the power of attraction in BDSM courting (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 9:54:10 AM)

The sizzling the noob got over in the "just a question" thread got me thinking about the power dymanics that exist (prior to hooking up) in the femdom world (and perhaps in the maledom world, I'm not sure) in that the opinion of most femdoms is that a single sub looking for no-strings experimentation is in a laughable position unless he has something to exchange.  Granted, his approach might not have been too slick, but it still makes me wonder if a submissive male, out of the gate, is automatically a lower form to femdoms, and therefore, any chances he has of being with one will begin with what he is willing to give up.

But what about submissive men who are incredibly charimastic?  Do they just not exist?  

Have femdoms ever spied a man from across a room, or known him in social circles, and distinctly felt "out of his league" with regards to his level of attraction, his popularity among women, his charisma?  It seems as though, no, this is not the case, that femdoms can basically enjoy the position of being queen of the castle based on rank - knowing that a submissive man, certainly, will want her time and favor, and beyond that, if one does not, well, he must be a loser, and it does not matter because there are 15 more lined up right behind him.

My main beef with male subs is that they adopt and embrace this "lesser than" mentality and posture submissive out of the gate.  Green subs like the noob guy in the other thread come along with some naive comments about how maybe he can experiment with kink (because, he all but admits, it gets his rocks off) without a relationship without paying a pro, and he's slapped around in a sense to accept that no, of course not, femdoms' time is too valuable and he's nobody, so he either has to pay, or give something in return. 

Surely there are some men out there who are charming, who make you laugh, who have a cute butt, who give you butterflies in your stomach when they look at you.  There are men that possess that certain "something" that makes you want to dominate them (I am speaking for myself here).  Submissive or not, it's just there.  I would much rather have submissive men nuturing and building their self confidence, charm, social skills and self esteem so that when they walk into a room full of kinky people, femdoms DO a double take and think, "That guy is hot," vs. them adopting the lowly worm status, walking around with his head down, feeling like a loser, knowing his only chance with a dominant women is if he accepts he's the lowest on the food chain and his only hope is someone will take pity on him.

When I was going through one of my single periods of time, I was always drawn to the guy I thought I couldn't have. I loved to "chase" men that I thought were out of my league or maybe just a little too "hot."   I liked men who were sociable, chatty, charming, self confident, and who lit up a room when they walked in.  Submissive or not.  It seems like sub guys are being programmed to think there's no point in working on their skills with women, and instead, have to rely on competitive asskissing to hope to meet a femdom, or, pay.   Meanwhile, a whole new breed of subs is adopting this contrarian attitude that swings too far back the other way, but I won't even go into that.  I'm missing the men who just act like men, and have some self confidence.

Can a guy "get" a femdom to play with him, no strings attached?  Sure, I go back to what I said in the other thread. Yes, he can. If he's HOT.  And hot isn't necessarily about what he looks like or his body, it's the way he carries himself, it's charisma, and presence.  A femdom will want to peel the onion and see what's inside.  This is much more attractive than a man who is defeated out of the gate and sits in the corner of a room hoping someone will take notice.

But femdoms, we're also part of the problem. The frustration and impatience leads many of us to slap around noobs like this guy for asking an innocent question, and to think too much in the mindset that "femdoms are in demand, are rare, are better than submissive men, so there for, any submissive man is of lower rank and quality and he must fight for my attention."  The problem with this is that any *quality* guy is going to walk in, sense that vibe, and walk right back out and instead date frisky, open minded vanilla women because they don't have a chip on their shoulder in his eyes.  Any guy with good, healthy self esteem is going to look around and say - "I'm kinky, but I'm not a lower life form, so I'll go back to dating women who are wild in bed and take my chances once will be into it for life -- I don't need these women telling me I'm not worth shit unless I pay or paint their house."

I think we need to work more on getting subs to put their best foot forward instead of assuming they're all useless until they offer something in return. Of course, we still should ignore those who are totally in a fantasy world, but in the case of the noob, I think he was just green.


