RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (Full Version)

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JustaTop -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/11/2005 11:15:58 AM)

I think one of the things that bother me about people seeking 24 7 slavery is that they seem to think it really means 24 7 fun and games. Rather than living harmoniously and productively with someone (that hated four letter word,WORK) and making a better life for both.

Probably one of the biggest single things that turned me off to it-the leeches.

shygirldesires -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/11/2005 1:49:45 PM)



I have never met a sub who would be aroused by being drasticly humiliated right off the bat. In fact, try that with most females and they will eject on you in a heartbeat.

are you saying you have never met them in person?
Becasue there are plenty of female sub/slave profiles on here who want only to be treated and spoken to as a loooowly peice of hole to f**k, kept chained to a hot radiator all day and who say they are worms... *sigh

i do find it highly conflicting.... why would a dominant want a worthless nothing to give his mentoring, protection, guidance, training...etc to?? [8|]

sultryvoice -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/11/2005 3:17:26 PM)

I have always been under the impression that a Dominant (male or female) wanted a sub/slave that is self-sufficient, has high self esteem, knows themselves, has good manners, good intellectual capabilities, wants to serve and I don't necessarily mean sexually, but can mean that also. If the sub/slaves want to be a worm, by all means. But I am sure they are wondering why they aren't attracting a Dominant. This thread says it all quite clearly!



Who is all the above, except the worm!

JustaTop -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/11/2005 3:26:08 PM)

Worms are high maintanance,and only a fool makes themselves work they don't need to do.

RainGod -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/11/2005 4:55:48 PM)

shygirldesires said:


are you saying you have never met them in person?

Sorry. Yes I meant in person, rather than online. It is very difficult for Me to believe half of what is said online when it comes to these profiles. What someone says, and what they live is often two very different things, unfortunately.


Becasue there are plenty of female sub/slave profiles on here who want only to be treated and spoken to as a loooowly peice of hole to f**k, kept chained to a hot radiator all day and who say they are worms... *sigh

Ummmm.. yes, but that's in cyber (which I do not understand at all). I realize this is not a thread about cyber vs. real life, but how would I know she is doing what she says she is?

However, let's assume for a moment we are speaking of "meeting" someone through an email. I have recieved tons of email over the years from submissive females, and not one single one of them began by offering herself up on the altar of self-degradation. Not one. Why do the male subs do it? Not knocking them for what they do.... but why? Help Me understand.

Going even further.... and this goes back to My original reply... I hear female subs on these boards contantly saying how stupid they think it is for someone to email them and open the email with "Bend over bitch!" or "Call Me Master, Whore". I believe what I hear over and over is the ringing that they are wannabes. Therefore, I gather that most female submissives do NOT like to be degraded right away... if at all.

Why is it then that the males seem to seek it right away?

michaelMI -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/11/2005 5:07:09 PM)

<refraining from using the chat banter of the CAP association here> how many Dominants really want a lowly, worthless worm anyway? A submissive should show pride in themselves as a representation of their owner, I think anyway. It has been my experience that a Dominant looks for someone worth having, not someone they have to keep building up. If I'm wrong, I apologize. Just an observation.

JustaTop -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/11/2005 5:20:17 PM)

It sucks to be somebodie's 24 7 crutch. Been there ,done that, finally just let em drop.

Having enough of a backbone to stand on your own is a really great quality. Worms are for processing compost-not to have as partners.

littleone35 -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (10/12/2005 8:34:56 AM)

With my late Master what i showed the world wehn we were together was a reflection of him. I was very proud to be his and even though i was his submissive when i was with him in public i held my head high because i was his. (grins) also to show off my collar which was a choker.


Mymantoy999 -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/12/2005 8:37:23 PM)

This happens to be one of my seminar topics. i do use lower case "i" and sign my name with a lower case "e", but that is mostly for the idiots that do not read my profile. i am MsSuzan's slave. MsSuzan refers to me as slave Ed with a capital "E". i am Her slave but She has a great deal of respect for me and my service to Her.

i am good at what i do, and proud of how i do it. Every sub/slave should have a good sense of self worth and pride. Everytime i do something that makes MsSuzan smile just inflates my ego even more. The more my ego inflates, the harder i have to work maintain it. i can only maintain it if MsSuzan is happy and smiling.

Whenever i encounter the "worthless worm nonsense", i always counter with "what self respecting Domme would want service from someone incapable of providing service She deserves".

i have found that much of this "mindset" (for lack of a better term), has been perpetuated by ProDommes (no i am not saying anything against Pros. i do not want to stir up that can of worms). And by the porn BDSM producers. If you have low self esteem (in reality or fantasy), you are doomed to fail from the "git-go".


mnottertail -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/12/2005 8:57:23 PM)

I'm just a little black raincloud, hovering under the honey tree...I'm only a little black raincloud, pay no attention to me..............

Just Musing,

WalterRego -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/12/2005 9:08:45 PM)

I have a different take on this, Ladies, though one no more flattering than what you have been surmising. When a male sub says I'm a lowly worm or something like that, your ears should prick up immediately cause it usually means that in his eyes and mind he's just the opposite. It reminds me of witnesses who preface what they are going to say with, "I've gotta be honest with you...." or "To tell you the truth..." when you hear that, get ready for a load of practiced, calculated bullshit nowhere near the truth.

If I guy says he's a lowly worm, what he's probably really telling you is that he's self centered, with a very good idea of what he wants from you. He probably has very specific and detailed ideas of the way he wants you to "dominate" him. The worm part is cover, since if he can get you believe that, then how can you be suspicious or wary of him, and you will obviously then be eager to do all those nasty things to him he's about to suggest to you that he deserves. It's not that he has no personality, it's just a form of manipulation. Fortunately it doesn't work too well on smart women.

