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Message << Older Topic   Newer Topic >> Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 3/21/2008 9:52:32 AM   

Posts: 12580
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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
Status: offline Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- 

On January 4th, I received an innocent looking email here at that simply said “Welcome to Daytona!”.  It was from someone that listed themselves as a submissive but they had an uncommon screen name that was the name of a class of predator.  I mentioned it in my reply.     

On January 8th she explained how the screen name elicited a better response than “Pink Bunnies” and I became intrigued by her intellect.  After a few exchanges that day, I learned she was a mischievous and flirtatious intellectual.  Soon I received photographs of her to discover she was very attractive and curvaceous… a tasty specimen indeed!     

On January 17th we started making plans to talk and meet for coffee.  We are both professionals with tight schedules and we didn’t even get to exchange numbers until January 29th.     

On February 3rd it all started when I met her for coffee.  “Trust me. I’m a doctor” she said in a flirtatious tone.  Our energy was so intense, staff asked what were celebrating and a patron came in from the parking lot and asked if we owned the black convertible sports cars parked side by side (Yes we did: Porsche Boxster/ Mustang SVT Cobra).  We closed the joint.  Our goodnight kiss was as passionate and electrifying as the relationship we started a few days later.

Currently having a blast with her dating, exploring the Daytona she knows and showing her the life, love and BDSM I know.

< Message edited by ResidentSadist -- 3/21/2008 10:04:40 AM >


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 3/21/2008 1:55:22 PM   

Posts: 632
Joined: 7/17/2006
From: Angels
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Recommends books by Victoria Morris through Pink Flamingo publishers.
"You can PLEASE some people some of the time, most people most of the time, but NEVER all the people all of the time."

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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 3/21/2008 8:10:34 PM   

Posts: 127
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greetings ResidentSadist,
How lovely of you to share your true CM story,
It is great inspiration, maybe a reason to say "welcome" to a few more newbies.
Congratulations to the both of you, best wishes.



Freely we serve, because we freely love, as in our will
To love or not; in this we stand or fall.

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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 3/23/2008 2:03:45 PM   

Posts: 8
Joined: 7/5/2007
From: Maryland
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congrads man! nice choice in cars! seems you both are a natural fit for eachother.

BTW i'm a vette fan ;)


"The Lords strength flows from the Force. Beware. Anger, Fear, Aggression, Dominance, Hardcore Sex is the Dark Sides Strength. Once you start down the Dark Path, forever will I Dominate your Destiny!"

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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 3/24/2008 6:40:06 AM   

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sounds wonderful! good luck

(in reply to LordSinistR)
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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 3/25/2008 1:03:24 AM   

Posts: 57
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Congrats to you both.... and what is wrong with bunnies??? lol

Wishing you both the best for your journey together

x novaslave x

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 4/8/2008 1:20:21 PM   

Posts: 31
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great story on how things can go right  
repectfully littlewolfe


To conquer life is to take a step towards fear (unknown)

(in reply to novabunny)
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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 4/8/2008 3:32:03 PM   

Posts: 12580
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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
Status: offline
April 8th and we are still dating.  We attend the Beyond Leather convention this weekend. 
candisa - I hope you have extended many greetings since your post and have made new contacts as a result. 
LordSinistR - How can you not love a vette?  :)

novabunny - Nothing wrong with pink bunnies and I do just love leading them into the briar patch.  However, the lovely lady in this story is more of the tamed tiger type.  You don't have to be a submissive to be a slave, you only have to obey. 



-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to littlewolfe)
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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 4/8/2008 4:40:27 PM   

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Wishing You both the best!!!

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 4/9/2008 5:35:26 PM   

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you got quite lucky! congrads and best to you both!

(in reply to lalbobbilynn)
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RE: Story: “Trust me. I’m a doctor”=- - 4/27/2008 3:00:23 PM   

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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
Status: offline
-=April 27th=-
A positive experience all in all.  It was a whirlwind of passionate, romantic and memorable experiences.  It is a shame that we aren't a better fit.  With warm places in our hearts and fond memories in our minds, I expect the future holds a wonderful friendship for us.


