The Human Race 2 (Full Version)

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Termyn8or -> The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 8:01:47 AM)

I posted this as a new thread for a couple of reasons, one of which is that there are already 100 replies. Plus the fact that I can't hijack it from here.

Think of the human race as dogs. Are you a cocker spaniel or a german sheperd ? Or a welch korgie ?

You've got dogs as big as a friggin house almost, and other breeds that would have to run from a cat. My buddy has a miniture dauschund, is he less of a dog than my other buddy's 100lb. chocolate lab ?

We make no bones about the differences in dog breeds, we recognize them and if our pets, must accomodate them. But they are all dogs. Inspect the lab's ears, and watch those korgies when they are young, they will eat the tile off the floor.

These are traits. We can speak of these traits in dogs but not in humans. Somebody will jump up and start shouting "Racist racist" . They will be adamant that we are all the same under the skin, a fallacy that is fucking up what little good could come from medical science.

See the problem is we can't talk about it. I think what it is, is an insane sense of vanity. It is an illusion that we have grown so far away from our animal instincts as people that they no longer matter. This cannot be true. Everything starts at the bottom. But people have that illusion.

Let me put you all in your place right now, you are ANIMALS !. I don't mean that in a bad way, but you are either animal, vegetable or mineral. You only got three choices.

I am an animal. But I am more than the sum of my parts, and that spark of energy, that glimmer of EMI, that could be the soul so often spoke about. The only thing that really sets us apart from the dogs, of course the opposable thumb helps, but helps what ?

I am not getting into the other thread, nor the racism thread. The racism thread starts with a wiki definition of racism which is wrong. Virtue of skin color or lineage does not make me better than anybody else, my accomplishments do. I am one of the best in my field, my race did not do that for me. I did that.

So do german sheperds hate collies ? Do dobermans hate mastiffs ?

I believe that primates developed into homosapiens in different places on the Earth and not all at the same time. We are different, with different body chemistry and physical attributes.

Why can we accept and discuss these differences in dogs but not in ourselves ?


Rule -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 8:14:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
Why can we accept and discuss these differences in dogs but not in ourselves ?

Dogs are not sanctimonious liars. Humans sometimes are.

Termyn8or -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 8:25:53 AM)

Dogs also have no preconcieved notions about what they are supposed to be, they just are what they are.


kittinSol -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 8:31:08 AM)

You may like to compare yourself to a dog. It's not the case for all of us, so please spare us the "humanity is like dogs" bollocks; it's so preposterous [8|] .

Hippiekinkster -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 8:40:01 AM)

Hippiekinkster -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 8:45:40 AM)

OP: "The racism thread starts with a wiki definition of racism which is wrong."  Prove it is wrong. "Virtue of skin color or lineage does not make me better than anybody else, my accomplishments do." Prove your accomplishments make you better than anybody else.

SugarMyChurro -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 9:21:10 AM)

I'm this cat:

That cat chases dogs. I have personally seen it chase a German Shepherd and a Great Dane. I watched that cat chase the German Shepherd over a hill. Pretty sad for dogs, but at the end of the day they are chicken-shit pack animals and not loner, bruisers like tomcats.



Real0ne -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 9:23:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hippiekinkster

OP: "The racism thread starts with a wiki definition of racism which is wrong."  Prove it is wrong. "Virtue of skin color or lineage does not make me better than anybody else, my accomplishments do." Prove your accomplishments make you better than anybody else.

I would argue that perfect character is the determining factor of who is better.  I can think of many people who accomplished more than most and were complete assholes and totally murderous crooks along the way.

pahunkboy -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 9:34:01 AM)

well then.    why do dogs chase their tails?

Aneirin -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 9:34:52 AM)

A good point, maybe it is that dogs being animals like all other animals except humans are more advanced, they just exist, nothing spectacular, just hunt, eat, shit and shag.

Maybe human kind was an experiment or for that matter a mistake. Our kind have not been in existance all that long in the time line of the planet or even other animals, maybe we will become extinct when our model becomes obsolete, either that or we will fight ourselves into extinction for such minor differences as colour.

FullCircle -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 9:41:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
These are traits. We can speak of these traits in dogs but not in humans. Somebody will jump up and start shouting "Racist racist" . They will be adamant that we are all the same under the skin, a fallacy that is fucking up what little good could come from medical science.

This is dangerous talk and is why the other thread about human race has descending to the level it has. You are suggesting people be judged not by the things they do but by their physical attributes. The natural progression from that we have already seen in the not so distant past and we don't really want to see it in the future.

I honestly believe people have the same potential inside but need to be given the chance to amount to something. You've made the mistake of looking at the results without looking at how those results came about.


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
The only thing that really sets us apart from the dogs, of course the opposable thumb helps, but helps what ?

You mean you spend your spare time walking about on all fours peeing up trees and licking your testicles?

Rule -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 9:49:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: FullCircle

ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
They will be adamant that we are all the same under the skin, a fallacy

You are suggesting people be judged not by the things they do but by their physical attributes.

As I interpret his statement, T is not suggesting that at all. In fact he is stating the opposite of what you accuse him off.
In fact elsewhere T has stated: "I am better than everybody else because of my accomplishments". (I think that I can find the literal quote if you want that.)

FullCircle -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 9:55:04 AM)

Well then what does the discussion about the actions of different types of dogs relate to? How am I supposed to interpret that?

