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RE: Zoloft withdrawal SUCKS - 2/4/2008 6:17:33 PM   

Posts: 892
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Good for you...
Thanks alot for sharing...

(in reply to Statepalace)
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RE: Zoloft withdrawal SUCKS - 2/4/2008 11:02:48 PM   

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I did the Paxil withdrawal.  At first I tried to quit cold turkey, but the zaps and severe lack of concentration had me back on within 2 days.  After talking to my doctor, I tapered myself off slowly.  I was on 20mg, so I did an alternating 20mg/10mg for 2 weeks, then 10mg for 2 weeks, then 10mg/5mg alternating for 2 weeks, then 5mg for 2 weeks, then 5mg every other day, spaced out a bit more, until I was off completely.  It took over a month, but except for mild zaps the side effects were much more manageable.  I also stopped gaining weight once I started weaning myself off the stuff...

I tried to go without anything for awhile, but then took a St. John's/stress relief formula for awhile.  I hate taking pills for stuff like that, and I noticed that most of my mood swings were cyclical and that taking a calcium supplement helped with that. 

Be careful taking too many vitamins - just because they're "all natural" doesn't make them safe, and you can overdose.

(in reply to ThundersCry)
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RE: Zoloft withdrawal SUCKS - 2/8/2008 9:37:15 PM   

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From: Apple County NY
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ORIGINAL: deliciousmorsel

It doesn't matter how fast or slow you go off these SSRIs. it hurts. They're not the wonder drugs claimed, and the side effects are awful.
SSRIs were actually developed as replacements for Valium et al. but marketing tests showed selling them for depression would be more profitable. So they're so so for anxiety and suck for depression and fifty times more miserable to come off of then Valium or Ativan, which are not all that difficult to ditch. (Xanax is so addictive it's illegal everywhere else. The USA is the only market, and nobody comes off Xanax but the rare case.)
These drugs are all over because a marketing machine exists to push them- but nobody gets told about the hell of getting off. Or how lousy they are to take. They will screw up your brain but good.

I'm not only a fellow sufferer, but I work in the field. I'm procrastinating on proofing a 50,k word paper of some sort of obscure psych drug screw up that turns people into vegetables as we speak, it has to do with SSRIs and how to cook a brain with them... Yep, it happens.
I take MAOIs, much safer despite what you've heard. Dangerous to the drug companies bottom line, but great for people!

Incidentally, that word addictive? It applies to psychological needs. The word for becoming used to a substance physically is "tolerant". Yes, there is a difference.
SSRIs do not cause tolerance. Once you taken them for the half life period of the drug and hit target bloodlevel, you'll get sick coming off. That's about 5 days for most. It's lousy drug, not tolerance.

Valium didn't do shit for my suicidal ideation. Zoloft was a lifesaver, literally. Inside of three days the suicidal ideation vanished. Now the initial dose was too high as it caused nausea and anxiety. I didn't mind the mild nausea but wasn't ready to trade suicidal ideation for severe anxiety. I was reduced to 12.5 mgs for two weeks, then 25 for two, and so on. I felt great when I finally reached 200mg. Lots of energy.  At no point did I have any zombie like attitudes nor any sexual dysfunction. Six months of the 200mg and then the slow taper off.

I'm from before SSRIs, from a time when the only effective treatment was electroshock in dosages so large they caused Swiss Cheese of your short term memory. Having been accepted into an Ivy League college at age 16, my doctor flatly refused my request for electroshock. I suffered on and off until the hormone changes in my late 20s put me into remission, and then perimenopause 15 years later yanked me out of it. At which point a problem that I had suffered with from age 10 until 29 was miraculously lifted from me inside of three days. With the cautious promise that it should never recur.


Slave to laundry

Cynical and proud of it!

(in reply to deliciousmorsel)
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RE: Zoloft withdrawal SUCKS - 2/12/2008 10:31:34 AM   

Posts: 9374
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Fruit, fluids, vitamins.

Taper slowly, unless there's a good reason to go faster.
Consider benzos if it's really, really horrible.
Ask your doctor about crosstapering.



"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind.
From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way.
We do.
" -- Rorschack, Watchmen.

(in reply to Statepalace)
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RE: Zoloft withdrawal SUCKS - 2/15/2008 2:01:10 PM   

Posts: 132
Joined: 1/22/2008
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Been there done that. When i got off Zoloft, plus my 4 other meds, emotions ran high for me and i could easily get more stressed than before. Though everyone is different, i was lucky in that it only lasted a few weeks

(in reply to Statepalace)
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RE: Zoloft withdrawal SUCKS - 2/15/2008 2:22:37 PM   

Posts: 554
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My ex has rapid cycling bipolar disorder. We learned a lot when at this site about coming off and staying off meds using nutritional therapy and other natural treatments. 

The biggest issue is that it cost a lot of money to maintain the supplements (Sam-e, Co-Q10, massive doses of fish oil (EPA)) and other therapies ($250 to $500 a month). In the end we could not afford it and she went back on her meds. It is possible to deal with most mental disorders naturally but the insurance companies won't help out. They would however pay for the $400 a month for traditional meds. That SUCKS.

I hope you are doing well shysub0951. And if anyone out there is looking for a Dom with bipolar and/or depression experience then hit me up.

(in reply to ThundersCry)
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