RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (Full Version)

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SirSix72 -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/28/2005 8:59:35 AM)

Dear candystripper,

I know how you loathe this thread and misconstrue the meaning in behind it. I do care about the way that alot of guys get their kicks out of demanding something stupid out of a sub/slave from the door. I too invite them to post here telling us all of the things that have happened to them. I personally have never demanded that a sub/slave do anything other than be respectful with me from the door. I am also just as respectful from the door when speaking with them.This is about more than just me candystripper, so stop with the you think im asserting that this only happens to me. It really isnt becoming of you to try and turn this into my personal war against those that disrespect me, lmao. I think that the points made here on this thread are evident that we all have experienced this at one time or another. Do I expect o be addressed as Sir/Master ? It is nice to be called that. As for trying to use that im Gorean is a bit weak as well trying to say my protocols are different than those used in BDSM. Why don't we all just get over it and use a little common respect when referring to each other rather than try with the psycho-babble of us against them thing that has been tried sooooooooooo many times in the past.

Master Six

candystripper -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/28/2005 3:30:53 PM)

So lemme see if i understand You, Six. You now admit that an adult conversing with another adult by using first names is a polite conversation. You were here on a campaign to end rudeness -- in Your own workplace or here? i'm not clear on that.

You campaigned for 22 pages for other Doms and Masters who You felt needed You to voice Their opinions.

You care about the disrespect Men show women -- i really do not remember seeing that before, but correct me if i am wrong.

And last but not least, we have achieved assent and this thread may now die. And if death comes to this thread, You promise not to start a new thread on this exact same subject.

Have i misstated anything?


darkinshadows -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/28/2005 3:51:38 PM)


So in short, thank you for pointing out more on showing respect. Not obediance, has been lost to alot and really, it needs to come back. Either it be Dom or sub, no matter the title one wears, respect to the stangers, the unknowns, are gone.

Why do people still keep on insisting on respect rather than politeness. Respect grows - it doesn't just occur on the first hello. I hold respect for people I haven't even met or conversed with simply by what they have achieved or done - like MLK, or Rumi, or RosaParks. Respect comes with time and patience. Politeness is something that can be used on the first greeting without needing respect or obedience.

Do we have to keep going over and over the whole ''respect me now please even though we have only just met because I have standing because I claim it, so it must be right?''

Peace and Love

SirSix72 -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/28/2005 3:52:14 PM)

Dear candystripper,

I think that this thread has been misconstrued by plenty of people. Many who I meet and they aren't into what I am then they use my given name, which you know btw. I voiced my opinion on this subject and talked for many others that were afraid that the masses would crucify them. I could careless what anyone thinks about how I would like to be addressed or by the rules I have set forth in my own personal criteria. I would hope that you haven't misconstrued that just because you or anyone else refers to me by my given name that you should think that you may simpliy test the waters and see how far you can push me. Have had this happen many times in the past. When I talk of speaking in your place this is called building a repore with the person you are interested in or speaking with. Once again I will state that if you act out of place during a conversation then this directly reflects how you would act in any given situation that we may face together in the future. Maybe by me saying that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel with me so to speak. I am the judge as are you when we are speaking with one another aren't we. We both have some control over the conversation when we are speaking or getting to know each other. If one shows the other that she/he likes to lead in the the conversation then this one is the Dominant in the ensuing relationship. If ones takes a submissive attitude when getting to know each other then it merely shows your character as being submissive. If you want to just role play and have the western romance novel then by all means go for it hun. But if you are searching for TPE then you never shed your role on any matter, even in a simple conversation that you or your potential Owner has. He is the first and the last to make a decision. You have certian rights as being a submissive, but this dosent give you any authority other than whom you give your own body to. funny how you think that I dont care about how a sub/slave feels maybe you should do a little more research on me personally. I do care about how they feel but I WILL NOT let their emotions drive me to be something im not. Let me ask you another question since you have spoken once again on the subject of this thread. What if you were faced with a situation that your Owner told you to do something that you thought that you couldnt be capable of? Would you simply dishonor your word to him as you have given your body to him?

