RE: "all males are superior to all females" (Full Version)

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MissSepphora1 -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 2:11:50 PM)

That amuses me, because half of the women's pictures on here aren't even them.

And btw, I added a new primary pic, and am waiting for it to be approved.  I don't know why collarme does this, but there you have it.



Actually I'm here for the view, plenty of half naked women in them there profiles, not that I'd want to draw any such conclusions as to why they are half naked such as assuming them to be just as desperate for the unrealistic romantic fantasy fed to them by the mass media.

MrQwerty -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 2:16:41 PM)

I can't prove this fact one way or the other I suspect you are correct. Sad though we assume the worst of people when looking at such a photo, a face shot is a much more realistic and believable ploy IMOSHO.

Daddystouch -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 3:17:41 PM)

I can certainly see the appeal of a partner claiming that your gender is inferior as a sub, or yourself claiming your sub's gender is inferior. Or indeed having a sub claim that their own gender is inferior. But it would be just an act in most cases. If a sub wanted that dynamic with me, I don't think I'd object. It's something I'd be interested in roleplaying in a scene or for a day or something, though I probably wouldn't choose to do it all the time. But again, it would only be an act.

I don't think even the most bigoted person could say that ALL of one gender are inferior to ALL of another. I mean, even an outright misogynist has got to admit that there are women out there who are 'better' than Hitler or more mentally capable than an idiot or mentally handicapped male, or more physically capable than a guy in a wheelchair (or just compare a female body builder to the average guy). And vice versa for men-haters.

JoePNY707 -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 3:45:42 PM)

Excellent question! Personally, I have close friends of both sexes, so its a moot point for me. However, I think a certain percentage of guys are so 'tired' of being in the traditional male role, that to abdicate their 'power' must seem very refreshing to them.

MISTRESSKUMA -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 5:56:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissSepphora1

If we live in a male dominated society, why are so many men sleeping on the couch on any given night?
If men are dominant, why are they still begging for sex?  Whether they are paying for it, buying dinner/drinks, or an engagement ring, women are still bartering with men for sex, and men are paying the price.
Does that sound dominant to anyone?

Pffft, couldn't agree more.

bipolarber -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 6:02:44 PM)

I would love to see one of these guys who think they are superior to all females end up in a room with either Midori, or Cleo Dubois...

Afterward, we could pick up the remains, put it into a cigar box, and give it a decent burial...

(kidding, of course... but I'm sure they'd learn just how deluded they were...)

Daddystouch -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 6:11:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: bipolarber

I would love to see one of these guys who think they are superior to all females

What guys? :S

MISTRESSKUMA -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 6:16:15 PM)

I'm not exactly sure the level of sincerity from the OP, but it appears like valid statement we are equal in numerous ways but women are more important then men. Although todays society is all about EQUALITY. And I feel it should be...nobody should be given special priviledges for any reasons, all given equal chances. So......for crying out loud, we should all have equality regardless that women are superior.




ORIGINAL: Inferiorxy


ORIGINAL: Inferiorxy


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

women bleed and don't die (that was magical before medical understanding)
women generally handle pain better than men
women live longer
women are able to give life
women are 51% of the population
all babies start out female

now, this is all off the top of my head - some anectdotal, some vague recollection from gender classes from college... take it with a grain of salt.


There IS significant difference between the chromsomes, namely that the Y chromosome is smaller and contains markedly fewer genetic components than the X. Y is in fact a mutated version of X. It is a derivative of X.

The Female chromosome sequence contains far more genetic data than the male's.

The Y chromosome is in fact degrading and in trouble, because it does not build or repair itself with each generation.

It is in fact an exact copy of the previous father's Y. That how we can trace lineage in men reliably through past generations.

For the record, Women actually on average have better memory than men, and use more cross networking in their brains than men (emotive and logistical). They have more "white matter" in their brains, on average.

Culture shows how it does favor the Female by putting the male in harm's way first.

Men are always willing to help a lady out, protect her, and do dirty, dangerous work for her.

A man's place is written in his DNA. Why do males love to look at and kiss the feet of females? :-)

To understand how and why Females in any mammal species are superior, simply ask yourself this: why are we males born with nipples?

Look at the chromosomes. XX vs. Xy makes it pretty obvious.

Females are superior because they represent the entire human being.

The male is inferior because he is, from a very real genetic standpoint, an incomplete copy of a female.

He is a derivative, subhuman mutation, designed for sexual reproduction.

After providing sperm, he's quite disposable, and our society shows this in many ways.

Under a microscope,
Females XX chromosomes are big and diesel compared to those of males whose XY chromosomes are tiny and battered down looking.

Racquelle -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 6:59:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: DominantJenny  ...and a large number of them that think a dominant woman just hasn't met the right master.
      OMG do I hate that.  I just smile and says "let's just see if that tact manages to get you into my pants, shall we?"

