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McWhips -> VERY IMPORTANT (10/20/2005 6:51:50 AM)

Some of you might not be aware that there are proposed laws in the UK to make owning Sado-masochistic pornography a sex crime and punishable by 3 years in prison.

The entire basis behind this anti-sexual freedom campaign is that a woman ended up dead in a BDSM game, it is unknown if she gave her consent or not although we do know she had been playing breath games with a previous Boyfreind.

Even IF the crime was malicious these laws are still to me equivalent to punishing for example the entire gay scene due to one gay rape. Or punishing the Vanilla people due to one penetrative rape.

jro2020 -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (10/31/2005 7:19:16 PM)

Geez we always knew the UK was oppressive, take a look at their gun laws, but this is insane. I'm scared I'm very scared. Is there any English speaking country that respects peoples freedom anymore??? How about Canada? I don't know (so i'm talking out my rear) but maybe the fridged wastes of Canada will become the last bastion of freedom.

embre -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (10/31/2005 9:10:09 PM)

I've been told by various Canadians that BDSM porn is already illegal there. Though i've never seen any actual laws stating this. But then again i haven't looked that hard. It's tough enough keeping up with all thats going on in the US.
I'm really surprised that the UK is doing this. There are a TON of sites based there, especially Mistress sites it seems.

ORIGINAL: jro2020

Geez we always knew the UK was oppressive, take a look at their gun laws, but this is insane. I'm scared I'm very scared. Is there any English speaking country that respects peoples freedom anymore??? How about Canada? I don't know (so i'm talking out my rear) but maybe the fridged wastes of Canada will become the last bastion of freedom.

JohnWarren -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (10/31/2005 9:18:33 PM)



I've been told by various Canadians that BDSM porn is already illegal there. Though i've never seen any actual laws stating this. But then again i haven't looked that hard. It's tough enough keeping up with all thats going on in the US.
I'm really surprised that the UK is doing this. There are a TON of sites based there, especially Mistress sites it seems.

I don't know about the in-country laws but the customs requirements are very strict. Even academic books about pornography have been refused entry. Back when I ran Diversified Services I had to jump through a lot of hoops to send books to Canada that are sold in mainstream bookstores here

jro2020 -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (10/31/2005 9:30:20 PM)

That's it! Maybe it's time to just kill myself now and hope to come back right after the next revolution of the people. I did not sign up for this screwed up a world.

JohnWarren -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/1/2005 12:17:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: jro2020

That's it! Maybe it's time to just kill myself now and hope to come back right after the next revolution of the people. I did not sign up for this screwed up a world.

Snuff scene? [evil grin]

darkinshadows -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/1/2005 8:51:37 AM)

As usual - there is nothing substantial to back up his claim that


Some of you might not be aware that there are proposed laws in the UK to make owning Sado-masochistic pornography a sex crime and punishable by 3 years in prison.

It really helps to quote sources AND EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING than to scaremonger - but thats just IMO.


From the UK 'QueerYouth'


There are no easy answers to if BDSM is illegal, because it depends on what happened, where, with whom, and then how the law is to be interpreted.

This is the current climate. There are at this time, no laws that make BDSM illegal. Practising BDSM or owning BDSM equipment or imagery is not illegal in the UK.
However... (better than a but?)
In August, the Home office launched plans to consider banning websites which show violent sexual acts whether it is consensual or not. The government are looking into tighter pornography laws to remove ILLEGAL sites showing 'the unmentionable trio' - the concern is that this will spill over into the consensual BDSM Community.

The Consultation Document
PDF Format

The Liberal Democrate Party are Voicing Objections to the plans.

Mark Oaten, the Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary, has issued this official party comment: "Sensible measures which protect children from extreme sites should be warmly welcomed. However, the government must avoid creating a nanny state or introducing laws that can't be enforced. It must also provide a very clear and succinct definition of what constitutes violent and abusive pornography. I very much hope that these matters will be seriously addressed by the government during the consultation period".

The community gathered together to discuss the consultations on september the 9th.

For further information see -



Peace and Love

lonewolf05 -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/3/2005 9:45:35 AM)


i am an adult over 50-------i don't consider everything...........i porno.

again..........communist asses are taking over the world and censoring freedom of the press and freedom of speech AND pursuit of happiness!

and my shrink asks WHY i have an anger issue? i will NOT roll over and play dead.

shoot em all and let the devil worry

the wolf

Phoenxx -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/5/2005 6:21:22 AM)

Speaking as a Canuck, BDSM porn is no more banned then any other porn. It's more of a case by case ruling.