Prinsexx -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 10:01:36 AM)

I just don't do 'attractive' men. As a switch I sometimes get a fancy for a sub type single male and have had 'model-actor-masseur' type hanging around for a year now. Web site confirms he is actually very gorgoeous, and is into being spanked. I just don't 'do' attractive men of whatever power persuasion as it usually turns out to narcissism. (IMPO)

xxblushesxx -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 10:11:42 AM)

Interesting post!

I believe that the (male) Doms I have met preferred to have intelligent, well-groomed and interesting subs rather than the ones who begin crawling the second they meet and then begin begging for punishment.

Neither of the Doms I had met would have been attracted to me had I not had more to offer than a nice butt to whip. (although that WAS part of the attraction...*lol*)

I think that when submission is given from someone who others like, respect and look up to, it means much more than when it comes from someone who doesn't even respect his/herself. I'm not sure that gender makes a difference, but, I don't really know.

Great post!


Lashra -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 10:23:46 AM)

I prefer subs who are intelligent, articulate and who have a good sense of humor. I do prefer tall heavier males and females of my height or less with meat on their bones. They can be drop dead gorgeous but if they can't put a thought together I am not interested in the slightest. I also want my subs to have a positive self image as I do not go for the "I am a worm" or "Im just a fuck slut" attitudes, to me that shows they are looking for a pure fantasy type relationship. I do not casually play as I prefer steady long term relationships, so I tend to weed those people out pretty quickly.


TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 10:24:54 AM)

Great post!

An attractive male is attractive to females, domme or sub.  And as you say, attractiveness is not only about looks.  To be honest, I know I could find an experienced domme to play with me, if that was my thing.  I get all sorts of offers, some jokes, some not, because I am attractive to some women.

When a serious male (or female) sub (or dom/me) asks me for advice on how to meet someone from the other side of the slash, I always tell them to stop working on their search and start working on themselves.  Build their own skills, develop their confidence, make themselves more attractive.  But few, if any, really get that...


SoCurious2Feel -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 10:27:14 AM)

"I also want my subs to have a positive self image as I do not go for the "I am a worm" or "Im just a fuck slut" attitudes, to me that shows they are looking for a pure fantasy type relationship. I do not casually play as I prefer steady long term relationships, so I tend to weed those people out pretty quickly."

It was very comforting to read this.  My "search" shall I dare call it that here on CM has not been very successful, but I too sure have weeded out those kinda of people by the dozen.  :)   Alas, I'm determined and do not give up easily.

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 10:28:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx
I believe that the (male) Doms I have met preferred to have intelligent, well-groomed and interesting subs rather than the ones who begin crawling the second they meet and then begin begging for punishment.

Without question.

What is it worth if it is given so easlily?  There are times when I want a doormat, but I want to be the one to lay her down on my doorstep and walk all over her. *smile*


darchChylde -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 10:34:43 AM)

well, you will have to ask Ma'am to be certain; but i've always known myself to be a very charismatic individual (and to be reasonably attractive)... in most social situations i am very timid, but the night She and i met She was able to see me at my most timid and shining in the spotlight... i've never claimed to be a service sub (so what if that's what it seems i turned out to be), and while i believe in appropriate gifts just as in any intimate/romantic/commited relationship i do not do tribute, i can generally hold my own in a conversation and am able to keep others entertained... i do not see myself as lesser because i am a male or a submissive, for that matter i don't see dominant's as greater just because they claim the label; and while i am submissive to Ma'am, it does not have to do with feeling as less than Her, but that i choose to place Her as greater than be and because i had a desire to make Her happier and as free from stress as possible (this is a nearly impossible task, She absolutely attracts stress and to Her) from very early on... i may not always feel worthy of Her, but it has nothing to do with any fundamental limitations within myself

