Posts: 12
Joined: 7/1/2004 Status: offline
i have recently made a page as an extra for my profile, as a few Domme's have ask for extra information. it seams that i have offended a few over weight Domme's and this want my intent. i have always been bad with words, and i cant stand it when i hurt some ones feelings, even more so when i do it to a Women. not i don't feel that Women are less, i guess the reason i hate men so much is because of the fact that both wives i have had were either beaten or abused by men that they dated before they married me. i cant stand the idea of someone slapping, hitting, or abusing women, it really erks me, in a way i cant begin to explain. and to top it off i was molested as a child by other men, so id say that plays a big role in it too. most of my friends are Women, and i value their thoughts and ideas very much. if You are among the few that i have offended i beg you to forgive me for my foolishness. i really didn't mean anything, except that im not attracted to anyone that isn't rather skinny. that don't mean that i think a Women that is bigger is ugly or a bad person. my Aunt is overweight, and i love her, and i have many friends that are also. this don't make them any less, i just want and prefer, and am very turned on to the idea of being dominated by what i consider beautiful. everyone is different, everyone is important, no one person it better then another. i don't hate anyone, not even the fool that talked my wife into leaving me. i still love her, and i have waited for her since May 3rd, 2003 at around about 6pm when she never came home. i am not angry, and to be honest im a bit numb now. seams that every time i give my whole heart i am left in the dust. i am a very forgiving person, and money is not a big deal to me. i value love, honesty, trust, companionship, loyalty, and friendship high above everything else. it seams that there are very few real people in this world, and very few people can tell the difference between love and lust, and fucking and making love. they are both very different, and done with different feelings. when one loves you, you see it and you feel it, and it doesn't pass. true love is unconditional, and last forever. Inga used me for a green card, but i still love her. 2 weeks after she left i called her in Latvia, and she said to me, "Tony I don't love you, I never have, I just said it because I thought you needed to hear it, but I want you to be happy". You can beat me till im black and blue, and you will never once come even close to hurting me half as much as she did when she said that. we have all been hurt in our lives, and we have all had our share of bullshit. if i can forgive this, and still have love for her, and i really foolish? for what wrong have i committed for loving my wife?, and forgiving her? Love and forgiveness are 2 very important things in life. if more of us expressed it, we would all be a lot better off in the long run, but don't get me wrong, i am a man, and i need a good beating once in a while, if not more often. i really from the bottom of my heart, want to fit in somewhere, to be used, abused whatever it takes to be a good servant and slave. i act from my heart, not my cock or my mind. if i let my dick do all my thinking id be in serious shit. mans best friend is not dog, but instead Hand, Hand is always there for him. Sept the odd times when hand is cheating on him, BAD HAND! i hope that you notice that i have a since of humor also, i would hope that this would be a valued trait? regardless of where i end up, or whom i end up serving. Please if i have offended any, i ask thy forgiveness, and i am truly sorry. - slave tony Thank Goddess for Spell Checkers, otherwise if i hadn't ran it threw i would have lost all this lol. PS: The page for extras: Home Site: Just for Domme's: Be Well, All/all.....