RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (Full Version)

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AquaticSub -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 2:51:34 PM)




Maybe I am old fashioned in thinking that men should be MEN and women (unless she is hiring a jiggalo) should be of less stature to a competent, intelligent, educated, responsbible, capable and independent man.

Deal.  I'll keep you around as long as you're slim, young and pretty.

Hmm... That seems pretty fair to me.

fluffyswitch -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 2:52:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub




Maybe I am old fashioned in thinking that men should be MEN and women (unless she is hiring a jiggalo) should be of less stature to a competent, intelligent, educated, responsbible, capable and independent man.

Deal.  I'll keep you around as long as you're slim, young and pretty.

Hmm... That seems pretty fair to me.

agreed. sounds about right.

persephonee -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 2:55:36 PM)

That was very well said.

Owner4SexSlave -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 3:36:11 PM)

Preception, fact, fantasy and reality don't always mix.  Anything can happen.   

punkass86 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 8:32:08 PM)

I'm going to throw out a viewpoint that I can't believe I haven't seen in this thread yet...

In my opinion, I think that a BDSM-based relationship is just that--a relationship with a basis in BDSM. What I mean is this: Just because there is the Master/slave dynamic doesn't make it any less of a relationship. I think that in any serious, committed relationship, either partner should be able and willing to help the other in time of crisis...a collar shouldn't change that.

In my house, should I become incapacitated, and incapable of doing [X], I would not only hope, but expect my submissive to pick up the slack wherever possible. I doubt that, at least, most of you would say the same if you were being completely honest with yourself.

I think I'm going to end this post with one of my all time favorite pieces of advice, from one of my old professors... "The wise leader knows not just his strengths, but also his weaknesses...He constantly strives to better himself, but he also knows when he needs help."


Lordandmaster -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 8:47:50 PM)

Accepting financial support: Well, not applicable, since I won't ever need any.
Accepting an expensive gift: Absolutely!
Accepting a loan: I wouldn't ask for one.
Accepting her help if I became disabled or injured: Of course.
Accepting her advice: Sure, if it were good advice.


ORIGINAL: pinkieplum

As a Dom, could You imagine Yrself accepting financial 'support' from Your submissive?  An expensive gift she coud affiord?  A loan?  A gift of cash? On-going financial support?
Could You imagine Yrslf accepting her help if You became disabled or injured and needed assistance getting around?  Or personal care?  What if the situation were permanent or deteriorating?
Could You imagine accepting Yr submissive's advice, if she had skills in managing a stock portfolio or providing medical care?

chickpea -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 8:55:41 PM)

If you are dependent on the sub.... that gives away your control and cards.  Why don't you borrow from another friend rather than your sub????  But if it's just a favor cuz Ms. subbie has a ton of monnie (and you are yet still not financially dependent on her just for your way of life)...and you've built up a history, etc..  then yeah, accept the God dam money.

SummerWind -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 8:56:44 PM)

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope......etc....

wwwkevinww -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/25/2008 9:23:23 PM)

I knew a guy named Corey who went from relationship to relationship mostly lying and weaving tales, doing obvious and bad cons and conning women out of their money to pay for a variety of things.  He wasn't very good at it and the women caught on quickly, why he was in and out of relationships.  He had no money of his own.
He ended up in jail, at least in the short term, petty robbery.

I really dislike always paying for dates, etc, but hell if I'm going to end up like Corey.   I'm getting to the point that if a girl really wants to go out with me, she should be covering the date.  At least then I get the feeling she isn't just after me for my money, what little I have.    I'm really really sick of women who care more about a guys wallet than him.   If I was rich, I would pretend I was dirt poor, just to make sure the girl/submissive/slave wasn't after my money.  I don't want to be loved for the nice things that I can provide, I want to be loved for who and what I am.

Not everyone in this lifestyle is rich.  That is an obvious logic fallacy.  I wouldn't even say most are.  I would say most are of average income.  That makes the most logical sense.

There is an obvious double standard when it comes to men who are dominant paying for stuff.  Hell, even if a guy is submissive, he's paying.....

I really don't like it that a guy makes a ton of money, women are attracted to men with money, they marry, have children, get divorced, and suddenly she gets half.  I'm sorry, he made the money before you even met!!  Marriage is a failed institution.......why so many are turning to alternate possibilities.....

LaTigresse -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 6:22:22 AM)



Dammit, LeeAnn, how am I supposed to send you a cock shot if your profile is turned off?

Get some hen shots, then we'll talk.

variation30 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 7:29:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: pinkieplum

i'm curious.  i see so many unilateral statements about the Dom's duty to 'look after' the submissive (please insert any other termininology Y/you prefer here).
As a Dom, could You imagine Yrself accepting financial 'support' from Your submissive?  An expensive gift she coud affiord?  A loan?  A gift of cash? On-going financial support?

probably not. I'm working hard now to make sure I won't require any support from anyone. and I won't pursue a serious relationship with a ring-gagged belle until I am certain that I can support her (or them) with a enough money left over for a fair amount of luxury.

