RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (Full Version)

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catize -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 8:26:05 AM)

Unfortunately people often make mistakes or stupid decisions resulting in injury or death.  They drive drunk, they climb ladders that are resting against electrical lines.  A number of years ago a local man burned to death because he was lighting his farts with matches ( I am not making this up!!) 

bipolarber -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 8:40:59 AM)

Putting a TENS unit current across the heart would still be a no-no.

BDSAMM -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 9:47:44 AM)

Keep in mind that even one of the electrical play tens units applied from nipple to nipple could affect the heartbeat.  It is most dangerous if the bottom has some heart irregularity (maybe undiagnosed).  When applied across a single nipple it is relatively safe, although the real safe way is no electricity above the waist.  Also, all electrical play should take place at a location where emergency help can be summoned quickly with a call to 911.  (Not out in the woods or a mountian cabin.)  Better to be embarassed than dead.

Hotch -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 12:52:41 PM)

Another canidate for the Darwin awards and more proof that you can't cure stupid.

Lucylastic -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 1:03:34 PM)

welllllllll he could have tested it on he doesnt do that again
damn there are some twits around

shysub0951 -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 1:05:07 PM)

No wonder i stay away from electro play. There are really safe ways to do this, but when it gets out of control who knows what may happen, including this woman.

Aswad -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 1:40:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: AbsitInvidia

I can't believe he's ever done that before, since the nipples generally provide a path directly through or near the heart, and a powerstrip would so oversupply the current as to pretty much nail closed the coffin.

Not really. It's not something I'd do, but the way the M.D. explained it to me, the current is so high that it stops the heart for a while, but needn't always induce arrythmia or fibrillation. Actually, at a party, when someone went into cardiac arrest, a crafty cardiologist, who was at the same party, successfully improvised a defibrillator with a lamp cord with a switch on it. Granted, there's a fucking huge difference between a trained cardiologist performing a last-ditch effort at preserving the life of someone that has gone into fibrillation already, and some clueless twat that tries to use it as a form of sexual play. Also, additionally covering her mouth with tape tells me he probably does not have the requisite intelligence to live among the general public.

Again, if you know exactly how to do electroplay in that area, or have a unit that is designed for it (medical grade current limiting, etc.), it's entirely possible to do similar things in a manner that some might deem an acceptable risk. But I would advice anyone who insists on trying it to acquire a cardiac compression unit (a thing you strap around the chest which will compress the entire cavity without breaking the ribs, but hard enough to ensure sufficient circulation; it requires very little training to use, and is superior to a defibrillator for most uses- the air ambulance doctors use it around here) and a manual ventilator.

Either way, though, there doesn't seem to be anything RACK about what he did, let alone SSC.

As for her; nominee for the Darwin Awards?


Aswad -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 2:10:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: petdave

Ahh, but in the U.S., you're supposed to have a prescription for those.

Even getting a hobbyist to make a DIY TENS unit is better than doing 110Vac 60Hz (US) or 240Vac 50Hz (EU). Caution, kids, don't do this at home, and I'm not accepting your Darwin Award on your behalf if you do this; it's offered only because it may reduce the risk of dying for someone who insists on playing in such a way, if they treat it with the same respect (and the same precautions) as they would (hopefully) have done with wall power. I would seriously suggest learning how to build a better one, rather than trying this extremely simplistic design, but here goes:

Use a battery inverter to deliver the power (Important!). Add a small, short-circuit-proof transformer. Connect the secondary to the AC pins of a bridge rectifier. Connect the plus and minus pins to the matching poles of a small electrolytic capacitor (e.g. 4.7µF) that can withstand at least twice the rated voltage of the secondaries. Between the plus pole and the plus output, connect a constant current diode that is rated for 15mA or less. The minus pole is connected directly to the minus output. Connect a 56Vdc across the output.

