Master/Slave Contract (Full Version)

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MasterMalice -> Master/Slave Contract (7/9/2004 9:22:01 PM)

I. General

Let it be known, this document is by no means what so ever a document of legal standing and admissible in a court of civil or criminal law. That should either parties listed within this document fail to abide by this agreement that neither may be held accountable by any recognized legal court system and this document hold status as evidence in such, but where an illegal activity has taken place both parties may be held accountable should a violation of personal rights and or well being without consent occur. That we both are consenting adults, recognizing and accepting our needs within a relationship, and with that understanding have willfully consented to the terms and guidelines listed through out this document.

In addition, we also understand and agree that, when two people enter into the alternative lifestyle known as D/s, or a dominant and submissive, master and slave and or top and bottom style relationship, certain limitations and safety protocols should be put into place. This document should list such limitations and safety protocols that have been negotiated and agreed upon, as well as any issues, desires and needs so that there is no confusion as to the nature of the relationship and all that is to take place within it. That all that occurs within the relationship be safe, sane and consensual by and for the parties involved.

II. Roles Defined

Master, A dominant individual whose whole needs, motives and desires are to see to the well being, both mentally, physically and spiritually of his submissive or slave through proper training, guidance and discipline and gaining satisfaction in the provision of such and to provide a proper environment where both parities may grow in all areas of life fulfilling each others needs and desires.

Slave, A submissive individual whose whole needs, motives and desires are to serve, please and obey his or her Master/owner both mentally, physically and spiritually through proper training, guidance and discipline and gaining satisfaction in the reception of such and to maintain a proper environment where both parities may grow in all areas of life fulfilling each others needs and desires.

III. Personal Statement


I, __________________, herein after known as Master, accept _______________, herein after called Slave, as my property and submissive to dominate, control, discipline and guide for the purpose of fulfillment of needs, desires and passions and do so freely with regards to safe, sane and consensual conduct for the term of this agreement including all limits and guidelines set within this writing.


I __________________, herein after known as Slave, accept _____________________ , herein after called Master, as my owner, relinquishing all personal rights and privileges as an individual to the Master and agree to serve and obey under his control and guidance accepting any and all discipline put upon me for the purpose of fulfillment of needs, desires and passions and do so freely with regards to safe, sane and consensual conduct for the term of this agreement including all limits and guidelines set within this writing.

IV. Period of Service

Effective this ___ day of _________________, in the year 200__, the Master and Slave have entered into this agreement fully aware of the nature and circumstances of this agreement and agree to abide by its contents completely. This agreement shall be effective for a period of ninety (90) days from the effective date above at which time both parties shall evaluate their progression and conclude that this agreement is satisfactory and that both parties needs have been met by the other. A five (5) day grace period shall be extended to both parties to consider any potential alternatives at which point at the conclusion of the grace period, should this agreement not be null and voided by either party, becomes permanent for the duration of the Slave's life. Upon continuance after the grace period the Slave shall bear the Master's mark and shall be his possession to use as he desires. The Master retains the right to discharge the Slave from his service at any time he deems necessary and the Slave may be loaned to another dominant at the Master's discretion. The Slave may request his or her release at any time, but the final decision shall rest upon the Master.

V. Service Provisions

The following provisions have been discussed and agreed upon by both parties and understand that the following represents what will and will not occur within the relationship. In addition, we both understand that certain areas may not be covered within this document and that when the time comes may be added in an amendment to this document and signed in agreement by both parties. The same shall apply to that which is currently listed should the need to renegotiate them exist.

A. Master

The Master agrees and willfully accepts the Slave, as his property to own, control and dominate for his own personal pleasure and fulfillment.

The Master will provide the Slave with all necessary training and guidance in how to properly serve the Master.

The Master may maintain a stable environment in which both may grow mentally and spiritually.

The Master may discipline the Slave as necessary to ensure the Slave continuously understands his or her role with the Master and discourage mischievous and unacceptable behavior.

