RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (Full Version)

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OmegaG -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 9:04:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: Daddyslilpookie

That is just fucking nasty[sm=beatdeadhorse.gif] Fucking inbreeds[:@]

Your statement bothers me a bit as the only "inbreed" in that entire clip was the baby.  I guess it strikes too close to home for me as my son has gone through some harsh judgements because his father and I chose to procreate and some don't like interracial activities.

Lynnxz -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 9:23:32 AM)

Inbreeding gets nasty pretty quickly. Take show dogs... Dalmatians have a high risk of deafness, German Shepherds have a tendency for hip problems, and Bulldogs can't even give birth naturally. (Or so the vet said)

This is why it's illegal... and I really wish I could draw one of those little Punnett square things on this post... makes it easier to explain.

BlackPhx -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 9:28:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: SwitchyRooWitchy

It's a damn shame 2 consenting adults can not live their lives w/o government interference... can you imagine life in prison if you ever had sex w/ your love again!! I would move to a different country.

This is not the joining of two unrelated adults who have fallen in love and set up house calling themselves Daddy and babygirl such as you find seeking each other on this site. This is Incest, by whatever name you want to call it.

Main Entry:
Middle English, from Latin incestus sexual impurity, from incestus impure, from in- + castus pure — more at caste
13th century
: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry; also : the statutory crime of such a relationship

It is forbidden not just for moral reasons where a father or mother or other relative forces himself on  underage children but because progeny who issue from such relationships are often subject to genetic illnesses. Many of the Royal Families of various countries suffered from hereditary diseases that devestated their bloodlines due to inbreeding to maintain succession.

Put a pretty name on it if you want..there are reasons Incest is illegal. They knew their relationship was illegal, they decided to go ahead, they have to take responsiblity for their actions and that includes legally. The child however who issued from this is an innocent who will also bear some responsibility as she may now carry a double recessive that she can pass on as well to her children.


OmegaG -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 9:32:43 AM)

all breeds of dogs have been developed over time by breeding those with desired qualities until they became their own specific breed.  Now each pure bred dog carries the genetic markers for the desired traits as well as for the undesired traits which are why mutts are much healthier.

When humans continue to breed from the same gene pool and it has defects in it they risk the chance of doubling the defect in their offspring, that is true.  However, for example, I carry the genetic marker for dyslexia, I will increase my offsprings chance for dyslexia with anyone that I procreate with that has the same markers.

If we want to stick to the scientific reasons why inbreeding is not wise then we should also expand our criteria to include non-relatives who also have the same genetic markers.  By going with this argument we are making a strong argument for government intervention with all procreations, which I am strongly opposed to.

Personally, there is a strong ick factor when I think about intimate relations with any of my relations, but I also can't condemn others-- especially in this day and age when they can have sex and take every precaution possible not to pro-create or they can be tested to find out what genetic markers they may pass on.

OmegaG -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 9:34:35 AM)




ORIGINAL: SwitchyRooWitchy

It's a damn shame 2 consenting adults can not live their lives w/o government interference... can you imagine life in prison if you ever had sex w/ your love again!! I would move to a different country.

This is not the joining of two unrelated adults who have fallen in love and set up house calling themselves Daddy and babygirl such as you find seeking each other on this site. This is Incest, by whatever name you want to call it.

Main Entry:
Middle English, from Latin incestus sexual impurity, from incestus impure, from in- + castus pure — more at caste
13th century
: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry; also : the statutory crime of such a relationship

It is forbidden not just for moral reasons where a father or mother or other relative forces himself on  underage children but because progeny who issue from such relationships are often subject to genetic illnesses. Many of the Royal Families of various countries suffered from hereditary diseases that devestated their bloodlines due to inbreeding to maintain succession.

Put a pretty name on it if you want..there are reasons Incest is illegal. They knew their relationship was illegal, they decided to go ahead, they have to take responsiblity for their actions and that includes legally. The child however who issued from this is an innocent who will also bear some responsibility as she may now carry a double recessive that she can pass on as well to her children.


I can agree with you that bringing the baby into the world was irresponsible (what an understatement)

MissHarlet -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 1:50:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: aphrodite5


I do not believe it is right to involve anyone other than adults in the relationships in any way ... not even by living in the same household .. never mind by procreation

Is this just a line you draw for incestuous relationships, or is it any relationship you don't agree with?

