RE: "Wannabe", "Badly trained" or just not "My" kind of sub (Full Version)

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DMFParadox -> RE: "Wannabe", "Badly trained" or just not "My" kind of sub (6/17/2008 11:44:23 PM)

Yes, Darky, you've been a bad girl. 

Now let's see how adaptable you are in a crisis.

WillowRain -> RE: "Wannabe", "Badly trained" or just not "My" kind of sub (6/22/2008 6:31:47 AM)

If a person isn't in your house, and in your hands, then I question the idea of 24/7 as a label personally. I think throwing around insults like calling someone a "wannabee" just because they aren't doing what you like, is a poor choice. Trust and submission/service grow over time in a healthy balance, if the quality degrades then there are perhaps issues in the relationship. "Do as you are told, no matter what" is something that only comes with much time and extensive trust, it is unreasonable to expect that of almost anyone right out of the box. I would question their sanity if they were willing to do that without extensive time learning about the other persons ability to make good choices, and non selfish choices. Being Dominant is a LOT of responsibility, it's not just simply about being a spoiled child who always gets what he wants.

Good luck.

ORIGINAL: darkeangelique

I would love to provide more information from the opera, but feel that it would be too intimate for our little sub and could cause her great grief in future chapters.

From this chapter though, would you say she was not being  a "sub" by recognising she was angry and deciding to be alone? Was she out of order (showing herself up as a wannabe) by questioning His idea of 24/7 (ie. do as you are told no matter what)? Would you say her questioning is due to poor training, poor judgement or her own (really) dominant personality?

Can a real D/s relationship exist and survive  if it is based on fear?


WillowRain -> RE: "Wannabe", "Badly trained" or just not "My" kind of sub (6/22/2008 6:43:28 AM)

Now that I've read the whole thread, I will add something. If you lie to the people in your life, that is a crappy choice. My recomendation would be to live your life in a way where you don't feel shame when others are honest about you. What he did was poopy, but at least he didn't send a packet of photographs to your husband and your boss. It's vengeful, childish crap to do things like what you are describing, but then it's vengeful, childish crap to lie to others just so you can have the things you want, ie a secret affair. Go spend time in your real life, turn off the computer for a few weeks at home. Break ups hurt, and sometimes even good people act like crap when they are hurting.

LordODiscipline -> RE: "Wannabe", "Badly trained" or just not "My" kind of sub (6/22/2008 7:17:10 AM)

A couple of things...
1. Your definition of "wanna-be" might not be mine and "badly trained" is a misnomer as there is not any standard (and, in fact little REAL training) which generally occurs in relationships with the exception of some who may try (note: "try") stringent attitudinal/habit alteration techniques.
2. I am going to assume that "SMS" is akin to an "IM" - or a computer based interaction where it is live time discussion through the computer
3. That would indicate these people are not involved in a real life interaction - as it would simply be easier to pick up the phone to discuss somethign of this nature where such friction existed - and, most people would if they valued the relationship beyond a computer screen fantasy/recreational interaction.
4. You are taking the side of the submissive here because you are not telling us what the dominant is upset about - leaving us pondering why he would be such a 'bastard' (used for effect) - and, yet you ask us to judge the submissive's behavior. Very odd.
5. If this relationship is causing turmoil... and, it is recreational in nature (that is 'conducted in free time for entertainment rather than in a traditional partnership where interchange is constant') why is there an issue? Move on. If it is more than that - pick up the phone (at the least) and discuss it properly to come to conclusions.
6. This is much ado about very little. Apparently this relational dynamic is so fragile and of little value as to exist part time and to not allow for proper interaction to maintain it - and, it is causing both (apparently) issues... seems like there is better things to do with that time.
7. If this is still at odds with someone's sensibilities - please consider the quote at the end of the OP's message.

ORIGINAL: darkeangelique

I know there has been, and will continue to be, lively discussion about "labels" within the forum. So, with respect, i ask that, for convenience, common labels are used just a point of general comparison without debating their validity.

So my question is: How would you describe the "sub" in the following scenario: "wannabe", "badly trained" or "just not my kind"

There has been some tension in BDSM Manor between the Master and his sub. Over a number of days he has been deliberately spiteful in his requests of the sub (as the result of her honesty with Him over another issue). One morning, in a particularly cranky mood, Master sends an insulting and hurtful sms to sub, then another sms directly after telling her not to respnd to Him. Throughout the day His emails are curt and short and sub found them quite threatening, as she knows Master has a temper. Sub expressed these feelings of hurt and distress to Master who tells her that she is not a "real 24/7 sub" . sub then expresses her opinion that she doesnt think a D/s relationhip is about a sub having to take deep insults on the chin just because Master is in a bad mood. Fear turns to anger over the course of the evening and sub thinks it best to have an early night on her own and calm down.

Disclaimer: All characters depicted in this story are fictitious and any likeness to any one, living or dead, is purely coincidence [:)]

Thanx in advance


Two things are infinite : the universe and human stupidity; I’m not sure about the universe.

ResidentSadist -> RE: "Wannabe", "Badly trained" or just not "My" kind of sub (6/22/2008 10:45:01 AM)


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