When disciplining or sessioning, the Master will ensure that the Slave is not permanently marked or injured to the point of needing medical attention, that the discipline or session and the instruments used are proper and safe.

In case of Illness, the Master shall care for his Slave, seeing to his or her health safety encouraging and when necessary ordering medical attention when such cases warrant it.

The Master shall see to his own health and seek medical attention when necessary in order to maintain a risk free environment.

Should the Master loan his Slave to another dominant person, he will ensure that the dominant person is fully aware of all limitations and provided with a copy of this document and required to agree to the terms set within it.

The Master shall not at any time require, request, allow or demand the Slave to participate, whether at the hands of the Master or the hands of another, in scat play, watersports, sexual contact with children, sex with animals (bestiality), any electric play that involves the direct contact of house current <ac voltage> or power produced by automobile, marine or the like batteries in direct contact with the body, asphyxiation play, fire play, any unsafe sexual acts, and or bloodletting (cutting and the like).

The Master shall make the Slave's health a priority over all things and all times.

The Master may session the Slave at will, and may conduct sessions in any place that he deems suitable for such a session.

The Master may bind the Slave at will and for extended periods of time keeping health and safety forefront in said bondage and use the Slave as he deems fit for his on personal pleasure.

The Master may use the Slave's body sexually in any manner he deems fit and pleasurable to him.

The Master may flog, spank, whip and torture the Slave as he sees fit for his on personal pleasure and may do so at his liesure.

The Master will ensure that all tools, toys and equipment are maintained in a clean, hygienic and safe state at all times.

The Master will not perform or allow to be performed, any action which could cause serious injury or loss of Slave's life.

B. Slave

The Slave accepts the Master as his or her owner and gives the Master his or her freedom willingly, relinquishing all rights of personal choice and privileges to the Master, with the understanding that he or she is now the property of the Master and does so in fulfillment of the Slave's needs and desires.

The Slave shall obey the Master at all times without hesitation or reservation and in an expeditious manor.

The Slave shall serve the Master in any way he sees fit and with great desire to please.

The Slave shall ensure that he or she takes any and all steps necessary to maintain their health and shall seek medical attention when ever it is needed, keeping the Master informed at all times of any changes that may occur.

The Slave shall see that her armpits, legs and genitals cleanly shaved each day and that her rectum and vaginal regions are perfumed and ready for use by her Master.

The Slave shall wear his/her collar and rings (if pierced) while in the presence of the Master and any other time the Master deems fit.

The Slave shall wear only the attire allowed by the Master and regardless of attire will ensure that she is accessible to the Master at all times.

The Slave shall not serve any other dominant without being directed to do so by his/her Master.

The Slave shall accept any and all disciplinary actions deemed necessary by the Master and remember his/her place and purpose with the Master at all times.

The Slave will abide by his/her Master's wishes and recognizes that Master has the final word on all that is to take place within the relationship.

The Slave shall not participate in scat play, watersports, sexual contact with children, sex with animals (bestiality), any electric play that involves the direct contact of house current <ac voltage> or power produced by automobile, marine or the like batteries in direct contact with the body, asphyxiation play, fire play, any unsafe sexual acts, and or bloodletting (cutting and the like).

The Slave shall always conduct herself in a respectful manor whether in the presence of the Master or not, recognizing that his or her behavior is a direct reflection of the Master and shall be held accountable for any wrong doings, misdeeds and misbehavior when not in the presence of the Master.

The Slave shall not touch or pleasure his orher self sexually without permission from the Master to do so.

The Slave shall submit to any sexual activity deemed fit and pleasurable by the Master and shall do so eagerly and without hesistation.

The Slave shall submit to whippings, floggings, spankings, caning, paddling and the like at the will of the Master and shall do so without hesitation.

The Slave will wear her chains and bondage proudly and keep the Master informed of any loss in circulation due to the tightness of the binds.

