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AAkasha -> Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:07:46 PM)

So the movie "Untraceable" was released this weekend, the latest "torture porn" flick.  I saw a preview for it and read a little bit about it, and being the wuss that I am, I know I won't be seing this movie.  Just like I did not see any of the "Saw" movies or "Hostel" movies, or pretty much any slasher film.  I did used to watch "horror" movies in my teenage years, when they were less realistic and more campy, and I always enjoyed the token bondage scene or hero in peril.  But the new stuff is just too gory and too realistic for me, and I find it impossible to eroticize.

I can't quite get my head around that, though. I enjoy seeing men in bondage, as long as I find something interesting/attractive about the man.  Generally, I can objectively see a man in bondage (when it's make believe) and remove the realism enough to at the very least eroticize the fact that "he" (the actor) voluntarily subjected himself to uncomfortable (well, at least I hope it was, that's the sadist in me) bondage for the purpose of acting, and that's kind of erotic to me.  But with more realistic films, and more gore, I can't get to that place at all, and instead, just get queasy and/or feel I might end up having nightmares (yeah, I'm a baby that way). 

Science fiction or "action" depictions of bondage, torture, or even executions can really push all the right buttons for me and turn me on; but the moment it crosses over into realism of any kind, I get more squeamish about it.  Talk about conflicted; I remember clearly that the "straitjacket" scene(s) in Lethal Weapon 2 (I believe) were routintely amusing and arousing to me, but the "electro torture" in Lethal Weapon 1 was too graphic and realistic for me to get my head around - and I'm usually a real sucker for men who are WET when they are bound and helpless.  So, there's a difference even in the same series with the same characters -- go figure.

So, what does everyone think about "torture porn"?  Does it push any buttons for you?  Even on some odd, obscure level?


CuriousLord -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:12:01 PM)

Doesn't really do anything for me, nor do horrors and "thrillers".

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:14:11 PM)

hmm i dont remember any sex scenes in saw series...  hostel..yes definately...specially in #2  saw is mostly gory...lots of blood.  but saw is interesting because every movie has something new with how its done and the equipment that jigsaw makes is genious.

CuriousLord -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:16:32 PM)

I think she means "torture porn" as in "movies that satisfy one's lust to see someone tortured", or something along those lines; not necessarily sexually.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:19:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

I think she means "torture porn" as in "movies that satisfy one's lust to see someone tortured", or something along those lines; not necessarily sexually.

ok...theres a scene in i think it was called the hitcher where the guy was chained to two vehicles...that was ...interesting...  i am a horror freak.. i love this stuff.  it doesnt turn me on... but i find it fascinating because of the writers who can think of these things.   i just watched the new halloween the other was very spectacular scenes...but story is good.

AAkasha -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:22:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

I think she means "torture porn" as in "movies that satisfy one's lust to see someone tortured", or something along those lines; not necessarily sexually.

I didn't coin the phrase "torture porn," it's pretty much a recognized genre now:


PhillyDominant -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:23:05 PM)

Torture porn works for me. I haven't seen the Saw movies, but I saw Hostel 2 and Captivity. I just get off on pretty girls being tortured. The more realistic, the better, though I do not in any way advocate real, nonconsensual torture. I just like my fantasies to be believable. If a story is badly written, or a movie very badly produced, it detracts from the fantasy for me.

christine1 -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:28:03 PM)

torture porn is a big turn off....people doing terrible, unthinkable things to another human being is disturbing to me.  i know we all have our different levels of what we consider torture, mine are anything really drastic or painful or maiming. 

some might think my desires and kinks are torturous and scary and others might think they are nothing.  we all have our desires and needs...mine just don't go to the gory, realistic extremes, even if they are just movies or stories...i just can't wrap my mind around it.

Bound2One -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:28:04 PM)

Count me in as a 'baby' too.  Horror films scare the crap outta me and I have nightmares - if I'm able to get to sleep, that is.  I don't even do well in suspense movies when they're trying to make you jump every fifteen minutes.  I can see the scene being setup.  I know something is going to jump out at the poor heroine.  And yet I still screech and my heart beats faster.  I'm a wimp!    

Cuffkinks -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:33:18 PM)

   I really enjoyed the "Saw" movies. The appeal to me was that the victims actually were made to participate in their own fate. I've always been intriguied by the psychological element of "predicament" play, where for example, pleasure is dependant on pain. I find the contrast very interesting. It can create an interesting mind space. My little girl once referred to the moment she realizes she is in such a predicament as the "Oh shit" moment. I still chuckle to Myself when I think of that.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:35:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cuffkinks

  I really enjoyed the "Saw" movies. The appeal to me was that the victims actually were made to participate in their own fate. I've always been intriguied by the psychological element of "predicament" play, where for example, pleasure is dependant on pain. I find the contrast very interesting. It can create an interesting mind space. My little girl once referred to the moment she realizes she is in such a predicament as the "Oh shit" moment. I still chuckle to Myself when I think of that.

yes exactly..the genious behind the stories in this series is why i liked it.  always something new in each film.  4 was the best one so far.  even the unknown actors were good.  you would not guess the ending of #4 either.

