"Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (Full Version)

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Vendaval -> "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 12:45:42 PM)

"Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal"
54 minutes ago

" NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AFP) - US President George W. Bush on Tuesday promised cheering supporters that he would not risk "reversible" gains in Iraq with a troop withdrawal plan tied to the November US elections.

"I want to assure you -- just like I assure military families and the troops -- the politics of 2008 is not going to enter into my calculation, it is the peace of years to come that will enter into my calculation," he pledged to a Christian broadcasters association.

Bush made no mention of just-begun talks in Baghdad aimed at forging a long-term security partnership deal between the United States and Iraq by July, well before the US president's term ends in January 2009. "


kittinSol -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 12:47:28 PM)

What are "reversible gains"? Is it some kind of doublethink? Bush's speech writers have been showing some slack.

Muttling -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 12:49:08 PM)

How many ways can you spell CLUSTERFUCK?????

Muttling -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 12:50:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

What are "reversible gains"? Is it some kind of doublethink? Bush's speech writers have been showing some slack.

He's referring to the fact that the troop surge has worked and the situation is improving.   (That would be the same troop surge that he and Rummy argued against for more than 2 years before finally relenting to Joint Chiefs.)

mnottertail -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 12:56:09 PM)

It isn't 'working', it is only holding down casualties. Nothing is improving.

So, let us flush that spinning misnomer down the toilet too.


Muttling -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 1:04:45 PM)

I have friends who have been on the ground for 2 years (a couple of them for 3).  I will have to respectfully disagree with you.

mnottertail -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 1:20:59 PM)

really, in what way is it 'working'?

I have stipulated that american military casualties are down. How has the restoration of power, the markets and good, the economy, the government and the peace moved forward?

If it is all set we are ready to leave.

xBullx -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 1:26:13 PM)

I have a kid over there in Baghdad. While it is not Mayberry over there he sure sees gains. And that doesn't come from the news or any media outlet, that's my son in that country.

He and the guys are even getting bored, I'd say that's a good sign.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

What are "reversible gains"? Is it some kind of doublethink? Bush's speech writers have been showing some slack.

kittinSol -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 1:28:57 PM)



I have a kid over there in Baghdad. While it is not Mayberry over there he sure sees gains. And that doesn't come from the news or any media outlet, that's my son in that country.

He and the guys are even getting bored, I'd say that's a good sign.

My son is far too young to go to war; but god forbid he ever has to. I would hate the thought of him being in the middle of what I think is a senseless conflict - my thoughts go out to your son.

xBullx -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 1:35:47 PM)

Come on Ron, you know we're gonna end up with bases of there, hell that was a foregone conclusion the day he said go.

It's gonna be bases like over in Korea. Forward units that will be considered hardship-one year tours. At least in Korea you could get alcohol poison and sexual release. Top priorities for young America G.I.'s

In the end the political leverage value of the troops in Iraq will be minuscule and we'll not talk about it again.

It seems we always leave some bases behind.


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

really, in what way is it 'working'?

I have stipulated that american military casualties are down. How has the restoration of power, the markets and good, the economy, the government and the peace moved forward?

If it is all set we are ready to leave.

mnottertail -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 1:39:23 PM)

and I will be all for that, so long as they are paying.

DomKen -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 1:52:00 PM)

Strangely my nephew, on his second tour now, reports Camp Anaconda to be just as bad as before. He says the only thing different is when a roadside bomb is detonated there are sufficient troops available to secure the area and let them get the injured out in a timely fashion. He further says the area around the camp still doesn't have full time water or power and the schools that were supposedly being built by US contractors during his first tour still aren't open 2+ years later. He says the Shia mosque that had been shut down back during hs first tour has now been torn down so it certainly sounds like the religious communities are still seperating.

I'm glad he's less likely to get killed this time around but am not happy with the amount of money spent to achieve basically nothing else.