The Slave shall not look the Master directly in the eyes unless told to do so and shall always keep her eyes cast down when in the direct presence and contact with the Master.

The Slave shall always conduct herself in a respectful manor to her Master and shall know him by the name of Master.

The Slave shall not use furniture unless told to do so and shall remain standing unless other wise told to do so by the Master.

The Slave, when not directly serving the Master, shall see to the needs of the residence ensuring all things are as they have been directed to be.

VI. Finances and Employment

Each party understands that prior to engagement of said relationship both have acquired certain personal property and wealth. These items do not become the property of the Master once the relationship has been entered into that they remain the sole responsibility of their owner. Should the Slave desire to relinquish any or all property then he or she may do so and then and only then does it become the responsibility of the Master.

Should the Slave maintain gainful employment outside the home after the relationship has been entered into then all moneys and accumulation between the Master and Slave from that point forward become jointly owned, however the Master maintains all final decisions and shall allow the Slave to discuss matters regarding investments and moneys spent for the benefit of the relationship. Should the relationship dissolve, then all properties and moneys accumulated together shall be divided equally between the Master and Slave. Both parties agree that while at work neither shall do or cause to happen anything that may jeopardize the others employment, understanding that each must maintain bills and together a household.

Should the Slave be a domesticated Slave, then he or she shall not maintain gainful employment outside the home, that their duties shall be maintaining the home ensuring that it is kept proper and clean at all times and that meals are prepared in accordance with the Master's wishes and in doing so fulfills her financial obligations to the home. The Master shall maintain any medical and dental insurance necessary and assume financial responsibility for the Slave. The Master shall also establish a savings fund for the Slave after the initial ninety (90) day period of service and maintain it, contributing to it regularly so that should the relationship dissolve the Slave has a means to sustain herself until she may either find gainful employment or make other arrangements.

VII. Conclusion

We the undersigned have read and understood fully the contents of this document. We have considered, being of sound mind, all consequences and ramifications in regards to it's contents and of the relationship which we have entered. We willfully accept the terms of this agreement and in acknowledging this have done so by our signatures below.

Be Safe & Play Hard


kiki blue -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/13/2004 5:15:09 AM)

That could be a good starting point, but contracts (if you go for them) definitely aren't a one size fits all kinda deal.

Each relationship is different, and have different priorities. I do think discussing expecations, boundaries, desires, wants and needs before hand are very important.

I've written up a contract/outline thingie doobie that I plan on sharing in the next relationship I go into. (eyes wide open for that one!)

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/13/2004 1:20:03 PM)

My, oh my...contracts!

As I have said many times before, I have a paperwork fetish. I love the checklists, the forms, and (most particularly) the contracts. (I know that some people find my style to be too dry and formal, feeling I lose all of the sponteneity by putting every thing on paper. I find that once everything is on paper, I am free to creatively explore every aspect of the agreement, without overly-worrying that I am going to unintentionally cross some line.)

Of course, I have some very specific ideas about contracts. To me, a contract could never be "for life." People grow and change and that would have to be reflected in the structure of the contract. What is a Hard Limit today might very well be a Must Have in a year. Because of that, I would never sign a contract that had longer than a 12 month duration, and that would only happen after a series of 12 hour, 24 hour, weekend, week, month, 3 month, and 6 month contracts. At the end of each contract, a new contract would be negotiated, limits evaluated, goals discussed.

I would never sign a contract for less than 12 hours. My style of play is much less scene based and much more flow based. I need at least 12 hours to establish a feeling of ownership. I need to have time for training, correction, play, rituals and some down time to eat, rest and recover. Any less than 12 hours feels rushed.

Contracts are used to establish a structure in which both Master/owner and slave can feel comfortable. The contracts can be looked back upon to see the progress both the Master and slave have made.