I tend to agree that certain people shouldn't procreate. Close blood relatives being number one on that list. The odds of harming -- unintentionally, certainly, but the road to hell and all that jazz -- an innocent are way too high. But really, just use your head and practice a little responsibility for your actions, people. I wanted to smack the father/daughter couple not because they were together, but because they were so indifferent to the risks involved when the brought a child into the world. "Well, she's fine, so who cares?" BAH!

And that's about it, because I'm pretty sure this is nudging waayyyy too close to the line drawn in the TOS. If I remember the rules correctly, that is.

I was speaking of  relationships between individuals that are close blood relatives

SlavesLifeMaster -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 11:54:49 PM)

While I personally am not in a incestrial relationship and dont have any relitives I would be interested in being in one with, I think it is another case of Church, goverments and law enforcement angencies sticking their nose into something that is none of their business.
So this Expert talks about the effect of these parents behavior being detrementle to the 3 childrens future mentle state?
It seems to me that the only real detramentle effect is comming from the outside presures being applyed by Goverment officials to a loving family home unit.
While it MAY be true that the offspring of incest may have an  increased  possibility of birth defects (which they admit is not the case with this couples child), there are plenty of other causes of genetic defects that are totally ignored.
The fact is that most genetic defects resulting from incest happen after continued inbreeding generation after generation after generation, not the occational relation ship that happens these days.
I heard them say that there is a possibility of one in six chance of a birth defect from the result of incest but they dont say how minor the defect may actually be or how much those odds actually were increased by the fact that the child was a result of incest.
Many parents who because of their own medical conditions/history know that there is a 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 chance of having  children born with MS, lukimia,Diebetis,ParkinsonsD, cereabal palsy,  heart or cardiac conditions and dozzens of other serious healthc conditions, but you dont hear about anyone useing that as an excuse to put those parents who make that choice to ignor the risks they take in prison if they have sex or bring chilren into the world regardless of the risk they are taking.
Are Goverments going to start incarcerating everyone who risks procreation if they know they have a high risk of  congenital or inherited deseases and or birth defects?
How many predictible high risk birth defects and genetic deseases are  there these days that are totally ignored these days when it comes to married couples that deliberately decide to have children regardles of their knowlege of pre-existing conditions?
Lets face it,the real reason incest is so badly frowned on and concidered taboo  is religious based and even those are historically recent edicts by Organised Church officials and  uptight goverment officials that want to control other peoples private lives.
I say it is no ones business but the people actually involved.

domsoldier -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 3:10:45 AM)

HAs anybody paid enough attention to remember they were HALF brother and sister? If so, whats everyones thought on this?

Level -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 3:20:02 AM)

I'm putting a poll on this story/subject on the Poll boards, if you want to vote there, feel free.

katie978 -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 4:56:17 AM)

    Golly, I've gotta say, I'm a bit surprised what people on here are lenient about. Folks having some unsafe sexual experiences, the people on the message boards have a feeding frenzy. A real-life relationship between a father and a daughter, you are fine with.
    Those people already had one child DIE from birth defects. Granted, it could happen to anyone, but their odds were increased so much because they were so closely related. They decided to go ahead and have ANOTHER child, despite the risk.
     A love story through the ages! Star-crossed lovers! Soul-mates!! I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that these two are SANE, consenting adults. I cannot accept that if they were well-adjusted, had sought counseling for whatever abandonment issues she had for poor ol' daddy, that they would be having a sexual relationship. These aren't two people who had never met but happened to be genetically related. He raised her, and then ran off into the underbrush for thirty-odd years (supposedly).
    It's undoubtedly true that incest was the practice of the day, many, many years in the past. However, in the past, they also killed children with birth defects and stoned women to death for cheating... Hopefully none of you are suggesting that the morality of those days should be reinstated.
     The government shouldn't be handling peoples' lives. I totally agree with that point. If people want to have completely fucked up relationships...well...let them. HOWEVER-this is not a victimless crime. There was a victim, a tiny little girl with a hole in her heart cause her grand-dad was her father. There are potentially more victims. Who is to say that in 20 years, the grandfather won't push his luck with his granddaughter? Moving on to the younger chick he can exert his fatherly influence on to bring her into his bed as well? Well, clearly his granddaughter would also be his soul mate, because far be it from any BDSM-er to say "Your relationship is wrong."
    I think it is wrong. Close consanguineous relationships are never appropriate. If the father had come back into her life when she was 14 and they'd started this kind of relationship, he'd be as good as dead to you people. I don't see how this is any different, except the young girl striving to win daddy's love in any way possible is "an adult" instead of an UM.

