Polygamy and Politics -- 2007 Article (Full Version)

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pinksugarsub -> Polygamy and Politics -- 2007 Article (6/18/2008 9:05:41 PM)


Utah Republican United States Senator Reed Smooth (1862 - 1941) made history as being one of the first Latter Day Saints to openly serve in the United States Senate. But before he was able to serve, his qualifications would be questioned because he became an apostle and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In addition to that, he had his association with his Latter Day Saint church and its marriage practice of polygyny (also spelled polygamy).

The act of polygyny means being married to more than one wife. Secondly, it involves having sexual relationships with more than a single woman and can involve acts known as philandering. This practice has occurred in many civilizations since the invention of marriage. The polygyny practice has occurred in such places like the continent of Africa, and even religionist sects such as Muslims and Mormons practiced it.


OmegaG -> RE: Polygamy and Politics -- 2007 Article (6/19/2008 6:25:56 AM)

what was the point of that article?

When Joseph Smith founded the Church, there were no laws against polygamy (to date there is no evidence that Mormon's practiced polygyny as they feel strongly that sex without marriage is an excommunicatible sin).  Cultural backlash caused the Mormon's to migrate to several places within the United States and Brigham Young finally led them to what is now Utah, then it was beyond the laws of the United States.  Mormon's practiced polygamy until Utah was under condideration for statehood and polygamy was one of the main schisms between the settlers in Utah and the US government.  When Utah became a state those who had previously legally married multiple wives were faced with a dilema, loose all but one wife or move to Mexico and keep their convanants to all their wives (personally I'd have preferred the law grandfathered in, especially in a time when unmarried women had little options).

Michigan's Governor Romney (Mitt's father) wanted to run for President but it was undetermined if he was born in Mexico or the US for his family had been part of the polygamists who chose not to stay in Utah.

And of course the Founding Father's didn't address polygamy, they came from countries that were strictly monogamous and they couldn't possibly know that 50 years later a boy would pray in a NY grove and get told to organize a new church.

Anyway, I've vomitted enough of my little history lesson, and I still wonder, what was the main point of that article, it seemed that the author just wanted to show off his knowlege (sort of like I just did)

TheHungryTiger -> RE: Polygamy and Politics -- 2007 Article (6/19/2008 7:27:18 AM)


..... it seemed that the author just wanted to show off his knowlege .....
He obviously didnt do a very good job of that. Seeing as how the senators name is Reed Smoot not Reed Smooth.

Ironic that *I* am the one complaing about spelling mistakes? Aint it?

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