Here are two contracts that have been fully negotiated for a meeting in August. The first is much more of a contract of meeting, as opposed to a Master/slave contract. It covers the entire weekend, and is rather generic. The second is a Master/slave contract with a 12 hour enslavement period.

I have also negotiated long term training contracts. These, unlike the Master/slave contracts, have no time duration and instead are based on reaching some objective goal. I have entered into a weight loss training contract before and I am now considering negotiating a serious corset training contract. If anyone is interested in seeing a training contract, let me know.

I could go on forever, but I doubt it would be of interest to many, so I will end it here.


MasterMalice -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 1:43:22 PM)

I agree whole heartly with the responces here. This contract was draw up to cover all basis on how I feel. I Just thought I would share it with everyone.

One thing everyone must understand First is what is a slave. A slave to you may have another meaning, My slave's are just what the word describes, slaves to me. I hold the key I am their Master and my rules are underlined in the contract.

A slave as far as I see it has 2 choices. (1) Is to accept the contract and with that is a collar (2) To make a decision to be released from his/her contract.

Yes tomorrow is another day and things change. In my contract I mention sharing with others.. I as their Master would never share what belongs to me.. call me

I myself cant hold a 12hr or 3 month contract on someone for the reason that they live with me.

As their Master I will make changes as I see fit.

I don't want anyone here to get the wrong idea. This is who I am and this is what my slaves want.. By this I am makingt them happy and myself.

Until next time, Be Safe & Play Hard

topcat -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 4:37:14 PM)

M. Taggard-

Wow- I thought my contracts covered alot- you just smoked me.

Regarding the 'weekend visit' version, I have a suggestion I'd like to offer. Instead of silk scarfs, consider some inexpensive neoprene and velcro cuffs. Silk, or similar materials, can sometimes take a really good knot, and can be tough to get off, and due to the fact it's tied, are difficult to get that just right snug-but-not-tight fit. The little neoprene or nylon vercro cuffs are easily fond, work well, and are inexpensive (which is _not_ to say that I don't think B. would be worth ruining a Hermes or two over, but coming up with four large enough would be difficult).

BTW- your link prompted me for a password- I just closed the box, and the window opened anyway.

Stay warm,

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 5:28:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: topcat
Silk, or similar materials, can sometimes take a really good knot, and can be tough to get off, and due to the fact it's tied, are difficult to get that just right snug-but-not-tight fit.

Thank you so much Lawrence. This is precisely what I told Berlin.

The negotiation went something like this.

(Day One - Talking about the contract)

B: I don't want you to put any BDSM toys in the weekend contract.
T: Ok, but they will be in the 12 hour contract.
B: Fine

(Day Two - first draft sent)
T: The contract now says that there will be no toys.
B: Define toys
T: Everything listed in the Toys and Implements in the 12 hour contract
B: (voice wavering, not sure if she wants to give up all the toys until Sunday) well, maybe we could have some vanilla toys. I have some silk scarves.
T: Silk scarves bind, I won't use them for bondage, but I will use them to blindfold you.

I sill think there might be a bit more negotiation, as MzBerlin has been reading Screw the Roses and coming up with some ideas of her own...

Thank you again for the reminder!


TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 5:38:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterMalice
I don't want anyone here to get the wrong idea. This is who I am and this is what my slaves want.. By this I am makingt them happy and myself.

I hope you didn't take my post as critical. I was just pointing out the differences in our styles. I get a kick out of contracts and the discussion thereof. Everyone has their own style, and if it works, great!

(To be quite honest, the real reason I like short term contracts is because I get to write another one when they expire. I really do have a paperwork fetish.)


MasterMalice -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 7:51:54 PM)

One reason I come online is to share what knowledge I have in our lifestyle with others and to gain from others.

I never take anything said on here to heart. We all have our ways of enjoying our fetishes.


Leonidas -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 8:19:26 PM)


Thank you for a fine post. It is generous of you to share with the community.

