RE: How to tie a Man (Full Version)

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bittermoonlight -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/4/2008 9:58:27 AM)

Thanks, Sub BalletBob. I lurk more than I post but this thread was just too fun to resist.  I like the wrists cuffed to ankles idea... and part of me kind of wants interesting furnature now to be used in this. It's kind of silly when your brain starts inventing furnature just to make your fantasies more - detailed, interesting? Sure, the pillows never slip in your imagination but in real life is another matter! [;)]

oliderid -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/4/2008 5:47:43 PM)

This thread is hot :-).

Your may also consider ducktaping your fists separatly (you cannot open your hands) and a belt/rope  in your back attaching your biceps (enough to enjoy some freedom with your arms and be on top, not enough to reach your sex).

But the suspension idea is pretty hot.

Termyn8or -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/6/2008 7:22:40 PM)

Pleased to see the responses. Some however require participation on the part of the "victim". Some hot ideas no less, but not what I was after. Say what you want, this is a public forum, but what I was after was something a little more specific.

Even today, on any given Sunday, a Man is likely to be stronger then a Woman. Simple fact of life. And I have given more consideration to what exactly I was looking for.

She RAPES him. He has no choice in the matter. He ain't hard ? either get the mouth working or the vaseline. Once hard, take the plunge, and that is what I thought about recently.

The best way is for the "victim" to be completely immobilized. I mean so he can't even kick his knees up to try to throw her off. He can do nothing to stop it. And if she puts a cockring on him, it might be a long ride. He has no escape. he can't even go soft until she lets him.

I mean a physically stronger Man in an inferior situation basically. Some of you, like me, when tied feel more free. And of course this is consentual, but you can't change your mind.

With complete immobilization, she would get you hard, roll a rubber on you unless you are a couple, and just do it until the cows come home. I mean until you are sick of it. Cum spurting out the edges of the rubber, or a basic balloon at the end, suck you dry. Leave you so drained, and still restrained.

THAT is bondage. When you are really sick of it, when you are thinking about "never doing this again". THAT is the feeling, the target feeling. And when it happens you might stop for a time. But you will do it again.

And again.

Back in the day when I studied some psychology it was said that some music lovers can't get enough because they are not getting what they need. If I were to apply that tenet to kinksters, OK, because it is damnear an obsession, but if this is not what we need, just what do we need ?

But this will do for now, and maybe forever. Maybe what we really need does not exist. But we found this, and it satisfies, no matter how temporarily. It is something we want.

So which one of you fine Ladies around here would like to be the first to rape me ? You can even put a bag over my head. Whatever. I can even chain myself up, and setup a time release.

No charge, but I ain't paying either.

I too, am going to lower the thermostat.


bittermoonlight -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/6/2008 10:32:54 PM)


Er, yes. Dragging my mind back from darker places now. You describe this all very... well. So to speak. Hah!

Having done similar things in the past, I recommend finding a woman who knows her way around with ropes; there are plenty of ties to make you feel completely helpless while still giving her access.

There are also completely immoblizing body sacks and strait jackets if you have a little more than spare change lying around.

There are plenty of ways for a physically strong male to be rendered completely helpless to the whims of his partner. How well said partner can push you to the edge is another thing entirely though.

Lucylastic -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/7/2008 5:38:34 AM)

HI Bitter:) welcome to the mentioned in your earlier post about male shibari. I found that Midoris book "The seductive art of japanese  bondage" had a couple of ties specifically for the male and Chanta Rose, " Bondage for sex" had  few too, but for sheer pleasure  of looking at hot nekid men in hemp, I suggest "Male Bondage" by Van Darkholme. There are no instructions unfortunately, but  the pics make up for that :)
I know somewhere I have a link for a rope corset on a male with step by step pics, but I cant find it at the moment, glah, thats typical..will post it if I find it.

A friend of mine made for me a very nice mini straight jacket out of a pair of jeans with long velcro straps to secure everything, it works very very well, but to secure arms without havin to worry about thrashing around, I like  saran or bondage tape  binding wrists to shoulder, effectively chicken winging the bottom..
going to work today before I fire myself

VadFarkas -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/7/2008 5:48:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
going to work today before I fire myself

Me too! [:D]

ViceVersa -> RE: How to tie a Man (Rope Corset) (1/7/2008 5:53:30 AM)

Here you go, Lucy:


Lucylastic -> RE: How to tie a Man (Rope Corset) (1/7/2008 6:00:36 AM)

Wooohooo Thanks Vice:) thats the exact one I was looking for..most excellent.
Waves Hi to Vad, dont work to hard, he'll expect it every day!!!! oooh link going up today btw :)
hi ho hi ho and all that

VadFarkas -> RE: How to tie a Man (Rope Corset) (1/7/2008 7:33:09 AM)

Luci, I signed back in and on coffee break... what's your excuse?
I tell everyone my boss is a big prick! hahaha
Be lookin' forward to see what you did with the link.
Thanks and now back to work.... for me anyway.[;)]

ViceVersa -> RE: How to tie a Man (My Entry) (1/7/2008 12:32:29 PM)

Alright, I've finally had time to put my ideas together. Here are my entries:

1) Begin with this neck-to-wrist restraint:
2) Add this:
3) And this:
4) And this:
5) Have her lay back at the appropriate height
6) Begin screwing her
7) If you don't screw properly or you cum, she shocks the crap out of you.
8) Lather, rinse, repeat.

