Chastity again (Full Version)

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s661055 -> Chastity again (10/13/2005 6:23:08 AM)

after seeing all the other posts on chastity lately i've gotten interested in trying to create one myself..
i have looked most of the altairboy sie through, and would like to hear wether anyone here knows other sites and/or have plans for building one. idon't wanna buy due to the price, and it's only gonna be for short time chastity, so it don't have to be maximum security. anyone have some ideas?

ChastityLocked -> RE: Chastity again (10/13/2005 10:24:17 AM)

i created a thread about this a while ago, but didnt get much reply. I have tried to do this several times, and ive never made one that was perfect. Ive heard of a good temporary belt, where you use 2 lenths of leather, one as a belt (like youd wear with jeans) and another wider strip of leather, holding your penis to your skin. Obviously you cant go to the bathroom in it, so its for temporary use. Ive tried this idea, but the strip of leather i used between my legs just didnt work out right.

Ive also heard many ideas about using a plastic 90 degree pipe, but i just dislike that whole idea.

s661055 -> RE: Chastity again (10/13/2005 1:07:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: ChastityLocked

Ive also heard many ideas about using a plastic 90 degree pipe, but i just dislike that whole idea.

i have tried makin one with a pvc bend, but cut it wrong according to the belt i was following from alatairboys page, and ended up with some usable, but made me sore in the waist for several hours..

Onknees5858 -> RE: Chastity again (10/14/2005 8:22:28 AM)

Try making a copy of that item. Forced chastity assured ! [:D]

s661055 -> RE: Chastity again (10/14/2005 8:30:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Onknees5858

Try making a copy of that item. Forced chastity assured ! [:D]

woa! ouch... maybe i should try that..

sting516 -> RE: Chastity again (10/14/2005 8:53:13 AM)

Here is a chastity related site i found that i had a couple of stories that were rather fun to read...hope you enjoy it.

Mistress Lori's chastity story


s661055 -> RE: Chastity again (10/14/2005 11:20:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: sting516

Here is a chastity related site i found that i had a couple of stories that were rather fun to read...hope you enjoy it.

Mistress Lori's chastity story


sorry, but i cannot see what this has to do with me trying to create one myself. of course its probably a good story, and i might read it sometime, but it seems to me as a bit offtopic..

ChastityLocked -> RE: Chastity again (10/15/2005 12:12:06 AM)

does anyone kno where you can buy strips of leather? if you look on jt's stockroom, they have female belts that are simply strips of leather, and u can modify it for a guys belt.
s661055 - we are in the same boat here. i hope my questions or suggestions can help you and vice versa! a cheap alternitive would be leather chastity shorts, can be found on ebay for about $75

Onknees5858 -> RE: Chastity again (10/15/2005 2:11:55 AM)

Maybe this forum can help
they talk about designing chastity belts but not cheap ones I think

ChastityLocked -> RE: Chastity again (10/15/2005 10:39:30 AM)

i am a member of that board, its decent, but nowhere near as good as this one.

s661055 -> RE: Chastity again (10/15/2005 1:42:57 PM)

well... im not that much looking for a belt, more a device attached, maybe, to the balls..

Onknees5858 -> RE: Chastity again (10/15/2005 3:07:25 PM)

Put a diaper, put something hard on it (like half plastic tube),put a boxer on it and put a chastity short with padlocks like ChastityLocked told you. Its cheap, you wont be able to masturbate or even touch your dick and the diaper permit you wear it various hours [;)]

s661055 -> RE: Chastity again (10/16/2005 12:10:24 AM)

as i tried to say before, i am looking more for an easy design on a chastitytube, than a a chastity belt..

ChastityLocked -> RE: Chastity again (10/16/2005 12:43:57 AM)

if your looking for a tube, your gunna go with the "plumbing" method, using a 1 1/2 or 1 1/4 90 degree bend pipe, like the one ud use for drainage on a bathtub. why dont you want to get a chastity belt? its very hard to make a really good cb 2000/3000 replica, but easy to make a chastity belt.

s661055 -> RE: Chastity again (10/18/2005 9:18:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: ChastityLocked

if your looking for a tube, your gunna go with the "plumbing" method, using a 1 1/2 or 1 1/4 90 degree bend pipe, like the one ud use for drainage on a bathtub. why dont you want to get a chastity belt? its very hard to make a really good cb 2000/3000 replica, but easy to make a chastity belt.

does anyone have some designs on this, amybe made one yourself? i have tried to make one, but it didn't end up tat good..

DrkAngl -> RE: Chastity again (10/18/2005 10:09:11 AM)

I did a search on for homemade+chastity belt I also looked up homemade+chastity tube as well as DIY+chastity
I found quite a few pages on it with good picutres.

For a more softer tube instead of PVC piping, I was thinking of the material the clear snorkel mouth tube was made of. Usually it's the cheap Walmart brand of snorkels that have this. It's curved enough, but not sure if you can find one with a large enough opening. Anyways, it's a thought. I'm sure there is something simular around somewhere.

Also, if you want the things you make to have a smooth coat, there is a product called "Tool Dip" it can be bought at most major hardware stores, such as Lowes or HomeDepot. It's orgionally made to dip tools, screwdriver handles, etc. in when you need something softer on your hand and something easier to grip. If you're using a metal pipe, this could be your answer to a safer padding.

Also, there is a foam latex used to back hand made rugs that can be gotten in a jar as well. I saw it once at the local Walmart in the crafts section. I'm sure it can be found many other places. Just look for Hooked Rug no-slip backing. I think that's what it would be called.
This place has a lot of good pictures of made male chastity devices

Make Your Own Teeth of Kali

The cup cage, pictured at page bottom, looks like it would be easy to make.

Home built chastity tube

Lots of ideas here

There is a modeling plastic I've used before called "Friendly Plastic". I've made many different things out of it even a dildo. You merely melt the pellets down in boiling water, it forms a clear lump, you sculpt it into what you want it to be. When done, put it in cold water to harden. If you don't like what it made you merely put it back into the boiling water again and sculpt as needed. It's totally resuable when you get tired of your creation. It's very hard when cooled. You can make it as thin or as thick as you want.

I hope these help.

sinbetweens -> RE: Chastity again (10/18/2005 10:57:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Onknees5858

Try making a copy of that item. Forced chastity assured ! [:D]

Oh, that looks amazing... *bookmarks*

s661055 -> RE: Chastity again (10/21/2005 2:15:08 AM)

thanks for all those pages, maybe i should try to get my and on some of that friendly plastic, have been looking for it for some time..

DrkAngl -> RE: Chastity again (10/21/2005 5:14:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: s661055

thanks for all those pages, maybe i should try to get my and on some of that friendly plastic, have been looking for it for some time..

Welcome [:)]
There are plenty more out there if you just do a search on it. There seem to be a lot of others that like to make their own things as well. I know I enjoy doing that.

Thankfully, one of the local art stores here carry the Friendly plastic in the pellets. Most craftstores though usually only have it in the small colorful bars. You might be able to find it in one of your craft stores, if not, can always order it online at the link I'd posted. I love the stuff it's so versitle.

Onknees5858 -> RE: Chastity again (10/21/2005 6:45:06 AM)

Something I started to make with this friendly plastic...but I am too lazy and never finished

Beware when you play with this plastic, I did a cockring with it and it costed me lot of work to cut it (Difficult to boil it when in place [&o] )

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