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Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/29/2005 8:31:01 PM   

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So this is what they think of us.... Its a very long and disturbing article, I am only posting a few quotes for emphasis.

quote: the #1 BDSM web site in the world shut down this week after the new release of documentary WWW.XXXEXPOSE.COM cracked and decoded the cult leader, PD's formula (check out the link, it's selling for 4 million, any takers?)! Unlike the digital photos and videos of abuse shot at Abu Ghraib, which has the nation in an uproar, the filmed activities of REAL sadistic tortures found on the sight have gone reasonably unnoticed, operating under the guise of a legally operating BDSM modeling business.

When we look at the recent cases of porno torture at Abu Ghraib, we see the dilemma that many sadists have come across time and time again, that along with the fun and satisfaction that they derive from torturing and abusing others comes the possibility of being charged as a criminal if there happens to be a leak in the system and the mostly delusional masses find out. So, knowing the overall agenda and intentions of the kind of people who are involved in perpetrating on innocents within the military industrial complex, we can see an underlying reason for the creation and ultimately the direction that the pornography and BDSM Internet industries have taken, to be able to legally and out in the open take part in victimless crimes.

The owner and leader of the site, PD (standing for punishment and discipline), was one of the very first people to bring the techniques of real torture, mind control, programming, cult tactics, thought reform and operant conditioning to the Internet for the public to view as sexual entertainment, hiring young women as "models" to take part in "acting" in his BDSM reality films. PD was also the first to offer "live feeds", live torture sessions in which the members could tune in blow by blow and make online suggestions to the torturer. Can you imagine if we were able to dehumanize the victims at Abu Ghraib to the point at which the abuse was being publicly aired live and US citizens could tune in and make suggestions to the soldiers about what technique of torture they would like to see next? What if the US military gets hip to PD's formula and starves the Iraqis out to where they are forced into signing a form stating that they agreed to being tortured for the soldier's enjoyment and for the exchange of food and thereby releasing any video or photos to the US military to later distribute and sell as pornography? Would the American public then turn a blind eye to their pain and reply with "they asked for it?" This has been the response to the hundreds of victims of the sex slave industry.


The whole basis around their brand of Satanism has actually nothing to do with the character we have become to know as Satan, a muscular, red skinned horned beast with a pitch fork standing in a pit of fire, but is really founded on one major underlying principle: good=bad, pleasure=pain, freedom=slavery, etc. It is the switching and rewiring of everything that once made sense to us in the most natural kind of a way and reversing it to mean the exact opposite whilst all the while you think that you are not caught in a delusional reality but in a new found state of greater consciousness.
But of course this technique of confusion is all employed to trick the victim into serving the sadistic impulses of the perpetrator.

For example taking a look at an article written recently: "The Nature of Dominance" by Rick Umbaugh, we can see evidence of a kind of reverse psychology being used on the victim:

"Describing the submissive experience within the scene of erotic torture is very difficult. One must begin in the right frame of mind, submissive, pliant, ready to accept anything, no matter how unpleasant. You must set yourself that you will not call your safe word, no matter how unpleasant what you are feeling. Then you have to let go of your intellect, let your mind feel all those sensations and the results are climaxes that take you beyond the mundane world of sight, sound and feeling and into the nether realm of pure sensation where no culture, no society, no words stand between you and the universe. This is the understanding that is the nature of submission. This is the paradox of S/m. While the submissive receives all the sensation, the Dominant does all the work. He or she receives that sense of power that comes from being able to control. He or she receives the homage due all that work, but in the end it is the submissive who gets to touch heaven."

