RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (Full Version)

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teacherpet -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/27/2008 8:29:20 PM)

 I am a sub male but am also a skeptic and teach a critical thinking class. I am always amazed at how many people take such things as their sign seriously. There is no logic or rationale for the day/month you were born to have any bearing on the type of person you are and every study ever done has shown no correlation. It is sad to see otherwise intelligent people buying into the vague and general pronouncements of astrologers and horoscopes. It is especially sad to see how large the new age section of a bookstore is (sometimes larger than the science section)

slaveboy291 -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/27/2008 9:16:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: teacherpet

I am a sub male but am also a skeptic and teach a critical thinking class. I am always amazed at how many people take such things as their sign seriously. There is no logic or rationale for the day/month you were born to have any bearing on the type of person you are and every study ever done has shown no correlation. It is sad to see otherwise intelligent people buying into the vague and general pronouncements of astrologers and horoscopes. It is especially sad to see how large the new age section of a bookstore is (sometimes larger than the science section)

In some respects yes.  The problem people have I believe is that there's no such a thing as by-the-book astrology and go too much by that guide.

However, I have encountered people who do fit almost to a T the way their signs are described.

The problem is not the belief, but blind belief.  Astrology is a guidepost, not a book of rules and there's other factors.

stella41b -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/27/2008 9:46:57 PM)

Wow, what an amusing thread.. Maybe I can shed some light here?

There's no link between any given astrological sign and being dominant or submissive.. I'm afraid. It's simply not possible. What you've got to understand is your astrological birth-chart is simply a map of the heavens at the time you were born, that very first moment when you first drew in your first breath and let out your first yell, drawing in air, lots of oxygen, nitrogen, and the electromagnetic forces of the Universe.

It doesn't take into account your background, culture, the effects of your upbringing, those first early formative years, or indeed the way you were potty trained, all of which would have an equally important influence on whether you are dominant or submissive.

That saying is there any sort of a link? Yes there is. I could write pages here having studied astrology many years ago, but I will try to be brief and give you some insight.

The planet which has the strongest influence on us isn't actually a planet, but the Moon, which brings in the tides, and affects all living beings, particularly females and their monthly cycles. Michel Gaucquelin the French astrologer some years ago identified the IG effect which is the effect of the electromagnetic forces of the planets on our central nervous systems, among other things. In your astrologicasl chart it is the Moon which indicates the nature of your feelings, your emotions, and therefore any prime contender for any 'dominant' sign would have to be the fourth sign of the zodiac - Cancer, which is a water sign and one of the four cardinal signs.

It's important here to explain a little about the qualities of signs. The four cardinal signs, Aries (fire), Cancer (water), Libra (air) and Capricorn (earth) are concerned with action, they like to lead and feel strongest when they take the initiative. If you have planets in any of these signs, wherever they are in the birthchart, and that area of life they concern, this will be an area where you prefer to take the initiative. Mars, the planet of action in any of these signs will cause you to be aggressive (Mars in Aries), to be quick to react (Mars in Cancer), or give you driving ambition (Mars in Capricorn).

Then you have fixed signs - Taurus (earth), Leo (fire), Scorpio (water) and Aquarius (air) which feel strongest in maintaining a position or stance. Mutable signs - Gemini (air), Virgo (earth), Sagittarius (fire) and Pisces (water) are the more 'observant' signs, one where you sit back and take stock, and this is where you feel strongest. But these are signs and depending on where they are this is how the signs influence the planets in your birth chart.

If you have any doubt as to how all this works - think of the embodiment of femininity and womanhood - the mother, signified by the Moon and the sign of Cancer. Is not our first ever emotional relationship with our mother? And - thinking of when you are a baby, is she not the one who emotionally responds to you (the water quality) and takes the initiative in feeding you, raising you, and teaching you (that 'initiative' of the Cardinal sign)?