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
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-=Hot Sexy Weekend of May 3rd=- - 5/8/2008 11:47:45 AM   

Posts: 12580
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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
Status: offline
  -=Hot Sexy Weekend of May 3rd=-
This thread started as a response to the “I love it when …”   thread but grew too large.  It shows the effects of both good and bad communication.
-=I love it when you have a really great weekend=-

I love it when you wake up on Monday (May 5th) after having been well fed, well watered, well loved, well fucked and highly entertained all weekend.  Especially when on Friday at 5pm the weekend looked like shit because you are moving and there is no phone, no cable, no money and the old car just sold and no new one yet. 

This sweetie I have been dating called me Friday night.  We previously had a little patch of miscommunication during an incredibly busy time for both of us.  We are both professionals and she was in a stressful patch at work and got ill.  I took really good care of her when she was suddenly hospitalized for a week. I brought her flowers, cards, good meals, plenty of books, snacks, fresh clothes etc.  I own my company, so it was easy for me to make the relationship a high priority and visit her several hours a day.  The hospital food sucked and often I would buy brunch and visit her for an hour or so in the beginning of the day.  Later I would bring dinner and spend several hours with her.  She was in pretty bad shape and having a reaction the medication she was on.  It was a really rough patch for her.  The Albuterol and steroids made her extremely hyper but clouded her mind.  I mean there were some really bad drug side effects and it was like she was in a rush to make series of bad decisions and she was having memory loss.  I swear if we hadn’t been in a BDSM style relationship, she would have gone AMA leaving the hospital before all the diagnostics had been performed.  Anyway, my functional memory, smoothing logic and some old fashioned “just behave and obey” style discipline saw her through it.  I saw what those drugs did to her and I deeply empathize as I know it would have made me completely crazy. 

When she was well enough to function again, she was inundated with catching up with all the work that had fallen behind and she focused on it.  That didn’t sit well with me because I had just spent quite a bit of time making her health and well being my top concern.  I mean, I had brought her flowers and cards and paid daily attention to her in her time of need.  Now it has been more than a 2 weeks in a brand new relationship and we haven’t fucked…  I wanted my hero’s reward for helping the maiden in distress.  I was really rather put off that she didn’t drop her life and pay homage to her hero and his cock.  So I put my career and schedule in front of the relationship too.

Imagine the nerve of a slave… concerned about her own survival and career when she could be gratefully groveling and giving the man who saved her from the jaws of certain death… well, ok, you’re right, she was just sick.  Oh well… damn.  Nonetheless, between both our careers and aftercare for her illness, there had been no time to straighten it all out.  The relationship was left on a rather bad note for a couple weeks.

With so much time passing, we both wanted to get together and talk over the weekend.  We needed to sort out what to do with the relationship… more like where to officially bury it now that it was dead.  I mean, even rescuers presume someone is dead if they are missing at sea long enough.  We are friends, I mean we like each other or we wouldn’t have become lovers in the first place.  So as fluid bonded lovers, it was only polite to make the break up official.  However, with my moving to a new house, the weekend wasn’t looking good.

So, now you have the background… back to the call on Friday; I explain to her why it was a shitty weekend.  I told I would have no phone, no spare money, no car and with the pending move, I didn’t expect we could get together.  The sweetheart calls back a little later and says “want to go to the movies?”  Instead of toiling away moving under bad conditions all weekend, when she offered to pick me up and treat us to a movie, I fucked off the move right then and said yes. 

We went out for wings and talked about the miscommunications we had been having.  It was a detailed exchange and both of us expressed our feelings, good, bad and otherwise.  Essentially, we cleared the air and it boiled down to that there was never a lack of love or passion.  It was how we saw the relationship differently and our clashing priorities.  For dessert went to the Marble Slab for ice cream, then went to the movies and saw Nim’s Island (cute little movie). 

Our passions were pretty high by the time we went to her place.  We exploded into some extremely rough and violent sex that turned into a multi-orgasmic fuckfest.  It was rough enough that there were some minor injuries like a little vaginal tearing.  At the end of it all, pink puddles were scattered all over the bed.  She just seemed so sweet and romantic laying there on sheets soaked with pink bloodstained pools of cum.  We fell soundly asleep in each other’s arms… and yes, Master slept in a damp spot.  There weren’t many dry patches despite the towels.  We were both spent and just didn’t matter.