hopelessfool -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 8:04:32 AM)

First off Katie.. He DIDNT raise her, he left her life when her parents split at one years old. If you havent seen someone in thirty years, do you know them the instant you see them? No I think not. Secondly A hole in the heart is a very common thing that happens in children now a days and has NOTHING at all to do with incest. I know because neither my blood brother or his girlfriend who is in no way related to him had no markers for heart defects and their little girl, was born with 2 holes in her heart. Should two people who have no markers for anything not be allowed to procreate because O_O oh my gods there could be a birth defect? No. 
As for a relationship like this, just because you say "this is your daddy" doesnt make him one or in most cases true. Ive been told that several people are my father, and believed my mother was telling me the truth until there was a DNA test telling me that he wasnt. Personally I dont think its wrong that two people fell in love. Like i said before he had no influince in her upbringing he was a stranger to her until was 30 something years old. It would be like me meeting someone and finding out after several encounters that hes my half brother or my long lost father. Would it be wrong if that were the case?

BlackPhx -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 8:42:58 AM)



If we want to stick to the scientific reasons why inbreeding is not wise then we should also expand our criteria to include non-relatives who also have the same genetic markers.  By going with this argument we are making a strong argument for government intervention with all procreations, which I am strongly opposed to.

Personally, there is a strong ick factor when I think about intimate relations with any of my relations, but I also can't condemn others-- especially in this day and age when they can have sex and take every precaution possible not to pro-create or they can be tested to find out what genetic markers they may pass on.

Please remember that China imposed a mandatory law that no family could have more than 2 children and enforced it sucessfully for many years. It has already happened and they are no longer considered a 3rd world country but instead a major player and have been for many decades. 

Many responsible people do have testing voluntarily for certain genetic markers such as Tay Sachs, Sickle Cell, etc. where they can afford it. This is something that I have no problem with and wish more people would do or could afford to do. At least then they are aware and can make choices based on knowledge not blind hope. The government in many states already sticks it's nose into our relationships, as far as legislating same sex marriages, partnership where it impacts insurance, children and inheritance and of course those lovely blood tests required before they will issue a marriage liscense. Moreover there is mandatory reporting and tracking where it comes to STD's and HIV, and they will contact all of your contacts in pursuit of eradicating an outbreak. They have in the past charged persons with HIV or AIDS with deliberately infecting others as attempted homicides and I suspect this will continue. Yes an episode of Law and Order covered this, but it was based on several actual cases within the Corrections System.

Every day the government sticks it's nose further and further into our private affairs and too often we stand there and watch the rights our forefathers fought for vanish without a whimper. Hell we have even voted them away in fear. George Orwell, Ursula LeGuin and other authors did not go nearly far enough in their predictions. Look around. Big Brother watches from Cameras everywhere (get caught in the intersection by a red light get a ticket in the mail), Carnivore scans our emails, our cars report on our speed, direction etc. if we get into an accident (most 2000+ year cars have a black box that can be read by the police and insurance companies), our browsers report our web habits, credit/debit cards collect spending habits, you name it and Big Brother can get the information about you faster than I can type this. They know what we read, our health, what we eat, dictate where we smoke, who we can and cannot marry and if you think that we really have much say about who we vote for..take a look at the past 2 "stolen" elections. I suspect that all too soon that scanner in Total Recall will be the next step in going into Government Building or taking an Airplane.

Big Brother is here, and has been in our bedrooms for many years..he's just been a much quieter observer, but that is no proof against him become a loud participant at any moment.

poenkitten (missing rights she had when she was 16 that have long since vanished into government hands)

OmegaG -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 9:44:41 AM)

I have been what seems like a lone voice discenting the common sense laws (seat belts, et al) while others around me have defended the governments "protection" of the stupid.

I've gotten into a number of debates against heterosexual religious rights who would define who others can and cannot wed.

I have refused jobs because they required pee tests, strictly on principal as I'm not a drug user and there were other jobs that I could take.

There are others that are also concerned with the regulations that are infecting the world around them, yet we seem to remain isolated in our misgivings and therefore powerless.  Of course we also now run the risk of being flaged for futher scrutiny if we speak to loudly about our concerns as it is common practice to suggest that if you are fighting for someones rights then you must be wanting those same rights for yourself (I am sure that the companies that I refused to pee for believe that I MUST use drugs).