Look, I am a short shit, and I don't dress like a femdom cartoon - so I am not bothered by mdoms feeling me out, as long as they can be polite about it.  Heck, I will even play with one now and then.

Racquelle -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 7:04:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: MrQwerty   the unrealistic romantic fantasy 
  Oh hell, if we were hunting for the unrealistic romantic fantasy, we'd be on, not here.  LOL

AtlantisKing111 -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 7:30:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl

"I truly believe all females are superior to all males, and all males have the duty of serving, satisfying, and adoring all females as their goddesses and owners."

I see this line, or variations thereof, in a lot of submissve male profiles.  It's very safe to believe it, say it, discuss it.  In my experience, a great portion of dominant females on this site also believe, say, and discuss it.  It isn't against the rules, and it isn't the kind of statement that gets you in trouble, even in this fairly intolerant* community.

How about the opposite?  No, I don't believe all males are superior to all females.  But if I did, would my profile and posts full of that sentiment be warmly welcomed?  If I were to say that females are physically and mentally weak, stupid, in need of help from males, useless except as submissives or slaves, and should all be coerced into giving me their money and gifts in exchange for the pleasure of the back of my hand, I would be very unpopular and perhaps disciplined by the moderators.  That idea became really unfashionable about 50 years ago and today is rare and unwelcome, and rightly so.

My problem is that the inverse is alive and well on this site.  Any idea why?

I have three theories.

1) They're just kidding, and well all know it, so we let it continue.  We all know that males and females, while different, both deserve the same rights, and that people should be evaluated on their personal merits, not gender.  But it's cute and hot for many dommes to treat males as worthless inferiors because it provides a sexy contrast to the way things were in the recent past.  Role reversals are fun and sexy.  It's all a big joke, but apparently I missed the punchline.

2) The pendulum is swinging away from a male dominated society toward neutrality, but it's not stopping there, and we're heading (or already in) a female dominated society, where it's acceptable to put males down, refer to males as inferior to females, and on this site, even suggest that males are unecessary and only useful as financial and emotional abuse targets.  If this is the case, are we not just repeating our past errors as a species, just when we thought we were getting misogyny under wraps?

3) People just take this stance to draw attention to gender issues.  They don't actually believe it, but they make statements like this to "counteract" or "combat" what they perceive to be widespread male dominance.

Would LOVE to hear male, female, submissive, dominant, and every other opinion out there.  Thanks!  :)

* unfortunate but true :(

PS: To clarify, we are a male dom female sub couple, but that's not because we believe males are superior to females.  It's because the male half of our couple is dominant and the female half is submissive.

Personally I think scenario #2 is closer to the truth.  Mores the pity, as I personally subscribe to scenario #1 (despite prefering the Male Dom/female sub dynamic).

IdiotMale -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 7:33:31 PM)

All I can say is Mistress Kuma is correct.

katie978 -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 7:37:36 PM)

I'm not surprised that none of the "Men are superior to women" twerps have shown up in this discussion. The ones I've talked to (and then proceeded to lecture using big words they couldn't understand until I got frustrated and left) all seemed to have no basis for their arguments.

Man has a penis so he is better.

Wait...doesn't that sound remarkably like the "Females are superior to men" argument?


ORIGINAL: MissSepphora1

If men are dominant, why are they still begging for sex?  Whether they are paying for it, buying dinner/drinks, or an engagement ring, women are still bartering with men for sex, and men are paying the price.


ORIGINAL: malloves69

i think women are superior to men ..they have the power of the pussy and if they say no to sex its no ,,

That's why I tend to dislike both of these arguments: when the superiority of one gender is argued based on some quality or merit other than what the person's packing under the hood, they might have a little more merit in my eyes.

Both of them think women working at Hooters is a good thing: male supremacists because that's a woman’s' place-serving men in degrading work conditions, female supremacists because that's how a woman controls men with her only apparent assets (all of which are attached to her body and frequently fun).

Frankly, I can see and argue the merits of either gender, but I truly believe that we're more or less equal. However, I think that whatever supremacy either gender has in any area is in no way related to whether they get hard or get wet.

::edited to be slightly less repetitive repetitive::

LotusSong -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 7:40:29 PM)

I think it is because men are so easily controlled and manipulated by their sexual desires.  So much so that it makes them vulnerable. They know it and it secretly scares the crap out of them so they constantly have to put up the macho smoke screen in an effort to disguise the weakness as something "superior".  Femdommes know this.  She who has the pussy, wins.

tyku -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 8:50:06 PM)

All generalizations destroy themselves.

Change is, as far as I know, the only constant.

Power(real or imagined) is(normally) sexually intoxicating.

Flawless logic isn’t usually a prerequisite for the formation of a belief.