i believe that a male submissive can be honestly charismatic, because all the evidence i have seen around me tells me so; and also, i believe that attraction has a major role in bringing a submissive to a dominant's attention whether it has anything to do with being physically attractive... since She basically approached me without really knowing much about me, i would have to believe that my charm and physical appearance were what drew Her to me, if not what caused Her to decide to hold on to me; but You'll have to ask Her to be sure

edited to add: i doubt Ma'am ever felt i was out of Her league and She knows i would have a hissy-fit if i ever thought She believed that... but i know for a fact also that there have been "dominant" women and women in general who have felt that around me; the way i look at that, is if anyone feels i am out of their league (especially a dominant) then i agtee simply on the merit of their lack of confidence

i don't participate in ass-kissery, unless it is tongue-in-cheek (pun intended, just as both sides of the entendre are intended)

Leatherist -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 11:50:54 AM)

I think a lot of Dommes come into this for one reason. It's all that gives them an upper hand. They are out of thier league with a lot of vanilla men, and got resentful of the rejection..Even the fat,ugly and impoverished ones have oodles of power when confronted with the hordes of desperate bottom men here-and it totally goes to thier heads..

Take away those guys, and they would be back to square one. It must suck to have your personal power based on crap like this-especially when you end up seeing so much of the supporting pool as dung.

A castle built of a pile of shit.

Maybe it would be a bit less insecure to base your interactions on personal relationships-rather than fantastical "roles"?

littlesarbonn -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 12:16:23 PM)

For me, I don't have a problem attracting women. I know how to talk to people in one on one and group conversations. I'm intelligent and extremely witty. I used to be shy some years back, but I pretty much obliterated that problem by participating in speech and debate during my undergraduate years (so I teach it now, and my students refuse to believe I was EVER shy or had difficulty talking to anyone, including women).

But it becomes a different dynamic with a dominant woman because I'm completely out of my element. And it's really strange. But I tend to understand it because as an equal partner (in a vanilla situation), I can shine by being outspoken and embellishing in an ability to produce a fruitful and enjoyable conversation (most guys don't realize that not all women want to hear a guy drone on about himself but that conversations are participatory and congenial affairs), but when you become the spotlight, and anything you say is fodder for actual derision, the positive aspects of communicating are immediately nullified in an attempt to make sure you don't say the wrong thing. There are a lot of submissives vying for a dominant woman's attention, and quite often the most simple thing can cast one out of the inner circle because it was interpreted the wrong way.

And for me that's usually the kiss of death because one of the things I look for in a bdsm partner IS intellectual conversational ability, and even when I've found it, sometimes it ends up being a negative situation because she is expecting the norm of what she normally receives, and when one banters in that realm, a misperception can often destroy what looked like a positive, growing relationship.

I guess I could have settled for something simple a long time ago because I've had no lack of opportunities over the years. I honestly think that the more intellectual you become, the higher the level of interaction you seek with someone else, and sometimes that can be a burden more than an actual attribute. I thought I had found the perfect person a few years back, and she and I hit it off in all sorts of areas, and she was great to have conversations with. Then, slowly, over the course of time, I came to realize that her achievement of intelligence came with a price: She became very intolerant towards anything she didn't personally like, including some very shocking racial intolerances that I never would have suspected.

It's kind of funny but I seem to end up with the same people with whom I once served years ago, but after we've grown in different directions yet again. Currently, I serve a woman in a capacity where she knows I excel, and it's funny but we've been off and on for over a decade now. Some times attraction is not about perception but realizing how someone might best serve your needs.

SubmissiveAK -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 12:24:04 PM)

Speaking as a slave, and someone who is at least partially considered a member of the male sub - seeking femdom community, I dont understand the dynamic. To me, a relationship with a domme, or any dom for that matter, is deeply interpersonal. If I am going into a group meeting I tend to be a little quiet unless I am with people I know well, but that doesnt mean I see myself as "lower" or "lesser". Now I did used to think of myself that way, before I started to discover BDSM, but I have learned/am learning how damaging that negativity was for me. I am a real person, even as a slave, and I have my own validity and life. I may be seeking someone to devote myself to and give of myself entirely, but I still work to improve myself so I can have more to give. Im not a "worm", nor am I going to pray for someone's pity. Im really shy, but if I do want to get to know a domme I will try to approach her. Always respectfully, and I may wait for the right time, but I think if anyone (dom or sub) wants to get to know someone they need to make an effort. Not that it wouldnt be wonderful to be pursued... but I am not going to sit and wait for that.