The next strongest planetary influence is of course the Sun, associated with Leo, a fire sign which is fixed and the fifth sign of the zodiac. The sun in your birth chart is the essential you, and where it is in your birth chart indicates your preoccupation in life. For example I am born with the Sun in Cancer on the cusp of Leo, which gives me characteristics of both signs, and this is found on the cusp of my 11th House (that of community) but in the sign (Cancer) associated with my Midheaven and 10th house, that of social position. Many men have a 'stiffie' at a certain time of the day, and this could be linked to the Sun and the position of the Sun in their birth chart and its influence on their daily cycle.

Leo is a vital sign, it is associated with life, the life force which lies in all of us, with children, with paternity, with creativity, and with art. This is not quite the same as Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac which is associated with sexuality, the spiritual world and the power of life over death. The planet which is associated with Scorpio - Pluto - is the furthest away but exerts an equally powerful influence over us as both the Sun and the Moon.

Pluto is power, and the power principle. Think of the sea. The sea is strong enough and powerful enough to kill us, but we can learn to handle that power, to harness it, to make use of it. We can learn to swim in the sea, or we can drown. The sea will always be much stronger than we are, but we can understand the power principle, and learn to exploit that power.

Now Pluto takes some 248 years to travel right through all the signs of the zodiac, and is too far away to influence us personally, but influences all of us in any given generation. This we can see when we examine the course of Pluto over the past fifty or so years, where it can spend around 21 years in any given sign. Pluto affects both those who are born within a generation, and also society as a whole.

Let's take Pluto in Leo, which happened between 1939 and 1956 which brought us the Second World War, but those born when Pluto was in Leo became strongly interested in human rights, in peace, in having a good time, and this gave rise to the hippies, the 'flower power' generation who came of age in the 1960's, people who came together and protested, who thought of 'free love' (a very Leo concept) and who wanted, in the words of John Lennon, to 'give peace a chance'.

From 1956 until 1971 Pluto was in the sign of Virgo, where it is exalted, and there was a preoccupation with work and health. During this period we had the contraceptive pill, cures were found for numerous illnesses and in the United States Medicare was formed. Those born within these years were preoccupied as a generation with the way we worked and our health, with technology, and we have seen in recent years some of the greatest technological advances in the history of mankind, advancements wich have revolutionized the way we work and the way we take care of our health.

So what about drugs in the 1960's, the Beatles singing 'I get high with a little help from my friends.'? This was the influence of Neptune in Scorpio, also during the 1960's where many artists experimented with drugs and creativity, and some died - Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Lenny Bruce, Jim Morrison, and even in mysterious circumstances - Marylin Monroe. Interesting to note that on the same week Neptune entered Sagittarius George Harrison had a hit with the song 'My Sweet Lord' which marked a change of direction in music away from drug culture.

There are as many indications as to why someone is dominant or submissive based on their astrological chart which can come from various planets in various signs in various aspects. For example Hitler had Saturn in Leo squaring both Mars and Venus in Taurus, which indicated cruelty but the Marquis de Sade had a similar aspect. Gandhi on the other hand was driven by the Moon in Leo and a sixth house Neptune in Aries.

However if you are looking for dominant or submissive qualities in a person you often need to be looking at the same planets - Mars, Pluto, the Sun and the Moon, with perhaps Mercury and Saturn. But there are as many positions and aspects as there are dominants and submissives. The only planet I have in Scorpio is Neptune, my 'thinking' planet in my third house, but most of my planets occupy the signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo - where I have Pluto, Uranus, my Ascendant and Moon, and I could perhaps be dominant, but Virgo Moon in my case is afflicted and I just don't have the self-confidence.

There are however as many positions and aspects as there are dominants and submissives.

