Hair/shaving (Full Version)

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swtnsparkling -> Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 5:57:50 AM)

How important is hair for You? Having a sub with long flowing hair You can grab and tug or use for bondage?
also: . what about south of the border - what's the thing about having the sub shave is it really about submission?
What about Dominant males, should they shave?

IronBear -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 6:23:20 AM)

I like ling hair. My Wife/FC has hair 3/4 of the way to her arse and mine is just below my shoulder blades when unbound. If a girl looks good with long hair I'll have her keep it long, if she looks delectable with a styled short hair that's good too.

Pubic hair? I don't shave mine. Never seen any reason to do so but if i thought it was a good idea I'd do it like a flash. For a girl I have just collared? If she is not shaved I'll shave her myself as soon as trhe collar is around her neck (publically if there are witnesses to the collaring). I find the view of a female with ashaved pubes extremely attractive and on a whimisical aside, I do have the job of shaving and/or plucking my teeth in the morning

MrDiscipline44 -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 7:40:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: swtnsparkling

How important is hair for You? Having a sub with long flowing hair You can grab and tug or use for bondage?
also: . what about south of the border - what's the thing about having the sub shave is it really about submission?
What about Dominant males, should they shave?

I prefer women with long hair for the reasons you stated. I like to grab the hair as I perform a scene or to just get the submissives attention. Also I come from a more traditional background, a well kept man (to me) has short cropped hair while the woman has long hair, flowing hair.

Hair south of the border is a different matter. To me, if I look down a womans body and see a hairy tarantula staring back at me, well, thats just freaky. It shows me that she doesn't care enough to keep herself well groomed and I will not have someone who does not care around my home.
I've also had women tell me that to be bound while being shaved is a VERY submissive feeling denoting both helplessness and ownership. It also makes for a great ritual to do as both an initiation and on a regular basis.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 8:36:42 AM)

You're in luck, someone has done the work for you and put together a ton of links on just these very questions.

Every Link on Hair Threads

swtnsparkling -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 11:05:34 AM)

i am not new to collarme but i am to the boards here, sorry i did not go back to see if there were threads on the subject of hair.BTW that link took me to Brazillen waxe jobs and pain management. i was not asking about that.
i am wondering why i get answers such as - There are threads on this or that, -and yet in the last week or so alone i see the same darn questions be posted over and over with just a different title.

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 11:21:49 AM)

Mr D and I suppose you shave too? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, couldn't we all say if men have huge hairy dick area's that they don't care about themself so we won't have *them* around.

hedonisticToy -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 1:30:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

Mr D and I suppose you shave too? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, couldn't we all say if men have huge hairy dick area's that they don't care about themself so we won't have *them* around.

I would not demand a dominant shave, but if it was up to me...I'd prefer it.

A shaved male is so much more appealing to do oral worship on, in general...especially as it tends to avoid the annoyance of gagging on loose hairs, or having to try to get them out of your mouth without interupting the flow of the worship. I'm sure shaved males get better worship.

As for myself. I have been with doms who expected me to shave and those who prefered I didn't. I go with what pleases them. I tend to keep the hair on my head short or long also depending on the dom I am involved with.

Most have prefered long...although some longer than others.


LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 1:32:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: swtnsparkling

i am not new to collarme but i am to the boards here, sorry i did not go back to see if there were threads on the subject of hair.BTW that link took me to Brazillen waxe jobs and pain management. i was not asking about that.
i am wondering why i get answers such as - There are threads on this or that, -and yet in the last week or so alone i see the same darn questions be posted over and over with just a different title.

Go to the next page of the thread- there's about two dozen links on hair threads there.

You get responses like that for the same reason we keep encyclopedias updated. There might be a lot of good insight and information in the PAST that might not even get touched on here. People in the past put a lot of effort into those threads and there's no reason to ignore it just because the topic comes up for the 67th time for one more new person.

Littlepita -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 1:48:09 PM)

My Sir likes my hair long and red so that is how I plan to keep it. He has instructed me to stop shaving so that when we are together for the first time he gets the pleasure of shaving me smooth. He does shave and I like that better too. Just can't wait to get to real life!

Focus50 -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 4:56:03 PM)

As with most things, it's an individual's personal choice....

Mine are that I'm attracted to long hair on women and rather turned off by clean shaven "south of the border". Being my girl requires a neat "landing strip" down there and everywhere else is to be clean shaven.

I keep my face clean shaven, a crew-cut on top (or Top.... lol) and a de-feralising trim "down there".


MrDiscipline44 -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 6:13:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

Mr D and I suppose you shave too? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, couldn't we all say if men have huge hairy dick area's that they don't care about themself so we won't have *them* around.

Well Feline, since the only way I would be in a relationship with anyone is as the Dominant/Master, I don't have to worry if the other person does or does not like my "huge hairy dick area". Even if I was involved with someone that idenitified as a switch I will maintain myself as I see fit. If you are telling your Dominant (if you have a Dominant) what he can or can not do or how much body hair he can/not have, I have to wonder who is really the Dominant in your relationship. Hope this clears somethings up for you though.

fireflywhispers -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 7:40:19 PM)

personal taste. as a bi sexual female, i can say i much rather eat a clean shaved twat than having to deal with a bush. As far as long hair vs short hair, again a matter of personal taste. i prefer it, men i have been with prefer it, but hey to each their own

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/29/2005 9:09:21 PM)

Grins, I've had men who were shaved but I don't like it because the hairs grow back really REALLY bristly and it's a bitch to be busy down there and get jabbed in the mouth bythose bitchy lil hairs that barely penitrate the surface.