FullCircle -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 10:04:20 AM)

After reading it again, yes maybe I was mistaken but these discussions have depressed me in a totally new way. People are free to talk about physical differences but I don’t think that is always what is occurring.

Real_Trouble -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 10:05:42 AM)

I had originally decided to avoid touching this, but after some deliberation, I have reconsidered...


Think of the human race as dogs.

I would prefer not to insult dogs that way.


These are traits. We can speak of these traits in dogs but not in humans. Somebody will jump up and start shouting "Racist racist" . They will be adamant that we are all the same under the skin, a fallacy that is fucking up what little good could come from medical science.

Your metaphor begins to break down here; there is a fundamental disconnect between what you have said and the precise attribute that you have picked here.  In short, this would be like claiming that because I have one German shepherd which is mostly light tan and only has a smattering of the usual black, he is a different breed of dog and is possessed of major material differences in physical ability / temperment / behavior / etc than my German shepherd who is mostly black and very dark tan.  That kind of difference, incidentally, will exhibit the same degree of genetic dissimilarity that two humans of a different "race" have with each other...

The problem is not that we can't talk about material differences between human beings.  We most certainly can.  The problem is that "race" is an exceedingly arbitrary social characteristic - we notice it because it is rapidly visible to us, but that's all it is.


I am an animal. But I am more than the sum of my parts, and that spark of energy, that glimmer of EMI, that could be the soul so often spoke about. The only thing that really sets us apart from the dogs, of course the opposable thumb helps, but helps what ?

This seems like a bit of random pontificating with no real evidence to back it up.  What sort of similarity measures do you really intend here?  There are, of course, strong similarities and then some very strong deviances between dogs and humans.  Until you pin down what you are saying instead of making broad statements, it is hard to derive any meaning.

We share about 40% of our genetic makeup with freaking bananas, for instance; I would suggest that if you are going to compare, we should be careful in how we do so.  I'm certainly more similar to a banana than I am to a rock by most broad criteria, but more similar to a dog than a banana.  So what do you really mean here?


I believe that primates developed into homosapiens in different places on the Earth and not all at the same time. We are different, with different body chemistry and physical attributes.

From a biological perspective, to be completely blunt, you are completely wrong:

We are extremely young as a species from an evolutionary perspective; evolution is a process that takes far, far more time than any of us will live for.  Humanity is a brief blip on the radar of time at this point, and from an evolutionary perspective, yes, we did all actually develop at pretty much the same time.  Certainly, the spread of humans occurred so rapidly that there was not time for meaningful genetic differences to develop; it is not the case that isolated groups of humans have been existing in various locales on this planet for hundreds of millions of years and had time to diverge meaningfully.

Second, back to the "different" thing again.  I am not asian; I have different physical attributes in terms of, say, skin color or shape of my eyes.  That's pretty trivial, though, when you compare that to the difference in physical attributes I have with my dog.  How meaningful are these things?  Especially when 1 - 2 generations of offspring can either wipe them out or fully combine them?  I would suggest not very.


Why can we accept and discuss these differences in dogs but not in ourselves?

Because we do not have the same level of genetic plasticity as a dog; they change much more rapidly than humans.

As an example, let us assume that humans are, on average, Beagles.  Just a random starting point for a relatively small dog breed, though not tiny.  This would mean, if we have the same sort of genetic plasticity and variability that dogs do, somewhere in the world there should be a group of Newfoundland humans.

Based on the relative size and shape differences between Beagles and Newfoundlands, these Newfoundlander humans would average a height of roughly ten to eleven feet, and weigh between one thousand and one thousand two hundred pounds!

Some food for thought.

DomKen -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 10:08:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
I believe that primates developed into homosapiens in different places on the Earth and not all at the same time. We are different, with different body chemistry and physical attributes.

You are wrong.

The fossil, DNA and biochemical evidence is quite clear, all humans are descended from those H sapiens who initially evolved in east Africa. Based on studies of genetic diversity a relatively small number of migrations from that founder population resulted in all the humans elsewhere.

IOW we're all Africans.

Also note that genetically people from east Africa have more genetic diversity than do the rest of us combined. That means people from 2 well seperated villages in Ethiopia are more different from each other than you are from any other non east African.

mzbehavin -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 10:15:32 AM)

When i think the human race is totally fucked up, sometimes i look to the animal kingdom and note that they do kill one another as well. Over territory, a mate, for food. Dogs, Lions... animals  wild or domesticated do bite. They also appear protective and often emotionally connected to their surroundings.
Sounds like an engineering issue gone wrong on a very large scale, or its all part of the big plan of endless trial and suffering.
However, i do agree, animals dont lie, lol.
People are whack.

bipolarber -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/16/2008 10:27:38 AM)

Mark Twain once compared humans and dogs. (I think it was in the story "The Mysterious Stranger") He cited the example of a cruel human owner, and the dog that remained loyal to him, despite the abuse that the owner inflicted. Twain offered the opinion that dogs were more true, and trustworthy than human beings.

After all, you don't see dog packs screwing each other over for a percentage, do you?

Termyn8or -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/19/2008 9:30:31 AM)

"I am better than everybody else because of my "
If I put it that way I made a mistake.
This thread kinda went by the wayside, but after work I'll get back to you.
Actually I don't even know if better is the right word to use, I just can't think of another one. Any ideas ?

Rule -> RE: The Human Race 2 (3/19/2008 9:43:48 AM)


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