Master Six

DemonAngel -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/28/2005 4:32:19 PM)

Its not misconstrued Six,but you are either backtracking or show poor articulation skills.Someone like candy shouldnt be assumed to have a position unless she is in some sort of service to you.You cant insist that you are dominant over candy just because she has identified as a submissive.You may be a dominant in some section and to some people,but not to all people.You can't say someone 'acts out of place'because its your responsibility as a dominant to ensure that the priorities are in at least a similar area to begin with.


'Passion is contained within us.It waits, It stirs,undemanded.It Whispers.ItShouts.ItGuides.Passion reigns over us all and we obey.It is the essence of our finest moments.The rapture of Love, the clarity of Malignity, the paroxysm of Grief...Without passion,we may have peace but inturn we would be hollow - vacant and void.'

SirSix72 -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/28/2005 8:08:28 PM)

Ok Demon,

Let us look at it like this. If i approached you in a non intrusive way with the full knowledge that you are a sub/slave but you are telling me what it will be like if I want to be with you like you are some gift to the Gods then what do you think my reaction will be. If you say you are something then stick to your guns without trying to issue the things you wont be involved in. Can you really say what will turn you on in the next week or the next year. What happened to exploring dark desires with someone that you have given yourself to without reservations from any previous life that you lived before finding this one

Master Six

boym68107 -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/29/2005 12:56:59 PM)

i respect all but if a submissive /slave was to call me sir i would respect ther master for the good manners that there sub/slave has .but do i feel that any dom/master has the right to gave my slave a command no i own her not hem so there has to be respect to both dom/master and there sub/slave for if we can not respect outher,s how can we ask for respect from them

truesub4u -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/29/2005 1:20:58 PM)

OK, we all have our own opinions of respect, manners, politeness.

If you walk into a courtroom, are you going to show your ass and be disrespectful to the judge right off the bat because you don't know him or think he's earned any from you?..... NO.. you're going to show not the man, but the ROBE the respect it deserves because of the power it has to lock your ass up!

Now there's no differance in showing say... a Dom/Master politeness, kindness, and respect when answering his e-mail and or chat call. You're not really showing the person the respect, but the title. Just as showing a sub/slave the same respect because they're human and you want to learn more and know more. No one should expect nor demand total obediance right off the bat. Total respect from one is earned. It's not given to anyone totally. It has to be earned. Just like trust, and other things.

But no matter what you call it, Respect, Manners, Politeness. There's a serious lack of it running amok and it really needs to come back and be tried out again. If you give it a chance, you'll see more positive attitudes, and friendships developing. And who knows where things will go from there.

Good luck all.... and may you find what you are searching for in life and it always bring you happiness.


candystripper -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/29/2005 2:47:33 PM)

i was shocked by Your post. i scarcely know where to begin. i thought we had reached the denouement:


Main Entry:de£noue£ment
Variant:also d*£noue£ment \*d*-*n*-*m**, d*-*n*-*\
Etymology:French d*nouement, literally, untying, from Middle French desnouement, from desnouer to untie, from Old French desnoer, from des- de- + noer to tie, from Latin nodare, from nodus knot — more at NODE

1 : the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work
2 : the outcome of a complex sequence of events

Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 10th Ed.

Let me be completely frank, Six (i would never address You by Your given name on the boards as i feel You wold be really hurt) --

i cannot make heads or tails of what You have written. i cannot tell whether You are kvetching at me, the whole BDSM "community"; the patrons of Your workplace, or some other group. But after TWENTY TWO pages, i think i speak for many here when i say, we have all listened to You and responded thoughtfully. If our collective efforts to listen have not left You with a feeling You have been heard, well Six, i'm afraid the problem probably lies with You.

It is time to allow this thread to die.

If You just want to be the Op, once again, i invite You to post about Your wedding plans. i'm sure we'd all be interested to know how they're going.

Peace out --


MistressOfGa -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/29/2005 4:28:58 PM)



This is something else im trying to gather and understanding on........the your not my Dom syndrome.......I often wonder where this came from and why........I can understand that this is something that has becomed earned to be called in time with anyone...but what I dont see is the harm in calling someone Sir or Master......can you not be polite and get your point across without being rude by saying your not my Dom therefore I owe you no respect..I can see where there are many men and women are trtying to convey something they arent by the on your knees bitch thing.........I can see being polite to anyone would get you much further than immedialty responding with the phrase that you arent my Dom..............I would beat bella black and blue if she wasnt cordial to those that arent free and address them properly......I already see those saying there is another high protocol droid bantering about that everyone should refer to him as some authority figure.........I have also seen lots of other threads get smashed into the ground with this approach to a sub/slave having manners.......just wanted everyone else's take on this situation I see alot in the chatrooms and out of them........

