Posts: 264
Joined: 6/6/2004 Status: offline
I spent July 4th weekend with Topcat and I wanted to share a bit of what occurred with this group as it seems to be his 2nd home :-) It all started with I saw his profile there. I pinged him by asking about a mutual friend. He asked to be on my friends list. I insisted on an exchange of 20 questions... He referred me to his profiles and posts on & Then came the phone calls. Over 20 hours of phone calls. When I want something and I feel it's reciprocated, I don't hold back. I talked my boss into sending me to NYC over the holiday weekend on business. I casually mentioned that I would be in NY. He asked if I would have time to meet for coffee. That escalated over the next two weeks to a discussion about safe sex and the potential of playing. If, if, if.... we had great long distance chemistry. We wouldn't know if it translated to the real world until we took the risk of meeting each other. I had a reason to be in NY other than seeing him and a place to stay if it didn't work out. I asked for identifying info and set up a safe call with a friend in Brooklyn. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. We met. We were both so nervous we were shaking. We had dinner. Lawrence was a perfect gentleman and we found we were at ease with each other. I checked his ID. I checked in with my friend in Brooklyn. We continued to make small talk and I saw the clock creeping towards 10pm. I asked him if he'd take me to Paddles (the local dungeon). I still reserved the right to bail on playing but he felt safe to me and I liked the fact that he wasn't pushing me. There would be time for that later ;-) He'd given me an idea of something he'd like to do and I dressed appropriately. He gave me a tour of the place and it felt safe. I've been in many a dungeon and the energy was good. We settled upstairs and he made the transition from gentleman to play partner. He stood and tipped my chin up to him. He looked me straight in the eye and asked me if I trusted him. It was more than that however. Implied was "Do you want to play? Are you willing to let me take control? Do I have your consent?". I'm an edge player so my response may have surprised him. I asked "Do you trust me?" Again, there was so much more behind this question. "Do you trust me with your reputation? Do you trust me to communicate with you clearly? Do you trust me to handle what you throw at me gracefully?". There were witnesses and he'd not laid a hand on me to this point other than as a gentlemanly courtesy. We were both taking risks. I don't remember if either of us actually answered the question aloud. But he crossed the line to dominant and never looked back. I haven't played in many months and I surrendered myself to his care, his whims, and his direction. I won't go into the details of the scene other than to say it involved cutting my clothes off with a knife and a session of impact play. When we were done he picked me up and returned me to the chair where we had started. A woman sitting next to me commented to us "That was amazing to watch. You two are so connected. How long have you been playing together?" I smiled my most innocent smile and in a haze I told her "We just met tonight". True, but not the entire story. I can be a bit of an imp. He is passionate. He includes kissing, biting, and touch as a part of his play. He gave me a safeword and asked once or twice if I remembered the word. I never came close to using it. After the loss of a partner a few years ago, I thought I'd lost this part of myself. Lawrence showed me I had not. It's just been dormant. Waiting for the right catalyst. And I found it. I spent the weekend with him and we played privately. Parts of my sexuality that I'd buried away blossomed beautifully. I am so glad I took the risk to go to New York and to meet this man. I wanted to post this here to tell people that there are real people on the boards who play in real life. Follow your dreams. The reality can be even more powerful. And, for all of you who are fans of his butt, attached is one of the photos we took of the two of us that I will treasure. --cheers, bailey
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Dance like no one's watching and Love like you've never been hurt.