RE: Are women born to be bitches? (Full Version)

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RealityLicks -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 1:30:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Women enforce these values themselves, seemingly in order to compete for the attention of men; but in the process, they destroy their self-belief and credibility in the eyes of men, and of each other.

Is it biological fulfillment which fuels female to female jealousy ("I'll get his sperm first, you bitch.")? Is it in the interests of the patriarchy that women waste their time bickering ("While women gossip and slash each other, we have all the power.")? Is it women's responsibiliy, as they raise them, that men tend to form allegiances within their interest group, while women make personal enemies of each other?

I would definitely class it as learned behaviour, rather than innate. I know jack about psychology but I'd hazard a guess that women's facility with communication probably makes their bitching seem worse than men's, when really men are just a little more ham-fisted about it. Using a sabre where women go for the rapier.

Instinct tells me its not about competing for a specific man so much as competing for rank. It's more the "I could have him if I wanted him" kind of thing, and within a clique it always seems there must be agreement on who is the "top person" of each gender - a pecking order established. This gives security from attack against newcomers/outsiders because all close ranks against anyone who doesn't accept their place.

BUT BUT BUT ... men have exactly the same rivalries  - I've seen it in predominantly male workplaces and on sports teams all my life. Some places maybe have more fluid attitudes to allowing access to their circle but bitching goes on everywhere.

kittinSol -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 1:36:50 PM)

You are probably right that I am more sensitive to women's aggression towards others because I am one myself.

sexyred1 -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 4:51:05 PM)

I find this whole thread to be ridiculously sexist and inflammatory. But I am not surprised by any of the comments here, it is fairly predictable what has been said.

No, women are not born to be bitches, just like we are all not born to be super intelligent, rocket scientists, race car drivers, etc.

I think it is myopic to cite low self esteem, wired in genetics, jealousy and competition as reasons for being a bitch.

Perhaps those women who YOU think are bitchy, are just confident, honest, blunt and somewhat confrontational when their opinions differ with yours? I have heard women called bitches who I thought were hysterically funny, while others thought them sarcastic bitches.

It also bears mentioning that any woman who possesses strength of character, strong beliefs and a healthy ego is bound to intimidate lots of people, so they run to the safe haven of the word "bitch". When men in business pull rank, they are leaders, when women do it, you hear, What a bitch!

Like others have said, I find it a compliment simply because I know when I am being bitchy and for what reason and none of them have to do with insecurity, jealousy or genetic programming. And it has nothing to do with control issues. In fact, most bitches are perfectly in control.

Sometimes it is just fun, but god forbid any of you actually admit it; that would be too honest.

domiguy -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 5:06:35 PM)


Freaking troll. I don't see why they don't ban your ass once and for all.

Regards, MissSouthCarolinaDomina2U

I would guess so.

When speaking stereotypically, women tend to relate differently to stressful situations then men....We want to kill it, fuck it, or forget it...Women want to talk it to death.

They are just soooo fucking "wordy" that I believe that it is easy to construe the way the handle a situation as being bitchy.

Perhaps when your woman is faced with stress it might be timely to introduce her mouth to an angry Domidong...When she's finished I could really give a fuck if she decides to keep yammerin' on about some worn out topic....Anywhooo it's kind of fun watching her lips flap while eating a pizza and wishing for death.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 5:08:52 PM)

hits on sexy.

ForeverOwned -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 5:13:53 PM)

i was taught that every individual is different. i think sometimes a person may become nasty, because of what they have had to endure throught their lives.

It's a lot harder to be mean than it is to be nice. Being mean takes a lot more effort.

LaTigresse -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 6:12:35 PM)

With some people, I find it much easier to be nasty rather than nice...........

LadyHathor -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 6:15:29 PM)

Don't kid yourself man are just as bad, I don't see this as a female failing as much as I see it as a human failing---I mean just watch the men during a politcal race--- "puff up, puff up"--.

slaveluci -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:15:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: sexyred1
I find this whole thread to be ridiculously sexist and inflammatory. But I am not surprised by any of the comments here, it is fairly predictable what has been said

Yep.  Including this statement.  Very predictable, indeed.

I think it is myopic to cite low self esteem, wired in genetics, jealousy and competition as reasons for being a bitch

Is there anyone here who has an opinion that you do not share that you haven't referred to as "myopic?'  The whole world must be myopic.  Only you can see the truth, eh? 

Perhaps those women who YOU think are bitchy, are just confident, honest, blunt and somewhat confrontational when their opinions differ with yours?

Perhaps.  Or perhaps they're just cunts.  Could be either one really.  I totally prefer that term rather than "bitch" to describe such a female charmer[;)].

It also bears mentioning that any woman who possesses strength of character, strong beliefs and a healthy ego is bound to intimidate lots of people, so they run to the safe haven of the word "bitch". When men in business pull rank, they are leaders, when women do it, you hear, What a bitch!

Now that is one statement from this post that I can actually agree with.  That does often happen.