The victim is sold into a kind of fake spirituality based on a promise that they will have a god-like experience or get "to touch heaven" if they are "ready to accept anything, no matter how unpleasant." The sadists act as a kind of preacher of some false religious mumbo jumbo to serve their own need of having the ability to legally torture and abuse others. The victim is rewarded only when in complete and total compliance with absolutely every desire of the torturer. They claim they are giving the victim a special kind of gift that they are lucky to be receiving, that they are being allowed to return to their "animal state." There is a major point of confusion here though, what kind of animal state are we speaking of here? Are we talking about the part of us that can dance around with our arms outstretched and flap our arms up and down like the birds or prance around feeling the wind blowing through our hair like a wild horse? No, we are talking about the part of an animal's existence that really has nothing to do with the original identity of that animal or what it symbolizes but only what that animal has come to mean according to it's value in the current capitalist, life as a commodity system that we are trapped in today. The victim is fooled into believing that they are gaining some kind of an eternal knowledge, experiencing some kind of universal energy that flows through all beings when really we are simply allowing ourselves to be de-evolved.


I find it repulsive that any human being could stoop to this level of manipulation to quench their own sadistic impulses. The sadists who have learned and mastered this formula of manipulation know that what they are doing is wrong and immoral. They know full well that a person does not become enlightened or "touch heaven" by being trained to be someone's own personal beating dog. They know that the person is not being given some kind of sacred holy grail of knowledge that they should be eternally grateful for. A person could say that they gave another a concussion, but does that make them a giving person? Is pain and suffering really a gift? Isn't this something that any common criminal could be capable of "giving" to that person?


When good is bad and bad is good the victim starts to become extremely confused and then is much more likely to disassociate faster. To reinforce the confusion, victims are made to say "thank you" when hit and also made to "please ask for more" when in severe amounts of pain and discomfort. This is a key element to the training in getting the victim to believe that this is something that they truly want for themselves, that it is their choice to be slaves. They are told to learn to feel a freedom in being bound and restrained, to feel that their individual voice and expression is being heard while gagged. They are made to kiss and stroke the tools of abuse (such as a cane or a whip) and expected to feel happy and elated during and after sessions of intense torture begging their controller for more.
You can see the danger in a culture of people brainwashed into believing that they truly love being victimized, how will we ever bring another criminal to justice again?


The sadist targets people who are past victims of abuse, looking for acceptance, searching for answers, a community of people who respect and recognize their individual contribution, in need of a meaning or a purpose to their lives, etc. The perpetrator will use all of these things, they will say whatever it is that you want and need to hear and twist that into serving their purposes.

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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/29/2005 8:39:06 PM   

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WTF.. publish a monthly magazine......The studs of abu grabe or january before they puss him out (or after). I went from in my life (and I don't consider myself that old, where if a cop could take you in you were busted, if he couldn't that was part of his job) now, in contravention to the 4th amendment search and siezure of persons is commonplace.

Never Mind.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/29/2005 8:41:00 PM   

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I think I need a cold shower.



Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

"Hypocrisy has consequences"

(in reply to Mistress)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/29/2005 10:58:27 PM   

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God that makes me sick! They didn't shut down because of that damn DVD, they shut down due to the insane "Porn Squad" the FBI has put together and 2257 laws.

(in reply to stef)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/30/2005 10:54:43 AM   

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Cult leader?
God what stupid propaganda but not surprising they need to Demonize before then can criminalize. So Insex is who is truly responsible for Abu Ghraib?
Since they gave the idea to the poor naïve US military who couldn’t control themselves and were under the peer pressure influence of an evil bondage pay-site?
Like Playboy magazine drove poor helpless Ted Bundy to kill huh?

Truly stupid article

(in reply to embre)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/30/2005 3:42:09 PM   

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A long article...i didn't have the chance to read the entire thing yet. It seems like the author was spouting a lot of political conspiracy theories along with his main point, which to me loses his credibility right off the bat. The author shows a clear misunderstanding about the difference between pornography and real life.

you can add comments to the article at the bottom of the page....maybe we all should.

(in reply to mantis65)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/30/2005 9:20:41 PM   

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Yes I had only skimmed it myself at first but... then read it more deeply about BDSM being Satan’s way of creating an army of evil via sex magic or some crap I realized the author is balls out insane.
Gave the guy the benefit of the doubt at first wit the author naively assuming
That PD was running a BDSM Manson family style cult for his pay site or something. Then it became apparent the guys tin foil cap is wrapped too tight as I read further along

(in reply to petwolf22)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/1/2005 1:41:01 PM   

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The responses to this surprise me. But maybe it's because people haven't read far enough into the original article?

