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hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 3:39:02 AM   

Posts: 12
Joined: 7/9/2004
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hi everyone just found out where i stand as far as ts tv an cd ive found that iam tv looking to go all the fem ty MizSuz for your advice you very smart and know so much ty!Whatn id like to know now is how to be more fem i wear panties 24 7 i hope this is a good start.iam really willing and able to do whatever it takes ty to all who have helped me and have a great day. bye

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RE: hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 9:12:53 AM   

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Didnt you ask this same question in a different thread 2 days ago?



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

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(in reply to pantywhore)
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RE: hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 11:19:57 AM   

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Yes he did, but the wording was wrong. Instead of using "edit" he started another thread.

(In the other thread I thought he wanted only advice from pro-Dommes and was only a cross dresser not a pre-op. Doing another thread to ask the question of all Dominas instead of just Pros is not a horrible option. [I wonder how many Dominas passed that thread by thinking "not me" and would not go back to it to save time? Frankly only you and I post will-nilly [Aww, c'mon you take a little ribbing, and yes I know you rib back.)


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

(in reply to Sinergy)
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RE: hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 12:53:13 PM   

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start wearing a 24/7 butt plug

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RE: hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 2:42:54 PM   

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From: Dallas
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There are many MANY things you can do...just depends on your two Femmes are the same.

Butt Plugs, tampon training, wearing female undergarmets under your clothing, nail polish, makeup, etc etc....

Ms Hill

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RE: hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 6:00:32 PM   

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Didnt you ask this same question in a different thread 2 days ago?



By way of explanation I am going to post the entirety of the post I just put in that other thread you mention. Please pardon the double post. As Iwill mentions, and I agree, the whore may be new to the posting venue and doesn't realize he can edit an original post.




ORIGINAL: sub4hire

Are you a pre-op ts pantywhore?


Not to steal the man's thunder, nor to try to put myself between the two of you...but simply to impart the information -

The whore and I have exchanged a few emails and we have learned that he has his definitions a little confused (which is very easy to do with the cd/tv/ts thing unless you are quite close to it...and even then there is lots of grey).

He has described himself to me as definitely a crossdresser and maybe a transvestite and/or bi, but is unsure of the latter at this point. I have encouraged him to take his time in finding his definitions for himself, but to try to clarify the terms when discussing with others so that everyone better understands each other. He has voiced that he has no interest in gender reassignment surgery.

I'm thinking that a good link to a board of cd/tv/ts's might be just what he needs, to enable him to network with others who are personally familiar with the challenges involved. While I have a number of friends who fit into any of the mentioned categories and love and accept them as they are, it's not really my kink so I don't really have all the answers I think he's looking for, nor do I have recommendations of good sites for him to visit.

I truly hope that someone chimes in with some information for him. My initial impression of him is that he is earnestly seeking. My own abilities to assist him in a direction or three to explore, however, are limited; as is my interest in the topic.


“The more you love, the more you can love—and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.”
- Robert Heinlein

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RE: hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 6:24:28 PM   

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My apologies and thank you all for the clarification.

Good luck in your endeavors, pantywhore.



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

"Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

(in reply to MizSuz)
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RE: hi seeking ways to feminize myself - 7/12/2004 6:56:45 PM   

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ty very much MizSuz

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