RE: Do you ever (Full Version)

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KatyLied -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 6:53:00 AM)


They should move on. That's what i would do.

Yeah, right.  You should take your own advice.

AquaticSub -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:02:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: lauren0221




ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07

Thank you, you are very kind.  On these bpards there is a small group of people who fail to grasp most threads that they post responses on.  i see it every day.That is not the poster's fault.  i just don't get it. Especially when you take the time to explain it over and over again. If they ask to clarify and they  still don't get it. They should move on. That's what i would do. Anyway, thanks again for being sdo kind and understanding my thread.



What Jeff said.

What they said.

Kalista07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:26:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07

On these bpards there is a small group of people who fail to grasp most threads that they post responses on.

Wow...Sucks to be us huh? i mean seriously......How exactly do we know if we are part of the small group(You call this small??!! WTF??!!) of people who fail to grasp most threads that they post responses on?? i mean do we get a pledge card??? a membership badge??? a big L on our forehead?? What is it that we get if we are a part of the "stupid" minority??? i need to know....


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07 i see it every day.That is not the poster's fault.  i just don't get it.

Wow..Woe is You...You poor...poor....poor....desperate soul....Here You are simply to educate us all on the proper D/s or M/s dynamics and we are not even willing to listen, learn, or comprehend...WTF is wrong with us??!! REALLY!!!! Seriously....i mean if someone went by Your (what is it again?, oh yeah) Long term 24/7 relationship then we would all be True Dominants and True Submissives....Right????


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07  Especially when you take the time to explain it over and over again. If they ask to clarify and they  still don't get it. They should move on.

Blasphemers, i tell ya!!! That's all they are!!!! Silly, stupid blasphamers!!!!


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07  That's what i would do. Anyway, thanks again for being sdo kind and understanding my thread.

Ohhh?? Would ya now?? Can You explain to me how it is that this particular thread is filled with 6 pages of Your defensive, inaccurate, and unfounded beliefs???!!!
Btw, if You want to start another "Does Your sub's behavior reflect on You" bullshit thread, i'll save ya the time...i read Him my responses on the phone last night...heh..

Kali, (who no longer cares!!)

AquaticSub -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:33:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Kalista07

Btw, if You want to start another "Does Your sub's behavior reflect on You" bullshit thread, i'll save ya the time...i read Him my responses on the phone last night...heh..

Oh that was her. I thought so. Did she ever give the list of people she thought weren't submissive enough?

sexyred1 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:35:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: lauren0221




ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07

Thank you, you are very kind.  On these bpards there is a small group of people who fail to grasp most threads that they post responses on.  i see it every day.That is not the poster's fault.  i just don't get it. Especially when you take the time to explain it over and over again. If they ask to clarify and they  still don't get it. They should move on. That's what i would do. Anyway, thanks again for being sdo kind and understanding my thread.



What Jeff said.

Apparently some posters are not grasping the inner workings of the superior intellectual minds that start these threads. We can only hope to some day achieve the great insights that are being communicated to us in the subtle postings that are not being grasped. Myself, I must consult Mensa to determine the nature of what I am not grasping on these threads.

OsideGirl -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:50:20 AM)

Our view is that if someone is going to come live in our house and not have a job, they're job will be caring for the house. If that person comes into the home and works outside the home, then they would have their share of the household duties.

The opposite side of the OP's coin is that we get contacted by submissives that don't work and won't do housework because they're "pleasure slaves". They expect to sit at home doing nothing while we support them.

takenbyjohnr07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:53:23 AM)

So lovely to see over half of the special group that never posts a thread on their own, but always hijacks or attacks someone else's. i guess those who can-do and those who can't try to make everone else  look bad. i'm glad that you  all don't get my threads. i would never ever be caught dead writing anything that your special group would understand. i don't think my brain is capable of thinking at that low of a level.

takenbyjohnr07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:55:17 AM)

That's awful and just as bad. Thanks for sharing.

AquaticSub -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:56:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07

So lovely to see over half of the special group that never posts a thread on their own, but always hijacks or attacks someone else's. i guess those who can-do and those who can't try to make everone else  look bad. i'm glad that you  all don't get my threads. i would never ever be caught dead writing anything that your special group would understand. i don't think my brain is capable of thinking at that low of a level.

Simply because we don't make starter posts all the time doesn't mean we don't make them. If you'll look back you'll find I've started my own share of threads. One of the reasons I don't start posts often is that I spend a fair amount of time composing them. I look at them from all angles and try to answer all questions so that people won't have to ask for clarification. Only half the job of communication is on the listener. You have a repeated problem with misunderstanding your posts on this board.

Now you try your usual "high and mighty" routine of insulting people by saying they roll around in the mud while you are filthy yourself. Must be nice to think you are on some sort of high horse.

