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service oriented - 7/24/2004 5:32:51 PM   

Posts: 1
Joined: 7/24/2004
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i would like to know what it means of being that mind u im new to scene
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RE: service oriented - 7/24/2004 5:41:38 PM   

Posts: 573
Joined: 6/22/2004
From: Ontario, Canada
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Try some punctuation. I'm not sure what you're asking.


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RE: service oriented - 7/24/2004 6:11:59 PM   

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i would like to know what it means of being that mind u im new to scene

If I understand your question correctly, you would like to know what “service oriented” means. You also wanted to make a point that you are new to the scene. Correct?

Laura is right in stating that a little effort in punctuation would be good but work within your capacities. Just make considerable efforts.

Service oriented, as I understand it, is when you are more then just a sexual plaything for a Domme but also are willing to show your devotion through service. It can go anywhere from doing her dishes, scrubbing her floors, polishing her shoes, grooming her pet. Sometimes it can go further.

It all depends on the Dommes wishes as well as what you have to offer as well as your capacities. I see in your profile that you note 3 services: No Strings Housecleaning, Handyman and Automotive Mechanic. Those are 3 good skills that may help you in attracting a Domme.

Also note, that in some relationships, sexual service might not be part of the deal. Be prepared for this and ask lots of questions to a Domme you are considering on what her specific definition of service entails.

I hope that my answer was helpful to you. Knowing the Dommes in this forum (and the subs and the Doms and the switches and eveyone else who contributes), you’ll get additional information and perhaps contradictions. That’s the beauty of forums and multiple opinions.

Welcome to the boards.

- Lady Angelika

< Message edited by LadyAngelika -- 7/24/2004 6:14:59 PM >


Une main de fer dans un gant de velours ~ An iron hand in a velvet glove

(in reply to lubeman29)
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RE: service oriented - 7/25/2004 7:45:48 AM   

Posts: 1123
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I use the term service oriented...

For me its a marker that indicates that the focus of the relationship will be on the D/s not the play.. Play is easily found.. a submissive partner who serves with a willing, joyful spirit in a state of obedience and who is fully surrender to his submission is not.

So a service oriented partner is one who is focused on that.. spirit, obedience and surrendered submission.


“When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.” Elyane Boosler

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(in reply to LadyAngelika)
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RE: service oriented - 7/25/2004 9:21:19 AM   

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It depends on what you are asking.

If I got the question right a service oriented sub while doing the sex things really fetishes the other stuff like doing the dishes, waxing the floor, shoveling snow, etc. Actually he does not have to fetish it. I could be wrong, but I doubt he'd have to beg hard to wash dishes. Think Alfred from Batman. Unless there was some offscreen romance we don't know about...

Clearing up the mud a bit. The sex is secondary if not tertiary. Being a vibrator is not as important as being a valet. The guy will accept that, but I'm sure won't mind if she reverses that. (Usually, somewhere there is a guy who really fetishes mowing lawns who hates people not understanding his lawn care fetish.)


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

(in reply to lubeman29)
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RE: service oriented - 7/30/2004 11:23:14 PM   

Posts: 88
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From: Seattle, Washington, USA
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If he's asking what a "service oriented submissive" means, my definition follows.

One who's "into" doing those odd jobs and chores for his lady. Simply being of service to her in any capacity she may require (sexually included, but not always).
I have a "service oriented sub" and just making him clean house nakey is enough to make him happy believe it or not, granted I like watching him clean the house nakey... and usually that alone will spark my interest in playing in a more sexual way (not that he requires it, he's just happy to be of service to me), but that's how I am wired.

This question was posed on another forum (not collarme) that got very interesting answers:
Would you prefer to be of service or would you prefer to be used?

Odd thing is the majority of female subs wanted to "be of service" and the majority of male subs wanted "to be used". Wacky world we live in. Now define "used" right? Well most of them wanted to be used sexually. Funny, I'd always thought the female subs would've wanted that "used" feeling. But I don't find it odd that the men were all thinking with their penises again.

That may help you decide what form of submission you are able to give and be happy. I can't be sure, but think on it.



(in reply to iwillserveu)
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RE: service oriented - 7/31/2004 9:24:47 AM   

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But I don't find it odd that the men were all thinking with their penises again.


I take exception to this, Mr. Tiny doesnt know how to type and I dont share my
passwords with anybody.

Just me, could be wrong, but there you go.



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David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

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(in reply to MistressZanthia)
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RE: service oriented - 8/1/2004 9:27:38 PM   

Posts: 457
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Service oriented, to me means the emphasis would be on the care and comfort of the dominant and her/his environment. But as with any d/s terminology, there will be a different definition for every word per person. Welcome to collarme. Sundew


~~~~~Enjoy the ride, the landing could get painful~~~~

(in reply to lubeman29)
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RE: service oriented - 8/2/2004 5:30:51 AM   

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You mean that You have not taught Mr tiny to type yet Sinergy??

for shame!!

sumone stop offending Sinergys Mr tiny or it will never learn to type!

(in reply to Sundew02)
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RE: service oriented - 8/2/2004 11:55:04 AM   

Posts: 48
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There is an overeager interpretation of strokes per hour her, no? or is it a count of O's per minute these days?
The trick is to learn to type with your tongue. It is, after all, hunt and peck, not hunt and pecker.

< Message edited by yoursMaam -- 8/2/2004 12:20:16 PM >

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: service oriented - 8/3/2004 11:26:05 PM   

Posts: 88
Joined: 7/2/2004
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
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Drat, well teach it to type!!! Wait, I said "thinking", lol. Not typing. But it was a loaded question to ask of the forums anyway, so there ya have it.



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