IMO-- this poem resonates within me any time a discussion of this ilk comes up:

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

DedicatedDom40 -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 10:18:01 AM)

We have become a nanny state because many of us need nannys, apparently. They exhibit no self control or common sense, and behave in ways that promote themselves over the welfare of others.

Not everyone in this lifestyle comes from a broken home, so they do not accept excuses which try to justify bad behavior such as this on a broken home.  You can blame the government or bible-thumpers, or claim it to be "innocent" based on the emotional distance created from a broken home, but none of it atones for the selfishness, the lack of personal responsibility, the lack of financial responsibility for one's own actions, and the lack of sexual and emotional self control exhibited by the participants of these types of relationships.

Some people may think this lifestyle is some kink equivalent to a Woodstock, complete with taxpayer-funded remediation of consequences, but they would be wrong.

ResidentSadist -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 10:25:04 AM)

So much for those inbreeding odds, baby Celeste turned out ok. 
Morals are a product of environment.  Here in the US we idolize old western bank robbers…  in the middle east thievery of any kind is disgusting and they’ll chop off your hand if they catch you.  Here in the US it is illegal to have more than one wife.  The average harem consists of 4 wives. 
What is moral?  In talking about basic human morals, there really are none.  It isn’t something your are born with.  The Marquee De Sade said morals only serve to mark your geographic location and I agree with him. 
Would I marry my mom or daughter, no... I was raised in the US.

hopelessfool -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 10:28:40 AM)

Please Dedicated tell me how this is based at all on their up bringing and or their lack of control? Its not. I grew up with out a father, I came from a pretty shitty life. I dont know who my father is, If I found him fell in love with him with out knowing hes my father I dont think this has anything to do with lack of control. Take the name for example someone saying that John Doe Is my father, there are about 1 million people named John Doe. So I go and I find everyone I can named John Doe and I fall in love with him. After I am in love, I find out hes the man who fucked my birth mother and gave her 50 bucks to do so. Does this make the fact that I love a man Ive never met before now wrong?

No. If you say people who do this or that are wrong and have an inability to control themselves. Some people can say well you spank a girl, your need to spank a girl comes from the fact that your parents spanked you as a child and you spanking a girl is selfish to recreate your childhood and you have a lack of personal responsiblity because you spank a girl and you have a lack of sexual and emotional self control because you spank a girl....

You start saying Oh, You cant do this its wrong, you end up with You cant do anything because its wrong.

BlackPhx -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 2:37:38 PM)

I am a firm believer in Social and Biological Darwinism. If you are too stupid to survive without someone swaddling you in cotton batting and bubble wrap, then you are too stupid to survive and breed. Please remove yourself from the gene pool the rest of us will thank you as you make more room. I grew up in a time when:

1. Car seats did not exist for children
2. Seat belts were a new invention
3. Drag racing in town was illegal but if you wanted to kill yourself on the highway the cops would scrape you up and return the remains to your parents.
4. Kids fought with bullies daily and the popular kids but didn't head for the arsenal in Daddy's gun case and try to take out the entire school.
5. Parents could spank a child (mine went beyond that but everyone got spanked pretty much if they messed up)
6. The Bowery Boys were a pretty typical example of a kids street gang. Adult gangs were different of course.
7. Every parent in the neighborhood knew each other, whose kids belonged to whom and knew who the creepy guy in the neighborhood was and warned their kids against him.
8. If you were old enough to enlist you were old enough to drink, get married and take care of a family. (Responsibility)

Currently I work for myself..I do web sites, sporadic right now but hopefully more lucrative soon. I am waiting for someone to say take a drug test so I can craft them a web site and I will tell them to go piss up a pole and remember what flag they are living under, or I will hand them a cup and say you too, I won't work for a druggie and I have to be sure. I will happily tell them I use drugs and which ones, as one of them is pretty hard to miss as the pump for it sits on my waist in full view. I will remind them that Toulouse LaTrec used Absinthe, Sherlock Holmes Cocaine,  and Poe Laudanum and that every drug that is currently illegal was once prescribed for illnesses and as tonics. I won't get the job [;)] ce la vie. I won't be corralled that way..sorry.

I use seat belts and buy cars with airbags because it makes good sense to me, not because someone says I have to. I wear leather when I ride a hog behind someone because my skin is precious to me and cow is easier to replace and less painful. I cook meat to the right temperature, but eat sushi happily (anything that survives the amount of wasabi I put on it deserves to live), I handle foods carefully even vegetables, because I don't know that the last person to handle it washed their hands after using the bathroom. But I eat and enjoy my food.

