OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/4/2008 9:10:43 PM)

I look around at all the stuff I have to sort I have two bedrooms worth of stuff plus two garrages of stuff  and decide to do what with, and how are we gonna fit two people's lives into one tiny little apartment, even if we can get a 2 bedroom, or get a house rental, it's still a bunch of stuff, and it really is quite over whealming and depressing. I am having fantasies of moving away and leaving it all but the important things like my tv and my stuffed animals behind lol. I won't do that, but it's a nice thought every now and then.

There's things I think sure ok we can get rid of those they don't hold any memories, or sentiments, like a teddy bear an old X gave me that I never bonded with* the bear not the x* And I think yeah but they're a collection you like your collections, so I go round and round about getting rid of those things. And my knick nacks I never displayed them cause there was no room, I am thinking now maybe just give all but a few away.

petdave -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/4/2008 9:42:09 PM)

Hmm... any old cars in those garages? i might could help you out [:)]

i know what you mean, tho... a week from today i'm planning to take my motorcycle across the country... the bike needs maintenance, the house is a disaster, i don't know who's going to check on my cats, i'm way behind at work even after a 12-hour day...  Hell with it, i'll just make brownies and spend the night on the computer [8D]

The Wallflowers:

This place is old feels like a beat up truck
I turn the engine but the engine doesn't turn
With smells of cheap wine and cigarettes
This place is always such a mess
Sometimes I think I'd like to watch it burn

Alumbrado -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/4/2008 10:07:03 PM)

Is there a Freecycle or Online Garage Sale in your area?

YourhandMyAss -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/4/2008 10:40:06 PM)

Alumbro there is, which is nice, but you still got to decide what is leaving and what isn't  before you can offer it. Maybe when Daddie's here and settled in he can help me.

MistressOfGa -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 1:04:50 AM)

I know exactly what you mean. When moving out here I had to get rid of a lot of things. This is how I did it. I thought of what is important in my life NOW. Is it keeping the things from yesterday, or making room for tomorrow? It was easy after that. I just had to put things in perspective.
Good luck

SeeksOnlyOne -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 2:03:01 AM)

this is why im never moving....the thought of packing all my "stuff" gives me a mini panic attack!

MissMorrigan -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 2:32:43 AM)

I'm a bit of an enigma insofar as I can pack all that I need into one large bag/cat carrier and anywhere I travel I could make my home. Yet, I'm very much a homebod. I like my domain, but it's about putting things into perspective. You are starting on an incredible journey and at the moment you're overwhelmed. This is just one rung on the ladder so you do what needs to be done - prioritising.

Several years ago I was still sharing the house I co-owned with my ex husband (still the best of friends) and I was planning on moving out to live with my new partner. I handed over my half of the house to my grown up son b/c that's his future security. In moving out, I had to be ruthless with what I could take, sure there were so many items I wanted to take, but one has to be practical. I was moving into a much smaller place temporarily until the house I'd put a deposit on was ready to move into. And I made that move - Six large black bin liners with clothes/shoes, two with linens/duvet, my cats in their carrier and large litterbox with lid, and a few other bits and pieces which I carried in a large holdall. Then my world went tits up, relationship ended (I'd been duped in the cruellest of ways) and there I was with the wedding dress bills, the house I had just put a deposit on, having gotten rid of MOST of my belongings... and nothing there to continue for other than my sanity and my cats. I managed. When the world is biting my arse I refuse to give in, I come out fighting. I sat down and made of list of things I HAD to do and prioritised them. It also put my life into perspective,

I worked, I saved, I'm now having the best adventure of my life but I'm ruthless insofar as the stuff I keep. We live in a very small space (small apartment) and our plan is saving for our house - the second time I'll have been on the property ladder (and that scares me!). I found that by collecting all the things I had previously and held onto I was building up a little safety wall for myself, it was detracting from finding out who I really was and what I was capable of achieving. Now, I no longer need that emotional crutch I relied on for so long.

Good luck in sorting through your belongings.

