RE: Tears (Full Version)

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PassionateNights -> RE: Tears (8/20/2005 2:04:44 AM)

i love giving my tears, they do not come easy, but i find crying in a scene incredibly erotic and i am by no means a masochist or pain slut, but when i know my dominant enjoys my pain then i somehow truly enjoy being taken over the edge for her pleasure

slavedesires -> RE: Tears (8/20/2005 2:58:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: BenevoleMasterFL

I like your signature RE: Assumptions.

Assuming things have caused me lots
of pain in my life.

yes indeed..assumptions are the mother of all fuckups

NakedOnMyChain -> RE: Tears (8/22/2005 12:43:25 PM)

The only way I cry if I've been physically hurt is if there's emotional pain going along with it (embarassment, loss, etc.) I don't cry much, period. But when I do, it just doesn't stop. I think I know that the waterworks will be nigh on ceaseless if they start, so when I get hurt it naturally deters them.

RiotGirl -> RE: Tears (8/22/2005 2:07:47 PM)

Hate to cry always have. Physical pain out side of a "scene" Nah. LOL can cite many references. Jumping out of a truck bed and not realising how high up it was (roung 6 feet), having my knees go out, laying flat on my back thinking "God i must of looked stupid" Having a 200 some odd wrestler run full force into a door slamming it shut on m wrist. Being punched in the face to where both sides swelled up, being hit so hard on the mouth my teeth split my lip and their hand. Ummm slicing a hole open in my arm 1 in by 2 in by 1/2 an inch deep. Slamming two toes into a wall and breaking them, jumping from another mis thought out place and landing on my knees, slamming my head into something and having blood gush, having a bottle broken over my forehead.... hmmmm thats all memory is serving right now.

Never EVER have i cried.

Oddly though with Master, all that "toughness" leaves me and i turn into a big ol baby. Straight up and down baby. LOL its despicable.

krazysubbiekat -> RE: Tears (8/22/2005 2:33:08 PM)

i personally do not have aproblem with crying...i cry over is very natural for me to cry. i cry when i hurt myself, when i am upset, mad, happy, disappointed, heck even bored lol.

I normally don't cry during scenes, but afterward, during the quiet coming down time, i have been known to cry. Not because i am hurting, not because something is wrong. i personally think that it is my body's way of cleansing itself of all that energy. (i have had one Dominant be very concerned about this, and i was quick to reassure Him that i was indeed okay.)

Hissweetshiv -> RE: Tears (8/24/2005 4:19:18 AM)

I don't tend to cry from physical pain either - i never thought till -um- someone's post in here that it might be due to all the times i heard "tough it" when i was a kid. I haven't had the extreme experiences of some, but when my fingers swelled up and my wedding and engagement rings had to be cut off (after the hour's drive to the hospital) i cried over losing the rings, not the pain in my hand. Emotion, however, turns me into a soggy mess, lol.

Aquariansub -> RE: Tears (8/24/2005 5:36:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: krazysubbiekat

i personally do not have aproblem with crying...i cry over is very natural for me to cry. i cry when i hurt myself, when i am upset, mad, happy, disappointed, heck even bored lol.

I normally don't cry during scenes, but afterward, during the quiet coming down time, i have been known to cry. Not because i am hurting, not because something is wrong. i personally think that it is my body's way of cleansing itself of all that energy. (i have had one Dominant be very concerned about this, and i was quick to reassure Him that i was indeed okay.)

I am an Aquarian....dah.....and its the "water bearer" so I have always cried at just about anything well at least it has always been my
Am I worried about the crying no except in the case of anger....I hate it when I cry with anger...that to me is showing a weakness...but if I dont get angry I cant cry then.
After a big scene I often shead a few tears of joy

littleone35 -> RE: Tears (8/24/2005 6:42:19 AM)

The only time i cried with my lklat Master was when he hit my g spot (intense) or whan i was being punished. Well i did cry again but that was when he passed away.


sabis -> RE: Tears (8/24/2005 4:19:53 PM)

I have been known to cry watching a sad moment in a Disney cartoon, as easily from when he’s doing something painful to my nipples, as easily as when we have the slightest discord in our relationship. Quiet little drops just well up whether I try to fight them back or not. Sobbing; not so much, unless the pain is * very * bad, be it emotional or physical. I’m not much of a masochist, and while my pain tolerance is getting better, it’s still pretty minor. I’d like to be able to take more without crying. I don’t LIKE to cry: my eyes get very swollen, sometimes, and it makes it look like I’ve been whacked in the face, and the crying mechanism makes my breathing and swallowing get.. well.. weird (hard to describe). It just happens.

I’ve never asked Him directly, but I think He, too, likes tears on His cock, as Jerry mentioned. Our exchange is extremely sexual, and He often gives me the release of sucking Him while He is flogging my pussy. He has chuckled softly once or twice when I’ve rubbed my teary face on Him, so I am guessing that it pleased Him.