In response at the same time to Dedicated..No we don't need Nanny's though the government would like for us to think so.  It is not a matter of people needing Nanny's but of Government reaching for more and more power over your life. Currently parents are not allowed to correct their children corporally but are held accountable when that child does something wrong. If you wonder why children are becoming more violent, it is not because of videos, or TV, it is because there is NO consequence until they have done something so heinous the courts actually have to do something other than send them home with probation and a don't do that again warning.  Give them a time out? How? They KNOW you can't touch them if they refuse to obey, all they have to do is call the cops if you try and force it. I watch teacher after teacher get hauled into court for inappropriate touching, sex charges etc and wonder, HONESTLY wonder how many are victims of a pissed off kid.

Whew Sorry didn't mean to hijack the those who say since he was not in her life before they met and fell in love, I can only say it is still incest. They are closely related and should not be producing children. Yes the child is healthy, now, but what is she being taught and what will she now carry forward to her own progeny. Incest does not only occur between brother/sister parent/child, close relative also happens where there is no blood relationship but there is an emotional relationship. I was no relationship to my parents. I was adopted. What happened between my adopted parents and myself was incest, I relied on them for food, shelter, et al and it was a betrayal of the worst kind. It took a very long time to get past that shame. I ran the risk of meeting with my biological families issue and potentially having a relationship. I was vigilant against such an occurrence. More than that I can't do. No one can. However these people knew what they were doing was wrong, morally, and legally and chose to go ahead. No victim? Everyone eyes wide open? No..that child is a victim and will continue to be until she is old enough to become a survivor.

Grog the caveman went over the hill and raided the other caves for a woman for a reason..even he knew the gene pool needed to be wider or the children would be born sick or dead in too few generations. He may not have known the scientific reasons, but he was smart enough to figure out cause and effect. Sister, Mother, bad..stranger better.

poenkitten (sigh..edited for typos)

SteelofUtah -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 3:09:22 PM)

This is a VERY interesting thread.

I have many views but I wish to point out my own personal History.

Children Experiment and Explore.

In my youth I had a Kissing Cousin. She was my Mothers, Sisters, Daughter making up First Cousins and well we did just about everything.

Today I have the idea that this was wrong, however I am NOT  ashamed of what we did I always thought it was beautiful however I have always kept it under my hat because of the Taboo among society.

My Kid Brother Lost his Virginity to his first cousin.

My Father Got his first cousin Pregnant but she lost the baby.

My Uncle (Not blood) had NUMEROUS Encounters with his cousins as he was the only boy (Middle of the ages) of 14 female cousins.

Most of my friends who are close enough to me to be HONEST admit that some of thier first sexual experiences were with FAMILY members.

My Closest friend used to watch his sister shower, he knew it wasn't necessarily right but he could not ignore the fact that he very mush so enjoyed it.

My wife had involvements with her male cousins.

And my ex-girlfriend until she was caught at the age of 15 used to perform oral sex on all three of her older brothers.


I can see this being much much much more common before the advent of the social stigma of your neighbors are watching your every move.

In the examples I have 5 blood lines are represented from 5 different parts of the world and 4 different main religious interactions and ALL were very different people yet we all have this common thread to our history.

When I watched this I say a very different story. Father and daughter seperated when she was an Infant re meet when she is a WOMAN and Two adults fall in love. The Attraction did not come with a 30 year history of PTA meetings and diaper changes and first dates and giving the girl away to her first husband they were two estranged people who fell in love knowing that there was blood between them.

The Brother and Sister were HALF as was stated however they were close to each other the entire time I can see this.

My Mother and My my Step Father met when I was 13 and my NOW step sister was 12 at age 15 we were like rabbits, I saw NOTHING wrong with this however there are those who would say that was wrong because our parents were involved.

I understand the fact the Mongoloid Children are often products of inbreeding however Mongoloid children are also the products of Normal relatioships too.

I guess I just feel it isn't for me to chastize someone for something I understand has a social stigma around it I just don't understand that social stigma it seems to be centered around guilt because MANY of us do it and don't get caught we just stop because it is SUPPOSED to be wrong.

Again Says Who?

I just don't know. I have a UM he doens't have male or female cousins so it is something I just can't relate to as a Parent I guess so maybe I will never be able to form a complete opinion on this.


tsatske -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 3:14:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daddyslilpookie

That is just fucking nasty[sm=beatdeadhorse.gif] Fucking inbreeds[:@]

Did you happen to pay attention to the OPs stated reason for posting this?
He thinks you and what you do are sick. This was completely a carefully aimed YKIOK, not at the people in the vid, who aren't claiming a particular kink, just living their lives in peace not bothering you at all, but at YOU, and people like you. It was supposed to make us reflect on how nasty and sick age players are.