Jasmyn -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/12/2005 10:12:42 PM)

I rather like worms...

nephandi -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 2:54:34 AM)

i see thing wrong whit the worm aprotch, some pepole are heavy into humiliation, but yes it seam to be more commen among male than among female submissives, and from what little i know it seam that men and women would enyoy werry different kinds of humiliation, anyway if that is what the boys want, let them search for a Mistress that can give it to them.

As for the i and I things, and lover cased nics for submissives, it have become quite common online, not becouse us that use it are constantly in play mode, it have just become a thing one do, like eating turkey on Christmas. It begun i think in chatrooms, to more easy see if a person was submissive or Dominant, and have just become a habit for some, for others it is a way to show respect.

candystripper -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 6:18:36 AM)

i cannot agree with WalterRego more...those catch phrases such as "to be perfectly honest" mean either (1) you are about to hear a load of crap or (2) you HAVE been hearing a load of crap. i also agree that the "worm" methaphor is probably aimed at gaining attention from a Domme with highly specific manipulative ideas in mind.

Here's another question: why do males submissives write to female submissives so much? i cannot count the number of times i have been contacted by such men. Some ask me to become a Domme to suit their needs; others offer to "change" into Doms; and some offer money, property, etc. It weirds me out and seems very disrespectful. i did not choose "submissiveness"; it is my heart's desire.

To me, this is similiar to the email i get from experienced sadists who claim they'll give up s/m in order to collar me. In other words, bullshit meant to conceal a person's true motives and lead me astray.

IMO, a person searching should have their "house in order" so that in the event they find their One they have a position of strength and self-confidence from which to move towards Him/Her. i think it's a myth that Doms/Masters/Dommes must be strong and in control, but submissives and slave may be weak kittens in need of rescue.


Cloudz -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 6:52:21 AM)



The reason subs/slaves respond that way, it's what they think the mistresses want to hear. Most subs/slaves and for that matter alot of the mistresses just don't know how to communicate with people. Communication is a lost art.

I agree with you on both points. People frequently say what they think the person they are in communication with wants to hear. Which starts the communication out on a lying, manipulative, load of nonsense. Communication is a lost art in the world of instant gratification. A woman who seeks power over a man surely must be unable to exert that power over a living, breathing, thoughtful, creative man. So, they make it easier by stating they are worms, worthless...easy for a "mere female" to dominate. Poor cluesless fools...

cltcdrd -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 8:15:22 AM)



Greetings, submissives and slaves of all types. Here is my rant/question/thing.

I'm a dominant woman. I'm looking for a male slave. I have an extensive profile, full of detail about what sort of a person I'm looking for and what he'll be expected to do. I'm specific about wanting someone as strong and as confident as I am.

The problem:
And yet, about 90% of the messages I receive here are from men who describe themselves as "useless," "unworthy, "a worm," etc. They're all full of that "i" and "You" capitalization stuff I see so frequently in online BDSM forums (tho I suspect that's another topic for another time), and of course, since I declare myself dominant, I get the lucky capitals. You get the drift, no?

The question:
For those who feel and communicate this way, what gives? Why would I want to spend my time with someone I think is worthless? Why do you think of yourself as... wormly? Worm-like? Wormiful? ;) Do you not think your personal time is better spent bettering yourself so you can feel like a more worthwhile HUMAN BEING, capable of handling another's trust? Or is this some kind of roleplaying thing?

I'm totally serious here. I'm baffled.


Coming from a female submissive view.......

I have never, in 20 years, approached another ( in mailings obviously) using the capitalization of letters. Mainly because I believe that there is nothing dominant or submissive about typing letters on a screen :) There are many though that relish the role that online play offers to them. For them, that is the way they "show" their respect.
In regards to the immediate degradation of one's own character. I truly believe that they think that this is what is wanted. Either they are brand new to the lifestyle, have been very badly instructed, or have no real time experience what-so-ever.
I have yet to meet someone from the lifestyle, on both ends, who was not highly intelligent, strong willed, confident in them selves, and always looking to improve. Most will look for these same qualities when going through their emails and weeding out the "wannabe's".

nephandi -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 9:45:34 AM)

i often say to be totaly honest, for example:

my mother: Do you like this dress?
me: to be totaly honest no, it is way to frilly for my traste.


frind: Do you like vodka?
me: no to be totaly honest i dont drink at all.

HenryMiller -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 1:34:35 PM)


The problem:
And yet, about 90% of the messages I receive here are from men who describe themselves as "useless," "unworthy, "a worm," etc. They're all full of that "i" and "You"

I do the You/me thing playfully. It's a convention in an unconventional society. And anyone else endorses this anytime they write D/s.

onceburned -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 4:39:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: candystripper
Here's another question: why do males submissives write to female submissives so much? i cannot count the number of times i have been contacted by such men. Some ask me to become a Domme to suit their needs; others offer to "change" into Doms; and some offer money, property, etc. It weirds me out and seems very disrespectful.

I suppose these guys are thinking with their 'little head'. They find you sexually attractive so they are willing to become anything you want them to be. It sounds to me like they have a high degree of wormitude! [;)]

michaelMI -> RE: "i'm just a lowwwly nothing of a worrrrm..." (11/13/2005 5:52:33 PM)

not the dreaded worm again....AAHHHHHHH!!!

but seriously, doesn't everyone deserve to show a little dignity, be it sub or slave? we may be submissives, but we are 'not' doormats. am i wrong?

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