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Vanilla (OK, Fudge Ripple) - 2/20/2004 2:13:33 PM   

Posts: 1633
Joined: 1/1/2004
Status: offline
I use the first person a lot to make the story more immediate. This is not autobiographical. I invite any and all comments.

Vanilla (OK, Fudge Ripple)

It was the weirdest night i'd have with Mistress.

She put my clothes out for me and told me to get dressed then said, "Vanilla."

i was confused but got dressed as she took groceries out of a bag in the Kitchen. Mistress is a good cook. And she was making dinner.

"I know you'll like blackened swordfish steak and steamed vegetables. Pour some wine, and set the table," she said.

i did as I was told and even felt bold enough to capitalize an "I". She noticed me looking over the video she selected. "So we can neck as we cuddle on the couch," she said.

i noticed it was TITANIC and realized i wasn't dreaming.

"Did you even consider Saving Private Ryan?" i asked.

She knew i was teasing about the chick-flick and asked if i'd had a problem with her choice of movie?

"The movie," i said, "is not nearly as important as the company."

We ate. i keep waiting for it turn kinky. It didn't. She talked about people at work and I said, "Oh," and "really" and such. In short, she prattled and i kept waiting for the first shoe to drop.

After dinner i washed the plates. Normally i'd wash the pots and pans too, but Mistress told me to let them soak and come watch the movie.

i sat next to Mistress on the couch, and waited for her to "remind" me about sitting on her furniture. The warning didn't come. i was wearing my collar and chastity device, so it could get kinky at any minute. Or at least i hoped it would. i decided to push my luck and if i pushed too hard, great.

i picked up the remote as she snuggled next to me. I hit "Play" and was reminded why they are called "chick-flicks". The story of Jack and Rose did nothing for me. i passed the time by kissing mistresses head (it was available on my chest) and once squeezed her butt.

She was entranced by the movie and cried when Jack died. (i thought seeing Leonardo DiCaprio die was the best part of the film.)

When the movie was over she said, "That was beautiful," and kissed me. Her eyes had that "come hither" look like she was begging me to take her.

i obliged and held her close and kissed her passionately. i maneuvered my self on top of her on the couch.

i was slightly relieved when she maneuvered herself on top. She held my hands over my head with one arm. i gave halfhearted resistance (Hey, i didn't want to succeed.) She grabbed one of my D-rings, licked my ear, gently bit my earlobe and whispered, "I'm scoring tonight, dearie."

We necked. She even let me feel her up. When i started to undress her she said, "No, your clothes."

i was naked quick.

Then i moved on to her. When i tried to take of her clothes she stopped me. "You can take me tonight," she said, "but you have to use the strap-on because I don't want you to cum today."

i ran into the playroom and put on the strap-on. When i came back she was standing by the couch. We hugged and kissed as my faux penis stuck between her legs.

i slowly undid her blouse and bra. Then i slowly circled her left breast with my fingertips. Then I gently kissed her nipples.

Then i moved toward her skirt. It came off and she was wearing only her panties. i was pleased to note they were moist at the crotch. My faux penis rubbed her vagina.

i reached down and lowered her panties. They fell to her ankles and she stepped out of them and rubbed her vagina on my faux penis.

i was glad it was a dildo. After a while in the chastity device i would fire by then. Instead of her telling me "that's OK, it can happen to anyone," i got a long passionate kiss. She grabbed a D-ring of my collar and lay down on the couch. I mounted her.

After an orgasm, she maneuvered herself on top and pinned my hands again. Then she reached under a cushion and produced some rope.

i smiled.

She caught that and said, "You were getting worried, weren't you, dearie."

She tied my hands together and the to the D-ring on the left side of my collar. She pinched my nipples as she sat back on my "penis" and slowly moved up and down.

"I can hardly wait until I let you lick the dildo clean," she said as she rode me, "but I'll manage some how."


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.
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