In the community that I come from, we do not contract with our slaves (we hold that a slave has no standing to contract in the first place). We do not accept a slave with conditions. A slave submits unconditionally, or not at all. Because of that, there is a big premium put on the slave getting to know to whom they are submitting in advance. Some slaves still rush in anyway, but they are at least forewarned that once submitted, they are their master's slave to do with as he pleases. Of course, even in our community, a slave can opt out of slavery about as fast as they can say "no, I won't".

I think that in the BDSM community in general, contracts are a very good idea. There is such a wide variety of "kinks" and fetishes that it would be tough, in such an inclusive, non-judgmental setting, to know in advance whether what floats party A's boat is the same as what floats party B's boat, and it's good to spell that out while heads are still cool, rather than finding out in the heat of the moment that he or she wants you to wear a diaper and call them mummie or da-da, when that really isn't your idea of a good time.

Again, Malice, excellent, generous spirited post. Thanks again.

Take care of yourself


MzBerlin -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 9:53:48 PM)

Hello, everyone!!
Since my name was brought up, I figure I'd better throw my two cents in. I like contracts. While I find M.Malices' contract a bit too general, I enjoy them in general. As for the contracts written for me (Thankyou so much, TallDarkandWitty [sm=kiss.gif]), I feel they are in place for my protection, as well as Taggards'. We're meeting in a highly unconventional manner and each have high regard for the written word. These documents took a bit of time and a lot of communication. I think that communication is the key when negotiating any sort of contract, whether it be day, month, year, lifetime. There are so many things to consider in regards to each person, situation and relationship. The boundaries have to be clear. Although the Weekend Contract may be a bit generic (as someone posted above, I think) it sets the tone for the Time Contract. I think that when you're dealing with extremes, it's best to be an extremist. I guess my point (and I hope I have one) is that IMNSHO- Contracts are a good thing. They tell people what the boundaries are and have those boundaries defined clearly. It sets the tone for the meeting, no matter what the sort, and ensures that everyone knows what is expected. They make me feel safe, and as a "submissive female" that is, or at least should be, the number one priority. They are black and white insurance based on trust and respect.
OK- Back to Pogo I go.
As Always

MzBerlin -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 10:02:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: topcat

(which is _not_ to say that I don't think B. would be worth ruining a Hermes or two over, but coming up with four large enough would be difficult).

Topcat- I would just like to point out that I am more than willing to ruin four Hermes scarves if for nothing but sheer decadence, and if anyone is willing to donate, please mail me....
As Always-

PS- Thankyou for your advice.

baileythorne -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/14/2004 11:59:39 PM)


I am more than willing to ruin four Hermes scarves if for nothing but sheer decadence

When Topcat & I finished our first scene, a woman sitting near me said something like "I'd hate to see your lingere bill..." because he'd cut all my clothes off with a knife.

One response: "Goodwill". You might not find Hermes there, but you can find silk and feel no guilt about leaving it in shreds :-) I have a nice little collection of scraps at this point from similar "foreplay". Nice memories.

As far as contracts:
I had a past partner who got into a "letter of the law vs spirit of the law" argument with me and that soured me on contracts once and for all. I either trust you and jump in with both feet, or I don't. I will spend time getting to know someone well enough to make that decision, but once made, I don't look back. With Lawrence, it was 6 weeks of email & 20 hours on the phone. Also, I set my trip up as a business trip for work so I had my own place to stay and a reason to be in NY if he had misrepresented himself. My boss was amused... I got lots of work done & had a great time :-)

I wish the same for you too!


LadyAngelika -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/15/2004 4:25:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty
To be quite honest, the real reason I like short term contracts is because I get to write another one when they expire. I really do have a paperwork fetish.

When I finally have my empire, will you be my administrative assistant ;)

- LA

MzBerlin -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/15/2004 12:02:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty
To be quite honest, the real reason I like short term contracts is because I get to write another one when they expire. I really do have a paperwork fetish.