LadyHathor -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 5:15:38 AM)

Bring in some good friends---when My mom died, I was so overwhelmed--I brought in three good friends who knew Me well and knew Mom--they knew what would be meaningful as the years went by, what would help the UM get her house started and what would be good to help others---it made it a lot easier---I could focus on the really important things.

camille65 -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 6:05:44 AM)

Maybe you could do a photo album/scrapbook. Take photos of stuff and write what the meaning for that item is to you then donate that item. Things like that stuffed animal that you never bonded with, take a picture instead of keeping the object. It sounds like you have a whole lot of 'stuff' and you're right... there won't be room for much of it.One thing I did, was to get rid of everything that I hadn't touched or used for the last year. Plus it can be such a good feeling to donate stuff. Imagine taking all the extra stuffed animals to a childrens hospital! That would help and make so very many little ones happy in a scary place.

servantheart -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 6:11:20 AM)

I agree with MoGa's advice.  Also, here are a few links that might help now or maybe in the future:


YourhandMyAss -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 9:48:42 AM)

The toys and figureins I get rid of will go to good will. I've already thought of 10 stuffed toys and one rubber doll I can give away. I've got two figureins that are going, there'll be more when I can get to the stuff. the floor of my bedroom is a mess lol and theb ack bedroom has been treated like storage for every one ya cant even get in the door lol. The scrap book is a good idea expesially if the item is particularly cute, but you just don't want it any more.

LAdy Hathor I am kind of a recluse outside of online and my Daddy, He's the only good friend I have in real life, but he'll help me with deciding what I want to give away and then he'll take me to the good will so I can give it all to them.

ORIGINAL: camille65

Maybe you could do a photo album/scrapbook. Take photos of stuff and write what the meaning for that item is to you then donate that item. Things like that stuffed animal that you never bonded with, take a picture instead of keeping the object. It sounds like you have a whole lot of 'stuff' and you're right... there won't be room for much of it.One thing I did, was to get rid of everything that I hadn't touched or used for the last year. Plus it can be such a good feeling to donate stuff. Imagine taking all the extra stuffed animals to a childrens hospital! That would help and make so very many little ones happy in a scary place.

kittinSol -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 9:55:18 AM)

I so much believe in decluttering (not that I'm not guilty of keeping useless things). Things are just things. Think of how relieved and free you'll be without two rooms' worth of 'stuff'. Keep the essential (be ruthless!), and get rid of the rest.

Like a tooth being pulled out, it's painful at first... but it's worth it in the end.

MissMorrigan -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 10:30:18 AM)

I've seen people, going through counselling, who were paralysed at being faced with decluttering their lives, only to find it emotionally liberating once the initial steps had been taken, and seen through. The tooth being pulled is a good analogy, Kittensol.

kittinSol -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 10:53:13 AM)

Thank you, MissMorrigan :-) .

YourhandMyAss -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 8:49:04 PM)

Fortunatly I am not that bad, I'm not afraid to get rid of anything or pychologically unable to, it's just getting up the energy to deal with it lol.


ORIGINAL: MissMorrigan

I've seen people, going through counselling, who were paralysed at being faced with decluttering their lives, only to find it emotionally liberating once the initial steps had been taken, and seen through. The tooth being pulled is a good analogy, Kittensol.

winterlight -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/5/2008 11:33:02 PM)

get 3 boxes. one is keep, not sure, and toss. starting from the left side of the room work on this for 20 min. use a kitchen timer.
read a book about clutter by stephanie denton i think her name is. good book to read probably available at your local library.
just set aside 20 min a night. take pics of stuff u are getting rid of. you have the memory in a picture..

good luck!

YourhandMyAss -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/6/2008 10:24:25 AM)

The left side is actually the cleanest* grins* For some reason all my stuff gets shoved to the right side eventually, probably because the left of the room and clear down the middle is the most needed path lol.

Good tips though:) We already do come in with giant sacks and throw old papers and trash away. in my room if you clear the trash and papers your jobs half done lol. The rest is clothing an books an toys an stuff.

ORIGINAL: winterlight

get 3 boxes. one is keep, not sure, and toss. starting from the left side of the room work on this for 20 min. use a kitchen timer.
read a book about clutter by stephanie denton i think her name is. good book to read probably available at your local library.
just set aside 20 min a night. take pics of stuff u are getting rid of. you have the memory in a picture..

good luck!

camille65 -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/6/2008 10:30:58 AM)

Do you have just the one room to sort through and pack up?

YourhandMyAss -> RE: OYE So much stuff to do and so little ambition or energy. (2/6/2008 6:44:04 PM)

Camille, no I do not. I've got my bedroom the spare bedroom I turned into an art room, and about 10 to 20 packers in the garage, I did have a bunch of sewing material to pack up too, but thankfully those have been boxed and put away nicely about a year ago. And the stuff in the packers in the garage may largely be give away:)

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