Kalista07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:57:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07

So lovely to see over half of the special group that never posts a thread on their own, but always hijacks or attacks someone else's. i guess those who can-do and those who can't try to make everone else  look bad. i'm glad that you  all don't get my threads. i would never ever be caught dead writing anything that your special group would understand. i don't think my brain is capable of thinking at that low of a level.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAY IT 'AINT SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i THINK WE'VE JUST BEEN...........INSULTED................Wait, a minute....i have started my own thread...he he  he heh.. i guess this was really directed towards sexyred, aquatic, and Cali.... :P

Btw, i think i deserve a gold star as i'm not going to go there with the baited bullshit comment about how 'low' her brain can think...not gona go there at all....

AquaticSub -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 7:59:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Kalista07

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAY IT 'AINT SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i THINK WE'VE JUST BEEN...........INSULTED................Wait, a minute....i have started my own thread...he he  he heh.. i guess this was really directed towards sexyred, aquatic, and Cali.... :P

Btw, i think i deserve a gold star as i'm not going to go there with the baited bullshit comment about how 'low' her brain can think...not gona go there at all....

Oh hell no, she can't be talking about me! I mean... I started my threads on anal play, sexism in the lifestyle, womb ownership, breast reductions, etc.

*innocent smile*

Edited to add: I'm a twue forum poster!!! TWUE!!!

takenbyjohnr07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:00:03 AM)

You are a perfect example od what i am saying. That post was directed not to you, but a small group of people (they know who they are) who go around these boards causing trouble. i believe i stated that quite clearly that there was a small group in my post. i'm sorry you missed that.

takenbyjohnr07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:02:13 AM)

You're right. i'm not talking about you. Can you help me with one thing. i pushed the post reply button and it came up that i am replying exclusively to sexyred. Thgat has haapened before with other replies that i made. Do you happen to know why? Does anyuone know why? thanks

sexyred1 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:03:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07

So lovely to see over half of the special group that never posts a thread on their own, but always hijacks or attacks someone else's. i guess those who can-do and those who can't try to make everone else  look bad. i'm glad that you  all don't get my threads. i would never ever be caught dead writing anything that your special group would understand. i don't think my brain is capable of thinking at that low of a level.

Hmmm..interesting comments. Who is the "special group" you are referring to? Who never posts threads? What research have you unearthed to substantiate these claims? What you consider hijacks or attacks are simply in your own small mind that cannot grasp that others have opinions that differ with yours.

As far as "those that can do or cannot don't" , again, what on earth are you going on about? Everyone here is quite capable of doing whatever it is they want to do, including making themselves clear about what they are trying to communicate in posts. Perhaps it is you who are having difficulty getting your points across. Often it is hard to see your own faults, so try looking inward.

It is apparent that you can only grasp the replies that agree with you. How do we know this? Every time someone writes something that you like, you actually BLESS them and call them a SAINT. Do you not find that excessive?

As for never being caught dead coming up with threads that people will understand, you should be careful what you wish for....most of your threads have made many want to shoot you or themselves for crimes of density.

KatyLied -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:04:27 AM)

You get angry and upset that people attack you.  Yet you do the exact same thing.  How can you do this and continue not to see it?  As far as not starting threads, is there a rule that states that everyone has to be an op around here?  I'd rather not start a thread then start one that no one seems to understand because of a failure to communicate clearly.

KatyLied -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:06:54 AM)


As far as "those that can do or cannot don't"

I think this is more of the my kink>your kink.  Anyone who isn't in a relationship similar to hers obviously isn't doing it quite right.  What she doesn't grasp is not everyone lives out their relationship on a message board and talks about it to everyone.  Sheesh.

Jeffff -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:11:13 AM)

To all who disagree with the OP. You are wasting your time. Try being amused instead of annoyed..........failing that....try being twuer


AquaticSub -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:12:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: takenbyjohnr07

You are a perfect example od what i am saying. That post was directed not to you, but a small group of people (they know who they are) who go around these boards causing trouble. i believe i stated that quite clearly that there was a small group in my post. i'm sorry you missed that.

Am I in the group? Do I get a membership card? [:D]

PS. Please stop hiding behind this "small group" thing. Just have the guts to say it.

Edited to add: Awww... I'm not in the group of trouble makers. But no, I don't know how to help with the reply thing. Can't say I've had that problem. If it happens over and over you might want to let the CM staff know.

takenbyjohnr07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:12:18 AM)

Here's a quarter call someone who cares. Oh wait-i forgot you two don't have Master's. sorry my mistake. Remember how you two(and the few others)  put me down because i had someone and i was happy?  Go ahead with your little immature posts to me and to everyone else.  i'm home with the flu so reading all your attempts to put me down is quite amusing and is helping me forget my runny nose. Thanks!

takenbyjohnr07 -> RE: Do you ever (1/9/2008 8:13:49 AM)

We are not allowed to post screen names of people in a negative way. i do believe that's one of the rules.

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