RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (Full Version)

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Vendaval -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/9/2008 2:35:36 PM)

Are you saying that there is no difference between the religious, right-wing zealots and mainstream, moderate Christians in the US?

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/9/2008 2:43:50 PM)

Just want to see if I understand this .....

In 1996 the republicians controled congress and the dems controled the white house. So theirfore its the republicans fault.

In 2008 the democrats controled the congress and the republicans controled the white house. So theirfore its the republicans fault.

As a side note, what on earth makes you assume I am republican?

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/9/2008 2:47:33 PM)

Not at all. There are plaenty of christians out there that are left leaning. Just as there are right wingers who are not fundementalist chistians.

Thats why Im so puzzled by the 'lets blame the bible thumpers' mindset some folks appear to have. Not all christians cause atacks to sexual rights and not all atacks of sexual rights are caused by christians.

Alumbrado -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/9/2008 2:52:57 PM)

And with Don't Ask Don't Tell, the Democrats controlled the White House and had non-overridable majority in Congress...
so guess who's fault that abomination was?...Of course..the other side 'made them do it'.

Ditto when the Republicans had a lock...everything bad is always the fault of the other side.

And while people play finger pointing partisan blame games, those corrupted by power take advantage of the distraction to line their pockets and erode more individual rights and prosperity.

The OP deserves better than to be hijacked.

Leatherist -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/9/2008 7:57:42 PM)

It will be interesting to see if he can win an appeal-it could very well gut the current federal system of harrassment, if so.

Vendaval -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/9/2008 9:29:16 PM)

I think most of us can distinguish between the "bible-thumpers" and the mainstream Christian groups.  The first show up at your home to tell you how the error of your ways is sending you to Hell for an eternity.  The second show their faith by being a good example and charitable works.

SteelofUtah -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/10/2008 10:50:25 AM)

I'm just confused how something that is a Non-Disclosure right could cause this in the first place. Hosting Servers are not required to inform thier clients of where there servers are located and in some cases if there is P2P involved you may NEVER KNOW.

How can one man be responsible for something that the HOSTING company did. They should be the ones being charged NOT Max.

I own MUCH of his work and one things that I respect about him is that in MOST cases he has the girl do an Interview after that is recorded although not always put on the production cut where the girl informs everyone that she ENJOYED doing it and was not HARMED in any way and that in nearly 80% of all of them the Girls came to HIM rarely does he have casting calls he is known well enough that girls come to him to get work.

He is very VERY HARDCORE Thus his namesake Max Hardcore.

What is sad is that he is being attacked when there are THOUSANDS of Hardcore sites running on Flordia Servers Including some things that are MUCH worse than what Paul Little does which I cannot mention due to TOS. But none of them were on the prosecution Docket and I think that is sad they are attacking a Big name to make a point. Sadly the people who like his work are afraid of the stigma in coming out and saying that they like his work.

If I lived in Flordia I would be there in a Hearbeat to support Paul Little because Freedom of Press (Only because it is a Publication even if it s porn it can be considered press) is at stake here what next? R rated movies? I guarantee you the Movie Association will be coming to back him up they did the last time Porn was on attack because Obsinity is such a think line that Porn Today, The nude scene in The Piano Tomorrow. Playboy and the Lingere section in the Sears Catalog after that. Who draws the line?

Protect your right to see and what you want and tell those who are offended TO STOP LOOKING!!!!!!!

If you wanna use your Kids as your attack. If your Kids are Unsupervised on a Computer and see Porn then you ONLY HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME!! Be a Parent and Monitor your kids where you know adult material is available and use your filters that is why they are there. Sadly they don't want to filter the Porn cause then they could not secretly watch it.

Take a Stand and Protect something even if you don't like it because the next thing to go could be something you do like.



corsetgirl -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/10/2008 2:04:55 PM)

Wow!  The Comstock Act was passed on March 3, 1873, making it illegal to send lewd, lascivious and obscene materials through the mail.  This is the same law that also prohibit sending information and banning contraceptive materials. 