Ideally if I could control what would and would not happen by genetics I would not get pussy hair armpit hair leg hair *at all* women stay cleaner longer with out pussy hair, and for myself personally I find myself cleaner and dryer with out p ubes, but I am not willing to shave everyday to keep the fur away.

sweetpettjenny -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/30/2005 5:02:15 AM)

My last Master had me cut my hair short, as he prefers it more short to be very slave like without having a bald head. I love my short hair , less messy under a hood , still grabable, and easy to take care of. I am shaven daily down below , out of pride, and it helps keep myself in slave mode for a future owner, i am diligent about shaving , as i also have piercings.

Evanesce -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/30/2005 10:15:28 AM)


How important is hair for You? Having a sub with long flowing hair You can grab and tug or use for bondage?

I'm going to answer for Master here, because He's out on the road. For Him, it's not so much the hair that is important, as it is His control over my appearance. He holds a cosmetology license (unused for 13 years since He got behind the wheel of a truck), and will do my hair Himself sometimes. At the moment, my hair is down to my butt, red and straight. It is so at His direction. Next month, it could be short, curly and blonde. He's not decided yet. When He comes back from being on the road, odds are He'll shave my head completely. We've discussed it, and I know it's coming at some point. I just don't know when.


also: . what about south of the border - what's the thing about having the sub shave is it really about submission?

I don't think it is, and Master does not require that I shave. (He DOES require that I keep my nails manicured, but that's another subject.) IF I am shaved, it's only when He wishes to do it.


What about Dominant males, should they shave?

A shaved pubis makes a man's willie look bigger, but other than that, I don't see a necessity for it. Now, if we're talking faces, that's entirely different. Shaving Master's face after two weeks on the road is an important part of our welcome home ritual.

Oberonrex -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/30/2005 2:24:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: swtnsparkling

How important is hair for You?

Personally, I love long hair on women, to the point of seeing it down as close to their ass as possible. In fact, well-cared-for long hair will cause me to check out a female before anything else. That said, some just look better with short hair, and maintaining long hair can be a pain, so each gets judged on individual merits. Hair care can be a great part of ritual too...


Having a sub with long flowing hair You can grab and tug or use for bondage?

Yes, it is great for that. It is also wonderful for visual appeal (stage setting in some cases) and for olfactory stimulation. Having it run down your body slowly is not only a fantastic sensation, it can also be a part of the show of submission.


also: . what about south of the border - what's the thing about having the sub shave is it really about submission?

For me it is triple duty. First, it is a sign of submission, that they have given up the life they led and are in a new one. Second, I love the view. Third, it also makes hygine easier, reduces some problems, and allows me to enjoy my passion for oral with the benefits of bettery health and hygine and without the extra flossing.


What about Dominant males, should they shave?

That is up to each individual. I trim for reasons visual, health, courtesy, and pleasure. Trimming can enhance the visual for the slave/sub, and for me. It can aid in hygine and health. Given that I like bare skin, I think it only a reasonable courtesy to return the favor. Also, trimming can enhance the sensations for both, or at least for me and I have been told by subs/slaves that it can for them too.

KittenWithaTwist -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/30/2005 3:18:06 PM)

I like hair on a submissive's head. It's soft. It's fun to pet. It's touchable. I love to touch.
I do not like hair south of the border. I shave my pubic region and I like keeping it shaved. I do this as a personal preference, and my Master likes it as well. However, I was doing it before we met. I also enjoy it when my submissive keeps his/her genitals shaved. It has nothing to do with submission, persay, but it does have to do with my preference, and as my submissive, he/she should have my preferences in mind.

I also like it when my dominant shaves his nether regions. It's easier to give him head (no hairballs, or hacking, or other unpleasantness), and it's nice to look at. But of course, I have no control over this. He knows that I like it, and sometimes he will shave it-as it suits him. I consider it a very special treat when he does.

WickedKev -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/30/2005 4:42:04 PM)

For me personnaly I like my slave to have long hair for all the same reasons already given. I also like her shaved down below, I find body hair very masculine and I personnaly like feminine so she shaves. As for me I shave down below, keep the cock C&B region shaved and the pube region trimmed cos 1. It feels great and 2. A cock is an ugly thing at the best of times and needs all the help it can get......

IronBear -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/30/2005 6:17:08 PM)


A cock is an ugly thing at the best of times and needs all the help it can get......

Strewth Kev mate, you realise that this comment will likely have hundreds of Masters/Male Dominants getting second, third and even fourth opinions from a bevy of females and even from their best mate????? I can se it now at their local pub.. ~ Master Jim opens his fly and flopps his tallywagger on the bar and turns to his mate and asks "Hey Joe mate, you recon me dick's ugly?" and then to the barmaid, "Hey Shirl, you think my dick's ugly?" I guess if he is laughed out of the bar it is tiny and ugly and if the barmaid slams a jug of beer on it, the dick is just down right ugly. Must be a market for kevlar dick armour including a helmet so you can flop it our in public safely..........................

KittenWithaTwist -> RE: Hair/shaving (10/30/2005 6:40:49 PM)



For me personnaly I like my slave to have long hair for all the same reasons already given. I also like her shaved down below, I find body hair very masculine and I personnaly like feminine so she shaves. As for me I shave down below, keep the cock C&B region shaved and the pube region trimmed cos 1. It feels great and 2. A cock is an ugly thing at the best of times and needs all the help it can get......

This is a really funny comment...On the one hand, you see body hair as masculine, so a woman, to be feminine, must go without. But on the other hand, you shave your own body hair in at least one area. Does this make you feminine?

Also, I don't happen to agree with your assessment that cocks are ugly. I, personally, love them. Sure, there are weird looking ones, but I love oogling a juicy shaved cock, perhaps with a shiny piercing shoved through it. Mmm.

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