I would have never of guessed that seeing myself as a slave would actually improve my self-esteem. I am glad I have realized who (and what) I am ^_^

Nicksub -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 12:26:31 PM)

Wow, good topic!

I think people ignore, either mistakenly or intentionally, the fact that BDSM relationships, be they committed or casual, aren't that much different than "vanilla" relationships. For every 2-3 male submissives thinking, "Can't I just find a Domme to play with a couple times a week that's into it for the mutual satisfaction?" there's 2-3 vanilla guys looking for a casual "friend" as well. And just like there's plenty of vanilla guys finding women who are perfectly cool with "hooking up", there are plenty of subs in the same boat.

Personally, I've found many Dommes (of course, "many" is subjective) over the last 8 years who have enjoyed playing with me, no cash or major commitments required (I've had some good committed relationships as well, I should add). And yes, a good % of them were women from this site who, judging by their profiles, you wouldn't think were OK with casual fun. When I lived out west a few years back, I visited a pro (I was new in town, excuses excuses lol) who after a 1-hour session made arrangements for me to come back the next day on a non-pro basis for more "personal" play. Yes, it happens and it's not that rare and it's not just me.

Am I super "hot"? No. I'd say I'm fairly good-looking and workout somewhat regularly. I don't have a freakishly big penis, a lizard tongue or anything like that either. I've been told that I "ooze subbie charm", but I'm not even sure what that means. All I know is I don't feel there is a certain way I'm supposed to act towards a dominant woman vs. a vanilla one, nor do I feel a Domme is automatically a precious commodity that I'm inherently unworthy of. That can only lead to desperation as far as I'm concerned, which won't be any more attractive to a Domme than it is to a girl at a bar. Dommes are women, and the qualities they tend to prefer (confidence, charm, wit, intelligence, passion) aren't really a secret. I'd wager that a man's success attracting Dommes is exactly the same as his success attracting women in general.

To the OP: I think you're spot on. Too many Dommes (actually, people in the "lifestyle" in general) do too much to strip sub men of the qualities that make them desireable in the first place.


Decimus -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 1:04:31 PM)


"I'm kinky, but I'm not a lower life form..."

That is exactly how I felt for the longest time AAkasha. Only difference is instead of leaving for vanilla women I just stayed outside, knowing some day I'd find Aerith.

DesFIP -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 1:09:06 PM)

I hope you're right, Akasha. Because if not, it says something horrible about femdommes. That they are all money hungry users. And I don't like to think that half the human race is not worthy of any respect.

But I think the difference here is that online it is very hard for a person to easily, and quickly, display a great sense of humor, intelligence, biceps and whatever. I think in a real live community dommes are going to be attracted to worthwhile men, and vice versa.

We forget sometimes how weird online is compared to r/l.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 1:21:36 PM)

Wow, lots to respond to here!

Have I ever been "swept"  by a male submissive?  Nope.  Never.  Uh-uh.  This is not to say that I haven't met some lovely specimens.  :)   I like to look at beautiful people as much as anyone.   But, I am attracted by the overall package of pleasant expression, intelligence, sense of humor...   I don't care how handsome a person is, if he shows himself to be a selfish moron in the first few sentences.  One of the issues some of dommes complained about when I had my Club Fem chapter was that my guys were "too old" or just not handsome enough.  Well, I will take my middle aged grey haired sincere maso over a pretty boy who is more into himself than he is into ME.   On the flip side of that, crawlers make me crawl!  It takes cojones to serve me, and if you can't look me in the eye and represent yourself well, then why are you worth my time? 

