RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (Full Version)

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orfunboi -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (10/26/2005 7:33:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: realsumissive

Thanks, but I don't need the hint. I'm really not interested in any domme that uses a deleted profile, even if it is on the message boards. There seems to be many threads on these sites about deceiving people. I wonder if dommes using a profile that can't be seen can be catagorized as deceptive?

Not sure if they can or not, but seeing that her profile can be seen, it's kinda a mute point huh.

Phoenxx -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (10/26/2005 8:22:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: Leonidas

I have an alternative theory (well, two really).

The first theory is that Collarme is a front for the CIA. They put up hundreds of lascivious profiles with sexy pictures because they think that perverts are actually aliens that escaped from Area 51, and they want to keep track of them. The reason that mail never gets replied to is because they don't actually read it, they just run it through a cryptologic machine to see if it contains any secret alien codes.

You have my vote for this one...

Padriag -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (10/26/2005 9:18:05 AM)

Pinky... are you pondering what I'm pondering?

I think so Brain, but where are we going to get rubber stamps in mandarin this time of night?


Kasia -> RE: Re: A new theory on people not responding to emails (10/26/2005 11:35:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: addcted2it

Yes, burying a link in a tag line or in any part of one's text is a clever way of defeating software designed to limit the responder from going to another link.

(Note: Web hosts often do not allow people to "advertise" themselves and redirect readers to another Website or E-mail address. However, some Webhosts will actually read submitted profiles, so it really depends upon how sharp they are in finding these hidden messages.)

There are may be criptic messages hidden deep within a profile if one simply stops long-enough to analyze it's content.


Would you care to explain a bit those words I bolded in quoting you? Since it was my profile that mattered, I would really like to know more about "hidden cryptic messages" and "software defeating" in it.

Tawilla -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (10/26/2005 1:38:22 PM)

I am very late coming into this discussion, but I do have another thought on why femdom's don't answer some emails they get.

Those writing to the femdom haven't even bothered to read the profile to see what it is she is seeking to see IF they are even a good match. In my profile, I think I stated succinctly what I was looking for, yet I received dozens of replies that didn't even come CLOSE. I would write very polite "Thank you for your interest, but I am only looking for x at the moment. Good luck on your search". When I got the same man writing me his carbon copy introduction letter for the third time, I lost the patience I had.

Instead, I changed my profile and it has helped a bit. I just am afraid it now comes off a tad rude, lol.

My point is, some of the emails you get are SO far outta the ballpark, you wonder why they wrote you in the first place.


Guildenstern -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (10/26/2005 1:48:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: xanderzzz

I think your theory holds a lot of water. I cannot speak for Femdom but I know that there are a lot of profiles written just to get some attention and titulation and when someone sincere answers they can't deal with it.

My theory (maledom) is more based on an interviewer who has a 1000 resumes for one job. Men on these sites so out number the woman that when the woman sort through their messages it is such a negative event that the first non perfect thing in your message means automatic delete no matter how sincere or real you are.

In my opinion woman on these sites would stand a much better chance if they browsed for profiles and sent initial messages to profiles they like than trying to keep an open mind when reading incoming messages. I am always stunned when I correspond with women and they have barely search the profiles and never sent an intial message.

I second that opinion!

Although to be fair, after a discussion with ES, Rain et all, I made some changes to my profile and that very day I had two subs contact me...
Dont know if my ego could stand that on a regular basis without imploding....
still I would like to give that a shot.. [:D]

Guildenstern -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (10/26/2005 1:59:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

No worries ... I get myself in trouble all the time on here.

Can't really figure out why but I'm thinking:

a) People are too sensitive ...
b) I post while doing my pre-date drinking ...
c) both a) & b) ...
d) I'm just generally a fuck-up. [;)]

See, that is why I wait until the next day post date drinking... makes for a much less clear statement, so people cant tell if I am a fuck up or not...
Incognoscibility can be a good thing...

although that may be the booze talking


candystripper -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (11/4/2005 5:20:51 PM)

deleted by candystripper

candystripper -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (11/4/2005 5:22:36 PM)

deleted by candystripper

candystripper -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (11/4/2005 5:27:30 PM)


No worries ... I get myself in trouble all the time on here.

Can't really figure out why but I'm thinking:

a) People are too sensitive ...
b) I post while doing my pre-date drinking ...
c) both a) & b) ...
d) I'm just generally a fuck-up.


miss, you are one of my favorite voices here..hardly a f**k up.


candystripper -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (11/4/2005 5:30:16 PM)




What is inlegible?


(another dim submissive.)

candystripper -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (11/4/2005 5:37:12 PM)


Pinky... are you pondering what I'm pondering?


Probably not Sir..i am in a "mood" atm...take my meaning? (You get three guesses.)


candystripper -> RE: Re: A new theory on people not responding to emails (11/4/2005 5:41:03 PM)


Would you care to explain a bit those words I bolded in quoting you? Since it was my profile that mattered, I would really like to know more about "hidden cryptic messages" and "software defeating" in it.


OMG; the woman's a secret member of the Mossat. This explains everything.


Moonburner -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (4/22/2006 1:21:32 PM)

My experiences are quite similar. My response rate isn't zero ... but it is on the order of only a couple of percent (certainly less than 5%).

(By comparison my response rate on resumes with cover letters used to be about %50 before the
Internet lower it into the single digit range. But I think it's still close to 5% that land me an

I still write more than a paragraph ... especially if the profile said at least that much. However,
I have to laugh when I see a profile that admonishes us about one-line responses but which
contains almost nothing to which one can respond. You know, the one that reads:


Eager new slave here. Don't know what to say. One-liners will be deleted!

... [:)]

Collarme messages used to tell you when they'd been deleted unread. I liked that feature because it allowed me to readily see that I was (for whatever reason) of absolutely no interest to the other party.

I would love to see a button that basically makes a profile "disappear" from my searches and listings. (So I only see it if I uncheck some box or change my preferences). Basically on an SQL level that would be something like: SELECT * FROM searchtable LEFT JOIN excludetable ON = WHERE IS NULL;

(On the similar feature is the "cold list" which is the negative counter part to the "hotlist").

Basically I want to be able to easily exclude all the people who are clearly incompatible with us. When I read "no men" in a bisexual woman's profile, or "no one older than 30" or "no one younger than 45" ... or when a woman expresses a loathing for facial hair (wife likes my beard, so the new submissive doesn't get to shave it off).

Of course I'd also prefer that any of the people who add me to their "cold list" don't show up in my normal searches. I can understand not wanting to "leak" the information (this person doesn't like you ... so create a new profile and use it to harass him or her).

(BTW: I've heard that some women who block users see exactly that sort of misbehavior; assholes go on to create new accounts specifically to harass the blocker --- how childish is THAT?).

It would be nice of collarme added a button or a small set of them for some form responses. We could encourage women to hit a button that says: "Not interest! Go away!" and blocks the other party in the same breath. (They could be worded a bit more gently but I think you get the idea).

MissyRane -> RE: A new theory on people not responding to emails (4/22/2006 1:32:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Moonburner

Collarme messages used to tell you when they'd been deleted unread. I liked that feature because it allowed me to readily see that I was (for whatever reason) of absolutely no interest to the other party.

Heey why did they quit that? I'd like to be able to see who deletes without reading![:)] It's a good feature!

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