Cut or Uncut ? (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 5:29:59 AM)

Ladies and Gentlemen, male circumcision what is your preference and why ?

I was always slightly pissed I did not have a say in it, that was until I found this site;

kittinSol -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 5:43:45 AM)



male circumcision

I was always slightly pissed

Astute choice of words [8D] .

mistoferin -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 5:44:37 AM)

Guess you probably haven't seen how these threads usually

My preference....cut.

urtoy -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 5:55:04 AM)

My (extremely strong) preference is for circumcised. The Yuck factor is just too high for uncut cocks: they look creepy and seem to always smell bad. Definite deal breaker.

meatcleaver -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:14:38 AM)



Ladies and Gentlemen, male circumcision what is your preference and why ?

I was always slightly pissed I did not have a say in it, that was until I found this site;

The British Medical Association will give you another list of why you shouldn't have circumcision but since there are many Jewish and Muslim members of the BMA, agreement can't be reached but just about every NHS trust won't perform circumcision except for medical reasons. In fact, I think just about every national health service in the EU won't perform it except for medical reasons. One of the main reasons, apart from the uninary and erectitle problems caused by circumcision is that it is classed as mutilation in the same way female circumcision is regarded as mutilation. The foreskin is not just a piece useless skin but is a functoning part of male genitalia. It stops the glans from cauterizing and prevents the desensitization of the glans. One of the main religious reasons for circumcision is to lower arousal. I remember someone on these threads when circumcision was discussed before goving several religious quotes about circumcision and arousal and preventing ones mind wondering away from god was the main reason. I'd always be suspect of a ritual or habit that is religious inspired. The medical benefits are often quoted as a justification for religious ritual but the medical benefits are spurious. In Europe 90% of men aren't circumcised, in America 90% of men are circumcised yet the medical benefits spouted by pro-circumcision lobby don't show up instatistics. Many of the stats that promote circumcision come from poor countries where there is little sanitation or running water and other illnesses and deseases are rife too. In like for like countries, the evidence for the benefit of circumcision just isn't there but evidence of the down side of circumcision is.

The medical evidence about its health impact is equivocal.

If my parents circumcised me I wouldn't talk to them....but then again, they probably would have indoctrinated me. I have a friend who had to be circumcised as an adult for medical reasons and he said the loss of sensitivity is dramatic.

meatcleaver -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:19:15 AM)



My (extremely strong) preference is for circumcised. The Yuck factor is just too high for uncut cocks: they look creepy and seem to always smell bad. Definite deal breaker.

Maybe you just fuck unhygenic people?

DianeB -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:19:25 AM)

Cut....Uncut looks like a ant eater....


sirsholly -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:20:05 AM)

Meatcleaver...this topic, combined with your name....

mistoferin -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:20:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver
I have a friend who had to be circumcised as an adult for medical reasons and he said the loss of sensitivity is dramatic.

I know a man who was circumcized as an adult too and his experience was exactly the opposite.

meatcleaver -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:24:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver
I have a friend who had to be circumcised as an adult for medical reasons and he said the loss of sensitivity is dramatic.

I know a man who was circumcized as an adult too and his experience was exactly the opposite.

Wounds can be sensitive and circumcision gone wrong can be extremely sensitive. I would read up on it if I was you. Don't blink your eyes, the effect of cauterization would make your eyes sensitive too, even though it wouldn't improve your sight.

I find it marvelous how people can reasily accept the mutilation of male genitalia but are horrified at the idea of female genitalia.

SteelofUtah -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:33:43 AM)

So you know they determined at least in the states that a Circ was not a Necessary Procedure and so Medicade no longer covers it I had my UM Circumsized because I am and I remember a friend of mine who wasn't when a girl saw it for the first time she freaked out and asked him what was wrong with it. Then she told all the girls in school he had a freaky looking penis. He was mortified. That day I was GLAD my mother had be circumsized and decided that no matter what my kid/kids would have them too.

Necessary or not Medical Plus or not MOST girls have only seen the ones that are (something that may be changing now that it is not a covered procedure anymore) and I don't want my child to have to deal with being a Freak when a woman sees his Johnson for the first time.


DianeB -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:34:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



My (extremely strong) preference is for circumcised. The Yuck factor is just too high for uncut cocks: they look creepy and seem to always smell bad. Definite deal breaker.

Maybe you just fuck unhygenic people?

Why does this upset you?


mistoferin -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:34:56 AM)

As the mother of two boys, both of whom are circumcized, I certainly did read up on it before making that decision. I guess that for them I made the right one as I have talked to both of them about it now that they are adults and they both expressed that they are very happy about the decision I made.

Chloelicious -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:36:37 AM)


cutting a litle of the penis must be( i imagine only) a bit uncomfy but cutting out female genitalia (excision) is  dangerous, painfull and useless. It is just used for african women to be submissive and to never feel pleasure while sex. What is the use to have a sex if you can't have pleasure?

here circumsicion are made by doctors in medical condition, excision is made by maybe the village's  butcher in the middle of the hut on the sandy floor, that's the diffrences!!!

After this    [sm=threadhijack.gif] to answer to the Op question.I prefer cut, master is uncut and thats why it is almost impossible to have sex (it is too painfull). And regarding another comments: even clean people who are uncut have some foul smells.


MissMorrigan -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:38:22 AM)

Good answer. Foreskins will not smell if a person washes properly and foreskins can be such a lot of fun to focus on during SM play [;)]

ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

My (extremely strong) preference is for circumcised. The Yuck factor is just too high for uncut cocks: they look creepy and seem to always smell bad. Definite deal breaker.

Maybe you just fuck unhygenic people?

NorthernGent -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:41:01 AM)



The Yuck factor is just too high for uncut cocks: they look creepy and seem to always smell bad.

You're not far wrong. As the Vicar was christening me, he noticed my uncut cock and announced my arrival into the world without hestitation in front of the church flock, "go on you dirty little fucker, get into that world and do some damage with that creepy, uncut cock". I said, "thanks, very much, Vicar" (in baby speak), naturally.

Perhaps it's not the uncut nature of the cock, but rather a product of sub-standard personal hygiene.

meatcleaver -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:42:01 AM)




ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



My (extremely strong) preference is for circumcised. The Yuck factor is just too high for uncut cocks: they look creepy and seem to always smell bad. Definite deal breaker.

Maybe you just fuck unhygenic people?

Why does this upset you?


Because I dislike ignorance

PanthersMom -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:46:21 AM)

definitely prefer cut.  one of my adopted sons was not cut at birth, i got him at the age of two.  he's had nothing but trouble for many years because his foster mother had no clue how to care for him properly and basically allowed the foreskin to shrink and adhere to the glans.  it's been a long painful road of gradually stretching it and dealing with infections.  if he decides to get cut later on, that's his decision.

DianeB -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:46:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver




ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



My (extremely strong) preference is for circumcised. The Yuck factor is just too high for uncut cocks: they look creepy and seem to always smell bad. Definite deal breaker.

Maybe you just fuck unhygenic people?

Why does this upset you?


Because I dislike ignorance

Clean or not, I never liked the look of a uncut penis...That's just me...


seeksfemslave -> RE: Cut or Uncut ? (5/5/2008 6:46:52 AM)

With regards to being upset or not after circumcision well I didnt pay it much attention, I just got on with my homework.

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