When I finally have my empire, will you be my administrative assistant ;)

- LA

L.Angel, TDW-
Can I be the Administrative Secretarys' Secretary?
**Never hurts to ask. Write my email box for a copy of my resume'. **
As Always-

LadyAngelika -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/15/2004 5:30:54 PM)




ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty
To be quite honest, the real reason I like short term contracts is because I get to write another one when they expire. I really do have a paperwork fetish.

When I finally have my empire, will you be my administrative assistant ;)

- LA

L.Angel, TDW-
Can I be the Administrative Secretarys' Secretary?
**Never hurts to ask. Write my email box for a copy of my resume'. **
As Always-

But of course my pretty pretty... WEG
- LA

MzBerlin -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/16/2004 7:19:59 PM)

Hey, Everyone. I was just re-reading this thread and job hunting aside, I imagine that others write/verbalize contracts too. Whether formal or informal, I'm just curious...
Tell me all about it.... *feeling like Maury*
As Always

topcat -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/16/2004 8:04:25 PM)

Midear Berlin-

I use a 'contract' (I actually like the word 'covent' better) in a relationship that I feel needs some formal recognition- Usually about the time I make a girls 'official' collar.

I use the following as the basic framework, adding particuallars to suit the SIQ, and some of the SIQ's have added some (when it gets over five or so pages I think it's getting a bit long...)I don't know how long a post can go, so I am going to try to cut and past the whole damn thing here:

My Covenant


Please be my slave? Be my toy, my lover, and my treasure? Be mine, as I will be yours? Allow me to master you, to learn the all the secrets of you. Accept my dominance, give me your submission, and accept this covenant to give us a language to write our story with. Accept my dominance, not as chattel, but as my partner. Submit to me, not of out weakness, but from strength. I will take responsibility for your well being and happiness, and work to help us both be the best we can.

It is not, and never will be my goal to make less of you, or to break you, or tame you, or to ever make you into anything other than what you are and wish to be. I do not seek to humble you, or to put you down, but rather, I want to see you proud, and happy and utterly sure that I am every bit yours as you are mine.

Please be my slave?

As my slave, there are areas in which I need you to hold all responsibility for decision-making. These include but are not limited to, your family, your career, and your finances. Of course, I will fully support you in any course you chose in these areas, but they are yours to deal with. We are partners, and in working together, we will make more of our lives and ourselves than we could alone. I will always work to be the best master I can for you, and I need your help in doing that. Always let me know what you need, and I will do the same.

Outside of the above, I expect you to submit to my desires with good faith, with good will, and good humor. In the event that you feel I am asking too much, or being unreasonable, I expect it to be brought to my attention in plain language, and I promise to consider any issue you may raise.

I give the following as standing orders-

Protect the Property.
You are mine- my property, my plaything, my slave. Take care of yourself when I am not there to take care of you. That includes, but is not limited to, eating right, sleeping enough, and being careful when driving. This includes protecting yourself from me, if you feel it is needed. It also means not sharing our lifestyle with people who will not understand it for the equal, caring relationship it is. You are the final judge of what is best for you. That is your job. Mine is to take care of my health, you, and myself.

Trust me never to do anything that will damage you, in body, mind, or spirit. Trust me always to want to do the best thing for you, and to be the best I can for you. Trust in me to trust in you. Trust me to speak from my heart and try to think before I speak. Trust me to remember that I care for you, even if I am upset. Trust me when I say that I would rather be hurt by the truth than made foolish with a lie. Trust me with your honesty, and trust mine with you.

Obey me even when you don’t understand what I am getting at. I will always explain why later, if you still do not understand. I will always treat you with respect and courtesy, and I want you to remember that in leading I am serving us as much as you do in following. We are a partnership of equals, and letting me lead does not make you less of a partner.

I expect the above to be acceptable, and I do believe that you know that you are safe in trusting me with it. I would like us to be able to enjoy this aspect of our romance all the time and everywhere we go, so in addition to the above, I offer a protocol that that we may work with.