Master Six

I don't require anyone to call Me Mistress until they are Mine. I agree with thetammyjo, the title Mistress is very special.


Today Is The Tomorrow We Dreamed Of Yesterday

MastersBabieGirl -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/29/2005 8:27:19 PM)

i dont use those terms often however i am always polite until the rules of my master have been broken by the said person speaking to me
i feel just because your a professed dom doesnt mean i need to call you sir or master however i will speak to everyone i chat with with the respect they deserve until or unless they show me they dont deserve it

MistressOfGa -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/29/2005 8:57:20 PM)

Because you're not entitled, and it is not rude to say so, or refuse your inappropriate request.

Because I don't owe you anything but common courtesy. Because you are just another person. Your status as a "Dom" doesn't mean you are better than me and/or worthy of any more respect than John or Jane Doe.

That's why.

Because the only person who is entitled to special words is my Owner.

Because there is "harm" in giving that away randomly.


VERY well said. I have read 15 pages of this thread, and yes I have read all of the posts. It's curious that everyone seems to agree that there are different ways to handle the "Im not your dom" syndrome, yet the debate continues. I say, agree to disagree. I have really enjoyed ImpGrrl's comments, very nicely put.

Thanks for the entertainment tonight.


Today Is The Tomorrow That We Dreamed Of Yesterday

MistressOfGa -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/29/2005 10:04:28 PM)

"Long before I offered you my lead, I had respect for you as a woman, respect for your intellect. Just becuase it has a vagina, leather, and an attitude does not make it MY Domme!".

I love it.


Today Is The Tomorrow That We Dreamed Of Yesterday

candystripper -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/30/2005 3:12:04 AM)


Stone the fucking crows Six! What has got into you man? Do you really expect people to give their real names in any online medium and thus weaken their personal security?? Ok you are sufficiently secure from a personal safety aspect that you can give others your name.. For me, very few pwople know who i am and exactly where I live but most know me as Iron Bear which is my second name as given to me my the family of my Lakota Blood Brother. It is a manner of good manners. Were candystripper in my collar, she would not be permitted to give her given name untill I had run a security check on them to remove possible personal dangers to her.. Think man take a deep breath and a swig of pager and you'll see I'm right my Brother.


Gets all gooey at the idea of being in IronBear's collar; once again, asks Lady Neets to help me convince Him to move house to the US. O, my, i just adore this Man.


angaothsi -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/30/2005 4:12:31 AM)

Because of all the blathering about the name, on the link from his profile he has his name listed there so what is the issue? Apparently it isn't all that top secret.

candystripper -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/30/2005 4:25:19 AM)


Because of all the blathering about the name, on the link from his profile he has his name listed there so what is the issue? Apparently it isn't all that top secret.


Seriously? i did not even notice Six had a link in his posts. i wonder why he refuses to use his name here, then?


KnightofMists -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/30/2005 9:36:49 AM)


Anyway, we all know that *I* am the one who pretends to be the perfect know it all on collarme.

OH MAN!!!!!!!!! your not prefect.... you mean you just pretending..... ok but there really is a Santa Clause!? right? Cause I been reaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy good this year... besides I have enough coal to heat my house for years.

truesub4u -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/30/2005 10:04:35 AM)


I stand corrected, and appologize for this stupid statement. It was wrong of me to state it, and way out of line.

I can't take it back, and that hurts more. But I am truely sorry.

And my thanks to the One that sent me that e-mail, he knows who he is. That showed me to think twice.

candystripper -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/30/2005 1:35:39 PM)


and it was very well appreciated ..... are you coming to Luper this year? *w* I want proof your real lol


Now here's an idea; maybe i can persuade my Men friends i'm ambiguous about Them and gather Them together at my house for Christmas. Presents will, of course, be part of the proofing process. i will register with and You will be able to choose something from my wishlist. ROFLMAO.


Guest -> RE: The your not my Dom syndrome (11/30/2005 3:21:19 PM)

Thread isn't progressing and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for breaking TOS and guidelines.

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