Criminally Violent Sub (Full Version)

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Tormentise -> Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:03:36 PM)

Scenario: Dominant male and submissive female are planning their wedding. submissive wants to change the date, Dominant has no objections, but is stunned at submissive's reason why, which is wanting to spare her ex'es feelings.
Dominant says he wants a couple of days to think his response over before saying something he may later regret. Submissive instantly boils over with anger, continues to seethe and one week later beats the Dominant into unconsciousness. What person or persons, submissive or dominant, can justify this kind of violence?

Leatherist -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:06:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tormentise

Scenario: Dominant male and submissive female are planning their wedding. submissive wants to change the date, Dominant has no objections, but is stunned at submissive's reason why, which is wanting to spare her ex'es feelings.
Dominant says he wants a couple of days to think his response over before saying something he may later regret. Submissive instantly boils over with anger, continues to seethe and one week later beats the Dominant into unconsciousness. What person or persons, submissive or dominant, can justify this kind of violence?


Lynnxz -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:09:05 PM)

No justification. Crazy bitch!

SirMIkeSD -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:10:32 PM)

If you have not had the cops haul her away then kick her ass to the fucking curb.


chamberqueen -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:16:23 PM)

Just out of curiosity, did this really happen?

stella41b -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:19:39 PM)

Not everything in life can be justified.

bamabbwsub -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:23:51 PM)

So...does that mean the wedding's off? [8D]

MissMagnolia -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:25:30 PM)

WTF? If this is real, no, nothing excuses the subs actions. Obviously she has no self control when she get's angry, a dangerous, unforgivable and frightening trait in ANYONE, regardless of provocation. I just hope she doesn't have kids who ever get her angry.

Run as fast as you can.

Willowmoon -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:27:04 PM)

Yeah I want to know if this really happened too. If it did then I would be looking at her mental state and finding out what is wrong as nobody just snaps like that without there being a psychological reason.

On a slight side note why would the Dom be stunned at her wanting to change the wedding date to spare her exs feelings? I am still friends with my ex and Master and I have changed our wedding date to spare his feelings. I don't see an issue there or understand why the Dom would even need to think about it, if she was not comfortable getting married on that day why force her too.

Perhaps having to think of in caused a heap of resentment that she didn't realise she had to boil up and spill over and thats why she snapped. Either way the sub needs help and there is no excuse ever for being violent to someone else.

CalifChick -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:31:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tormentise
What person or persons, submissive or dominant, can justify this kind of violence?

So is this a serious question, or a rhetorical question?  Are you looking for people to say OH MY GOD, THAT IS AWFUL? 

If this is a serious question, I'd say more than one person needs a mental health evaluation.


corsetgirl -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:40:38 PM)

Change the locks on your place, get a restraining order, or run for the hills!!?  That submissive needs to have anger control management.  There is no justification for any type of violence and yes, I have heard of some instances where females have beaten up on males as well.

Sounds like both of you would need some couples counseling if you consider reconciling but then again, having come out of an abusive marriage, I would not recommend it.  I would have a lot of serious reservations about marrying this individual.

DarkSteven -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:56:14 PM)

None of the post makes sense, including a wedding planned when the Dom clearly does not know his submissive.

KCherry -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 7:58:42 PM)

Anyone beating anyone unconcious is generally unacceptable behavior under any circumstances.

katie978 -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 8:04:27 PM)

   I'm thinking that unless the subbie took an accidental dose of kitchen cleaner, not only were her actions inexcusable and inexplicable, they were also foreshadowed by other crazy actions.
   "Well, she only hit me sometimes so it was okay." It sounds just as ridiculous when a man is staying with someone who is abusive as when a woman is. Obviously, you knew trouble was a-brewing, and perhaps you thought marraige would make her put away the baseball bats and hatchets. Where are people reading that marraige fixes craziness? In pretty much every situation, it just makes things a whole lot worse in dyed matching shoes.
   So, if this story is even true and not some ridiculous delusional fantasy by a "dom" with subbie desires and a very rough play fetish, I motion that a helping of the blame gets shifted to you. Yes, the woman over-reacted something fierce. Like, "bombing Russia because she's got some pretty bad PMS and a vodka hangover" over reacted. But you must have had more than a wee bit of suspicious that your sweet, obedient submissive was actually a murderous psycho.

servantheart -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 8:34:15 PM)

There is abolutely no justification for this kind of behavior.  She needs to be locked up....jail or state hospital....until she can learn to control herself. 

Alumbrado -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 9:17:27 PM)

Beating someone unconscious is only justified in real self defense.

petdave -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 9:24:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tormentise
Dominant says he wants a couple of days to think his response over before saying something he may later regret. Submissive instantly boils over with anger, continues to seethe and one week later beats the Dominant into unconsciousness. What person or persons, submissive or dominant, can justify this kind of violence?

Ones with PMS? [&:]

AtlantisKing111 -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 9:36:06 PM)

Okay ..... beating someone into unconsciousness.  Yeah.  That's not a BIG red flag.  No.  

/sarc off

Griswold -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 9:38:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tormentise

Scenario: Dominant male and submissive female are planning their wedding. submissive wants to change the date, Dominant has no objections, but is stunned at submissive's reason why, which is wanting to spare her ex'es feelings.
Dominant says he wants a couple of days to think his response over before saying something he may later regret. Submissive instantly boils over with anger, continues to seethe and one week later beats the Dominant into unconsciousness. What person or persons, submissive or dominant, can justify this kind of violence?

I have just one question:

(Which answer will get me more pussy?).

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: Criminally Violent Sub (5/27/2008 9:51:32 PM)

I'm going to have to go with the majority on this and say red flag!! [sm=danger.gif]

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