1) Begin with the same neck-to-wrist restraint, but this time include your legs in a hogtie:
2) Be suspended horizontally so that you can swing freely back and forth in this device:
3) Add an inflatable butt plug
4) Add another fucking machine in front with an inflatable penis gag
5) Add this:
6) This:
7) This:
8) This:
9) And this:
9) Postion her appropriately
10) Insert penis into vagina
11) Synchronise the two fucking machines so that rock you back and forth, fucking your partner
12) Synchronise the two inflatables so that they alternate inflation.

Let me know which one you try and how it works.


bittermoonlight -> RE: How to tie a Man (My Entry) (1/12/2008 10:03:56 AM)

Thanks for the suggestions, Lucy! I'll have to look into it. And thanks Vice for the link.

hardbodysub -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/13/2008 8:59:54 AM)

Termyn8or, I love your question. You and I have some similar interests.

I have some ideas about such a situation where the woman seduces or tricks me into a position of inescapable bondage, and then "has her way with me". In my case, "her way" might not be something I like, such as sex, but I would certainly enjoy the situation you describe.

I don't have much time at the moment, but will try to elaborate on the specifics later.

One idea that comes to mind involves a thread a while back where homedespot had an idea for a cock ring device which would deliver a shock if the man brought his hands too close to his penis. That's a starting point. I'll try to write some more later.

vtviceversa -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/15/2008 11:49:09 AM)

Great links and such.

Just out of curiosity: has the idea of also being penetrated anally found its way into your fantasy? DP, bound. An interesting idea, methinks, and a complex set of ties.

KaylinSilverfurr -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/15/2008 12:34:13 PM)

Hi there Termun8tor,

From what I can understand of your post, you basically want to be tied in a position where you have to fuck the woman you're with and have no choice in doing so.

That being said, restraining wrists to your ankles is a pretty good way to not only prevent you from kicking or fighting back, but also keeps you in a position where you have the ability for sexual movement in almost any positon. Perhaps try coupling that with a chest-arm restraint as well to keep your arms in that locked downward position, as well as the chest ties with rope or shibari technique are nearly inescapable, and if done correctly will actually give some of the same compression that CBT would do for your nethers.
Another idea might be to use a spreader bar or bamboo rod and have your arms tied to that with the rod behind your neck. Keep care for the spine here, perhaps placing a small strip of terrycloth or other soft material like lambskin will keep it safe from abrasion or pressure injury. This will basically keep your arms out and at shoulder height, and the person who ties you can also incorporate tied rope length restrictions or other spreader bars to your ankles to restrict movement in specific directions. From what it seems, you still want to be able to thrust forward and back.

Just some suggestions for consideration.


Termyn8or -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/18/2008 8:07:34 PM)

You are all nucking futs, I have never felt so at home in my life.

But do not forget that I am a switch, so I am watching the other thread as well for ideas.

Also, I am not that big a fan of rope. I don't hate it or anything, but I prefer chains. Of course I am radical in many ways, to wit : a knife just doesn't cut it.


KaylinSilverfurr -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/18/2008 10:37:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

You are all nucking futs, I have never felt so at home in my life.

But do not forget that I am a switch, so I am watching the other thread as well for ideas.

Also, I am not that big a fan of rope. I don't hate it or anything, but I prefer chains. Of course I am radical in many ways, to wit : a knife just doesn't cut it.



Well, you can always replace rope with leather cuffs and chains in the right places. I still think a bamboo or spreader bar that spans across your back might be worth a shot, or restraining the wrists to the ankles while you are kneeling. That way, you only have two places to go: forwards, and backwards.



ViceVersa -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/19/2008 5:06:41 AM)

Really...I think the only thing to do is to gather all posters to this thread together for a real time session and keep coming up with ideas until Termyn8or says yes...or uncle.


KaylinSilverfurr -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/19/2008 7:27:26 AM)



Really...I think the only thing to do is to gather all posters to this thread together for a real time session and keep coming up with ideas until Termyn8or says yes...or uncle.




I think that might be the best idea!


Termyn8or -> RE: How to tie a Man (1/20/2008 4:19:23 PM)

Now it's getting hot in here !


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