Just my 0.02

teacherpet -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/27/2008 10:37:22 PM)

  "Many men have a 'stiffie' at a certain time of the day, and this could be linked to the Sun and the position of the Sun in their birth chart and its influence on their daily cycle."  Wow. I don't know where to begin answering that. First, it is nice to see some acknowledgement that the moon has more influence than the planets. In fact, as Carl Sagan once noted, the gravitational pull of the obstretician who delivered you is greater than that of any planet in the solar system. The planets are a lot bigger but a long, long ways away. So gravity can't cause any effects, what about electromagnetism? see here for how likely that is -

What about the precession of the equinoxes, atmospheric refraction, all the new satellites discovered, exploding galaxies, x-ray sources. Don't these have to be factored in to any reading?
Sorry for ranting but this is a major pet peeve of mine. I'll shut up after this.

stella41b -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/27/2008 10:55:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: teacherpet

"Many men have a 'stiffie' at a certain time of the day, and this could be linked to the Sun and the position of the Sun in their birth chart and its influence on their daily cycle." Wow. I don't know where to begin answering that. First, it is nice to see some acknowledgement that the moon has more influence than the planets. In fact, as Carl Sagan once noted, the gravitational pull of the obstretician who delivered you is greater than that of any planet in the solar system. The planets are a lot bigger but a long, long ways away. So gravity can't cause any effects, what about electromagnetism? see here for how likely that is -

What about the precession of the equinoxes, atmospheric refraction, all the new satellites discovered, exploding galaxies, x-ray sources. Don't these have to be factored in to any reading?
Sorry for ranting but this is a major pet peeve of mine. I'll shut up after this.

Yes of course they do, as also we have to factor in influences from within the mind and the relationship between other people, ourselves and the environment. Let's not forget that psychiatry as a branch of science still has to celebrate its centenary.

But what is better, to believe in nothing and be sceptical or to believe in something only as far as our awareness, knowledge and understanding allows? Isn't this what science is all about, a belief in a theory until it is proven conclusively one way or the other?

sillyslaveboy -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/28/2008 12:43:10 AM)

Hey, nice insights stella41b! i learned some new things from your post yet. Through 'understanding of the whole picture' is not quite what is available for me at the moment.

LadyBeckett -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/28/2008 1:19:11 AM)

Scorpio here as well.  The doctor said I was going to be a Halloween baby...I decided to come a couple of days early.  [;)]  My mother claims that she knew I was dominant during the pregnancy. 

LexiTempest -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/28/2008 5:59:34 PM)

Hey hey hey...

I love science AND new age topics... don't knock the whole damn section just because you don't like astrology!

Hmmph. [8|]

Edited to add: If the moon doesn't influence us, how come more babies are born during a full moon? Not to mention the tides, women's cycles, etc etc.

teacherpet -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/28/2008 9:06:15 PM)

[quote]ORIGINAL: LexiTempest
Edited to add: If the moon doesn't influence us, how come more babies are born during a full moon? Not to mention the tides, women's cycles, etc etc.

More babies are not born during a full moon. What is happening is something called Confirmation Bias. Nurses remember the nights when the maternity ward is busy during a full moon (they confirm their belief) and conveniently forget all the nights when there is a full moon and not a lot of babies born.

Many people seem to think that since the moon affects the ocean's tides, it must be so powerful that it affects the human body as well. The lunar force is actually a very weak tidal force. A mother holding her child "will exert 12 million times as much tidal force on her child as the moon" (Kelly et al., 1996: 25). Astronomer George O. Abell claims that a mosquito would exert more gravitational pull on your arm than the moon would

oceanwynds -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/29/2008 2:40:36 PM)

Thank you for the post, stalla
Astrology is very interesting and difficult subject to learn. Sir been trying to teach me, but will take years to get as advanced as he is. You put your information though in a formate that was easier for me to understand, so will study it some what.


DragonLady5 -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/29/2008 4:39:14 PM)

I am not a believer of astrology, but I find it interesting that of the 5 Cancers (including me) that posted, all are Dominant.

slaveboy291 -> RE: Dominant Star Sign(s)? (9/30/2008 7:51:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: DragonLady5

I am not a believer of astrology, but I find it interesting that of the 5 Cancers (including me) that posted, all are Dominant.

In astrology Cancer is one of the 4 Cardinal signs.(the other 3 being Aries, Libra and Capricorn)  Cardinal signs are classified as the boss signs.

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