And, as to the inbreeding thing. All kinds of people can have 'bad' markers. Plus, I even have problems with us deciding what actually IS a bad marker.
When my Master and i talked about the possibility of having children, i warned him, as a 40 year old woman, under no circumstances would i abort for a positive test for Downs. I work with Downs children and they are beautiful people who add immensely to our world just by their existence, and i consider the medical abortions of downs children to be genocide.

My twin sons have Aspburgers. Now, an associated symptom of Aspburgers is MegaGenuis. So, big surprise, the big tech companies recruit geniuses, and, as a result, there is a higher concentration of Aspburgers young adults in and near Seattle. Plus, since Aspburgers kids don't have great social skills, they tend to socialize more comfortable with one another than with the rest of the population. So, in Seattle, where there are a large number of marriages in which both partners have Aspburgers, they are seeing a spike in children with, not just Aspburgers, but lower functioning Autism as well.
Perhaps we shouldn't let Aspburgers kids marry? or just not procreate?
Who are we, anyway, to think we know where the Universe is supposed to go and develop? How do you know that Aspburgers, or Downs, is not important to the next phase of evolution and Human development?
And, by the way, Evolution mostly took care of this problem. In general, humans and many other animals have an inborn repulsion to the idea of having sex with 'litermates' - with both peers and older generations who were around them for them to bond to in infancy or early development. It failed in this case because these two were NOT around each other. It generally works, though, even when there is NO blood relationship, if the bond is early enough and tight enough.

DedicatedDom40 -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/23/2008 9:13:35 PM)

Quick reply to many....

Hopeless:   These people are not making choices or otherwise operating in an informational vacuum.  Both of the highlighted cases involve moving towards a deeper relationship with the blood connection already known AND with said blood connection being the primary reason for meeting in the first place.  Therein lies the uncontrolled self-gratification qualities of these individuals.  As for not knowing and then getting involved with someone, the burden of expectation would be on breaking it off immediately upon discovery. Just like someone would in a situation where, say as a believer of monogamy, are dating someone and find out they happen to be married. People have properly and successfully ended relationships over lesser issues of discovery than this. Only the selfish types try to keep things going, rationalizing in their head.    

Black:   I certainly am not a fan of nanny states, and do believe government is on a mission to control its people, but we as a society have not been very good stewards of our own destiny.  Cases like these in the story amount to us walking into the jail cell, locking the door, and handing the key to government. Can our decline of freedoms ever be more self-inflicted?    

Tsatske:   I do admit that I dont understand the attraction to age play in a "life's too busy to be dealing with adults who act like babies" kinda way, but you got it wrong. I am curious as to what the attraction is to the roleplay, and whether that desire to mimic such with non-blood partners does indeed come from a little too much "kissing cousins" in one's past.  I'm curious as to what triggers the mental attraction to it. And whether many who are a fan of age play use it to edge closer to behaving like those in the story.   So you can drop the "we're being persecuted" bit.

I do have another question for you tho, in your dealings with the Downs kids, do you volunteer or get paid?  If you get paid, Im curious if its public monies that fund your work, either direct funding or SSI Disability that is "laundered" by private enterprise (parents of the kids get the govt check, and pay a private co. that pays you). If you are working with the kids on the taxpayer dime, then yes, as someone footing the bill, I do have a say in whether we should allow, as a matter of public policy, continuing procreating behavior that generates more genetically-challenged kids needlessly.  Its like the stockholder who reminds the CEO that I don’t work for him, but he works for me.  Does restricting procreation among high risk people create some distant future evolutionary jackpot like adjusting the tilt of the earth, I don’t know. But that’s a fairly cosmic case of "forks in the road and all that", and is not really germane to the discussion of the present day problem, now is it.  

If you are someone who demands the right to live as you want and damn the consequences, then how about being a little more self-sufficient in the process.  You can't bitch about government laws that restrict this kind of behavior, engage in the behavior, and then turn to the government first thing for the funding to help raise a challenged child. I suspect that many of the "hands off" advocates on here are speaking from the perspective of never having actually carried the burden of being financially responsible for raising a disabled child without government help.  I doubt their response would be the same should the chickens come home to roost personally. The "Hands off" attitude would take a back seat pretty quick. 

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