There’s times that I weep happy tears, and times when tears come as their own form of release, almost like orgasm or reaching a culminating point. They just let everything flow away, and I can come down from whatever place I’ve been without being tied in knots inside.

- sabis

OwnedByHim -> RE: Tears (8/24/2005 10:19:21 PM)

This one has never cried so much in her life as she has since she became Owned. one believes it is because one is finally getting in touch with her emotions, her feelings, her needs.

one cries in happiness, one cries in sadness when she has disappointed Master, one cries with the glorious sexual release that He allows this one to have. When one has cried with punishment it has been out of the shame one felt, out of the sadness for disappointing Master, and from the love and respect that one has for her wonderful Master.

As for crying from physical pain - not really, until....................Master bought this wide, thick, leather strap. When this one was punished with that - one cried (bawled, sobbed) out of the physical pain - owwwww!!! That strap made a very lasting impression on this one's mind and ass - and gave a much needed attitude adjustment. So yes, one does cry with physical pain.

DarkVoyeur -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 7:18:48 AM)

I love it when a girl cries for me. Tears are an aphrodesiac (sp?)

Quivver -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 7:25:15 AM)

Wow, Thank you all for all the great responces. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in the tear dept! DarkVoyeur's responce started me wondering just how important or desired Tear's are to Dom's.
I guess I'll mosey on over to the ask a Master board and ask now!

Thanks again all..................


cellogrrlMK -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 8:18:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: junecleaver

I didn't cry when I broke my hand. My immediate response to physical pain is to curse and scowl. I think that when I was a kid it was frowned upon to cry when you fell down and hurt yourself. People thought you were a baby. So I learned to control that response to pain and replace it with something deemed more appropriate.

I tend to cry when I'm angry or frustrated, but not from physical pain.

June, I'm the same, as far as cursing and scowling at physical pain, as well as with anger and frustration. Certain pieces of music will bring me to tears too, at most inappropriate times! [:D]

One time Master and I were playing and the goal was to bring me to tears. Imagine his (and my) surprise when instead of the tears I broke out into hysterical laughter! Now THAT was weird!


Hallittlelolita -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 8:57:27 AM)

I cry because of emotions especially during PMS[:@] the littlest things makes me tear up. I cry if I'm sad or in bad pain like when I was in labor giving birth too our daughter.
I also cry during sex too g* especially if When Master gives me an orgasm g*.

Sincerely andie and her Master Hal

TearCollector -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 12:33:25 PM)

It would seem appropriate that I make an appearance on this thread as my ID lends a point of interest.

Tears are another language. They are probably the most powerfull language I know. Yet I struggle to offer them myself. Instead I collect them from others. Hence my ID.

Tears are an indication of a powerfull emotion raging behind the eyes. Its a flooding storm finding a point to overflow. The people that shed them may appear calm on the outside, but their mind is containing power that can only be understood within.

The Storms of both Joy and sadness produce equal amounts of tears. I find both sources valuable indicators of success or failure when I find them on a slave.

My inbox is always open to collect your tears. Offer them at anytime. They will be recieved with dignity.


plantlady64 -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 1:05:12 PM)

Hello Again,
I just thought I'd mention something I'd read in someone elses profile.
It read " If I could come back as anything it would be as one of your tears. Where else could I be conceived in your heart, born through your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips?"
I thought it was cool & since we are indeed discussing tears I thought I'd mention it.
sub suzanne

softysub -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 3:20:22 PM)

I'm a natural emotional girl and now even worst with the pre-menopause....cry for no reason, or when i think of something sad.


jocelyn -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 4:05:19 PM)


of course, there is always the inevitable onion chopping--that'll do it every time.

SOOOO off the topic (forgiveness, please, Quivver) but there's some fairly recent research that says that refrigerating the onion to be chopped is a wise choice. The plant material that becomes airborne is slowed down by the cool temps.

Happy chopping

jocelyn (the service/pleasure slave who has as much fun following Master around his kitchen as she does in other parts of the house....)

subcheryl -> RE: Tears (8/25/2005 6:23:01 PM)

I tend to be a very emotional person also. I cry when someone else is hurting and crying, i feel their pain also. I cry at happy and sad endings to movies or in books, some music will make me cry, Christmas time is very hard on me, Silent night will make me cry right off the bat, don't ask why I haven't figured it out and it has done it since I can remember. I cry when I know I have unintentionally hurt someone, in happy times I cry the birth of my babies and now my grandchildren brings me tears of joy. With my mentoring Dom I would not cry easily, he found a way though by taking away my control with bondage, but now with my Master every time we have a session I cry, go figure, LOL
Tears are a way of cleansing the soul they say, so for those of use who cry easily we must have squeaky clean souls LOL (an attempt at humor)

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