Voila. If you've connected something wrong, there will be a loud bang and flying shards of glass, ceramic or corrosive fluids. If you've done it right, there will be an electic potential across the output that should deliver pulses of no more than 15mA. In theory, that is. I'm not stupid enough to use it, so I couldn't attest to its effect. Again, I'm positively not suggesting anyone connect this to any living being; it's absolutely better to quarrel with various doctors until you manage to convince one of them to write a scrip for a TENS unit.

Around here, they're available at the supermarket, like they should be.


Aswad -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 2:12:28 PM)



Another canidate for the Darwin awards and more proof that you can't cure stupid.

Actually, proof to the contrary.
He cured a woman of terminal stupidity.
One out of two isn't really half bad, now, is it?


cyberdude611 -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 2:12:46 PM)

Its amazing how few people who engage in this activity have no understanding of electricity or how it works.

Electricity even in small amounts can kill. If this is an activity you participate in, please educate yourself on how electricity works and how it becomes lethal. There are many, many websites out there that can give you this information.

Vendaval -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 3:20:20 PM)

You mean a TENS unit is readily available at hardware stores and the like?





Around here, they're available at the supermarket, like they should be.


swtnsparkling -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 4:26:21 PM)

Poor guy?  why, for being stupid?

Aswad -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 8:56:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Vendaval

You mean a TENS unit is readily available at hardware stores and the like?

Well, no, but most supermarkets I've been to have had at least one store that carries them.


tomf22033 -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/26/2008 9:23:00 PM)

One thought came up while reading this thread. Those that do electric play should seriously considering taking a CPR class. Preferably an advanced CPR class as the chance of stopping someones heart goes up when playing with electric.

Come to think of it. Basic first aid and CPR are good things for everyone to know. And in the lifestyle we do run higher risks, so being prepared for an emergency is a good thing.

ItalianSMistress -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/27/2008 12:16:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: bipolarber

Putting a TENS unit current across the heart would still be a no-no.

That is why I added, as long as you are not a moron, LOL

warmdomination12 -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/27/2008 7:21:04 PM)

Regardless of how safe it can be.....this is the exact reason I refuse to use any type of electrical play. You just never know how a persons body will react to electrical stimulation.

Of course that sounds like it was anything but safe.

MissSCD -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/27/2008 8:19:25 PM)

This is why we have to be safe.   I have not heard of this type play.  Nipple play for me is nipple clamps and ice cubes with pepermint oil.  This was downright stupid.   They will get him on this for manslaughter.
Regards, MissSCD

wideeyedgirl -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/28/2008 7:13:50 AM)

Fast reply -
This happened in my town ..about 10 minutes from the area I run EMS calls. So i started hearing stories brewing and didnt get confirmation til reading smoking gun and then hearing the typical "my friend who was on the call said..."
Apparently..this type of activity has been going on for 2 years with the couple. so..thats consensual in my book. The wife had to know what she was walking into when they tried it this last time. Abeit it was stupid.  Know ytour DC vs AC charges folks!

I feel more bad for this guy. He just lost his wife, partner, whatever dynamic else they had. and yet..he will likely serve time because in the little podunk town of lower-windsor/canadolcy...they dont have this type of thing happening.
(is it bad that..Taylor looks familiar to me? )

My concern was more that he lied, took the time to redress her prior to PD, FD and EMS gettig there. Emergency responders would not have treated the pt (his wife) any differently had they known the full story - but one never knows...

bbwsubnnorcal -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/28/2008 10:51:10 PM)

In total agreement....
No offense to the deceased.... but i hear a Darwin Award in this one...
She, herself, should have used her God given brains and realized the danger... "Sure, darling, you can plug me into a walk socket! I trust you."
Research, research, research!!! If you want to DIY great! More power to you (but not straight power from the wall socket). Learn how things work and WHY things work the way they do... it might just save your life. 

Lashra -> RE: SHOCKING! Death by Nipple Clip! (1/29/2008 12:14:01 PM)

This was a needless death, if he had the experience/education he claimed that he did it would not have happened. Well hopefully that experience will help him in prison when he is Bubba's bitch and having his bits tortured in various ways.


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