That, I think, is why the noob on the other thread got toasted.  I am generally happy to play with newbies.  (love that cherry popping!) But, as I say repeatedly, I am not a life support system for my toybag.  I have plenty of playmates.  I have lovers.  Some guy who wants to play for nothing in return is not doing me any favors!  Why should I do him any? 

Let's be clear here that when I am asking for something in "return", I am thinking of companionship, conversation, maybe a nice ice water after I got all sweaty...  nothing glamourous or extreme.  A scene is just a scene, I don't expect any commitment from a play date.  I DO expect to be acknowledged for my efforts, and to be greeted politely the next time we meet.  I expect to be treated like a person, not an interchangeable commodity. 

AAkasha -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 1:34:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Wow, lots to respond to here!

Have I ever been "swept"  by a male submissive?  Nope.  Never.  Uh-uh.  This is not to say that I haven't met some lovely specimens.  :)   I like to look at beautiful people as much as anyone.   But, I am attracted by the overall package of pleasant expression, intelligence, sense of humor...   I don't care how handsome a person is, if he shows himself to be a selfish moron in the first few sentences.  One of the issues some of dommes complained about when I had my Club Fem chapter was that my guys were "too old" or just not handsome enough.  Well, I will take my middle aged grey haired sincere maso over a pretty boy who is more into himself than he is into ME.   On the flip side of that, crawlers make me crawl!  It takes cojones to serve me, and if you can't look me in the eye and represent yourself well, then why are you worth my time? 

That, I think, is why the noob on the other thread got toasted.  I am generally happy to play with newbies.  (love that cherry popping!) But, as I say repeatedly, I am not a life support system for my toybag.  I have plenty of playmates.  I have lovers.  Some guy who wants to play for nothing in return is not doing me any favors!  Why should I do him any? 

Let's be clear here that when I am asking for something in "return", I am thinking of companionship, conversation, maybe a nice ice water after I got all sweaty...  nothing glamourous or extreme.  A scene is just a scene, I don't expect any commitment from a play date.  I DO expect to be acknowledged for my efforts, and to be greeted politely the next time we meet.  I expect to be treated like a person, not an interchangeable commodity. 

I am loving this thread also. I hope it stays on track.

One thing I want to clarify about this thread - when I talk about "hot", again, I am not talking about model good looks or a perfect body or a big cock. I just mean whatever is "HOT" to you - a great smile, the right giggle, the way a man carries himself. It's different for all of us.  But you know -- when you meet a guy and chat for a few minutes and you think, wow, he's just hot.  For me, when I feel attraction, the next thing I feel is predatory.  It's all wired into my sensuality.  While vanilla women may get butterflies in their tummy and think, "Oh I wonder if he is a good kisser?" or "It must be so sweet to spoon with that man!" I think, "I wonder if he has ever been gagged?" or "Can he beg with his eyes? What would a whimper sound like from this man?"

I don't deny that there are times when I am attracted to a man and my desires are all very surface, very lustful, and very basic.  I can be attracted to a man and really, when it comes down to it, my mind really wanders do this:  How effective would he be as a bottom?  Would he be able to turn me on?  Would he look good in bondage?  Would he be willing to go to scary places for me?  Would he be willing to be vulnerable and naked?  And all these thoughts really just come down to being hot for someone - period. And if I decide to pursue the femdom version of a "one night stand" with him, we are both getting something. 

It comes down to this, I think.  Femdoms, do you *get* anything from good, intense, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants domination, based purely on a sense of lust and desire for a man?  I have to believe SOMEONE else does.  The challenge is, of course, as you get to know a guy and start going down the path of flirtation and seduction, he's sometimes not all he was cracked up to be. Sure, I have met men who are incredibly HOT but I can tell relatively quickly he's too one dimensional and it would be a really unfulfilling bdsm encounter.  Or maybe the chemistry wears off, because he talks like he is uneducated. Maybe his body language is cheap and trashy. But all that really unfolds in the initial stages of courting.