I know of only one way in which the statement “all [men/women] are completely superior to all members of the opposite sex” is accurate.  Men are completely superior to women when it comes to the production of sperm.  Women are absolutely superior to men at producing ovum.  There may be other ways that I am unaware of.

Being perfect examples of imperfect beings, we all have born within us full potential (the yin-yang symbol being the perfect icon for this concept).

From a more eastern (philosophically speaking) way of thinking, it is only with the creation of the idea of superiority that one creates inferiority rather than experiencing the stupendousness of everything or anything.

Economically speaking, women are more valuable than men for certain aspects of reproduction (men are only absolutely necessary for impregnation, after that they’re merely evolutionarily “useful” for child rearing by increasing the likely-hood of survival).

Finally,  I’d just like to say that, as far as we(or I rather) know, we’re all equal in at least two major ways:  we will all die one day, and we all have our choices to make.  I can only hope that each of you makes your decisions with the knowledge that your(and my) freedom to choose ends where anothers begins.

PS - I will appreciate it if you will pardon any and all gramatical errors.  Feel free to test or challenge any logical or fact based thing in this post.

LordODiscipline -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 8:51:07 PM)

"<<Anyone>> superior to <<anyone>>else" goes back as far as recorded history.
Mark a slight difference (even one referenced by people from outside the culture - ask the Rwandans) and you get some idiot declaring that their 'group is better because'...
People tend toward the rationalization which supports their views.
And, you do as well.
To whit:
The early Greeks would argue that Hera was not superior in any way to Zeus. I know this because I communicate with the dead.
This makes as much sense as other interpretative revisionist histories.
It is all in the telling - and they are awfully silent except where they had a patriarchal society where the men had sway in government and policy.
At least where their history lays open in the writing - or, was I missing something which might be demonstrated otherwise?


ORIGINAL: MasterHermes

Female supremacy is a very old idea. Its going back to ancient Greek and even before. Some people might think societies were always male dominant because he was the protector and provider but its simply not true. There was a time kings were receiving their power from queen and ruling on behalf of her. This changed dramatically and male started to keep woman always pressured in order to prevent them gaining control again. There is one interesting point, in todays society woman is trying to gain her power being more man-like (in business life, in social activities etc..) , but back then their all power was coming from their feminity. Woman's ability to give birth was considered sacred. Their control over male was more depending on their religious believes.

This of course is not telling anything about who is supreme but only shows that there were different periods in history both males and females became dominant gender. Once we learn from history , we can realize, the idea of male supremacy is a fabrication as much as supremacy of female was. In reality there are no dominant genders but dominant people.

I didn't go into too much details about ancient societies and customs, but if you would like to you can start your research from ancient Greek and trace it even earlier dates.


LotusSong -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 9:21:45 PM)



I think it is because men are so easily controlled and manipulated by their sexual desires.  So much so that it makes them vulnerable. They know it and it secretly scares the crap out of them so they constantly have to put up the macho smoke screen in an effort to disguise the weakness as something "superior".  Femdommes know this.  She who has the pussy, wins.

Just wanted to add this thought:  Think about how many times men have been suckerd by a pretty face... or a good set of boobs... how many men have actually PAID for sex..  How many sacrificed a position of power or their fortunes on a trophy wife?  I think that proves my point. 

Leatherist -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 9:27:08 PM)

Men also have the choice of mastubation over manipulative cunts.
Don't think your pussies rule EVERY man-only the ones who think they can't live without you. In other words,as you say,"the weak ones."

MadRabbit -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 9:37:41 PM)



I think it is because men are so easily controlled and manipulated by their sexual desires.  So much so that it makes them vulnerable. They know it and it secretly scares the crap out of them so they constantly have to put up the macho smoke screen in an effort to disguise the weakness as something "superior".  Femdommes know this.  She who has the pussy, wins.

I think women generally suffer from feelings of weakness about their own gender and a general sense of insecurity over their own personal power as a woman that it leads them to make condescending, generalized, anti-male comments like this to buff up their own egos and compensate.

I think it's pretty sad that they feel this way, because most of the women I meet have a lot to offer the world.

poisonedprogress -> RE: "all males are superior to all females" (6/24/2008 9:43:27 PM)


Think about how many times men have been suckerd by a pretty face...

I can't help but also think about how many times women have been suckered by a sweet word or two and wound up a single mother on welfare a year later wondering where the love of her life went.


how many men have actually PAID for sex..

I can't help but also think about how many times women who took money for sex went back to their pimps and had it all changed out for heroine or crack cocaine after going down on them or catching a beatdown.


How many sacrificed a position of power or their fortunes on a trophy wife?  I think that proves my point.

I can't help but also think about how many men of wealth and power have poured out champagne on some booty-shakin hoes while on their private jet to Monaco.

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