RE: Country Life vs. City Life (Full Version)

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Aileen1968 -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 12:46:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: Loveisallyouneed


ORIGINAL: stella41b

There is also almost as much wildlife and fauna as you find in the country.

You just need to look.

With respect, I've seen black bear, beaver, rabbit and fox, white-tailed deer aplenty and once had the dubious privilege of driving behind a herd of cattle on the lam, complete with bull.

I've seen over fifty species of birds and have yet to catalogue the insects.

I have red squirrels and have seen one flying squirrel, various small rodentia and small bats.

Blue-spotted salamanders, a beautiful tiny green grass snake as well as your usual garters.

Toads and frogs by the score and two species of turtles if you don't count the snappers laying eggs at the side of the road.

Our largest bird is the turkey vulture, massive. We also have wild turkeys and grouse that routinely cross the road.

At night the howling of the coyotes compete with the howling of my pack.

I've been in London and I'd find it hard to imagine bumping into anything like what I've seen here.

Hahaha.  I live an hour outside of NYC (the greatest city in the world, by the way) and I see in my yard...deer, rabbits, turkey, turkey vultures, pheasants, coyote, black bear, fox, raccoon, toads, turtles, snakes and countless variety of birds including bald eagles.  There have been mountain lions spotted.  There are dairy farms here.  Horse farms.  Alpaca farms.  Many have chickens and guinea hens (great for eating ticks).   Tons of people have dogs and cats.  One doesn't need to be on the edge of the wild to see these kinds of animals.  Nor does one need a ton of land.

HerLord -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 12:47:57 AM)

There is much to be said for the ability to pick any door in the house open it naked and walk out into the sunshine wearing only a hard on and a woman. Not to mention, that when My Love screams... NO ONE can hear it!

Alumbrado -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 1:10:40 AM)

Memphis metro is way over a million plus, and I've regularly seen wild coyotes, lizards, snakes, reptiles and amphibians galore, vultures, beaver, bats, red and silver foxes, various birds of prey, a bobcat once, untold numbers of racoons, deer, squirrels, possums, armadillos, blues herons and all sorts of wild fowl,  in developed and inhabited areas well inside the city limits.

Bear and wild boar aren't unheard of, I've just not seen them in the city. Wolves are essentially extinct although a small pack of red wolves was introduced into the Smokies.

And since there is a world class zoo a few miles from my house, I get to see polar bears, seals, rhinos, pandas, wolves, komodos, big cats, bonobos, and all sorts of animals that would never come to visit in the country. [;)]

And it is much quieter and more private in the city, as I noted in another thread on this topic.

Loveisallyouneed -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 3:35:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

I grow the best Mulberries, damn fine blueberries, figs, and even a few decent peaches in my backyard.

I'm afraid I'm too soft-hearted to be a butcher.

However, I have three of the sweetest raspberry patches

Loveisallyouneed -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 3:46:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: Leatherist

I know what you mean about the city people dropping off unwanted cats and dogs Micheal. For those of you who think the farmer is going to take care of them for you-think again.

They are going to either starve to death-or get shot for going after the farmer's livestock.

The ones who dump dogs are the ones who really disturb me.

Those poor dogs hang out in the same spot for days waiting for their beloved owners to come back.

They wander back and forth across the road, scared to death and totally unfamiliar with cars zipping by at highway speeds.

They've been raised all their lives to be playful puppies, their "instincts" aren't going to kick in.

I so want to take them in, but with nine dogs already the poor thing wouldn't last too long here (and I always have a dog in the car when I travel to town). All I can do is call animal control and have them take the dog to the pound.


Loveisallyouneed -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 3:53:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado

And it is much quieter and more private in the city, as I noted in another thread on this topic.

That you will have to explain, for aside from the wind in the trees, the sound of thunder, birds singing and the dogs barking there are no noises out here.

As for privacy, HerLord captured it quite well and I know of nowhere in the city where this can be done.

denika -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 4:38:33 AM)

That is how we ended up rescuing  nearly all of our pets. 2 dogs, four cats, a rabbit (which we actually conviscated from a cruel nephew who was seeing how long it would take to freeze to death outside-the sick bugger) and a fox.
There are parts to living int he country I love, especially in the summer but I have to tell you, I miss the city, I miss the closeness of convenience, and Tim Horton's. My leather family and my poly family live in the city so there is no such thing as a 'quick visit' when you live an hour away. Rob and I are working on a comprimise since for him where we live is perfect and for me not so much fun and really pricey on the gas, luckily when the summer comes around I trade in my Jeep Compass for my motorcycle but it's still an hour from family and friends.

