RE: Preference of color (Full Version)

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kittinSol -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 5:28:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: Justme696


ORIGINAL: SugarMyChurro
Races, eh? Do people still believe in that nonsense about there being different races? They're not just idiotic social constructs?

there is no problem with discussing "races" ( we grew up seperate for millions of years) but how you approach it.

Come again?

MladyHathor -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 5:39:57 AM)

people are people, just because they are in this life does not mean that preferences or prejudices are erased------racism doesn't disappear because one owns a flogger.

kittinSol -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 5:42:08 AM)

I like to see who fate brings me, but I was never one for shopping lists. I could fall in love with a martian, for all I know, so skin colour is the least of my worries.

It takes all kinds...

GreedyTop -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 5:44:12 AM)

Without seeing the profile that sparked this thread, I am going to assume that the girl in question isn't being racist, just expressing a preference.  As some others have said, it could very well be just an aesthetic thing.

RavenMuse -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 5:57:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: MladyHathor

people are people, just because they are in this life does not mean that preferences or prejudices are erased------racism doesn't disappear because one owns a flogger.

Neither does having a preference equate to being racist. Does prefering a tall man mean a girl is predjudice against short Men... or simply that they don't push her buttons? Does being straight equate to being predjudice against gays? Does Owning a blonde make you distainful of red-heads?

In all such cases the answer is of course no, why should people automaticaly assume that a stated preference on race is any different..... Such personal preference is very valid on a site like this where people are looking to build relationships. It isn't a job search where the 'candidate' has to have a grade three flogger licence and a higher diploma in D/s Dynamics.... people are looking to connect on a deeper level than that.

Real_Trouble -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 6:07:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Justme696
there is no problem with discussing "races" ( we grew up seperate for millions of years) but how you approach it.

I believe, actually, that this is factually incorrect.

Here, I won't vouch for the overall accuracy, but the wikipedia timeline is at least very generally correct:

You will notice human (homo sapiens) existence spans hundreds of thousands, not many millions, of years... which is barely the blink of an eye in evolutionary terms.

Justme696 -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 6:37:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: Justme696


ORIGINAL: SugarMyChurro
Races, eh? Do people still believe in that nonsense about there being different races? They're not just idiotic social constructs?

there is no problem with discussing "races" ( we grew up seperate for millions of years) but how you approach it.

Come again?

just evolution theorie, not?  Why do you think we have different colors and looks?
Because we lived in different circumstances and area's.
It is a fact. Can't change it. And it doesn't mean any group is better then the other.


  You will notice human (homo sapiens) existence spans hundreds of thousands, not many millions, of years... which is barely the blink of an eye in evolutionary terms

the time doesn't matter for what I said, but thank you for correcting. I am not an expert in evolution.

13 Ma
Homininae ancestors speciate from the ancestors the orangutan[11].
Pierolapithecus catalaunicus is believed to be a common ancestor of humans and the great apes or at least a species

Real_Trouble -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 6:42:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Justme696
just evolution theorie, not?  Why do you think we have different colors and looks?
Because we lived in different circumstances and area's.
It is a fact. Can't change it. And it doesn't mean any group is better then the other.

I say this without any malice, but you are painfully uninformed.  I referenced a very brief wikipedia article above (and slogging through wikipedia is often a good starting place, even with the lack of rigor there), but you can kick me a PM and I have a vast reading list I can pass along if you really want to learn something about evolutionary biology and human systems; there are several hundred thousands pages you can find on alone answering your second question.

You are right that you cannot change facts, but I suggest that you know what they are before making your argument.

Justme696 -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 6:51:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Real_Trouble


ORIGINAL: Justme696
just evolution theorie, not?  Why do you think we have different colors and looks?
Because we lived in different circumstances and area's.
It is a fact. Can't change it. And it doesn't mean any group is better then the other.

I say this without any malice, but you are painfully uninformed.  I referenced a very brief wikipedia article above (and slogging through wikipedia is often a good starting place, even with the lack of rigor there), but you can kick me a PM and I have a vast reading list I can pass along if you really want to learn something about evolutionary biology and human systems; there are several hundred thousands pages you can find on alone answering your second question.

You are right that you cannot change facts, but I suggest that you know what they are before making your argument.

No need for it. I somehow dislike it when people say others are wrong and then move the subject to 'pm'
Explain us why we look different? It is interesting for us al.
I had enough biology when I studied to form my opinion where there are different "races".
Again....I dont mean it to say that one species is "superior" to an other. Just that there are differences.
Which..are visible also.

funny how people are so worried to say we are different on some points..and so similar on others. Only the last part is wanted I guess.

perhaps this is interesting;

kittinSol -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 7:00:31 AM)

There have been arguments ad infinitum on these boards on the subject; do a search, and see for yourself. You will find that race is a sociological construct that has no roots in biology.

