RE: Your Fantasies (Full Version)

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GreedyTop -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 7:46:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr

Bondage... blood, vampirism... rough, almost animalistic sex.. (damn, getting too exited for work :P)

Skip the bondage, and this works for me.  Also breath play ... knives. long hair...


GreedyTop -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 7:47:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

*knock knock knock*-  

i was in the area and had to come see you.

to see how your doing, and suck my dick.

i like your hair, suck my dick. 

nice place you have- suck my dick,  

wow- that feels reel good.

are you ok- with thes?

i mean me dropping in and us doing this. suck my dick.

i thought we would talk   suck my dick. 

wow- you have nt lost your touch.

wow- im late- seee you next time. *door closes*

Oh.. you know my ex, then....

GreedyTop -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 7:48:29 PM)





~my 2 cents..

My ultimate fantasy... Being taken in a glass evevator [:D]

It is awesome.. however your ass makes a really loud sound on the glass as it slides down it... LOL Squeeeeeeeeee.... tends to draw attention....

*whistles and walks back out*


Ahhh the memories... *grin*

Gwynvyd -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 7:54:31 PM)



Some of us like supermarket romance, ya know?
I've read the Anita Blake series, well most of it. But I found they got old quick. Okay, he's a vampire. Big deal. I still want a well written realistic relationship if I'm going to read it.

Gasps! sacrilege!!!!

I love her stuff.. it isnt wank material for me.. but I do love the vamps and weres stuff...

Give me a big dark broody supernatural loverboy (or 5)any day. Except for Richard... he is just a prick.

I honeslty like the idea of someone with a spiritual bond, who is supernaturaly strong.. handsome.. and can snap trees like twigs. If he can shape shift.. all the better...

Slap him in a pair of leather pants, some nifty boots, a dashing shirt.. and astride a horse. Maybe it is the Scadian girl in me.. but I love a man in costume on horseback who can kick as much booty as I can. I am soooo *not* the damsel in distress. More like the precotious Lady who wants everything her way.

He doesnt have to be some dashing hero type *yawns* Boring! but he has to be good at heart.

Elizabeth Lowell had a book with my perfect man in it once.. the Girls name was Meg.. and his name was Dominic Le Sabre ( yeah 15 years later I still remember that) He "tamed" her in the most intriguing of ways and it has stuck with me since. *le sighs*


Gwynvyd -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 7:56:13 PM)




ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr

Bondage... blood, vampirism... rough, almost animalistic sex.. (damn, getting too exited for work :P)

Skip the bondage, and this works for me.  Also breath play ... knives. long hair...


get out of my head get out of my head...



GreedyTop -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 7:57:23 PM)





Some of us like supermarket romance, ya know?
I've read the Anita Blake series, well most of it. But I found they got old quick. Okay, he's a vampire. Big deal. I still want a well written realistic relationship if I'm going to read it.

Gasps! sacrilege!!!!

I love her stuff.. it isnt wank material for me.. but I do love the vamps and weres stuff...

Give me a big dark broody supernatural loverboy (or 5)any day. Except for Richard... he is just a prick.

I honeslty like the idea of someone with a spiritual bond, who is supernaturaly strong.. handsome.. and can snap trees like twigs. If he can shape shift.. all the better...

Slap him in a pair of leather pants, some nifty boots, a dashing shirt.. and astride a horse. Maybe it is the Scadian girl in me.. but I love a man in costume on horseback who can kick as much booty as I can. I am soooo *not* the damsel in distress. More like the precotious Lady who wants everything her way.

He doesnt have to be some dashing hero type *yawns* Boring! but he has to be good at heart.

Elizabeth Lowell had a book with my perfect man in it once.. the Girls name was Meg.. and his name was Dominic Le Sabre ( yeah 15 years later I still remember that) He "tamed" her in the most intriguing of ways and it has stuck with me since. *le sighs*


I like you more and more :D

GreedyTop -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 7:59:01 PM)

I like it in your head, Gwyn... it's dark and coay :) 

Gwynvyd -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 8:03:01 PM)

I am telling ya.. you are like my shorter.. much more wee sis. Isnt it grand? *smiles*

Girlie once I kick this plague I have we have soooo gotta go out to lunch or something.

I think it is awesome we live so close.


/end hijack

Gwynvyd -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 8:06:40 PM)



I like it in your head, Gwyn... it's dark and coay :) 

Honey it is such a bad neighborhood in there *I* shouldnt go in alone...



GreedyTop -> RE: Your Fantasies (1/29/2008 8:09:45 PM)

Lunch would be great (assuming I can shake THIS plague..LOL)  And I doubt your head is any darker or scarier than mine..LOL 

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