If no femdoms really enjoy lust-based domination, I would have to believe that casual play in dungeons wouldn't exist the way it does. You walk by, you see a submissive man and like his energy, you decide it might be fun to see him respond to your style of dominance. 

Have femdoms ever "used" a man sexually for her own pleasure?  Ever enjoy a fling?  Has lust ever been the main factor in wanting to see a man submit?


Crocuta -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 2:03:58 PM)


Have femdoms ever "used" a man sexually for her own pleasure? Ever enjoy a fling? Has lust ever been the main factor in wanting to see a man submit?

Absolutely. I've had as many casual flings as I have more serious situations. I tend to go about them the same way, and depending on what I learn about the person determines the potential for different degrees of intimacy. I won't be getting serious or investing a lot of time in anyone that doesn't express themselves well or who I'm not deeply attracted to. However, lacking that does not mean that they aren't capable of turning me on, or offering an interesting experience. Then it comes down to what mood I'm in at that particular moment and what we are mutually able to offer each other for that moment.

Driver1961 -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 2:50:21 PM)

He dips;

Great thread Aakasha that encompasses many thoughts/realms of BDSM, Vanilla and general power exchanges.

I appreciate some excellent deep thought here by other posters and will attempt to contribute likewise.

'My thoughts' are that you are questioning the 'lack of substance' that appears to be widely evident/accepted in the Domme/boi realm, and how that personally affects you in obtaining your needs.   
The same can be found in the Dom/sub realm where 'play' or 'interaction' is more  based on the fantasy. (This area I have more experience) Where one fulfills a fantasy of themselves which parallels with the other's  fantasy.   Much like a nilla fuck or on an extended basis - a nilla fuck buddy or BDSM play partner.   Sure in these interactions both meet their needs however these needs are generally superficial- hence for some a feeling of disenchantment/lack of attainment.   Many of these participants do not understand this due to self-protectiveness, lack of personal development, newbiness, or conciously accepting less for other reasons.   The  big concern is for the newbies though- yes they can grossly misinterpret what BDSM (and their chosen realm) is all about.   You all know of the Newbie Dom who thinks he can whip a girl cos she expects it and the newbie gurl who accepts this thinking she must accept it!  One or both will turn away disenchanted with ethical dilemmas.  This creates the situation where the 'incoming' choice of 'fresh meat' is quickly thinned by those who wish to fulfill deeper needs
(like your own) leave believing this is not possible.  

We all tend to complicate our means of evaluation as we 'fine tune our wants'.   Aakasha and others touch upon this here.   What we may be able to 'want' in nilla is just as relevant (and obtainable) in BDSM; it is our own actions that negate our obtaining these needs.    I have seen nilla and Dom/mes Slave/subs/bois all "with it" (the jen-a-sequa   please correct my french)   One's leaning towards play has no bearing on this- you either 'have it' or you dont!   And this 'have it' is very clear in the nilla world but becomes more defined towards your choice of play in BDSM where it flashes brilliantly.

It's a conundrum that we 'toy' with as we begin to define ourselves more in BDSM- little differently to how we realise it in the nilla world.  (I do not at all say this conundrum is exclusive to BDSM)

I'll quote Janis Joplin-  "It's all the same shit man....."

warm regards Driver     

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 3:54:58 PM)

I think the cultural difficulties for male subs make it very clear unlikely for such chracteristics to be common.  Hard enough to be a single male sub in a hetero scene that barely tolerates and understands you- would be even worse to portray any characteristics which might seem unbecoming.  Attracting attention to yourself (and away from your goddess) would definitely fall into that.

Evility -> RE: the power of attraction in BDSM courting (1/3/2008 3:56:09 PM)


My main beef with male subs is that they adopt and embrace this "lesser than" mentality and posture submissive out of the gate.

The exact opposite occurs on the other side of the fence with many female submissives. Their submission is a gift and the dominant has to prove himself worthy of that holiest of gifts. At least the male submissives can blame supply and demand for their unpartnered status.

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