Wolf's Denika

wisteriaV -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 5:04:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Loveisallyouneed

Certainly one of the challenges I face in my quest is finding someone who lives in the country, or someone who wishes to live in the country.

For some reason there seems to be very few of either, compared to those who are living, or wish to live in the city.

I should like to better understand why so few urban submissives/slaves are willing to make that transition.

I was born and raised in the Adirondack Moutain region of NY. Mostly farmers and forrest area here. I moved away to  a major midwest city and settled down for some twenty years. Then I yearned for the more relaxed, laid back, almost no crime rate, simple life and returned to the area in which I grew up in.  I don't think I would move out of state again but to a city with in the state sure why not.

BossyShoeBitch -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 6:04:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

I love the country and the city and not much in between.

Living in the country is wonderful, having to live off of it isn't.  Most people can't get used to killing cats and dogs (those city people love dropping them off)

excuse me?

SimplyMichael -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 7:12:36 AM)


We called it quits after about 10 -20 cats...calling the pound simply passes the buck and thus someone someone else ends up having to kill them.  Cats don't tend to take on chickens although  you have to watch them around chicks, a good rooster tends to keep them in check though.  Dogs are a different story, they tend to kill chickens and  you have to make a choice, eggs and meat or shoot the dog.

We used to have problem with packs of wild dogs going after our trash till we saw a film about animals marking their territory and my dad packed up my brother and I and we  peed all over our front fence, kept the dogs out so well we kept doing it.

angelikaJ -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 7:18:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael


We called it quits after about 10 -20 cats...calling the pound simply passes the buck and thus someone someone else ends up having to kill them.  Cats don't tend to take on chickens although  you have to watch them around chicks, a good rooster tends to keep them in check though.  Dogs are a different story, they tend to kill chickens and  you have to make a choice, eggs and meat or shoot the dog.

We used to have problem with packs of wild dogs going after our trash till we saw a film about animals marking their territory and my dad packed up my brother and I and we  peed all over our front fence, kept the dogs out so well we kept doing it.

most no-kill shelters sponsor trap, spay/neuter and release programs for ferral cat colonies which helps keep the population from increasing.

SimplyMichael -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 7:38:02 AM)

no-kill shelters are common in cities where people give them money, they aren't as common in rural areas.

BossyShoeBitch -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 7:41:33 AM)

Is it ok if we agree not to discuss this particular subject anymore?

LaTigresse -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 7:42:41 AM)

Where I live, the people from town see those of us that live in the country as THE no kill shelter.

What I have found is that the cats that get dumped near my house are so freaked out that I cannot even come close to catching them. If I don't find them smashed on the road I know that the large birds of prey or the coyotes will get rid of them quickly. I've see an owl take off with a full grown housecat. This morning I was watching 3 coyotes sweep the lower pasture for breakfast. They would just as quickly kill a dog and eat it as they will a cat. Both are easier prey than a rabbit or mice.

angelikaJ -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 7:51:42 AM)

SimplyMichael -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 8:01:08 AM)

That site is nice but it is for spay/neuter programs, not no-kill shelters.  Almost all are in urban areas, the ones in rural areas are county shelters that put animals down.

SimplyMichael -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 8:05:48 AM)

Back to rural life, there is something magical about buying your milk in one gallon jars and where "whole milk" means that heavy cream is on top, light cream below that, and milk below that.

Or my favorite, walking around the yard kicking over boards so your favorite banty hen can get at the bugs!

However, there is a vast difference between raising food because you need to and because you want to.  One is back breaking work, the other is a pleasant diversion.  I have done both and much prefer the latter.

camille65 -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 8:08:42 AM)

I was suburban raised and now living rural. One thing I learned is that it is more expensive than I'd ever thought to be living out in the boonies.It is my preference however, to live out where I am but the drawbacks are beginning to overwhelm me and I'm planning to make that dreaded move back to civilization.

Leatherist -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 8:12:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Back to rural life, there is something magical about buying your milk in one gallon jars and where "whole milk" means that heavy cream is on top, light cream below that, and milk below that.

Or my favorite, walking around the yard kicking over boards so your favorite banty hen can get at the bugs!

However, there is a vast difference between raising food because you need to and because you want to.  One is back breaking work, the other is a pleasant diversion.  I have done both and much prefer the latter.

That depends a lot on your choice of crops, and how you go about it Micheal. Traditional agriculture and warm blooded meat animals are time consuming, inefficient, and wasteful of resources. We have better alternatives now.

Loveisallyouneed -> RE: Country Life vs. City Life (2/22/2008 8:17:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

That site is nice but it is for spay/neuter programs, not no-kill shelters.  Almost all are in urban areas, the ones in rural areas are county shelters that put animals down.

yes, that's how it is here too.

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