A second Intro (Full Version)

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ZandD -> A second Intro (10/1/2005 7:03:05 PM)

I have introduced myself here once before but I have not posted more than a few of times on any site. Why? I always seem to come out sounding like an idiot and eventually I will be told by numorous people that I am either not doing "it" (whatever "it" is) correctly or that I am not really a "Dominant" as I don't behave as such. I know that this is something of a rant, but hey, I am not really "lifestyle" experienced, this life that I choose is not my only interest in my life and by all outward apperances I am the most boring, conformist, generic person that people are ever likely to meet in their life.

Having said that (and having taken the obvious risk of offending someone somewhere), I am hoping to meet 2 or 3 people here that I can call friend, generate some good conversation and share some laughs. I don't trust easily and I must sound insecure. Maybe I am! But I also know what I need and what I want (well, in some things anyway) and I'm not shy about that.

Also, one more thing, even though D would probably tell me "people don't need to know about that": I have ADD and I am medicated for it. My work and experience in that area has changed my life and my perception of life. Thank you in advance for your understanding and your tolerence.

My apologies for the rant. Please take this in the spirit that it is intended. There are those that may not like what I have to say, but I strive for honesty and integrity in all that I do, and I expect all of the respect that I give, even though I may not recieve it.

Thank you all for having me here!


(let the flames begin[8|])!)

MissDiandSirHugh -> RE: A second Intro (10/1/2005 8:11:44 PM)

G'Day and Welcome second time around ZandD just take time to read what others have put on the boards may be a help in things but enjoy as well

ZandD -> RE: A second Intro (10/1/2005 8:29:33 PM)

Thanks Miss D and Sir H! It's appreciated!


MissDiandSirHugh -> RE: A second Intro (10/1/2005 10:08:32 PM)

Not a worry ZandD take care

Vancouver_cinful -> RE: A second Intro (10/2/2005 12:04:03 PM)


Also, one more thing, even though D would probably tell me "people don't need to know about that": I have ADD and I am medicated for it. My work and experience in that area has changed my life and my perception of life. Thank you in advance for your understanding and your tolerence.

LOL You certianly aren't the only one on here with the unique brain chemistry known as ADD. It's an interesting thing to live inside an ADD brain, as I know first hand.
Personally I believe that BDSM is somewhat tailored for us. We get the adrenaline rushes we crave, the intensity that keeps us awake and happy...And for someone as disorganized and impulsive as myself, I get to have a loving dominant assist me with the internal controls I occasionally lack.
(Like you I've done major work on myself in this area, and have come out a well-adjusted successful individual.)
Welcome to collarme. Enjoy the forums!


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