If you have seen the show Kink... it's 100% Canadian.

And hey ... we allow same sex marriage so there [sm=tongue.gif]
Check out how a mayor in Canada had a pictue of himself with a ball gag... it's in another thread ..

sexslave1951 -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/13/2005 1:04:25 AM)

I live in B.C. Canada and as far as I know there are no laws prohibiting BDSM like it was just said watch Kink and some of them were made in Vancouver I know I am in a few of them

GADomCpl -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/13/2005 4:26:20 AM)

I think we need to form a CM Army and invade some small country with great weather (Bahamas sound great). Take control of the island and establish our own democracy. BONDAGE AND WHIPS FOR ALL!!!!

candystripper -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/13/2005 7:05:07 AM) thought is we should set aside a territory -- i always choose Utah -- separate it from the Union and offer the religious right this as a place to set up a theocracy and LEAVE the rest of us alone. Pat Robinson is just one of many i'd send packing. What always amazes me is that any thinking person follows this man and his ilk and the tremendous impact they have on our federal government.


onceburned -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/13/2005 12:54:50 PM)

About Pat Robertson...


The condemnations made clear that Robertson's comments had absolutely no support anywhere. But they did not address another question: Just how influential is Robertson in today's politics?

The answer from many conservatives, especially those in Washington and New York, would be quick and clear: Robertson has virtually no influence at all. "I don't know anybody in the religiously conservative world who takes their nods from Pat," said one conservative who closely tracks the world of faith and politics. "He's just sort of had his day. Plus, you combine about three or four crackpot comments a year, and even your own constituents say you're nuts. He's worn out his welcome, even with his own people."

I really don't care about pornography. But clearly there is an attempt to roll back the freedoms we have had for the past 30 or 40 years to a more repressive age such as the 1950s and earlier.

JohnWarren -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/13/2005 1:25:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: onceburned
I really don't care about pornography. But clearly there is an attempt to roll back the freedoms we have had for the past 30 or 40 years to a more repressive age such as the 1950s and earlier.

I can even give you the year:1868. That was the year the British Court of the Queen's Bench ruled on Hicklin v Regina and held that a book could be held to be obscene if isolated passages would have a negative effect on "the most intellectually and emotionally defenseless readers."

mnottertail -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/13/2005 2:41:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: onceburned
I really don't care about pornography. But clearly there is an attempt to roll back the freedoms we have had for the past 30 or 40 years to a more repressive age such as the 1950s and earlier.

I am unsure how repressive the 1950s were, my father had pulp magazines such as SAGA and others I don't remember the titles to. They were of the slightly kinky I was a sex slave for Nazis variety. I think others were available, but he didn't maybe want his kids to read too far beyond their years, LOL.

Now, for a while there everybody was up in arms about the Red Threat, but other than that I don't remember the 50's (late) or early 60's as so repressive, Ike was golfing........Khruschev was pounding shoes, Dick Nixon was being a prick, and Fidel was little more than a rabblerouser who smoked good cigars.


HeavenlyCeleste -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (11/13/2005 2:47:12 PM)

How very sad it is that people have to get the government invovled in personal issues like this. My thoughts are with in Kansas, the mayor of Wichita is trying to ban ALL adult industry! Theaters, toys stores, video stores...all of it!

Arpig -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (2/3/2006 2:51:43 PM)


I don't know about the in-country laws but the customs requirements are very strict. Even academic books about pornography have been refused entry. Back when I ran Diversified Services I had to jump through a lot of hoops to send books to Canada that are sold in mainstream bookstores here

very little in the way of porn is actually illegal in canada, however for some weird reason importing porn is strictly controlled. Maybe its an extension of the CANCON rules?
There was a time when the law enforcement community was attempting to use the customs system to achieve what could not be done otherwise, to prevent porn from reaching canadians. Since there was no law against it, but there were regulations regarding importing (especially through the mail) obscene material, they tried that route. To my understanding they no longer do so, there was a major case out in BC a few years back regarding someone importing some lolita books, and if i am not mistaken the importer won in the end.

bear372217355 -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (2/4/2006 5:15:31 AM)



I've been told by various Canadians that BDSM porn is already illegal there. Though i've never seen any actual laws stating this. But then again i haven't looked that hard. It's tough enough keeping up with all thats going on in the US.