You are mine- my slave, my girl, my toy- anything that I want you to be. Never ever, think that anything is said to hurt or belittle you. You may call me Master or Sir, or Lawrence, or big jerk, when it is called for. You may refer to me in lifestyle situations as 'my master' not as Master. My name is not Master, it is my relationship to you, and not only that of master and slave, but as the one who has mastered you, and continues to do so.

My Collar.
Your life is mine. To put my hand to your throat, to hold your life in my grip, is my privilege, and the strongest symbol of our bond that I know. If I could keep my hand at your throat every second of every day, I would. As, sadly, this would be impractical; in the place of my hand I will give you collars to wear at your throat, to remind you of my hand. You will wear these at all times practical, and I expect you to wear it proudly and eagerly. When you wear one, it should be the only thing that you wear at your throat. If there is something you would like me to wear for you, I will.

Your body is mine. I will use it as I please. I will take you anytime I please, anywhere I please, in any fashion I please. When you masturbate you will tell me that you have done so. I expect you to tell me how best to pleasure you.

I reserve the right to take you while you are sleeping. You may sleep through it if you like. Each night, before we sleep, I will ask to be sure that you feel safe, happy, and loved, so I will know that my work for the day is done, and I may sleep. Which ever of us wakes first will bring the other coffee if possible.

You will, whenever possible, walk at my left side or a step in front of me, so I can watch out for you, which is my job, and watch you walk, which is my pleasure. You will wait for me to open a door for you, and allow me to pass through it before you. At parties, and in general social situations, you will stay within arm's length of me, and to ask permission otherwise. I will, whenever possible keep a hand on you, and expect to feel you touch me as frequently as possible. When we disagree about something, we will do it privately. I will be attentive to you, and your needs, and we will be the couple that everyone else wants to be.

Dining out.
I will sit where I can see both you and the door, you will sit by my side, to my left, or where I indicate, whenever possible. I will order for you (your input will be appreciated). I will always wait for you to begin eating before I do, but you will wait for my nod before beginning. If I offer you food from my hand or fork, you will take it without lifting your hands.

You will call me for any reason, at any time you wish. My phone is at your disposal. You are not to decide that something is not worth bothering about, or that it is too late. If you need to call me, for any reason, at any time, do so. I expect you to make an effort to be as available for my calls as I am for yours.

You will apprise me of your limits, and I will respect them. I reserve the right to push them when I see fit.

SAFEWORDS- If you say "enough", you are vetoing my dominance over you, until such time as you say "Please". I will stop what I am doing and take whatever actions are indicated, i.e., untying you, holding you close, comforting you or what ever you seem to need. If you feel I am overstepping the bounds of your submission to me in a day-to-day situation, "enough" will signal a time out. "Are you my girl?" answered in the affirmative, will signal 'time in'. You are required to time out by saying 'enough' anytime that the D/s aspect jeopardizes yourself or our relationship. I may from time to time, also time out to discuss or do something I consider to be outside of the realm of the dynamic.

As much as it is my job to care for you, I expect you to make it your job to please me, and to work at it proactively. I offer this to you, not to impose my demands on you, but to give us both ways to be better together. Anytime that I do or say something that doesn't make you feel as special and cherished as you are, you are required to bring it to my immediate attention. Please?


SherriA -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/16/2004 8:18:33 PM)

Bloody hell Lawrence.

I don't "do" d/s, but damned if reading that didn't make me wanna rethink it (only for a moment, not to worry, I'm still a bitchy old sadomasochist at the core).

Good work man!

topcat -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/16/2004 8:21:54 PM)

Midear Sherri-

Thanks- and that's the less poetic/romantic basic version <g>.

Stay warm,

proudsub -> RE: Master/Slave Contract (7/16/2004 8:26:06 PM)

Excellent covenant Lawrence, IMHO.

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