I took some time to read both this author's writings from the posted link and also visit the website for the film production. While the author is definitely out there, the allegations she's making - that Insex and other web producers are brainwashing vulnerable people into abusive situations - is a far cry from the loving, caring relationships people on this site tend to advocate. (Actually in the other piece she wrote, she differentiates the two - as abuse versus individual sexual freedom.) I have no idea as to the truthfulness of her claims but since she's making them as a member of the BDSM community and former Insex model, I think they merit respectful consideration until disproved. After all, if she's nuts, she's exactly the kind of person that this community needs to protect from predators.

(in reply to Mistress)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/1/2005 5:39:32 PM   

Posts: 332
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From: Daddy's Lap
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the website that is mentioned in that article, deathandhellwhateverthefuckdotcom, is quite possibly the weirdest site i've ever been to, thanx.
now to go burn my eyes out...



(in reply to shigglyboom)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/2/2005 1:26:45 AM   

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Death and the keys to hell a s student of Anton Szandor LaVey. But has nthng to do with bdsm

(in reply to subversiveone)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/2/2005 2:07:45 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mantis65

God what stupid propaganda but not surprising they need to Demonize before then can criminalize. So Insex is who is truly responsible for Abu Ghraib?

Go figure. Maybe Insex even invented the training techniques used by the taliban to make people willing to die fighting the evil westerners. They should be grateful they're not in Gitmo yet.


No words were harmed or abused in the writing of this message.

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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/2/2005 5:31:22 PM   

Posts: 49
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From: Los Angeles
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While it's quite apparent that the author of this piece has a wildly skewed perspective on BDSM as a whole, I find myself relieved that the Insex guy has closed up shop. I have a friend who went to New York to do a shoot for Insex. She is an able and genuine masochist with a number of years of experience in exploring her limits. She described her experience to me. I certainly have no qualms about pushing limits; I do, however, have issues with the Insex modus operandi.

The girl is basically told that the longer she can endure, the more money she makes.

Personally, I don't feel that BDSM should be an endurance test. To me, it's not about how much you can take, it's much more about how far you can go. It's a journey more than a experiment, if you follow my meaning. Pain is a tool, not an objective. You get no extra points for 'breaking' someone. You may get jail time, but no bonus points. Furthermore, I find that this mindset feeds into the public misconception that BDSM is... well, as described in the article.

What we do can be healthy, and with an effort toward educating the masses, it can be perceived as healthy. The alternative is a fight that we cannot win.

Just my .02


Los Angeles
Owner of dahanala

(in reply to frenchpet)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/2/2005 9:58:48 PM   

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I did a little research into this article and the video that it speaks about and was shocked at how far skewed the portray of bdsm and related websites actually is. The video is laced with images of porn, animal mutiliations and interviews out of context spliced together and made into a porn pay site. All that we're really talking about is another form of shock entertainment, only in this case its marketing it as "isn't this horrific" instead of as "kneel bitch"
In the late 90's I was a photographer and web developer at one of the larger bdsm and first machine sites so we had alot of the same models as insex. As I'm sure you noticed, most of the girls that do fetish work rotate throughout all of the higher paying sites. The sites that stayed up the longest, tended to be the ones who were the most straight forward with their models simply because the girls would talk to one another and spread information.

I've heard stories (both good and bad) about most of the sites. Insex was one of those jobs that people used to take because of the neat equiptment. Some liked it, others didnt but never did I hear anyone say that he had gone over the limits in their contract or that anything that he did felt cultlike. Yes, the more you take the more you get paid, but this is the same principle on all of the sites. (The anal girls get more than the softcore girls etc). Some girls do go into it trying to prove that they can take more than the others and thats when you get those fuzzy dangerous hardcore lines being crossed.

