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"Deleted Unread" - 5/22/2008 11:01:31 PM   

Posts: 49
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well, nuts to that.
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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/22/2008 11:03:41 PM   

Posts: 52100
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From: Savannah, GA
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I got one of those the other day.. some guy insulted me (or tried to, was juvenile at best, and pathetic.. ). When I tried to ask him if he felt better, he deleted my email unread...

fucking pussy ( and I don't mean the cute furry type, either! LOL)


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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/22/2008 11:10:08 PM   

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From: Indianapolis, Indiana
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I've never received any of those messages.  Hmmmm.  Probably better off.  If I send back a message, I only know if they got it if I keep theirs.  Once they read it, a check mark will show up next to their name.  If it's someone annoying me, I may send a message back telling them to leave me alone, but then I delete their message so I really have no way of knowing if they opened it or not.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Mistress Scarlet


"Say, that hurts a little bit" "And you don't like to be hurt do ya?" "I don't know...kinda fun sometimes if it's done in the right spirit."
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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/22/2008 11:16:01 PM   

Posts: 10717
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Miss Scarlet, even if you delete their message, you can see what they did with yours.  At the top of the "read mail" screen there are buttons that say "Received Mail", "Sent Mail" and "Bulk Mail".

If you click on the "Sent Mail" button, you can see if they read it or deleted it.



AKA "The Undisputed Goddess of Sarcasm", "Big Bad Cali" and "Yum Bum". Advisor to the Subbie Mafia, founding member of the W.A.C. and the Judgmental Bitches Brigade, member of the Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair-a's and Team Troll

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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/22/2008 11:20:49 PM   

Posts: 3636
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I delete some emails unread. If someone with a nick like "pleaseshitinmymouth" emails me, I'll delete it.


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(in reply to CalifChick)
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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/22/2008 11:22:04 PM   

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There was a thread about deleted unread mail recently . There are ways of reading mail but having it show as deleted unread.  The thread was pulled once people started explaining how to do this.  Don't think because something is deleted unread that it actually hasn't been read. 


Good is the enemy of great.

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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/22/2008 11:31:29 PM   

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check the box next to the email.  click on the "save" button on the top.  It will then send a copy to your registered email address.. Then you can delete it, unread.
Another way is if it is the second or later email, go to any of the previous emails and hit reply.. Scroll all the way down and you will see  your entire dialog, including whatever you haven't read yet (which continues to show as unread.)


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(in reply to ownedgirlie)
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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/23/2008 12:10:10 AM   

Posts: 9008
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From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
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I used to get a busive messages her from a male switch in New Zealand because i was one of several who stopped him from real time annoying and hurting a female slave living not all that far from him. I have him blocked on the other side and seeing that the CM people couldn't be bothered to take action and stop his abusive emails, I placed the matter in the hands of collegues in the Australian Federal Police who are looking into it with their new Zealand Counterparts. Saves me calling favours and having a few large blokes I know, very experienced, dragging him out of bet at 4am and "talking" to him. 

(in reply to BossyShoeBitch)
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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/23/2008 12:13:59 AM   

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I liek when they do that, because at least you know very early they are not what you look for.
See it as time waste reduction


~Been there, done that, got the t-shirt

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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/23/2008 12:32:58 AM   

Posts: 1125
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From: The Netherlands
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now don't ya DARE do that to Me




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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/23/2008 12:38:45 AM   

Posts: 3236
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From: Royal kingdom of the Netherlands
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ORIGINAL: GoddessTeaze

now don't ya DARE do that to Me



lol I always answer you lady!!!


~Been there, done that, got the t-shirt

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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/23/2008 2:44:06 AM   

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Those heartless bitches have literally ate hours of my personal emailing time.

Look in all honesty, every time you email somebody does not mean they will read it,  the roll of the dice might not even be there for you at all. 

Some people have filters set up, all the things that don't match land in their BULK mail folder.   In time they go in and Delete it all, UNREAD... Now deleted.

Play close attention to things such as AGE range desired and etc.. they just might have filters set up to match those things. 

I don't know what to tell, it's something you must be able to deal with.

Write shorter personalized messages, see what the hell happens. 

This is my only advice on this topic.

(in reply to DrummerDom)
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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/23/2008 5:30:23 AM   

Posts: 10926
Joined: 2/5/2007
From: Chicago, IL
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there's no rule on this site stating we have to read every message sent. if someone's not interested ...they're not interested

ORIGINAL: DrummerDom

well, nuts to that.


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RE: "Deleted Unread" - 5/23/2008 9:28:19 AM   

Posts: 7084
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From: somewhere out there.....
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I'm one of those who have filters set up......but I may read the e-mails, I may not.....if the nic mentioned above popped up in my incoming, it'd be outbound in a hurry!  E-W-W-W-W-W!  The filters are there for a reason, I keep getting contacted by kids the same age or (gulp!) younger than my own son.......or older than my own father.....neither of which appeal to me.  But I usually read the nics in pretty colors......they have always been friendly, and usually about something I've put here.


I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"...people are starting to take it as a challenge!

*Not a fuck was given.*

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