Missokyst -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 10:52:08 PM)

I dislike gore.  I cannot eroticize bloody scenes of mayhem and torture. 
I stopped watching horror flicks when directors decided that it was easier to show a head being lopped off, rather than taking the time to develop the plot so that when you heard the thud, you KNEW without seeing.
Movies are boring now.  All visual and no character.  Too much random violence and not enough reason to want the characters to triumph.

PrizedPosession -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:13:13 PM)

i'm a baby as well, i couldn't watch the Saws without someone there i have gotten through half of the 2nd one, the needles wiggling -shivers- not cool. But when it gets gruesome it loses it, Wolf Creek was kind of like that but that movie was...gruesome. i personally can't stand them on an erotic level or most even on a serious plot line (not torture porn but Devil's Rejects i felt was pretty perfect).
But torture porn for me.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:20:53 PM)

thats what sets saw apart from most horrors...the storyline is greatly done.
it also keeps you interested thru the whole series.  i didnt find it predictable at all.  the first one had a really low budget and grossed tons.

PrizedPosession -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:24:38 PM)

Completely agree, but it doesn't make the effects less realistic. i love the Saw plotlines and Jigsaws's all about looking at the screen

hisannabelle -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:30:36 PM)

greetings akasha,

personally, occasionally i'll watch something like this because i enjoy being freaked out (i managed to watch parts of hostel, although i was tricked into that). i'd like to see untraceable. hostel was a bit much for me. i don't have a thing for torture porn, though - or even for horror movies. i just occasionally like to see a twisted movie (such as stigmata or the order) or a gory torture movie (like the first 15 minutes of broken - the rest of it kind of sucked). as far as i can recall, he did enjoy hostel, though, and i think he's into torture porn - but we've never watched it together and maybe discussed it one time, so i can't say for sure. we actually left the movie theatre early when we went to see wolf creek together because it started out so we never got to the gory parts to talk about it! lol.


lovewithoutfear -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:36:58 PM)

This is an interesting discussion to me, as Sir and I just this evening were watching some violent porn clips, and cut them short because we both felt distaste, albeit for different reasons.

Missokyst, I'm in agreement with you, in disliking too much random violence.  I also agree with Joss Whedon as Wikipedia quotes him as saying these films are "part of a cycle of violence and misogyny that takes something away from the people who have seen it." 

And Bound2One, I don't think you're a wimp!  Why is it considered "normal" to be accustomed to violence and mayhem and weak to not want to see it?  I think sensitive individuals such as you and I should value and honor this trait in ourselves, not denigrate it.

What's also interesting is that I'm a heavy pain bottom who's into edge play myself.  I get really wet from bottoming for takedown, body punching, face slapping, and breath, knife and needle play.  But I have a hard time watching others bottom for the same things even in consensual situations at my own local club, let alone seeing something on a screen that looks genuinely damaging and/or that I have no way of knowing is consensual. 

PanthersMom -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:42:53 PM)

doesn't do a thing for us.  most porn doesn't do a thing for either of us.  we'd rather be doing than watching.


Exquemelin -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:49:15 PM)

I liked the first two Saws but didn't find anything erotic about them. The first one especially is actually a pretty good movie. It's a very slow burn, to an interesting climax. I thought 3 was terrible and so that killed my interest in 4. I haven't seen any of the others, although I've heard good things about Hostel 1. I certainly don't think torture porn is by it's nature good, or even interesting. Honestly it's always a bit disgusting, but that's something of the appeal when done well. The Saw's at least are about the lengths people are willing to go to surive. The other's I can't say. It's a somewhat played out genre of horror at this point I think.

AAkasha -> RE: Torture Porn (1/26/2008 11:50:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: PhillyDominant

Torture porn works for me. I haven't seen the Saw movies, but I saw Hostel 2 and Captivity. I just get off on pretty girls being tortured. The more realistic, the better, though I do not in any way advocate real, nonconsensual torture. I just like my fantasies to be believable. If a story is badly written, or a movie very badly produced, it detracts from the fantasy for me.

I'm surprised that more people have not responded this way, because I think this is the way I would be, if I just had more of a tolerance for gore, and wasn't such a wuss prone to nightmares.

But even beyond that, I can simply eroticize men in bondage or helpless situations if I see them visually.  A thought that I have really enjoyed pondering is that these actors must on some level get into the mindset of fear and helplessness, combined with the fact they are experiencing actual bondage (I am assuming, of course, the restraints are effective and not just for show).   I'd find it highly interesting to observe just how a movie set operates in this sense, considering the amount of "down time" I am sure exists between lighting and cameras and various issues.  How must an actor stay in that frame of mind or snap back into it so readily?  Ahh, it would be *so* interesting if actors in those situations had the femdom version of a "fluffer"....(grin).  Not sure if anyone gets what I am saying. (heh)


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