Once upon a time.... (Full Version)

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MsFaerieWings -> Once upon a time.... (7/25/2004 10:35:20 PM)

Once Upon a Time in a D/s
a D/s faerie tale.

Once upon a time, there was a slave who lives happily with her Master, being diliegnt of His care and service always wanting to please Him to the best of her abilities.
One day while T/they chatted online with F/friends, T/they were told to be a *real slave* she would have to be naked an chained 24/7, hearing this, she looked up at her Master, eyes filling with tears, feeling sad that she had not been a *real slave* to Him, since she was not naked and chained 24/7. she ran to read T/their M/s contract, she gasped in shock not seeing a single mention of being naked and chained.
she went to her Master, "Master, i wish to be a *real slave*, but O/our contract fails to include my requirement of being naked and chained 27/4....OOoOoohhhh pleaseeeee Master, i do wish so much to be a *real slave* for You, and feel it is not fair that You deny me this pleasure, all i wish with all my heart and soul is to serve You and Please You as a *real slave*.
So, the Master, being ever loving and considerate to His slave's needs, He gathered a long chain, wrapping it around the bottom of the toilet and securing it with a pad lock.
He then took a steel cuff and placed it around the slave's ankle locking securing to her ankle and the chain with a second pad lock.
He then ripper the slave's clothes from her body, saying " Now you are a *real slave*, the chain is long enough for you to roam any place within the house and nothing more".
The slave smiled brightly, beaming with pride, now that she was a *real slave*, she jumped and down in glee, wanting to hug and kiss her Master for His kindness in making her a *real slave*, she moved toward Him, unfortunately she forgot about the chain around her and ankel and ended up tripping over it and falling face down on the floor. she lay there a moment, aching and a bit embarressed, thinking ( i am a *real slave* now, i will get used to the chain, it is a little thing when one considers that she isa *real slave* now). she stood up, dusting herslef off and proceeded to her Master, taking three steps she found herslef face down once more, her nose, now red and a bit swollen, she looked up at her Master. Quickly she stood once more, moving towards him, thinking (being a *real slave* is harder than i thought, but worth it to be a *real slave*)- stepping more carefully now, trying to keep from getting tangled in the chain, she madeit to her Master, she tried to kneel before Him, finding herself slipping and doing what could be considered a very unlady-like cart-wheel, landing on her bare bottom.
her red hair now wildly tangled, she sat there bruised and disillusioned, her emerald eyes looking up at her Master, as tears began to fall down her cheeks.
her nose red and swollen, eyes, teary, red and swollen, in atiny voice she said: "Master---i, iii, do not wish to be naked and chained 24/7, i guess i have failed You" (her heart was breaking- a failure, unable to be a *real slave* for her Master)
The wise Master looked as His slave and ask her a question " Do you serve Me with all that you are?"
she looked up in her pitiful state " of coure Master" she replied.
He then said " Does that not make you My *real slave*?
her eyes, still teary, began to shine with pride.
"yes, i had thought it did Master" she replied.
He smiled, walking to her, removed the steel cuff from her ankle, smoothed her hair, wiped her face, and gently helped her to her feet, saying " Then why would you think you needed to do anything else to be My *real slave*?"
she snuggled close to Him and smiled knowing she had been a *real slave* after all and all those silly people with their online fantasies had no idea what a *real slave* was..........Written by MsFaerieWings


iwillserveu -> RE: Once upon a time.... (7/26/2004 1:17:19 PM)

Yup. A point made better than what 1200 posts?

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