BTW he's almost a year past the end of his contract but a stop loss order is keeping him in until at least 6 months after his unit rotates home if he doesn't get involuntarily transferred into a new unit already under a stop loss which apparently was done to a couple of NCO's transferred into his company before this tour.

xBullx -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 2:42:31 PM)

Both of my boys are in the service Kitten and they are proud to be, as am I, of them.

I wasn't playing that as a sympathy card or any other kind of card, we're a Warrior family and that's what we do.

I was only stating that I have an inside source as to activities as I'm sure some others do. There's a fairly long road to hoe over there and I hope that what I think is Bush's real goal was comes to be.

It is my contention that right or wrong in the beginning, we're there and have started something, we did destabilize a region of the world and by God we can't walk away from that. We have tons of problems here at home, daily I use the highways and infrastructure that is in disrepair; our own police forces are corrupt or under supported, the economy is in shambles but the stuff here we can all do more to help with. Over there we are leaving the mission up to our Warriors and I am way beyond proud of the job their doing.

How many Military Forces in the history of the world do you think are held as justly and humanely accountable as ours has been. I'll bet you have heard of some less than glorious details from the French or British history. We, in fact the whole world scrutinizes the every move of our kids, if they murder, steal or are less than honorable they don't get a free pass just because of a war. They must pay for their transgretion. They are fighting an enemy that plays by absolutely no rules and yet they are kicking his ass. Believe it or not their actions and their efforts are actually helping to rebuild American credibility, once the worlds politicians are through with their political marketing agenda and folks can see beyond the he said she said noise. American kids never bitch overtly about any mission our nation sends them on, humanitarian, peace keeping and more serious campaigns they just go and make us proud every time. Sure some step on their wand and have to face the music, but they do and we as a country face it openly and with them. Some come home and see some attention and trash talk their brothers in arms, but dig into the past of those boys and I'll bet you find a more detailed reason they're home early.

The thing is that oh so often we all get so tied up in the political thing so much we forget the human factor of our sons and daughters, those devoted souls that send that tear of pride down my cheek right the hell now.

So now we're there and it's a matter of, not staying the course as Bush so fuckin' frequently said, but remaining men (gender neutral) of our word, remaining men that don't make a mess and then leave it for others to pillage. We left Poland alone when we told them we'd help after WWII. We've done that to other people and then watched as they were slaughtered buy military machines that they stood no chance with.  We did it to the Afghan people after the Russian pullout, left them to starve. They had served their purpose right? There's more to being a man than shouting political nonsense. Let's start with this mess, let's leave the political agenda’s to the Sinergy’s of the world, that’s all they know. Let’s find a way to work with those brave kids of ours to make sure this starts a process that creates understanding with a friend in the Middle East a friend that can attest to the fact that America is not here to establish colonies or impose their well. But to share the opportunity that was once provided to us.

I’m going to throw this in for the food for thought club. I’m an old Warrior too,. I have been to the parts of the world that don’t understand why we are the way we are in the west. They don’t like us very much, and frankly it is actually the liberal way that we live that not only annoys them, but is scares them. They aren’t afraid we’ll force them to be as we are; they know that our open minded views will destroy what they are comfortable with. Their world will no longer be the same and frankly we all fight change. That’s nothing new.

Yeah, I think most of us believe Bush and Blair lead us astray, I think there are a great many that when faced with the facts would think FDR and Churchill did the same. I wonder what history will reveal, and not about these four men, but about the nations they lead. We brought a better world out of WWII, it still had problems, but it was a better place. Will we sit and whine about the world this time or build something good where nothing seemed possible. Good men build, bad men………………..


Absolutely no ones hates the idea of war more than the men that fight it.

Let’s get it right even if Lil Bush couldn’t.

Chess anyone?


xBullx -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 2:43:42 PM)

I'm all for that........We have to make sure our politicians don't bargin that point away.


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

and I will be all for that, so long as they are paying.

Muttling -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 2:51:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

really, in what way is it 'working'?

I have stipulated that american military casualties are down. How has the restoration of power, the markets and good, the economy, the government and the peace moved forward?

If it is all set we are ready to leave.