Yet, this act is still used today and I still find this to be archaic but Hungry, you are correct with the feds enforcing this law.

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/10/2008 8:48:40 PM)

Yep. The height of the victorian era. There were laws forbiding people to see someone of the oposite gender in a swiming suit. And these were the days where swingimg suits covered you from neck to knee. And yet somehow people think that today is the most sexual opressive time in all of history because there was a 30 month span where the government had purchaced curtians instead of renting them over and over.

You look at history and societies atatudes toward sex folow a very predticabal 80 year cycle. 80 years before Comstock was the Second Purticinal Movement. 80 years before that was a surge in Radical Pietism. 80 years before that was Calvinism. And 80 years after comstock was the 'ward and june cleaver' era of the 1950s. Inbetween these you has the sexual revolution, the flapper era, and all the difrent Libertine movements.

Sexual norms come mostly from the fact that each generation rebbles againt the one before it. One public. The next private. One 'out of the closet into the streets'. The next 'what I do in the privace of my bedroom is nobody elses business'. And to a lesser extent, sexual norms can be shaped by transportation techonology.

The forces that impact a cultures views toward sex are not passed down from capital hill. Do people realy think that inside the oval office there is a bookcase where if you tilt a certian book the fireplace spins around to show a giant bladeswitch with 'prude' on one side and 'skank' on the other side and if we were only to electe the ~cortect~ government repesenitive, they would position the bladeswitch to our favor.

DMFParadox -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/11/2008 7:06:26 AM)

I live here.  In t*mpa.

Crap like this is why I took my photos down and won't link externally or internally to this website.  And why I am gradually editing or removing all references that could link my online collarme persona to my real one.  Because it is really really really not safe.  It's not a pride issue or that I'm ashamed of a damned thing, but I AM scared sh|tless of the local moron parade.  I mean it's really bad here.  A harmless conversation with an off-duty cop last week really brought that to light; the man was uber conservative, and I'm certain that if he knew half of what I've done in a bedroom with a willing partner I'd never see daylight again.  He told me stories of locking people up for stuff that's not even close.  I'm not making this up or being paranoid, it is dangerous to be edge here.

Alumbrado -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/11/2008 7:23:45 AM)



I live here.  In t*mpa.

Crap like this is why I took my photos down and won't link externally or internally to this website.  And why I am gradually editing or removing all references that could link my online collarme persona to my real one.  Because it is really really really not safe.  It's not a pride issue or that I'm ashamed of a damned thing, but I AM scared sh|tless of the local moron parade.  I mean it's really bad here.  A harmless conversation with an off-duty cop last week really brought that to light; the man was uber conservative, and I'm certain that if he knew half of what I've done in a bedroom with a willing partner I'd never see daylight again.  He told me stories of locking people up for stuff that's not even close.  I'm not making this up or being paranoid, it is dangerous to be edge here.

These weren't local cops or local prosecutors, these were the feds jury shopping for a pool of old retired prudish Yankees...where else you going to look besides Florida?[;)]

And you are aware that the USSC struck down all bedroom laws years ago aren't you? Your cop's stories were just that, stories.

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/11/2008 8:47:44 AM)


These weren't local cops or local prosecutors, these were the feds jury shopping for a pool of old retired prudish Yankees...where else you going to look besides Florida?[;)]

And you are aware that the USSC struck down all bedroom laws years ago aren't you? Your cop's stories were just that, stories.
They may just be stories, but they do have a purpose. See The police want to try and get you talking so that you will give away something on yourself. So they will say stuff luke 'We will call in the drug sniffing dogs and find it anyway' or 'We can charge you with obstruction if you dont coroperate'. Stories like that are naturaly total bullshit, but people who dont know their rights wind up believing it and start blabbering and running their mouth.

Also, I wouldent be ~that~ hard on Tampa. They did give us VoyerDorm Vs City of Tampa and that was one of the best and most favoriable rulings toward porn on the net that has happened in the past 10 years.

