"Deleted Unread" (Full Version)

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Tyler15237 -> "Deleted Unread" (7/16/2004 6:53:12 PM)

I'm frustrated. I only send email when I find someone who seems to be a particularly good match for me, namely with their interests, location, physical attraction, and non BDSM interests. But the last three emails I sent, over a one month period and to three different "matches," wound up being "deleted unread."

I don't send "template emails." I go out of my way to introduce myself, explain who I am, what I like, and why I'm writing. I am not overly aggressive and I'm not "just looking for sex." I'm courteous and respectful and genuinely interested in making contact with those I email.

Now I know women get a great deal of email and I'm sure it's overwhelming. I'm sure there are times when it's best to purge mail and "start over again," so to speak. It's just so frustrating when a great deal of time, energy, and feeling go into an email that is ultimately sent to the technology abyss. I'm not God's gift to women, I'm not a model, I'm not a genius, and I'm not wealthy. I'm just trying to fill this void that seems to get larger with each "deleted unread".

I'm not asking for pity or an explanation. Clearly these women are not matches as I initially thought so, in some twisted and sadistic manner, I've brought this frustration upon myself. More than anything, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I know we've all got matches out there and I know I'll meet up with mine soon enough.

But DAMN! Does the path to my match have to include so many potholes?!? sheesh!

<end rant.>

I feel better!

Tyler15237 -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/16/2004 6:57:51 PM)

And why does it say "vanilla" under my name? Any ideas on how to change that?


SherriA -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/16/2004 7:01:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tyler15237

And why does it say "vanilla" under my name? Any ideas on how to change that?

Post more. The labels are dependent on the number of posts you have out here.

I gotta stop posting soon, or i'm gonna lose my "indecent" moniker and I really LIKE this one.

topcat -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/16/2004 7:40:00 PM)


i'm gonna lose my "indecent" moniker and I really LIKE this one

Midear Sherri-

You'll always be indecent to me<g>.

Stay warm,

SherriA -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/16/2004 8:07:24 PM)

Thanks Lawrence. :) But I don't have an ass like yours, so I don't get my very own personalized sticky label.

Looking forward to seeing you at the end of the month!

Voltare -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/16/2004 9:30:56 PM)

Ok, first off I'd say positively I think email should at least be read first.

I'll state the one exception - I suggest to women who receive a great volume of email, to require a word or phrase stated at the end of their profile. If the word or phrase is not in the subject - then the guy deserves to have his email deleted because he's obviously just sending bulk form letters or begging for more photos.

Just my two cents.


Tyler15237 -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/16/2004 10:41:26 PM)


I suggest to women who receive a great volume of email, to require a word or phrase stated at the end of their profile.

agreed. In fact, I mentioned subject lines in this forum post: http://www.collarme.com/forum/two_suggestions/m_10927/tm.htm

But I didn't think subject lines existed--did I miss something?

MizSuz -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/17/2004 8:28:17 AM)


Not to change the subject BUT:

Did you by any chance used to own or work in a sporting goods store? More towards the north - central portion of the state (PA)?

You look a lot like someone I met once there.

Tyler15237 -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/17/2004 9:07:12 AM)

Nope, I've never worked in a sporting goods store although that would probably be right up my alley.

sorry to disappoint!

MizSuz -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/17/2004 11:50:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tyler15237

Nope, I've never worked in a sporting goods store although that would probably be right up my alley.

sorry to disappoint!

No disappointment, and thanks for the answer. You look a lot like someone I met (who presented as a sub).

Sorry for any confusion and good luck to you with your email problem.

iwillserveu -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/18/2004 6:01:36 AM)


I'll state the one exception - I suggest to women who receive a great volume of email, to require a word or phrase stated at the end of their profile. If the word or phrase is not in the subject - then the guy deserves to have his email deleted because he's obviously just sending bulk form letters or begging for more photos.

Good idea! If the "I'll dominate you finacially, little piggie" messages get anoying I might do that. Thanks for the idea!

iwillserveu -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/18/2004 6:05:09 AM)


If you find out what works, will you please tell me. [:)]

(For the emoticonly challenged, I' smiling. If that is sarcasm or "too true" decide for yourself.)

SherriA -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/18/2004 6:13:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tyler15237
But I didn't think subject lines existed--did I miss something?

I don't think you missed anything. I don't see subject line in my collarme email.

italianalala -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/19/2004 8:26:05 PM)


Rant and Rave all you want. It's among one of the pleasures of life.

I just read your profile and have no idea why anyone would delete your email. I was impressed. You're funny, alive, creative, literate, informative, and you're probably spontaneous and a joy to be around.

Collarme is a good place to be, don't let anyone get you down!!!

Their loss.

cheers, Ma'am


Laugh and giggle -- life can be good.

Estring -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/20/2004 12:05:09 AM)

Maybe they can't read.

sweet`allure -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/20/2004 10:04:26 AM)

deleted unread? hmmmmmm i think that is just rude. If someone takes the time to send an email i believe they deserve a response. Now what kind of response they will get certainly depends on the contents of the email. [8D]

Tyler15237 -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/22/2004 7:55:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: italianalala

I just read your profile and have no idea why anyone would delete your email. I was impressed. You're funny, alive, creative, literate, informative, and you're probably spontaneous and a joy to be around.

it seems that you inadvertently omitted my smokin' hot body...

kidding! Thank you for the compliments. I try to be all of those things and I'm working on the smokin' hot body too.


Tyler15237 -> RE: "Deleted Unread" (7/22/2004 8:01:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: sweet`allure

deleted unread? hmmmmmm i think that is just rude. If someone takes the time to send an email i believe they deserve a response. Now what kind of response they will get certainly depends on the contents of the email. [8D]

exactly!! I'm not looking for an end to world hunger, only that my emails get read. If what you read isn't appealing, that's great, at least we'll know it wouldn't work. I'd be so much happier with a "thanks, but you're not for me" or even "get real you bald loser" type of message than a "deleted unread."

It's so great to know I'm not alone here

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