catsuit)... Pretty neat from a visual/rubber bottom perspective (can you imagine the SOUND), but a rather different dynamic. That gritty, interrogation-room feel doesn't seem to sell well on the F/m side, for some reason [&o]

And it doesn't have to wait 'till summer... water can be heated, y'know, and there are wetsuits, and cold can be an interesting torture as well... Would be an interesting twist on the waterbondage theme to have a wet, naked slave huddling on the snow-covered ground, begging an aloof Venus in Furs to let him climb back INTO the steaming hot tub where she was holding his head under water... [:-] Then again, it's 70-some degrees and sunny here, so what do i know [:D]

Raechard -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 1:24:05 PM)


Does anyone know if there's a site similar to waterbondage.com but featuring men?

I can only make the suggestion that www.meninpain.com might incorporate some of the same themes as it is also part of www.kink.com. After quickly scanning through previews I can only find one shoot on November the 22nd 2004 that incorporated such scenes but as a member you could always make a suggestion for more such scenes.

AAkasha -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 1:29:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Raechard


Does anyone know if there's a site similar to waterbondage.com but featuring men?

I can only make the suggestion that www.meninpain.com might incorporate some of the same themes as it is also part of www.kink.com. After quickly scanning through previews I can only find one shoot on November the 22nd 2004 that incorporated such scenes but as a member you could always make a suggestion for more such scenes.

I did contact them and make the suggestion.  They said they would take it into consideration.  I just might have to start a site of my own.

xBullx -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 1:33:43 PM)

-fast reply-

Ok, is it just me or has anyone else been discovering a tad bit more of a sadist within themselves; I've been perving the advertisements on the otherside. I was checking out the torture and water ones and damn I might be a bit more sadistic than I was letting onto at first.[sm=crop.gif]

I'm pondering expanding an all out drain into my slave kennel.... And I need more clothespins, clamps and I recently discovered I have always had a tens unit....muuuuwhahahahaha

I feel like a werewolf or something here..............poor little slave girls...

pardon the highjack


IrishMist -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 1:37:07 PM)



Try contacting the CIA. I hear that they have a lot of experience in watersports.

LMAO you are terrible [8D]

Mauser -> RE: Water Bondage (12/23/2007 1:42:25 PM)





Try contacting the CIA. I hear that they have a lot of experience in watersports.

LMAO you are terrible [8D]
Yeah, the only problem is, you can't find anything about it on their site.  Apparently they had some trouble with the tapes....

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