Lucylastic -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/12/2008 5:31:12 AM)

Just to add to this strange story,,0,6220192.story
"Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, granted a 48-hour stay in the obscenity trial of a Hollywood adult filmmaker after the prosecutor requested time to explore "a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a . . . sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here."

PAPet00 -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/20/2008 2:45:00 PM)

thats too bad, Max Hardcore is a very talented film maker and incredibly sexy

mantis65 -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/24/2008 1:44:59 AM)

Bible thumpers and Florida snow birds are useful idiots for the GOP. And that’s who is behind war porn right now. Sure Hillary would take it up also if she had the chance. The jurors are screened to get the right outcome...Conviction. But the jury still thought it unfair, well maybe if we water board we can get a better success rate?

mantis65 -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/24/2008 1:53:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Just to add to this strange story,,0,6220192.story
"Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, granted a 48-hour stay in the obscenity trial of a Hollywood adult filmmaker after the prosecutor requested time to explore "a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a . . . sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here."

Ok how are women painted to look like cows……. obscene!     I have seen a man fucked to death by horses! And Taliban beheadings (only one it was too sick) A woman painted to resemble a cow is not obscene to me. Its not trust me Thos the Abu Ghraib Prison Photos that was obscene. Don’t decide what’s obscene to me  

mantis65 -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/24/2008 1:56:15 AM)

And bush paid for Abu Ghraib with tax dollars when is that trial ?  soon I hope

mantis65 -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/24/2008 2:07:49 AM)


Abu Ghraib

Which Abu Ghraib picture has the most artistic merit? It’s a toss up between with smeared with excrement and electro torture on crates. So how many of max hardcore’s victims actually died again? I missed that part?

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/24/2008 5:21:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: mantis65

Bible thumpers and Florida snow birds are useful idiots for the GOP. And that’s who is behind war porn right now.
Ya mean like CCEA, that is spending one bilion dollars to spy on P2P networks without a warent? And that is spicificly targeting 'virtiual' child porn despite a 2002 supreme court ruling saying that they couldent. ..... Neat trick? Aint it? Supreme court says a law is unconstitutional, so you dont actyualy ~make~ a law againt it, you just ~aprove funding~ to fight it.

Or maybee you ment the california bill AB 2914 that would put a 25% tax on all adult related products. Since you cant outright ban strip clubs, adult video marts, or toy shops, just tax them so much that it makes it imposible to do bsuiness and force them to shut down.

..... shesh ......

If ya wanna talk about 'useful idiots' lets start with all the idiots that keep ignoring the mail fraud aspects of this case. Thats right, just burry your head in the sand and forget all about mail fraud. Just pretend that the mail fraud law dosent exist. In fact, if someone comes along and does mention mail fraud just atack them, acusing them of being part of the vast right wing consparicy. Dont pay any attention to the mail fraud charges. Spin it so that it looks as if the case didnt have anythign to do with mail fraud.

Instead, nitpick over the definition of 'obscene'. Talk as if this is not a case about mail fraud charges at all, but instead make it out to sound as if it were some kind of Roth v. United States Junior.

The jurry in this case said spicificly they thought the mail fraud laws were outdated and needed changed. But what posible hope do we have of changing the mail fraud laws when nobody even wants to acdonolege that this case is about mail fraud? The 'useful idiots' here are the ones who ignore every aspect of mail fraud and instead just mindlessly recite the standard arguments on 'well who are we to say what is or is not boscene. I dont think Picture_X is obscene, I think Picture_Y is obscene'.

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Paul F. Little/Max Hardcore Faces 100 years (6/24/2008 5:39:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: mantis65

And bush paid for Abu Ghraib with tax dollars when is that trial ?  soon I hope
Jan 13, 2006 Or was that a retorical question?

Dosent matter anyway. Even though the charges and trial were all about publishing of 'gross out' photos from the iraq war, the news got spun to make it sound as if the website was under atack for publishing porn. Folks just cant pass up any oportunity to scream 'the religious right hates sex' even when the charges were about war photos and not sex.

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