RE: Unfair (Full Version)

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junecleaver -> RE: Unfair (9/6/2005 7:38:52 PM)

I'm kind of glad life isn't fair. I deserve to be a lot worse off than I am. lol

Count your unfair blessings too. Like when you get an extra pudding cup in your lunch bag. ;)

lonewolf05 -> RE: Unfair (9/7/2005 6:31:42 AM)

well now if it was all so easy what would be the point?


subcheryl -> RE: Unfair (9/7/2005 7:29:19 AM)

"What doesn't break you, makes you stronger." Have you ever noticed how when it seems you just can't take anymore that if one more thing goes wrong or goes unsolved you are just going to die, and wham! ! ! the storm seems to die down and you are on calm seas,(even for just a day) and you wonder what it was you were fretting about, it is so much harder to be in the eye of the storm or even going into it, but when you reach the other side and you are sailing on quiet seas, you wonder what it was you were fretting about? I have been there, done that, and it seems as if God gives me some length of time to catch my breath before throwing me into another storm and sometimes it seems as if he truns right around and throws me into another, but you know what I am still alive, some of those storms I went thru without any support from family, or friends, but I think they made me more compassionate, more caring, and in an odd sort of way more quiet in spirit also, we all have pity parties from time to time and that is ok, but what isn't, s when you wallow in it for more than a day, after that it is time to take stock in what is going on, if you can't figure it out, go to someone you can talk to and sometimes just by talking,it works itself out, ( just did that this am with an online friend, thank you Mstrpaulspet) you see it in a whole new lite. Yes when you look at other peoples lives it appears that they have such grand and wonderful lives, but do you know how lonely they maybe, what lessons they have learned along the way , what walls they have up so that others don't see the hurt and pain, but yet when alone they cry, even the riches people in the world have their cross' to carry, do people love them for themselves, or their money, who is out after their money who can they really trust, when are they going to have some alone time instead of all those people making demands on them, look at the stars, music and movie, they really have to fight to have any time outside of public eyes, they constantly have to have security around them, they can't hardly go out in public without being reconized so my questonis, What is really fair? The GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHERSIDE, UNTIL YOU GET THERE, AND THAN IT DOESN'T LOOK SO GOOD! ! ! ! !
Sorry for the ramble.

pinkpleasures -> RE: Unfair (9/7/2005 4:42:44 PM)


"What doesn't break you, makes you stronger." Have you ever noticed how when it seems you just can't take anymore that if one more thing goes wrong or goes unsolved you are just going to die, and wham! ! ! the storm seems to die down and you are on calm seas,(even for just a day) and you wonder what it was you were fretting about, it is so much harder to be in the eye of the storm or even going into it, but when you reach the other side and you are sailing on quiet seas, you wonder what it was you were fretting about? I have been there, done that, and it seems as if God gives me some length of time to catch my breath before throwing me into another storm and sometimes it seems as if he truns right around and throws me into another, but you know what I am still alive, some of those storms I went thru without any support from family, or friends, but I think they made me more compassionate, more caring, and in an odd sort of way more quiet in spirit also.


i can add this: the worst-case scenario rarely happens...and what occurs is generally unexpected. i feel God never deserts you, regardless. i know what it is, to walk through the Valley..alone and and with a friend...and shall probably do so amazes me what people can endure, and i know it is with grace..


KatyLied -> RE: Unfair (9/13/2005 4:36:55 AM)

I had a great friend who told me that it's okay to have one five minute pity party every day. He told me to try and limit myself to that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I am smiling much more lately.

fastlane -> RE: Unfair (9/13/2005 4:53:44 AM)

Is life fair? That's a good question and I see the answer's are all over the place. You can read into who sees the glass half full and who sees the glass half empty.

My take is this, "Doesn't matter if life is fair or not, because I don't intend on playing fair anyway."

Tristan -> RE: Unfair (9/13/2005 3:51:23 PM)

Life's an experience. There is nothing fair or unfair about it.

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