I had a dream (Full Version)

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BoundDragon -> I had a dream (12/19/2007 1:52:08 PM)

I had quite a powerful dream the other night & I was wandering if any of you have had similar experiences.

In my dream he was addressing my severe insecurity with my appearence (mainly my tummy). He made me stand in the middle of the room & strip until I was completely naked . I had to stand perfectly still so he could look me over, seeing every part of my body. He took my clothes away so I could not put them back on & then made me sit, kneel & crawl so I felt completely exposed.
When I woke I felt raw & unsure but the more I think about it the more I think that it is my own minds way of saying I have nothing to be ashamd of & I should learn to get over it.

Soooo... have any of you had particularly subbie dreams that relate to real life at all??
How do you view these dreams??
Do you act on them at all?

eevin -> RE: I had a dream (12/19/2007 2:34:58 PM)

All of my dreams revolve around problems i have in life as well.  They either deal with fears i have (heights, for one), or things happening in my life causing me stress (such as work), or the struggle i have with my own sexuality (i'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body).  The the last ones that are the most vivid to me, and the most sexual of all my dreams.  In them i'm usually being outragiously pleasured (something i have a hard time obtaining in real life, and have never reached sexually).

There is an old saying that in dreams we see our own truest desires.  i think your dream is partly telling you that you shouldn't worry about the way you look, but its also telling you that the reason you shouldn't is because He likes you just the way you are.  If He is pleased with you, then you should find no reason to be displeased with yourself.

BoundDragon -> RE: I had a dream (12/19/2007 3:07:29 PM)

Thank you Eevin.... that was so beautifully put & I believe you are more than right. The trouble is that our internal battles are always the hardest to win.

Its nice to know its not just me that carries on processing these thoughts in my sleep. I think I am just longing to be what I see as perfect... in looks and in behaviour. I'm sure in time I will come to terms with this.... it is getting there slowly already with his encouragement.

Ryugen -> RE: I had a dream (12/19/2007 3:17:05 PM)

I'm afraid I have nothing insightful or heartfelt to add to this thread, but in the way of dreams, this is the sort I have;
1) Sometimes related to events or thoughts of the previous day, but usually jumbled together in a very strange manner.
2) I eat wheat (which I am allergic to) and have zombie nightmares x.x It is horrible to wake up at 1am and not be able to get out of bed for fear of something completely irrational for about half an hour and really needing to go to the bathroom >.< I hate what wheat does to me, but some foods with wheat taste so good [:(]
As to the body awareness, I think we're all pretty critical of our bodies, even if other people think we're good looking. I think once you have a SO in your life it doesn't matter that much anymore because they care about you for everything that you are, including your body. And suddenly, when you have them, noone elses opinion ever matters again [:)]

Dolce -> RE: I had a dream (12/19/2007 4:45:14 PM)

I have dreams...but they usually involve thinking that I've overslept for work (only to wake up at 4am, with another 2 hours before my alarm goes off) or some bizarre mixing of fairy-tales.

...and then there was the one about putting live goldfish in an envelope. Still haven't figured that one out.[:D]

I have an insecurity with my tummy, too...but it's amazing what a little exercise can do!

~Dolce, who lost 12 pounds in 3 months!...and has another 40-ish to go [:)]

eyesopened -> RE: I had a dream (12/20/2007 2:23:31 AM)

Not exactly a dream but i did have an "experience" that i hesitate to even mention but basically i received this message once many years ago "Be careful not to choose a Master who is too heavy for you to carry."  i was not really sure where that message came from or even what it meant but i kept that "advice" with me through my journey and it has been a very good insight.

littleone35 -> RE: I had a dream (12/20/2007 8:42:18 AM)

My most vivid dreams are usually erotic.  It is such a downer to wake up all aroused and realize it was just a dream. Of course i will see my Master later so he makes the dream a reality.

Matt's littleone

trusting -> RE: I had a dream (12/20/2007 11:14:48 AM)



All of my dreams revolve around problems i have in life as well.  They either deal with fears i have (heights, for one), or things happening in my life causing me stress (such as work), or the struggle i have with my own sexuality (i'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body).  The the last ones that are the most vivid to me, and the most sexual of all my dreams.  In them i'm usually being outragiously pleasured (something i have a hard time obtaining in real life, and have never reached sexually).

There is an old saying that in dreams we see our own truest desires.  i think your dream is partly telling you that you shouldn't worry about the way you look, but its also telling you that the reason you shouldn't is because He likes you just the way you are.  If He is pleased with you, then you should find no reason to be displeased with yourself.

this is beautifully written and i enjoyed the insight...wow!

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