The next morning started at 12 noon with “have you had your spankings yet” and evolved from those erotic spankings, through a plethora of sexual delights, a few screaming orgasms (hers, I don’t scream) and after a few hours, it ended with a very heavy resistance scene that had extreme OKT discipline.  I am a rather jaded sadist and this OTK slaked even my violent lust.  The resistance play was pretty intense too… she wanted to and tried to call for help all the while wishing she had an effective safeword.  I was as brutal as you can get with your hands w/o doing deep tissue damage.  (BTW, the purple bruising doesn’t count as damage, I mean muscle tears.)  To give you a picture of it, we are in the bed and she is struggling for her life.  She is draped over my thigh, her upper body pinned and restrained with one arm and her failing legs pinned and restrained by my other leg.  I am telling her how she hurt my feelings in the past and smacking her ass while asking if she understands me.  “Yes Sir” she replies.  I am telling her how I expect her to behave in the future and smacking her.  Still in military style, I tell her how my cock had been neglected and gave her clear instructions on how to remedy the past.  She was verbally repeating her future instructions in a clear tone.  After I felt I had exacted a “pound of flesh” as recompense, I asked her if she understood and she reiterated her new prime directive which of course is to take care of my cock.  I told her she was a “good girl” and we were done. 

We lay side by side, she was curled up hugging me as she whispered in my ear her thoughts about love and her masochism.  She said that during the spanking it was not sexually exciting and in fact, she was sincerely trying to escape.  At the time, she wished that the neighbors would have heard her screams and intervened.  Several times she wished she had a safeword or some other way out.  However, after being disciplined, after being totally at my mercy and having no control at all, she was extremely turned on by the power of it all.  She felt closer to me.  I explained that besides the informative conversation we had the night before over wings, the “pound of flesh” she just paid helped balance the scales between us in my books.  I felt closer to her too.  She also mentioned that her ass was very sore.  :)

It was about 2:40 now so we headed off to breakfast at an awesome local dinner that only serves breakfast/lunch.  We had to get there before 3pm when the kitchen closes.  We were served delicious apple fritters with strawberry yogurt, eggs, bacon, home fries, biscuits and gravy.  We had a section in the back mostly to ourselves.  It was private and a bit romantic.  Having been up all night mostly, the food made her sleepy.  However, it recharged my batteries.  I dropped the top on the car and we headed to my new townhouse.  Lounging around and resting on the comfy leather couch I turned into a sexual fantasy, I told her a very hot and steamy story about nonconsensual sexual service to a friend of my choosing while I watch her and judged her performance.  She got even hotter when the fantasy had me join in and she was overcome with lust.  She was still too swollen and sore for any sexual contact with her pussy but she lavished me with some gratuitous oral sex. 

We both fell asleep on the couch and I woke when I heard her leg hit the coffee table in her sleep.  I took her to bed (no cage in the new place yet) with me for a nap.  We got up around 5:30 and dropped a package off at the post office.  I swung by the theater and saw that Ironman started at 7:30 sooooooooooooo… yup, back to my place for some more gratuitous sex and torture.  I laid her out naked on the bed and coldly reached in and pulled a few orgasms out of her until she was squirting nicely… it was pretty damn hot.  Later we went to see the movie Ironman and went out for burgers afterwards. 

So now it’s Monday and I’m thinking that sexy blonde and I did each other pretty good this weekend.  She is a good girl.  Quite a turn around since last month I would say.


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
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RE: -=Hot Sexy Weekend of May 3rd=- - 5/8/2008 4:27:13 PM   

Posts: 3931
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From: South Florida
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That is the same sort of weekend Michael and I had!!  My favorite!!! (Except your's didn't end with a mad dash to the airport as ours usually does.. :(  ..)


A clever man can get out of situations a wise man never gets into...
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
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RE: -=Hot Sexy Weekend of May 3rd=- - 5/9/2008 5:14:14 AM   

Posts: 446
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You write very well. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story and congrats to you and your new love!


Married, Novice Subbish-Type Person
and rider of the Drama Llama.

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RE: -=Hot Sexy Weekend of May 3rd=- - 5/11/2008 6:11:41 PM   

Posts: 12580
Joined: 2/11/2007
From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
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ORIGINAL: BossyShoeBitch
...same sort of weekend Michael and I had!!  My favorite!!!

I think Florida has kinky & sexy vibe to it...  perhaps that why it attracts a wilder set of people?


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

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