Iraqi casualties are down across the board, areas of government control are increasing, partisan support of government operations are increasing, and more.

Battles are won overnight, peace is built one brick at a time.

popeye1250 -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 2:52:42 PM)

A "long-term security partnership?"
And just what does that mean?
Can we expect a reccession or depression from this?
And just what is it that we're going to "win?"
I keep hearing McCain say "win", win."
This has been going on longer than WW2 now. We can't afford this crap anymore.
"Long-term" anything is not good.

Muttling -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 2:53:49 PM)

For the record, I'm ALL against long term U.S. bases in Iraq.   It would be tactically helpful, but would be a wonderful recruiting poster for our enemies and solidify the concept of us having occupied Iraq.

caitlyn -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 3:00:12 PM)

The vote will not shape the outcome in Iraq.
If Senator McCain wins, we are staying. If Senator Clinton or Senator Obama wins, there will be a small withdrawl, followed by an attack on remaing assets in the region, and we will be right back at it.
This outlines the stupidity of sticking one's nose in, where it doesn't belong in the first place.

xBullx -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 3:15:17 PM)


Strangely my nephew, on his second tour now, reports Camp Anaconda to be just as bad as before. He says the only thing different is when a roadside bomb is detonated there are sufficient troops available to secure the area and let them get the injured out in a timely fashion.

Really it is just as bad? Hmmm, I'll inquire as to this. But I doubt he's encountering the same level of combat operations or hostile action. If he says different I'd sure like to email with him.


He further says the area around the camp still doesn't have full time water or power and the schools that were supposedly being built by US contractors during his first tour still aren't open 2+ years later. He says the Shia mosque that had been shut down back during hs first tour has now been torn down so it certainly sounds like the religious communities are still seperating.

I made another post to demonstrate I don't think it's all rosey over there yet. But they are as i have heard been making headway.

I had a buddy (a Battalion Maint. NCO) that got back from Anaconda last fall and his reports didn't altogether match your nephews. While he said there was a lot to do, at least it was getting done now. Perhaps it has regressed some. But I don't think he was talking about building the structures, hell they needed security first. 

I do believe that rebuilding and community improvements are the type of things that Iraqis need to be doing for themselves. I don't think American contractors should even be there doing that, this is the kind of things the Iraqis should be doing themselves. We're not there to rebuild on our dime, they have oil and money, they have shovels. I'd bet the Iraqis are financing more than you realize, but I'm sure it's a matter of corruption, you have heard of that term I'll bet, we all have.


I'm glad he's less likely to get killed this time around but am not happy with the amount of money spent to achieve basically nothing else.

BTW he's almost a year past the end of his contract but a stop loss order is keeping him in until at least 6 months after his unit rotates home if he doesn't get involuntarily transferred into a new unit already under a stop loss which apparently was done to a couple of NCO's transferred into his company before this tour.

Now I'm sure not questioning your nephews integrity, and I trust you weren't questioning my sons, so I'll just say that it is a war zone and I doubt Schools and Mosques are on the top of the cash priority list.

Well, we do have to have men in theater. Those extra men are making it safer for other men, you pointed that out. They are having success and that is a fact. There are always bad stories about those that don't like what they see as personally effecting them. I served under a stop loss. I wonder if they'll make a movie about me.-smiles- Ohhh, remember that soldiers have a gift for hating the place they are. That's why you see all the complaining in the old war movies.

An old saying in the Army was.........The two best units in the Army are the one you're going too and the last one you were at.

Live well,


xBullx -> RE: "Bush: US vote won't shape Iraq withdrawal" (3/11/2008 3:17:09 PM)

Are you referring  to your nose or some sort of national nose?


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

The vote will not shape the outcome in Iraq.
If Senator McCain wins, we are staying. If Senator Clinton or Senator Obama wins, there will be a small withdrawl, followed by an attack on remaing assets in the region, and we will be right back at it.
This outlines the stupidity of sticking one's nose in, where it doesn't belong in the first place.

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