Justme696 -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 7:05:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol
. You will find that race is a sociological construct that has no roots in biology.

No, you want me to find it. But I disagree.
Perhaps in Amerika or other countries this subject is a bit touchy. But I see this pure as science with any prejudice towards any "race".
The word race is propably blacklisted...and I never use it myself..unless it is mentioned. I just see matter what race or sex....but I am not afraid to say my opinion. I think it can be discussed with out hurting people.


race is a sociological...

racism is...that I agree on.

But we go to much offtopic I guess
My apology.

OsideGirl -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 7:14:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: ChemistryMaster1

Thank Y/you all for Y/your feedback!

With all due respect,  I don’t think like that and I think she needs some discipline, so she can pass that level of shallowness. she has to learn NOT to judge BDSM Masters by the shell They come in.
And you never judge a submissive by their looks? You never ask for a picture to see what they look like?

And who are you to think you have a right to correct it?

Justme696 -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 7:18:52 AM)




ORIGINAL: ChemistryMaster1

Thank Y/you all for Y/your feedback!

With all due respect,  I don’t think like that and I think she needs some discipline, so she can pass that level of shallowness. she has to learn NOT to judge BDSM Masters by the shell They come in.
And you never judge a submissive by their looks? You never ask for a picture to see what they look like?

And who are you to think you have a right to correct it?

that is a good point, that is also about mather if you prefer blond hair or white skin.
(although people automatically connect skin color to prejuduce.....i think at least)

raisedonsunshine -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 7:45:07 AM)

In your defense Pharoh, I've received many replies from black dominants who feel that they must first and foremost let me know that they are indeed African American and would that be an issue with me? I don't have racial preferences, and I find it sad that black men have to announce "what" they are when I've never gotten an message from a white man stipulating his race in order to get the fact out of the way so he can know straight away if he'll be rejected for his skin.

I do believe though that everyone, I mean everyone has some sort of preferences in what kind of human being they wish to be touched by.

For example, I just read a gentleman's profile that stated that he will only talk with girls who are petite, slim, bi-sexual under 25, no baggage and with large breast.(oxymoran?) Now....This guy is in his fifties, married and only wants a casual once a month play session. Sounds unrealistic.  Still, he has the right to want what he wants.

I like tall men, but if a short fellow comes along who moves me and touches my heart, I'd just throw away all of my high heels and preconceived ideals on what is attractive.

laura2161 -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 9:03:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: sambamanslilgirl

some prefer one race over the other meanwhile others don't.

i had no preference when searching however i tend to gravitate towards white men than black men. some might consider that as being racially discriminating on my part because personally i feel more comfortable around then. that's their opinion which doesn't effect me at all. 

I dont think it's racially discriminating. You know your comfort level better than anyone else. Then again, Im sure there are those that think Im discriminating because I do prefer a black man (Im white)

Different strokes for different folks :-)

laura2161 -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 9:05:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: ChemistryMaster1

Thank Y/you all for Y/your feedback!

With all due respect,  I don’t think like that and I think she needs some discipline, so she can pass that level of shallowness. she has to learn NOT to judge BDSM Masters by the shell They come in.

Shallowness has nothing to do with it.

For you to say she needs discipline because of it....Sorry but that's just a bunch of hooey.

atursvcMaam -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 9:38:16 AM)

With all due respect, do you avoid answering my questions to you for any other reason than that i can be a bit of an a** hole?  i spent 4 years in the military to protect your right to have that opinion, and for the sub in question to have hers, whether i agree or not.  Enjoy the benefits of being what, where and who you are.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 9:56:44 AM)


W/what Y/you think?

that a person stating a preference for a particular coloring, of skin or hair, is a lot different than that person stating a particular coloring, of skin or hair, is bad, wrong, evil, without a soul, disgustingly nauseating, etc.

Poetryinpain -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 10:12:54 AM)

I wonder if the OP's indignation stems from the fact that the sub in question stated a preference for a "white Master." It might be a Pavlovian reaction to the connection of the two words. The stereotypical 'white Master' might be very off-putting to some black people, and maybe he just went with the flow of his emotions on that.

I don't have a stated preference. It makes little difference to me what color the skin is. As so many here have stated, it's what's inside the skin that makes a difference to me. But I must say that a chip on a black shoulder looks no more attractive than a chip on a white, brown, red, or yellow shoulder.

pip, color-blind

Gwynvyd -> RE: Preference of color (4/11/2008 10:30:31 AM)

Very very well put.. and basicaly what I was gonna say...

ya know.. you are growing on me.

*smiles and winks*


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