Could You imagine Yrslf accepting her help if You became disabled or injured and needed assistance getting around?  Or personal care?  What if the situation were permanent or deteriorating?

if it were permanent, I would let her go whether she wanted to or not. it's not her job, or anyone else's, to be obligated to help me in anyway. though, to be honest, it would mean a lot to me if she sincerely wanted to stay.

Could You imagine accepting Yr submissive's advice, if she had skills in managing a stock portfolio or providing medical care?

if she new more on any subject than me - I would accept advice.

variation30 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 7:32:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterFireMaam]
Your ideas happen in the Fem Dom community quite often, where financial domination (a kink about the control of money) is prevalent.

I'm of the opinion that financial domination is more prevalent in non-bdsm relationships...

variation30 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 7:54:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci]Well, "around here" is just like the rest of the world.  People talk about what they go through in life and slapping the title of "dominant" on oneself is not some magical shield from needing financial assistance.  There are men who are secure enough to know and admit they're human whether they consider themselves dominant or not.  I've "heard of it occurring" quite a bit.  If Master was so arrogant and deluded as to think He would somehow not be "dominant" anymore if He needed to borrow money for essential help, I'd be sorely disappointed.  Thankfully, He's a bit more broadminded than some

is it arrogance or is it pride? either way, it does not matter to me. I was raised a certain way and some of it stuck (while some of it, obviously, did not.). I'm the type of person who takes all responsibility for all of his actions, despite the consequence. one of these actions is accepting a dependent, a slave. that little lady is my responsibility in all aspects, and if I can't support her in any and all ways, then I shouldn't have put myself or, more importantly, her in that situation. if I fail to provide for her in anyway from financially to physically to emotionally, then yes, by my 'arrogant and deluded' mentality, I have let her down and let myself down. and it is my responsibility and only my responsibility to pick myself back up. but I'm sure this is just my insecurity and closed-mindedness talking. or perhaps my father is right - noone appreciates a man who drinks a mint julep in the morning anymore.

christine1 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 8:01:50 AM)

OP, i don't see why a "lifestyle" relationship would be any different in these regards than a "vanilla" relationship or any other sort of committed relationship would be.  if you're committed and are in it for each other, no matter what your roles are, then why wouldn't both parties bring their strengths to the table?  if it's money, ok.  if it's organizational skills, ok.  hell, i don't care if it's the ability to type in a speedy manner.  whatever your strengths are, bring them and offer them up for the better of the relationship.  i'm sorry if i didnt' answer your questions, i guess on a base level they don't make much sense to me.  just my opinion of course.

came4U -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 8:06:01 AM)


I'm the type of person who takes all responsibility for all of his actions, despite the consequence. one of these actions is accepting a dependent, a slave. that little lady is my responsibility in all aspects, and if I can't support her in any and all ways, then I shouldn't have put myself or, more importantly, her in that situation. if I fail to provide for her in anyway from financially to physically to emotionally, then yes, by my 'arrogant and deluded' mentality, I have let her down and let myself down. and it is my responsibility and only my responsibility to pick myself back up.

variation, for a young man that was quite the attractive, responsible and mature comment.

variation30 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 8:13:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: came4U]No, I am not kidding.

If I think that a man is not a man because spiders frighten or tickle him..then that is my perogative.

I wouldn't find it particularly attractive to have to financially support a man, I would wonder what kind of bad descisions/lifestyle choices/habits/lack of skills etc created that sort of masculine-bankruptcy to begin with.

If you enjoy treating a man to luxuries, or even paying his all means do so.  

Maybe I am old fashioned in thinking that men should be MEN and women (unless she is hiring a jiggalo) should be of less stature to a competent, intelligent, educated, responsbible, capable and independent man. 

Yes, if he has flaws in these areas then he is NOT my type, if he is someone else's type..she can have him, she can support him.

A finacial pinch? I haven't known a man since our young (20 yrs ago) college days when we ate spam and beer for dinner that has been in a financial pinch since.

I like you.

though I do admit, if a slave saved up and bought me a girard perregaux, I'd be inclined to accept it.

to me, there's a difference between accepting a gift, a luxury, or a novelty and having someone bail you out.

LaTigresse -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 8:19:44 AM)

They'd better do an awful lot of saving.

variation30 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 8:50:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: LordODiscipline]

I believe that the entire premise of "protect"/"look after" is ludicrous - so your point is well taken.

I protect and look after all of my property, why should my woman be any different?

variation30 -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 8:53:35 AM)


Deal.  I'll keep you around as long as you're slim, young and pretty.

that sounds about right.

came4U -> RE: Would You Accept Assistance for an s-type? (6/26/2008 9:02:41 AM)


to me, there's a difference between accepting a gift, a luxury, or a novelty and having someone bail you out.

well, of course.  There is a big difference also if I had to bail him out for DUI or for solicitation of a prostitute. LOL, he on his own for that.

Now, if I had to bail him out for some sort of issue because of an altercation at a Kyoto protest (maybe such subject we both feel strongly about), I would.

The difference lies in the circumstances.  One portrays a shortcoming (character fault), the other evokes pride and respect.

edited: cuz i changed a word.

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