Here in the great white north, our laws on sexually explicit material were begining to loosen up. Now that Harper is the PM, I'm not sure how that will play out.

But I do have some knowledge on the matter of pornography laws and how they pertain to the BDSM theme, in content and context.

Here in Canada, it is only illegal to represent or portray an illicit sexual act (To be considered an illicit sexual act, any scene, picture or depiction of intercourse, not neccessarily penetrative. Beit, hetrosexual or homosexual in nature.) corrisponding to or in consert with an act of violence, forceble confinement, corporal punishment, bondage or act with otherwise cruel intent ( Defined cruel intent, An act that is contrary to standard moral decency, violent in nature.) Any such acts would constitute a breach of the criminal code of Canada.

That's it in english. In lawyerese it sounds like stereo instructions in Japanese.

bear372217355 -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (2/4/2006 5:39:02 AM)


very little in the way of porn is actually illegal in canada, however for some weird reason importing porn is strictly controlled. Maybe its an extension of the CANCON rules?
There was a time when the law enforcement community was attempting to use the customs system to achieve what could not be done otherwise, to prevent porn from reaching canadians. Since there was no law against it, but there were regulations regarding importing (especially through the mail) obscene material, they tried that route. To my understanding they no longer do so, there was a major case out in BC a few years back regarding someone importing some lolita books, and if i am not mistaken the importer won in the end.

Would this be the case you were referring to?

CANADA - Gordon Tshun Chin is the first man in Canadian history to be convicted of importing child pornography – in cartoon form.

The slim, bespectacled 26-year-old Edmonton man recently pled guilty in provincial court and received a one-year conditional sentence for importing a Japanese magazine that contained sexually explicit cartoon images that are legal in the United States and in Japan. Judge David Tilley informed Chin that he would have preferred to have handed down a prison sentence, but that the law did not allow him to do so, as there were no actual children involved in the material that he deemed “filth which should not be available to the public.”

According to Crown prosecutor Steven Bilodeau, laws that became effective on November 1 include mandatory prison time for those found guilty of importing child pornography. The Chin case is the first that Bilodeau is aware of where anyone has been convicted of importing illustrated child porn and he believes that although Canadians may not know it’s also illegal, it’s not very common. Bilodeau believes that animated and illustrated child porn is dangerous because it has a “noxious” side likely to “inflame viewers” and that can “normalize” child sex due to its seemingly benign nature. “These images are very disgusting and violent,” Bilodeau said. “There are pictures of babies in diapers being raped.”

A mail package addressed to Chin and containing 15 anime magazines with child sexual images was discovered by customs agents in late January, who alerted city police. On February 10 the police set up a “controlled delivery” of the package to Chin’s residence and then arrested him. A search of his residence revealed another 63 similar publications, as well as hundreds of downloaded pages of anime kiddie porn found online.

Chin’s attorney, Darcy Depoe said that his client was not aware that his actions were illegal and pointed out that this was Chin’s first offence. Depoe indicated that the word that best described his client was “naïve.”

In addition to six-month house arrest, Chin will pay a $150 fine, perform 100 hours of community service, accept counseling, refrain from using a computer or accessing the Internet, provide a DNA sample for the national DNA data bank in Ottawa, have his name placed on a sex offender registry for five years, and will be on probation for 18 months after his sentence has been completed.

He didn't win.

I think the case you were thinking of was the one in which a book store owner was trying to import "gay" reading material. Some of which was actually educational in nature, to inform young gay men on the safest ways of "gay" sex and the like. Some of the material was tantamount to the "gay" version of Penthouse Forum. The customs service was used as a filtering system. That was eventually reformed and only explicit content of beastiality or pedofilia, as well as sexual/BDSM content that I mentioned in the above post, are stopped now.

The reasoning behind the sexually explicit BDSM related materials being banned or deamed illegal, as it was told to me, is that it was created to protect against abuses. ie; the exploitation of women. Not that that is a bad thing, but I feel it's just window dressing and is truely implace to placate the conservative christians. If it were truely and soley implace to protect women against exploitation, then why is gay male material of the same or similar nature illegal as well? I doubt our politically correct government is that enlightend.

msub4Domme -> RE: VERY IMPORTANT (2/4/2006 8:52:08 PM)

Re: candystriper's suggestion..........i think sending Pat robertson to Venezuela would be much better than Utah.

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