a loss for words here (Full Version)

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WinsomeDefiance -> a loss for words here (6/1/2008 3:56:12 PM)

My UM came to me the other day and said, "When I grow up, I want boobs."  All I could think to say was, "Try getting a girlfriend first,  I hear they come equipped with those."

Asherdelampyr -> RE: a loss for words here (6/1/2008 4:04:35 PM)


lilmissdefiant -> RE: a loss for words here (6/1/2008 5:47:36 PM)


WinsomeDefiance -> RE: a loss for words here (6/1/2008 6:48:51 PM)

Well, if he comes to me as an adult and tells me he's getting them, at least I'll be prepared for it.

everhope -> RE: a loss for words here (6/1/2008 9:04:11 PM)

my youngest son is gay....he only wanted a silver spoon placed securely in his mouth...never boobs.
although, he made the darlinest girl when he was 3 and 4....ella i believe he named himself ...then it was on to Superman....
that child o mine....wore Superman underoos, red tights and a cape, for almost a year. i even found him a pair of red rain boots to complete his ensemble... he continued to wear this costume (daily), even after he broke his elbow flying off of the neighbors dog house to "save the day". 

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: a loss for words here (6/1/2008 10:16:57 PM)

I know!  I came in and found this son of mine playing dress up in one of my slips and  a pair of my heels, and I felt compelled to correct him. 

It was entirely the wrong time of year for white pumps.

GreedyTop -> RE: a loss for words here (6/2/2008 7:56:06 AM)


get him some tan sandals.. ;)

SteelofUtah -> RE: a loss for words here (6/2/2008 10:56:29 AM)

Wow and the conservatives are worried that Homosexual People will raise thier Children Gay. This kinda Proves that the Hetrosexual Nation are doing just fine on thier own.



christine1 -> RE: a loss for words here (6/2/2008 11:05:04 AM)

you can raise your kids gay?  i wasn't aware that was an option of parenting styles.  i thought raising kids was getting them ready for the big world of adulthood and loving them, didn't know raising them gay or straight was an option....[8|]

SteelofUtah -> RE: a loss for words here (6/2/2008 11:10:37 AM)

Yeah didn't you know.....

If you Tie them up and beat them they becomes Sadists
If you tell to like you get a Masochist
if you give them a puppy ... waits that against TOS.

Come on people Lighten up

It was a Joke.


virgini970 -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 7:19:31 AM)

my son is 10 now but he loves rope and duct tape i have showed him nothing but at the same time i don't want him to think he is doing some thing wroung

GreedyTop -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 7:24:10 AM)

*tacklehugs Steel*

tsatske -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 7:25:02 AM)

This thread is so going to be removed. ITMT,
I have a young cousin, around 6 now, i think, who attends my sister's daycare. She lives in the middle of conservative God and Country and of course Mother (ee cummings quote) Bible country, most of her daycare kiddies attend her conservative, fundementalist church. And this particular child, well, he's gay, i'm telling you.
At 2, they had a struggle over the dress up box at the daycare. My sis had to tell him to quit wearing the pretty princess clothes, cause his parents didn't like him to. His parents brought clothes to add to the dress up box - camies, suits coats and ties, doctor coats, fireman and police man.. and what did little cuz do? Hide in the closet to dress in the pretty pretty princess clothes. (there's a message hidden in there, boys and girls)
He would fight with the girls to get the princess game pieces, to get to be the princess and the mommy when playing house - oh, just everything. Trust me, the child is being raised in the middle of Hetrosexual Nation, and he is gay as a teddy bear picnic.

tsatske -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 7:28:30 AM)

BTW, Christine, according to a Psche proffessor I had in college (and, yea, i turned in a complaint about her to the department)
You very much can raise boys gay. Boys become gay when, between 3 and 4, they do not transfer their idolation from their mother to their father, as they should. (you would think EVERY boy raised by a single mother - esp. multi-generrational single mothers, where boy is raised by mom, grandma, big sisters and aunts - would be gay, having no same gender idol to identify with.)
Girls, otoh, not so much your fault. Girls become gay in adolescent, while devoloping their sexual identity, when 'recruited' by an older, more experienced Lesbain. (OKAY, THEN. You see why i complained to the Dean?)
What I don't know is what I did wrong to end up with a Bi son. Is it like, I got it half right?

christine1 -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 7:54:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: SteelofUtah

Yeah didn't you know.....

If you Tie them up and beat them they becomes Sadists
If you tell to like you get a Masochist
if you give them a puppy ... waits that against TOS.

Come on people Lighten up

It was a Joke.


i'm sorry i did misread your post Steele.  some personal family stuff makes this a bit of a touchy subject for me. 

BlackPhx -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 10:25:02 AM)

Hey try explaining to the cops why you son has walked ito their station wearing handcuffs. TG I was dating a cop at the time and he was willing to say they were his spare set.

They are who they are..all we can do is love them and try to teach them to stay safe.


Saratov -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 6:01:38 PM)



Hey try explaining to the cops why you son has walked ito their station wearing handcuffs. TG I was dating a cop at the time and he was willing to say they were his spare set.

They are who they are..all we can do is love them and try to teach them to stay safe.


Did he lose the key?  Or escape from/leave his Top?

denisetvxoxo -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 6:27:06 PM)

What I don't know is what I did wrong to end up with a Bi son. Is it like, I got it half right?

Why is it that you think you did something WRONG to end up with a bi son, are you implying that being bi is wrong and if so, care to explain?

mydestiny2043 -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 11:33:05 PM)

Nope men are drawn to duct tape at a very early age and they'll probably have a buddy slip them a roll when they die,because god knows he'll find a use for it[sm=goodnight.gif].And all you males out there know I'm telling the truth[8D] 

MissMagnolia -> RE: a loss for words here (6/3/2008 11:36:02 PM)

I have a gay goth son. Just wait until the arguments start about who owns the eyeliner and the black nail polish!!

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