Like others have said, I find it a compliment

Not a bit surprising.

it has nothing to do with control issues. In fact, most bitches are perfectly in control

So not the case.  If someone is actually "in control," they don't have to act like a to get things done.  It is so totally unnecessary.

Sometimes it is just fun, but god forbid any of you actually admit it; that would be too honest.

And only you are really honest here.  Only you dare speak the "truth."  [8|]................luci (who thinks just maybe it is sometimes fun being a bitch when that's the only thing someone seems to understand)

MzMia -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:21:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kalista07

*sigh* here's my question....How come we never see threads about men being jackasses or bastards?? i mean we all know plenty and yet they are content to live in their jackassism or bastardism. Why is it? Is it possibly that they have a higher level of self acceptance and don't have to spend all day looking around at the faults of everyone else?
i don't know....

My thoughts exactly.
So until, I start seeing more threads on why men act like jackasses and bastards,
I ain't got nuttin to say.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:22:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci


ORIGINAL: sexyred1
I find this whole thread to be ridiculously sexist and inflammatory. But I am not surprised by any of the comments here, it is fairly predictable what has been said

Yep.  Including this statement.  Very predictable, indeed.

I think it is myopic to cite low self esteem, wired in genetics, jealousy and competition as reasons for being a bitch

Is there anyone here who has an opinion that you do not share that you haven't referred to as "myopic?'  The whole world must be myopic.  Only you can see the truth, eh? 

Perhaps those women who YOU think are bitchy, are just confident, honest, blunt and somewhat confrontational when their opinions differ with yours?

Perhaps.  Or perhaps they're just cunts.  Could be either one really.  I totally prefer that term rather than "bitch" to describe such a female charmer[;)].

It also bears mentioning that any woman who possesses strength of character, strong beliefs and a healthy ego is bound to intimidate lots of people, so they run to the safe haven of the word "bitch". When men in business pull rank, they are leaders, when women do it, you hear, What a bitch!

Now that is one statement from this post that I can actually agree with.  That does often happen.

Like others have said, I find it a compliment

Not a bit surprising.

it has nothing to do with control issues. In fact, most bitches are perfectly in control

So not the case.  If someone is actually "in control," they don't have to act like a to get things done.  It is so totally unnecessary.

Sometimes it is just fun, but god forbid any of you actually admit it; that would be too honest.

And only you are really honest here.  Only you dare speak the "truth."  [8|]................luci (who thinks just maybe it is sometimes fun being a bitch when that's the only thing someone seems to understand)

Er, excuse me Miss? Do you have a vendetta against this person? You seem to follow her and cause smoke whereever you go?

Is being a bitch the only thing you understand? Hows about you just hide her posts and vice versa and you can go back to being the sweet lil kitten you always were before she came into your screen and got you all in a dizzy. All of us would really appreciate it if we could just have debates without the personal attacks.

slaveluci -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:25:22 PM)


My thoughts exactly.
So until, I start seeing more threads on why men act like jackasses and bastards,
I ain't got nuttin to say.

Hello, MzMia.  How goes it?  You can't really mean this, can you?  Seems like every single day there's some threads about some jackass, jerkoff "dom."  It gets to the point where if all you read/heard about men was from here, you'd think they were almost all that way.  This thread is one in a sea of "bad men" threads.  Certainly you've seen 'em too?.............luci

Gwynvyd -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:25:53 PM)




ORIGINAL: Kalista07

*sigh* here's my question....How come we never see threads about men being jackasses or bastards?? i mean we all know plenty and yet they are content to live in their jackassism or bastardism. Why is it? Is it possibly that they have a higher level of self acceptance and don't have to spend all day looking around at the faults of everyone else?
i don't know....

My thoughts exactly.
So until, I start seeing more threads on why men act like jackasses and bastards,
I ain't got nuttin to say.

Completely agreed.. made a thread just for ya.

Go post away.


slaveluci -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:31:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19
Er, excuse me Miss? Do you have a vendetta against this person? You seem to follow her and cause smoke whereever you go?

I don't "follow" her anywhere.  There's a limited number of threads that I read and she always seems to post something in them that I disagree with.  That's what we're here for - to share differing points of view.  Unlike her, I didn't attack first.  I didn't see you accusing her of "following" me around when, with no provocation whatsoever, she tore me a new one[8D].  I responded back and now I'm the asshole?  No dice.

Is being a bitch the only thing you understand? Hows about you just hide her posts and vice versa and you can go back to being the sweet lil kitten you always were before she came into your screen and got you all in a dizzy. All of us would really appreciate it if we could just have debates without the personal attacks.

