"Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (Full Version)

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heartcream -> "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 4:16:14 PM)


In my opinion it is a great idea. It is not a 'blacks only' school. I am certain the school will be brilliant, and folks who teach/go there will get a real lot out of the experience.

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 4:19:08 PM)

Yeah South Africa had a similar system now that's progress for ya.[:D]

seeksfemslave -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 4:42:36 PM)

Not wishing to rain on anyone's parade I just hope it doesnt produce what  might be considered highly embarrasing results.
I havent seen exactly what is involved 'cos I didnt watch all the video.

I have now watched the video and am none the wiser.
How and what is it expected to achieve ?

heartcream -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 4:50:35 PM)

A little more research on the topic, and lookee, lookee, it is already going on in Chicago, and is successful. No surprise to me really. Black folks are often the fore-runners on things educational, forward moving, like language, music, and style. This seems to me, to be more of the right place with black folks at the helm of the ship of what kids really need within the classroom, for example.


CuriousLord -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 5:13:20 PM)

Great idea!  Let's segregate the restaurants next.

This such a racist thing.  And I'm not even concerned if it's racist against black or white people, although it's probably both in ways.  More to the point, I'm concerned that it's reintroducing segregation right at a time when people go to the same institutions yet still often split up based on their skin color for social affairs.

It's.. the undertones of all of this.  Which I'd rant about, but I have some online assignments due at various times tonight.  Bah.. I'll get back to this.  (I think.)

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 5:18:23 PM)

I don't really see the point of segregation because at some point they have to learn to integrate with one another, it's only putting off the inevitable. The question should be why it makes a difference if it does. It's sad that people have to be separated from one another and taught differently to succeed, why exactly would that be the case, what is the reason for it?

PanthersMom -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 5:26:48 PM)

we have an "afro-centric" school here in cleveland, not that it matters, most of the students in the system are black anyway, including three of my sons.  if people really gave a damn about teaching heritage it would be done at home where it belongs, coming from your own people, not a textbook that may or may not be correct.


BlueHnS -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 5:41:46 PM)

My youngest goes to an African based school. It's philosophy is " It takes a village to raise a child." The contract sets high standards for students, teachers, support staff and parents equally. Everyone is held accountable. One of my activities yearly is to go to all the classes and give a little background on Channukkah (and be careful not to get into the religion aspect.) Other parents do different holidays as they are more familiar with them. The school is extremely multi~cultural in spite of how the name sounds. Parent and Grandparent volunteers can be found in almost any class on any given day working with students who need just a little extra one on one time. Respect, self discipline, and integrity are just as important as ABC's. I really can't say enough good about it.
I believe that ANY student will rise to the standard set for them if they are not allowed to believe that simply "getting by" is ok.
In looking over this article and watching the film clip I honestly can't make heads or tails of what the proposal is. Will this school parallel the one I am familiar with? Or will it become a place to put the students that every one else has given up on? It will be interesting to take a look and see in a few years.

bookgal -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 5:52:34 PM)

I think it has excellent potential to be a top rated school, most alternative schools are. I like your optimism. I wish they were around when I was in grade school.


ORIGINAL: heartcream

A little more research on the topic, and lookee, lookee, it is already going on in Chicago, and is successful. No surprise to me really. Black folks are often the fore-runners on things educational, forward moving, like language, music, and style. This seems to me, to be more of the right place with black folks at the helm of the ship of what kids really need within the classroom, for example.


I think that people underestimate how euro-centric Canadian curriculum really is and how much damage that does to everyone. Most people don't even know that slavery existed here, and when we study the building of the Canadian Railway, a huge unit in grade 9, there's mention of the Chinese labourers, but the focus is on the politics and financeers behind it. The real Canadians I guess.

There's so much that's relevant and interesting that gets left out and changes would benefit everyone. People have been trying to change it for years, but I guess okaying an alternative school involves fewer obstacles somehow.

I'm looking forward to seeing this school and the kids it turns out succeed.

bookgal -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 5:55:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

Great idea!  Let's segregate the restaurants next.

This such a racist thing.  And I'm not even concerned if it's racist against black or white people, although it's probably both in ways.  More to the point, I'm concerned that it's reintroducing segregation right at a time when people go to the same institutions yet still often split up based on their skin color for social affairs.

It's.. the undertones of all of this.  Which I'd rant about, but I have some online assignments due at various times tonight.  Bah.. I'll get back to this.  (I think.)

