RE: For men: how to find a woman here (Full Version)

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MasterZen22 -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (6/3/2008 10:22:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Stephann

I'm pretty much in agreement with the bullets, but I figure social skills aren't something that can be found in a book.

I was terrible with women till I hit about age 20. I figure it had a lot to do with how I (wasn't) brought up; my dad's the shy submissive type, my step mother's a bitch from hell. I grew up in a small town, and rolemodels were far and few between. Obviously, television's not the best place to learn how to 'be a man.'

In short, some men need to learn how to be worth their salt.


Stephen this post shows incredible wisdom, both in your original post and the one written above above. I agree 100% abput social skills being learned sometimes.

And as an aside, I was in exactly the same boat as you: I grew up in a small town with few role models, and my dad was a quiet submissive who hated himself. I had to learn a lot of my social skills through very painful trial and error and with the help of some written advise , similar to what you wrote here.


greyeyes99 -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (6/9/2008 10:10:20 PM)

Hi Stephen

An excellant article you have defined precisly what I have been working out for my self in the short time I have been here. In fact I will recommend it to the long distance female friends I have made here. Who are having trouble finding suitable partners for reverse engineering


Dnomyar -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (6/10/2008 5:47:32 AM)

KaineD you seem to be blaming your lack of success on others. I agree with most of what Stephan writes. But there are plenty of exceptions to the rules.  The problem with what the OP wrote is that we are not all clones. Not all women on here are looking for the perfect gentleman. This place is not E-harmony. 27 points of compatiablilty is not a pre requisite here. Following either the ops rules or you own will garner the same result.

pinksugarsub -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (6/10/2008 9:44:40 AM)

Your Op was just fabulous.  Thank You!

tartarus007 -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/2/2008 2:35:04 AM)

Greetings Stephenn

Thanks for the excellent advice. I fairly new to useing the internet for this and so found it highly usefull. As you can see my profile name is a "leftover" from my BDSM days. I do keep meaning to change it. Haveing just crossed over into the gorean lifestyle I am learning the hard way how to mail. BDSM subs are very different in the way they view themselves to kajira and it has not been easy to make my messages stand out in the way I'd like. Your advice should help and I have made careful notes.

Thanks Tartarus

HalloweenWhite -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/2/2008 2:54:16 AM) offence, but I worked this out for Myself. And it took less time to think up than read what Y/you wrote. Personally I think if people need this kind of advice then they need MUCH MORE help than they think.

Ialdabaoth -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/2/2008 3:05:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: HalloweenWhite offence, but I worked this out for Myself. And it took less time to think up than read what Y/you wrote. Personally I think if people need this kind of advice then they need MUCH MORE help than they think.

Personally, I think it's more accurate to say that if people need this kind of advice than they don't deserve this kind of advice. Even if it's harsh and vicious to say so, people who fail deserve to keep failing. Think about it - we already outnumber the women 10 to 1, do those of you who are successful really want the kind of competition the rest of us could bring to the table if we weren't clueless, pathetic fucks?

HalloweenWhite -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/2/2008 4:01:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThinkingKitten

Stephan: What you've written is all plain ol' common sense. Unfortunately, you can't pick up common sense at the grocery store, or order it online.....
you're swimming against the tide I fear......
....particularly round here.

seekerof -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/1/2009 3:46:17 PM)

I enjoyed reading your post Stephen. I would also add don't send multiple emails asking  when she is going ro answer your first email. That does not come acorss (at least to me) as dominant. It does come across as creepy....

slavekal -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/1/2009 7:45:43 PM)

Good advice.  I have noticed that many guys seem to try for a long time, but they don't try very hard.  If a man follows your suggestions, he will meet women.

LadyPact -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/1/2009 9:41:13 PM)

Still one of the best threads on CM and going strong.

variation30 -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/2/2009 1:43:52 AM)

though this is one of the better posts on these forums, there can never be a guide on how to find a woman here.

the majority of your collarme correspondences will resemble the game one plays as a child that involves constantly bumping a balloon in the air and trying to avoid it touching the ground - the one where you always lose and gravity always wins.

Highlandsub -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/2/2009 9:40:37 AM)

Wow...great post with alot of things we all probably know but forget to do. Thanks

petmonkey -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/18/2009 8:17:43 AM)

Thank you for taking the time to write this.

vasha -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/18/2009 8:48:55 AM)


My advice would be not to keep bombarding the target of one's affections with email, but also not to get discouraged and delete one's profile. 

this is a lot easier said then done, im afraid.  many of us, get discouraged... fairly easily. =\

AcademyForSlaves -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/18/2009 7:59:05 PM)


I'd like to thank Stephann for this fantastic post. Lots of thought and time when into writing it. I'm hoping lots of guys learned from reading it. I'm always feeling bad for guys that are looking for a woman and can't find one. Maybe now they've realized ways they can improve and help in their own search. Good luck guys.

CaringandReal -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (7/18/2009 8:04:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: HalloweenWhite offence, but I worked this out for Myself. And it took less time to think up than read what Y/you wrote. Personally I think if people need this kind of advice then they need MUCH MORE help than they think.

I kind of see what you're saying. His post is kind of the collarme version of "method dating," and the men who frequent the method dating sites seem to resort to a method in the first place because they can't act naturally around women in ways that attract them. So they memorize a lot of rules, tricks, and techniques instead. ("But Stephann, how exactly do I 'neg' a humiliation freak? She just starts playing with herself every damn time I say something uncomplimentary!")

I've noticed that men who have older sisters frequently know this stuff instinctually. I wonder why that could be? :) Having sisters is not a requirement to knowing how to relate to women, but I think it helps a lot of men who might otherwise be lost.

Grofast -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (9/13/2009 8:57:30 PM)

stephens post far from a waste of time, but very helpful.

DemonKia -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (9/13/2009 10:31:29 PM)

FR, after read thru

Huh. Lots of guys are socially inept; I have kind of a thing for the socially awkward . . . . It doesn't & shouldn't mean a lifetime sentence in solitary, so all the cynicism about the power to learn is a little over-blown & / or projective, to my ears . . .. . .

I post the link to this OP all the time, so blame me for this thread popping up again & again, if you'd like, dear reader . .. . . I think it's worthwhile to help people out, however quixotic it may seem at times . . . . .


naughtysubK -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (9/14/2009 4:27:48 AM)

I realize this thread is an old thread,  and I admit to not having read every post,  but one way to make sure you do NOT meet a woman on here is to have,  at the very beginning of your profile a rant/whine about how all of the women on this site are fakes. Especially if it is in all caps.  I don't know how many times I have seen this. 

I recently ran across a profile of someone I sort of know locally that states that he will not be making initial contact with anyone anymore because of all of the fakes.  I am tempted to send him a note gently letting him know that that statement is not likely to inspire anyone to make initial contact with him. 

I wish I still had a copy of the first cmail my Dominant sent to me.  It was quite charming.  I recall he mentioned something specific from my profile.  So I knew he had read it.  

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