Howza about you hide mine?  Being a "bitch" is not something I'm proud of, unlike your little buddy.  I'm not going to hide her posts or anyone else's because I'm not in a "dizzy," whatever that is.  Speak for yourself.  If you don't like me disagreeing with her, hide mine.  I don't feel the need to kiss her behind.  She's another poster in a sea of them and one who, frankly, doesn't show any respect to anyone she disagrees with.  Never has, probably never will.  If you got half as excited by her rudeness as you do my responses to her, it would make sense.  What I posted above is not a personal attack.  If you think that's so bad, have you read some of her responses?  Your blind to what real bitchiness is because you're so immersed in your little friends'.  Quit speaking up for her like you did when you begged the mods to take her off moderation.  She's a big, bitchy girl.  She can handle it herself.  I really don't know what inspired this rude ass post of yours unless she's rubbin' off on ya too much, lips...............luci

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:35:06 PM)

So hows about when a poster makes a general statement in regards to the topic, you just make a general comment back? I didnt see any attacks being made to you at all in this specific post.

you called mine rude? this is not a forum for your or anyones hatred. i am sure all would prefer to stick to the subject.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:48:52 PM)

So are women bitches? Obviously they can be. They can be the best of friends or the worst of enemies. If you rub certain women the wrong way, well maybe alleycat would be a better term.
However, women fight with words, but men do their own posturing. They may not have verbal wars but they sceme too. they also are physically agressive and might duke it out. Although many times after duking it out they'll buy each other a beer.

So it it possible for women to shake hands and have a cocktail together?
After all, dont girls just want to have fun???

slaveluci -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 7:50:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19
So hows about when a poster makes a general statement in regards to the topic, you just make a general comment back?

How's about I post what I want just like every other poster here?  Can you objectively see what you're writing here?  She has been so rude to people that she has been put on moderation already the short time she's been here.  I have NEVER had so much as a one line email from Moderator XI until yesterday when she very politely asked me to stop posting on a particular thread.  I have never made it a habit to be a rude bitch to people.  Unlike "this person" who does it regularly and is quite proud of it according to her own words.  How you can lecture me on just making general comments and eat her every rude word up like cake is amazing[image][/image]!!!!

 I didnt see any attacks being made to you at all in this specific post

I didn't say any "attack" was made and I didn't make any.  That word gets thrown around here like a basketball.  Disagreeing is not attacking.  Disrespecting other peoples' opinions as totally invalid all the time is not called for and I am not the one who does that at all. 

you called mine rude? this is not a forum for your or anyones hatred

First of all, you throw that word around pretty casually too.  "HATRED?"  Get real.  That's a pretty serious word and not one that applies at all here.  I don't hate anyone.  The only thing I come close to hating is intentional ignorance and disrespect for everything someone else says just because you disagree.

 i am sure all would prefer to stick to the subject.

This is the second time you have said we "all."  I'm glad you believe you speak for all the posters here but I beg to differ.  Lots of us wish she'd just "stick to the subject" too.  That hasn't happened yet.

With all due respect, I have no issue with you and never have.  I apologize if I've offended you.  I do not, however, apologize for stating my opinions as bluntly as she regularly does.  I have as much a right to mine as she does hers.  However, I do apologize to everyone here that I routinely interact with for becoming sullied by all this nonsense.  You did make one valid point (though very sarcastically[8D]) about how my behavior lately has not been typical.  I never was a "kitten," however.  No, I'm not a kitten-type AT ALL.  I have allowed myself to become embroiled in arguing on a very immature level and that is not like me.  It hasn't been some "attack," it's been trying to fight fire with fire.  That never really works.  So you can stop taking up for your buddy.  Let 'er rip.  As long as people will swallow what she dishes out, that's fine.  It's obvious you can't debate a sherman tank, especially one who enjoys steamrolling people so I give.  But I'll not accept that I have somehow bullied the bully.  Nope, not true.  She's got a good pal in you.  Hope she knows it.................luci

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 8:02:13 PM)

this was meant to be forwarded it privately. I apologize for the mistake

kittinSol -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 8:08:24 PM)

Well, you obviously know what you're talking about [:D]. The premise of this thread is actually that the OP (moi) gave it a deliberately inflammatory title. I certainly don't believe women are bitches per say.

The particular bitchiness you exhibit is probably close to what I was referring to, ie. totally lacking in humour, completely confrontational, bathed in jealousy and dripping with venom vis a vis other women.

I hate bitchiness. I abhor it, and wish women could show more solidarity and friendship towards each other. Some have fallen prey to the trappings of the patriarchy and show these very qualities I deplore. Bitchiness doesn't equate strength, or self-belief. It's nothing to do with being in control because it comes from insecurity; it's everything to do with being out of control with envy and a thirst for blood.

Thank you for providing us with the empirical evidence we needed [8|] .

kittinSol -> RE: Are women born to be bitches? (2/5/2008 8:10:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHathor

Don't kid yourself man are just as bad, I don't see this as a female failing as much as I see it as a human failing---I mean just watch the men during a politcal race--- "puff up, puff up"--.

True. It's the same, but it's different :-) .

PS: at one point on this thread, Darcyandthedark deliberately didn't touch on a sensitive subject for fear the thread would get hijacked. It looks as though that's just happened, and I'm sorry things took a turn for the worse :-( .Those women... if they knew how not to be b.... forget it :-(

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