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Sub/slave personality types - 7/14/2004 1:05:20 PM   

Posts: 457
Joined: 2/6/2004
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How would you categorize a sub/slave personality? To clarify: I am asking for generalities here, think of what type of characteristics you look for or if you are a sub/slave, what do you see as your personality type.


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RE: Sub/slave personality types - 7/14/2004 3:35:46 PM   

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Well, i guess i'm going to be the first respondent. All my life, i've been one to defer to others who show a superior understanding or "take" on a given situation. This would seem reasonable for any intelligent person to do but it goes a bit further. i also don't seek to be a leader even when i feel confident i have the key knowledge or understanding of a situation. Rather, i look for someone else who gives off the signals of being the leader type and relate my understanding or information to them. In return, all i seek is recognition for having made a valuable contribution to the situation.

i'm also not pushy when interacting with others and passive when it comes to dealing with conflict. This is not to say i don't have a differing opinion and sit on approach is to seek out the proper moment to convey my side of when it can be intelligently discussed. i also make every effort to take the other's viewpoint, since i know one is there and has as much right to be understood as mine does.

my life experience with the Female has always reinforced my view that they are the superior sex if not emotionally damaged by this lop-sided culture we live in. Conversely, most of the males i've known have demonstrated a noticeable lack of self-understanding and insensitivity when it comes to dealing gracefully with life. In other words...they are not generally all that aware of what's going on around them. i use the phrase "lack of intelligence" which in it's purest sense, means lack of awareness. Anyone can be book smart and still be clueless.

To qualify these statements, all i can say is every Female who's ever gotten to know me has invariably stated i'm not like any other male they've ever known.



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RE: Sub/slave personality types - 7/14/2004 3:39:56 PM   

Posts: 6142
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From: Washington
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Here is a similar thread:


< Message edited by proudsub -- 7/14/2004 7:03:54 PM >



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RE: Sub/slave personality types - 7/14/2004 6:13:39 PM   

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This question seems to be aimed at subs but it is on the ask a Mistress board. Honest mistake or am I wasting space telling about me? Are you waiting for Dominas to reply what types they've seen/had?


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

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RE: Sub/slave personality types - 7/14/2004 10:04:43 PM   

Posts: 457
Joined: 2/6/2004
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ORIGINAL: Sundew02

or if you are a sub/slave, what do you see as your personality type.

iwill, Smile, I want your opinion. What my point of view is each persons perspective is unique. I want to hear from both sides. Type away, laughing, I know you have a few thoughts on this. Tess


~~~~~Enjoy the ride, the landing could get painful~~~~

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RE: Sub/slave personality types - 7/15/2004 4:51:03 AM   

Posts: 8070
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ORIGINAL: Sundew02
How would you categorize a sub/slave personality? To clarify: I am asking for generalities here, think of what type of characteristics you look for or if you are a sub/slave, what do you see as your personality type.

I have a hard time with typecasting or stereotyping. I don’t believe that this was your intent Sundew02 but I think there is a great possibility that you could get it as a result.

At the risk of starting a sub/slave debate, a way I like to differentiate is that a sub is one that actively submits on a regular basis, negotiating regularly with her/his dominant. A slave however hands over all control and all decision making privileges. Not all would agree with this and I'd most enjoy hearing differences of opinion.

So going on my above assumption, submissives and slaves would have to have inherently different personalities. I see a submissive as more active in her/his role where as a slave more passive.

And then again, having written that and re-read my last statement, I’m not sure that is exactly true. I guess it depends on the submissive, and it depends on the slave. Which brings me to my initial point.

I like to think that they all have very different characteristics. The one that they all have in common is that they are willing to submit in some way, shape or form when they find a dominant person they can trust.

- LA


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