The site that I was working at tended to push the women further than I was comfortable with and had a habit of pushing the less attractive girls the furthest whcih was one of the reasons why I eventually stopped working with them. Most of the equiptment that we had was softened for photos (e.g mousetraps that didnt actually grab and clothespins with no tension).

For about a year after leaving that job I was completely turned off of BDSM because of the "fake factor" I hated how all of the photographers and online Masters seemed to just be oversexed frat boys giggling at what they could get someone to do for a few hundred an hour. To me, the bondage sites have absolutely nothing to do with the love that I feel for a man that I trust with my life and my body. They are just porno perversions of it, just as much as a gangbang pic is a perverted example of lovemaking.

Insex a cult? No
Insex unhealthy for many that modeled? Probably

(in reply to Erusvi)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/13/2005 6:13:46 PM   

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I tend to be a live and let live kind of woman, but this is just beyond rediculous! It will never cease to amaze me that people will put out the most outragious BS and others fall in line and believe it!

*sigh* I can't take anymore tonight. Where's my slave? Bring me my slippers, pet!

(in reply to Mistress)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/14/2005 2:56:50 AM   

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Runs for his shotgun.

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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 11/14/2005 4:09:20 AM   

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That article is really biased, and that's to be generous. To be harsher about it, I'd say it was completely whacked.

There is no BDSM cult to my knowledge.

Even the FBI cannot find evidence of Satanic rituals or sacrifice, yet these are referred to as if they were known occurrences. (BTW, most Satanists are more into it as theater than a true belief system or philosophy - in other words,the only people that are likely to believe in Satan are christians who view him as an opposite principle to their God.)

There are parallels drawn between the actitivities explored and military torture techniques, Nazi deathcamp experiments, MKULTRA, and even something referred to as "Working Sex Magickians."Seriously, WTF is all that stuff doing being linked up together? What does it have to do with some one porn site? ??? - looks like people having fun with the christians and normals to me...some of it looked very like old Psychic TV type material. Only a mundane would be impressed by it.

I have to ask the OP what she thought she was doing. That article isn't reputable material. It's laughable shock value entertainment. I am reminded of semi-coherent Catharine MacKinnon or Dr. Diana Russell stuff I have read. The film linked to is very like one of those old Eagle's Nest productions as found here: It's all stuff that goes something like this: "These rock and rollers sold their souls for fame and glory - they are pure eeevil - btw, here are some clips of them performing one of their bigger number one hits..."


A waste of time. Sorry. No one but a moron would buy into this nonsense. I realize the world is full of morons. So it is...

(in reply to Voodoo2066)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/13/2006 6:11:06 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Chaingang
There is no BDSM cult to my knowledge.

If you ignore the major Christian churches.

< Message edited by dogthing -- 10/13/2006 6:12:10 PM >

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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/13/2006 6:29:07 PM   

Posts: 6334
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From: Domme Emeritus
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Discretion is the better part of intelligence.


Life Lesson #1

I'm not your type.
I'm not inflatable.

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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/14/2006 2:23:56 AM   

Posts: 191
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WOW - I never knew i was part of a cult ;-)

I know one or two people who will be upset to say the least that PD is gone from INSEX.

(in reply to LotusSong)
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RE: Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! - 10/14/2006 6:31:06 AM   

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lol... A long time ago, when I was first coming into this lifestyle, I met a man - a vanilla man (I was still wafting back and forth at that time). We got along wonderfully. However, when I told him about this part of my life, he told me that he could never be with someone who was in a cult.

So, I've known for a long time that I am supposedly, somehow, a member of a cult.

Now, I wonder when that spaceship is supposed to take off....


p.s.: Interestingly though, that same man contacted me about 2 years ago to tell me that he finally realized what I was talking about when I told him about my interest in bdsm. Evidently, he was now involved in it where he lived. I laughed and told him that he belongs to a cult and that I really couldn't be talking to him because my cult leader (my Master) prohibited it. But welcome to the fold nonetheless.

(in reply to Samwhiplash)
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