Um, except that it's not a segregated school. The idea is an alternative, inclusive, focus.

I was wary about the idea at first, but the more I learn about it, and the situation it's trying to address, the better it sounds.

slaveboyforyou -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 5:57:48 PM)

There are black people in Canada?  LOL

Seriously, this is nonsense.  I grew up in the South, and we are still seeing the afer effects of segregation.  It's not a good policy, and it takes decades to acclimate people after it's done away with.

bookgal -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 6:01:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: slaveboyforyou

There are black people in Canada?  LOL

I know, right?


ORIGINAL: slaveboyforyou

Seriously, this is nonsense.  I grew up in the South, and we are still seeing the afer effects of segregation.  It's not a good policy, and it takes decades to acclimate people after it's done away with.

Except that it's not a segregated school. Does anybody read around here?

popeye1250 -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 6:04:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: heartcream

A little more research on the topic, and lookee, lookee, it is already going on in Chicago, and is successful. No surprise to me really. Black folks are often the fore-runners on things educational, forward moving, like language, music, and style. This seems to me, to be more of the right place with black folks at the helm of the ship of what kids really need within the classroom, for example.


Languages, music and style are ok but they also need to teach mathematics, science, history and geography.
Do they still teach geography in school?
When they ask young people on shows like Jay Leno's where certain places are they sound like dopes.

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 6:07:52 PM)

Jay Leno is in the south pacific.

heartcream -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 6:26:52 PM)

More snooping around:


FangsNfeet -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 11:28:33 PM)

So much for Martin Luther Kings Jr's dream.

This school is to be consintrated on Black Programs. What the hell is a black program and how is it different from other programs. I grew up learning that there's unity in diversity. If you don't get out and mix, then you're doom to have an ignorant life.

How exactly is a "Black Focused School" suppose to help prevent drop outs? Maybe a all year history study on black people will show them how ironic it is to fight so long agaisnt segrigation to turn around and fight to have it back.

SirRober -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/9/2008 11:39:49 PM)

If there is a black focused school....... that teaches culture. Then I want a WHITE focused school.....that teaches about the vikings, normans, scots. And their trials and tribulations. Also I purpose that all students read and understand Mein Kampf. to tell why the author did what he did.

Oh wait  the United States can't have that. WHITE foucsed schools are RACIST.  
Just like clintons affermative action. <--crap

And for all of you wankers who think I am racist piss off.

NewMaster86 -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/10/2008 1:35:10 AM)

What I wouldn't give for the human race to cease seeing color and just see other humans.

In a few hundred years we won't have races anyway we'll be so mixed that everyone will be some light greyish color or something.

seeksfemslave -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/10/2008 2:16:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: bookgal
I think that people underestimate how euro-centric Canadian curriculum really is and how much damage that does to everyone..........

I dont agree with the damage bit. I think thats just an assumption made by softies.
For example in the UK, history would invariably focus on our "wonderful" Kings and Queens. I dont remember being taught much about the Empire.
Anyway when I found out what a lot of avaricious bastards many of our monarchs had been I wasnt in the least bit damaged.

When I realised how many of my antecedants had been killed carrying out the policies of those monarchs and earlier governments it made me mad but I wasnt damaged.

It follows that I dont believe descendents of slaves are in any way damaged by the fact of slavery. This is just a softies agenda IMO.

bookgal -> RE: "Black Focused School" Gets Green Light in Toronto (2/10/2008 7:27:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave


ORIGINAL: bookgal
I think that people underestimate how euro-centric Canadian curriculum really is and how much damage that does to everyone..........

I dont agree with the damage bit. I think thats just an assumption made by softies.
For example in the UK, history would invariably focus on our "wonderful" Kings and Queens. I dont remember being taught much about the Empire.
Anyway when I found out what a lot of avaricious bastards many of our monarchs had been I wasnt in the least bit damaged.

When I realised how many of my antecedants had been killed carrying out the policies of those monarchs and earlier governments it made me mad but I wasnt damaged.

It follows that I dont believe descendents of slaves are in any way damaged by the fact of slavery. This is just a softies agenda IMO.

In Canada, we're damaged by the fact that no one at all is taught that slavery even existed here. It's quite shocking really.
It matters that the stories we learn overwhelmingly negate the very existance and experiences of significant segments of the Canadian population (this happens with First Nations history too).  Kids learn early not to take this type of education seriously and I think that's a form of self-preservation.

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